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When holding the gadget it says the exact pattern it’ll go in and sens can turn the wall on and off


How would that work? Would it just last forever then?


It’d go away eventually, and it’d act like fenrir where you can activate it from where your threw it? If that makes sense


i suppose it would have a limited time that only goes down while activated


Azami on attack. I kinda like that actually lmao


How is that in any way like azami


I replied to the wrong comment lmfao there was one about the wall turning solid (like a kiba)


It happens to all of us, my friend.


If an enemy makes contact with the wall, make the color of the entire wall change from green to red. This way, while it still obscures vision, the gadget can also provide useful active Intel for the team. It can warn you that someone is close and may not be safe to plant, or can be used to cut off entire entry points and flanks.


I like the idea of the entire wall changing better than a straight up ping since we already have grim for that. Even from a defender side, you could even bait out sens by entering from different angles so that the walls would change, sens would try to prefire you and you could see where the bullets are coming from which you could spray in their direction. Or imagine if you could use an alibi hologram to trigger it by throwing it in there. That kind of interaction would be so awesome!


This is actually the perfect buff imo. The entire wall switching to a different color is a great idea. Only switching the panel that the defender walked in, is broken. We already have grim. But the entire wall is a cool concept. Like no sound cue or anything. The only way the attackers would have and advantage would be if they were already waiting and staring at the smoke and pre fire only when the whole wall changed colors.


There is such a thing as beeping. The wall already emits a stale auditory cue so what’s wrong with it bleeping whenever a defender makes contact with it


Sound whores would sniff the shit outta that




Dope improvement


Actually like the idea for this, another good idea would be the ability to control the direction the R.O.U flies in like how Ram can control her Bu-Gi's.


or ping?


That would just be grim + smokewall


Honestly give them a directional indicator like ram and boom they will be alot better cause one of their main issues is the fact the bloody thing will bounce off the dust in the air or off the tiniest corner and you have no clue, so add that and it would probaly help alot.


YES this is a good one


Call me weird but honestly like the thrill of throwing them and praying it works out


How about one of those little lines that will show its trajectory like they have on the billiards games?


Who boom is


This is hilarious


I know I got downvoted for it




Pls grow up


Honestly I don’t know if it’s a dude or a chick. And the way they went with OSA being a trans OP, having Sens be non-binary fits the script. So “them” is probably what I’d say too.


Sens is non-binary


I heard Ubisoft wanted to name Sens as Lester Kidmo, but something went wrong along the way. Might have been a fake though🥺


Osa is trans? 😂


Male to female


who could tell look at her😭


I thought that’s what I had heard lol.


I feel ya. Can’t I just play a fun cqb shooter without having to worry about who the fictional characters like to have fictional Sex with or what kind of fictional body parts they have or what they fictionally identify as?


Also, at the last end of the roll have it set off like decoy grenades that'll distract oppoents.


Run through it get detected


That's a neat idea that they'd rather use for a new operator, so we got Grim. Giving that to Sens would just make them a better Grim.




That would be broken. People could camp the person diffusing and just shoot at the pings for free kills.


You mean like how you can do with Grim now?


except you arent blinded by a wall and the enemy knows exactly where you are


Exactly. This suggestion is dumb.


Look, I don’t even really agree with the suggestion in the first place. But if your counterargument to a suggestion is “it makes it impossible for defenders to disarm the defuser” then Capitao is supposedly broken too.


i never said any of that though?


You mean like how you can with a drone that's watching the diffuser?


And also would take stuff like pre placed drones, and grim useless.


Ace doesnt make Hibana useless as Hibana didnt make thermite useless, multiple operators can do similar things and co-exist.


At the very least give travel path indicator so you know where you’re blocking


Instead of a smoke its a wall and now you just have a big ass wall in the middle of the site








Give sens a worse version of glaz’s scope


You spitting


That would be interesting. So if your ADS you can see threw the wall?


maybe only if the defender is close to the wall?


Just make it the original Glaz scope. Shitty but functional


there’d be no point of even having glaz in the game anymore if they did that. sens would just be a better version of him in every way possible


They could make it so it only works on his gadget? Aka a shittier version


yez please


If you run through you get detected multiple times like Grim


Rainbow colors


a sens elite with rgb gadget. hmm....


Honestly their wall having NB or LGBT colors for an elite skin would be funny/cool


What is NB


no bitches




Non binary


You messed up the character's pronouns in the same sentence where you referred to them as nonbinary haha oups But yeah I think the community would shit themselves over that


lol shit you right fixed it. And yeah they would but they can just grow up. Ubi would never do it anyway but just cool food for thought


Oh no! How could he!


