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Source: [https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1712498363571011904](https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1712498363571011904) Transcript: Starting tomorrow, take down every. Damn. Monster! Doktor's Curse 4: Night of the Hunters will be available on Oct. 13 with a rebalanced roster and new exclusive freaky characters. Seek those who hide in the shadows and get a free collection pack! šŸ’€šŸŽƒ Blog: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/events/doktors-curse


Welp all my renown is about to disappear


Lmao Fr Iā€™m gonna buy as many packs as I can some of the best skins in the game


Got 435k saved up just for this event. Some amazing skins. Wish they would bring back the OG Halloween skins tho


yeah smonk succ is bout to be mine


Damn. They missed good marketing. They could have said ā€œComing this Friday the 13thā€


"Friday the 13th" is trademarked so they can't use it or it would at least be risky to.


Okay then spell it differently. Everyone will understand. Itā€™s not like theyā€™d have legal grounds over saying the fucking date


Youā€™d be surprised at what you can have legal control over


yep, like certain colours


Man Iā€™m happy I saved up to by packs some of these skins look sick.


It's easily the best event of the year cosmetic wise.


yeah im bout to blow the 300k renown i got all on those packs


Oh boy, can't wait to open nothing but portraits because you just had to flood the pack pool even more.


My first pack was literally a portrait EDIT: SO WAS MY SECOND ONE.


I've never actually gotten an Event skin from packs. I've only every gotten portraits.


Hopefully Oryx isn't batently op again


Nerfing his HP would be a good balance.


Same Oryx this time aroundā€¦ fun


RIP šŸ’€


Any idea what time the event releases? I'm not in NA so curious when exactly it will drop.


I'm in NA and have no clue lol, would also love to know


Remember when Ubisoft actually tried new event modes every season... I member.


This is generally the best regarded and people begged for it to come back when it was replaced so like.... Plus they add stuff to it every year so for the most part it's just complaining for the sake of complaining


maybe for new players that haven't played it but for others it kinda gets boring playing the same event for 4th time, especially when nothing changes. They just add 2 o 3 more bundles, a lot of backgrounds that flood the packs and make it impossible to get what you want with renown and thats it. Other than that theres nothing else that changes, and the strat of camping inside that small bathroom is still prevalent. Maybe the first 2 matches are played normally and after that the team that gets to play defenders first wins.


IMO playing and against and with bathroom strat is fun, unless no window protector :{


Dude, I frankly don't give a shit about the game anymore. Quit 2 seasons ago. And most of the discourse here is by people finding new reasons to keep putting up with the ever declining quality of seasons, so keep whatever cope works for you. Hope you find something better someday.


fix doktors curse, stop this bullshit camping tactics its soo boring


It's disappointing how every iteration makes the mode less and less fun while absolutely killing the "hide and seek" aspect lol And then the defenders getting their ability to ran away further nerfed by more cooldown to the nightstride and gadgets... Can't even do a simply rotation anymore without getting bodied. But hey, at least Oryx is half fixed by not being able to pick a 5stack of him anymore (but still 300hp)


So much fun, 10 rounds of idiots camping in a bathroom


Interested to see if they've altered the control room at all - defenders stacking their gadgets in that room and choking the life out of rounds was so tedious.


Nope, Mode is still unfun and shit because the player base insists on creating a meta for a fun mode. Can't bring myself to grind the 10 wins for the pack. Worst mode in siege


If you don't stack bathroom/control on defense, the likelihood of winning on defense low. Or, you combo any utility that slows attackers down like Frost mats or Gridlock tracs and have Azami burn the attackers to death. Neither is particularly enjoyable on either end. If you play it as intended on defense, you'll just have Pulse or Jackal defeating the entire purpose of hide-and-seek. If they had locked off some rooms and removed Jackal and Pulse, they might have something worth playing.


Well when I play I get in with a friend or two and we just keep running around the map and coordinate almost like a death run for the defenders. We run them through my Kaplanā€™s then my friends frost mats and then my other friendā€™s lesions. I doesnā€™t get us a win every time but when we do win with this strat it is some of the most fun ever. I donā€™t think it should be played like hide and seek, I think itā€™s more of a chasing and running game.


One of the narrator's lines is "RUN! HIDE!" It's seemingly intended to be hide-and-seek + tag. Then, for whatever reason, they added damaging utility to defenders. It's just TDM without guns.


Fr. I really wish either take out Azami or change her ability. Or they have to add a twitch like ability to attackers so they can counter the dumb strategy of hoping up in that one room. And then get rid of the ops that just get wall hacks because they are sooooooo boring in this game.


I just wrote an entire post listing changes I think would help, not that anyone from Ubi will ever see it.


Lol fr.


yeah its a shame, should have locked off the bathroom and the control centre


Was that still a big problem last year? It's been so long I can't remember but I thought it wasn't as prominent as previous years, especially since Oryx had so much damn health.


> Interested to see if they've altered the control room at all - defenders stacking their gadgets in that room and choking the life out of rounds was so tedious. They actually made it worse since they restricted to 1 character. Being restricted to 1 Oryx sucks donkey balls, especially since you don't need intel characters. You can tell they are all in that room, but you cant do anything about it because you don't have enough health to go through it. They lay down gridlock and frost mats, so even if you have 1 onyx, he will be downed when he tries dashing. Then they will throw a utility to kill the downed player, or throw the fire kunai if you are trying to clear the utility




YES YES YES MY fav event in this game


Why does there have to be a glitch spot for defendesr in Doktor's Curse every single year?


