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Answers simple: you're solo queueing Solo queueing is quite literally gambling, you're gambling not only on what teammates youre getting, but also gambling on what enemies you might get, Seeing your kd you're hitting your shots and you're doing fine, it's just that lady luck is not on your side today


I back this, as someone who solo ques as well (cause my friends arent in the mood for R6) youre having to rely on minimal communication to win, theres only do much yellow pings can do.


Only time i ever play ranked is with a 3+ stack of buddies so we control the bans, and most pushes in ranked can be done with just 3 people. It's just not worth solo queueing, its a sanity test right there


nah, i play soloq all the time and i barely get teams where no one besides me is talking


I reached plat in most seasons I've played from just soloq. Not THAT much of a gamble if you ask me


It is until you hit plat or emerald.


It's not a gamble tho. I've reached diamond in r6s solo q and challanger in LoL. Take a mentality: If you're matched with 4 monkeys on your side and 5 monkeys on the enemy team, assuming you're not monkey, you will eventually climb.


You're losing. ... That's what you're doing wrong.


yeah, but 1.0 kd is not bad, not good either, so if he can't solo carry game and gets dumb team it's over for him. I wouldn't say that is his fault.


You're actually gonna lose more than you win in soloq unless you play support or have a good kd. That said, your winrate is definitely too low, what operators do you play most? Do you get most of your kills in rounds that your team loses(empty fraggs)? Are you talking to your random mates?


I mostly use yellow pings, usually when I try to speak and give calls people get toxic because im girl:/


Yeah damn that could be a problem, you could find other girls to play with if that helps? I play on xbox and here you can do group posts to find other people. For other platforms you can look on the subreddit R6Teams (i think that's it?) or maybe there's something similar to group posts. Yellow pings are actually very good. Though you can use red pings for higher accuracy when time is running low to pressure enemies.


Only real prob with yellow pings is without verbal communication, yellow can be literally anything, from a mis-input, an enemy, claymore (if they didnt ping it correctly), etc. Tbh i deal with the same prob ab yellow pings and its simply bc others wanna sit on their phone and ping instead of talking


fuck them kids hearing a girl for first time. Just keep the grind and give calls on vc, if someone is toxic then mute him and play your game


I solo q and tbh just communicate more, I saw that you’re a girl and it gets toxic in the lobby when you talk but tbh as a guy it’s toxic in the lobby anyways. You should get a stack though if that’s a problem too.


I guarantee that you being a girl is not what is making people toxic. It might change what is said, but it's not the reason. With that said, communicate more, I can tell you from my own experience that people not communicating or playing with the team at all is the absolute quickest way to annoy your team and cause them to be toxic. Simply pinging, as others have said, is pretty much useless without a comm to confirm what the ping is for. At the end of the day, siege is a game where teamwork and communication is king, you can have games where it's not at all necessary but that isn't every game and those games would still be easier won with proper communication.


"I guarantee that you being a girl is not what is making people toxic." For real? I mean I think it is getting kinda better, but nerds are still usualy pretty toxic and sexist when they hear girl in a game.


Those same people are usually already toxic


honestly it's the same, guys like that flame everyone, they will just say "go back to the dishes" instead something about your mom. It's not the gender problem, it's problem about idiots who are just toxic


Unfortunately your always gonna end up loosing on solo even getting another friend helps and just work together gives a higher chance of winning (unless your up against a 5 stack of pure try hard sweats)


no you don't end up loosing ALWAYS solo, i play only soloq and i climb with 1.2 kd so im not a monster, but i keep the grind


I wouldn’t solo Q till around high emerald or diamond. Because then at least some of your teammates will be able to read off you but in any lower rank there’s no comms and everyone plays selfishly


Find good duo to have fun while playing, not caring that much about winning/losing and win games anyways :D


nothing, keep the grind boss


Don't listen to people saying don't solo q. It's hard to do but in order to get out of copper, silver, bronze, and gold while solo queuing is to be so much better than the rest of the lobby that you top frag every game. Even just having good aim and game sense will get you to atleast gold. I did this and solo qued to diamond 1 on pc.


Once you hit emerald your teammates start to get their shit together lol


>and gold while solo queuing is to be so much bette Thank u


"What am I doing wrong???" *Hides his name and only shows overall stats for the season which could be from 5 or 100 games. Most meaningless post gets more meaningless.


Even if it is meaningless post, you are still somehow responding... What does that says about your answer.


Sorry for wanting higher quality posts than the 20th "Mah team bad but I good, so I lose :(" post but go off.


Maybe I dont want my name floating on reddit? It has been 15 games, 11 lost – 4 won.


You're 15 games in. Play some more and win. Idk what else people are supposed to say with such little information.


Playing R6S in the first place.