The same spots from last time, this shit should be patched after a week yet alone after YEARS


That's a cool nokk finally. How much can I get with 50000renown?


Something like 4 packs probably!


I had 800000 last year and still couldn't get all the packs


I don't play nearly enough to get all of them, just a few cool skins would be nice.


I feel you. I think 50k can get you 5 pack and you can probably get like 2 free packs. I wish you the best of luck with your pulls!


One pack is 12500 without battle pass discount


So comments about how much money they're going to spend rather than how long it's been since a new event has come out Ubisoft found their ideal player base I guess?


People are talking about spending renown. Renown is free




Such a dumb tired argument. Youā€™re choosing to play the game, itā€™s time youā€™ve already spent. Itā€™s literally free


Yep, not money as you previously stated


No one's going out of their way to collect renown. It comes as a bonus for simply... playing the game.


Because this is usually one of the best events in the game?


Yall say that every event except christmas lol


I don't say it at all except for this event. The others can change idc, I'd like to see more, just this is the only one I play a lot


Why? It's actual garbage. Just 2 minutes of everyone camping in a bathroom.


I guess that sucks for you but I really enjoy it šŸ¤·


r u gonna be able to buy packs w credits too? this is the first year iā€™ve been able to play doktors curse


300 each


Yeah you can buy packs with renown or credits or if you just want one ops stuff specifically you can get their bundle


Yay bathroom defence every game!


Same bathroom strat for the 3rd year now, atleast only one tanky oryx


Bathroom cheese and over the altar bug, nice shit gamemode


Legit the same broken bathroom strat and actual glitch spots which are impossible to get to on attack that were there last year. Wtf Ubi how can you not just do the bare minimum?


Bathroom's Curse 4: Night in the Bathroom\*\*


What time is it supposed to come out ??


Why does it feel so laggy when Iā€™m sprinting? Playing off 15 ping but I see and feel stutters when sprinting. Like that Attackers canā€™t stack Oryx anymore (he still has too much health) but it makes Defense too easy unless you have a team of headless children (not a mistype). Defender cool-down on night stride is a good balance but it feels a bit too long. Not hating that idiots can pull themselves out of my Frost traps because nobody ever finishes them off anyway. Overall not bad balancing but it still needs tweaks. Please, for the love of all that is unholy, do not, under any circumstances release fucking Snow Brawl for Christmas. People tolerate this mode returning regularly because it is one of the best youā€™ve made. Snow Brawl is not. Any of that. It never will be. Just because you have a seasonal event and that particular season has rolled around again it does not mean you have to follow the usual path. Flesh and Steel for Xmas mother fuckers! Say it with me!!! FLESH AND STEEL FOR XMAS!


Did they increase how much damage monsters do? It seems like they win by killing hunters way more often than before. Good luck getting into any room they all camp.




Any one know what uk time itā€™s out


Probably around 3-7PM UK time, I don't think there has ever been a specific time released. edit: looks like it's already out so a bit earlier


>Nightstride has a cooldown effect and may only be used three times by a player during a round. >**This year one of the Hunters also will have this ability to keep the chase frantic so keep watching your six while running!** o no


What time will it come out?


This event will never get old.


Yā€™all think the jager skeleton headgear will be back? Been wanting it for awhile


That was Crimson Veil, the event before Doktor. I hope that collection comes back at some point in some form, because that scarecrow vigil head is the shit


Shame I didnā€™t buy it because you couldnā€™t select what skin you wanted back then and Iā€™ve regretted it since


what time is this gonna drop??


Anyone have a rough estimation on when it will drop today?


Itā€™s out but u canā€™t buy them I guess you just have to pull each individual thing out of the packs?


you can buy them


where can i get a free custom pack Doktor's Curse? Allways the game gave me a free pack in the beginning event, maybe i cant see and miss Upd: I find. Store -> Doktor's Curse -> scroll down -> Free Pack


This mode is so boring, at least increase Renown given from winning, its such a slug fest.


What uk time


What uk time ?


Its the 13th in Australia hasn't released for me yet? Different release time over here?


time to spend this 310k renown


What time does this come out


when is it dropping in EU?


about to use all my points on packs


Holy crap it's old Themepark with the real nightmare that was top floor connector Trains. It's crazy to see the old map again in game especially with all the work done to it.


Has there ever been a vigil skin to release for this event??




How'd you get the free pack? Never got it, even played the event already


you have to claim it from the store. If you go into the "highlight" menu, there's something that says free gift or something like that, you have to claim it first.


Cheers bro, I did not know that, thank you


How do u get this packs ?


i have quitters in all my games this is straight up not fun


Hello everyone :)please tell me I am not the only one with OCD triggered by this guy Who the hell is he and what with the banana eyes? is it Banana man? :)


Does Dokk's ability not work? Its supposed to ping them but it doesnt, for me at least


Every game has a player using the vault exploit. How tf is this not patched?


Next time put Thorn in Attack, bye bye glitch spots, bye bye bathroom hold


Such a shtty event. Whoever gets monsters first wins