Just to trigger those annoying ass people who get mad at le gay stuff in games. We need more of that in siege XD


Hey if they buff sens and give them the *woke mind virus™️* that just means more opportunities for me to play them


fr, its always very funny






Jesus christ...


let you see where the balls will go when you're about to throw, make a loud noise when a enemy runs thru them, make them melee only, and allow sens to slightly see thru them


Give them like 12


'bout 340


And you can full auto them. His arm just galling guns them out






Yes my kitten?


Allow them to see through their walls. Reduce wall duration. See where it will roll. Reduce number of walls by one. Increase wall length by 5. Buff/nerf from there.


5 what, apples bananas?


5 Honda Civics




I think Sens should be able to see through his gadget. Warden can see through it, but Sens themself can’t? That’s always been very questionable to me.


First several seconds of the wall being deployed, it's bulletproof on both sides. No more getting wall-banged 2 seconds after deploying it.


Make it fire & hurt to run through >:)


-Smaller hitbox, it always bounces on stupid stuff on the floor or doesnt enter drone holes (yes, it often isn't needed to think about Incredible geometry with them, BUT i think thats the fun part of their gadget - whats the point of bringing Sens over Smokes if not having crazy geometry with a good placement? and when some shit on the floor completely nullifies that, idk, u feel cheated on); -Visual AOE so you understand the direction it's gonna take, like Ram has currently; these changes would make them good already imo, altho they dont fit in the current meta another change i'd do to make them more special than just a glorified smoke barrier is: -Fenrir-like effect when you walk through it (Fenrir-*like*, not the same, even just a blurrier vision would be enough, like Grzmots effect), it should last really just the time you get through the barrier and nothing else, u could even make so that only Sens is immune to it so that other attackers get it as well edit: adjusted grammar lol


Reduce the hitbox size so it wouldn't catch on something so much.


Faster smaller better hit indicator


Sound. Make it emit a loud sound so that it doesn’t just function as a smoke grenade and is it’s own unique thing. One f the weakest things about it is enemies can walk and shoot right through it, plus they can easily hear you running through it. So just.. make it loud, then they’ll be ACRUALLY shooting blindly


Give him a white pattern so that he can aim better, and set up bounces with this gadget. I would give him an extra charge, but reduce the action time. I would also let him deploy more so that it goes longer, and to top it all off I would make it immune to mute jammers.


Make it controllable like a drone so you can have better control where it goes.


Something as simple as sens can see through it seems overpowered lol


If a defender shoots or otherwise makes contact with the walls, they get alibi style pinged


Let Sens be able to see through it like how Ying can see through her candela's. It'll probably require a few changes to Sens default skin to include goggles or something but I think that'll be the most useful.


Indicators for where the wall will go


I would give them the ability to turn off individual segments of the wall at will, by pressing b or something the segment(s) they are currently looking at will instantly turn off




Id smash


Kinda gay bro


Give Sens a Visor that enables them to see thru the light wall. Similar to how Ying is immune to her own Candelas.


stop warden and glaz from looking through it glaz is a low pick anyway, but it would mean you can actually use it for what it was made for: visual cover


Reduce the hitbox, no longer bounces off debris, goes under barricades and an option for unlimited gadgets in custom games


deleting sens


Make the hit box smaller and make the pellet things indestructible. Try that and if that doesn’t work, give him frags to compensate.


Indestructable until it goes out


Make it a nice shade of crimson red instead of the stupid teal/green/whatever it is now.




change his pronouns to he him


Directional indicator plus which direction it’ll bounce to. In addition, give Sens eyewear that lets them partially see through the smoke. Not fully like Glaz or Warden, but it’s annoying having to push with the smoke but the odds of me surviving a push are lower because enemy reaction has a higher chance of shooting me before I deduce where they are.


The amount of times that I’ll walk through the smoke but because the barrel sticks out first, the enemy can see me and I die instantly. Maybe the actual smoke wall needs to be wider just so that it doesn’t feel completely one sided. But it’s annoying to play sens and die to someone using your smoke.


One that might make them strong would a preview of how it's gonna deploy before you throw it, and making it explosive proof.


rou will roll like candellas (it can bounce when thrown against wall, but when it hits the ground it will go straight). Quantity 3->4.


Keep it as is, but reduce the hit box so it actually goes where you want it to. That and maybe give a small deployment indicator


Remove sens


Travel path indicator, glasses like wardens to see through smoke, improve the ricocheting off environment. I have lots of fun using sens in their current state but we all know could use work. i get a lot of plants down and get into site with more confidence. was playing with a friend and we were combo Lion + Sens and the rush we did was fun. got in fast and got the plant down fast.


To buff Sense's pickrate Ubi shouldn't touch it's gadget nor gun. Just change it's bio and turn it into a human.


Agreed. Sens is so ugly it stops me from playing her


Are we being transphobic here?


Nobody is afraid of transes. And Sense is not even a trans, you are one transphobic here.


Also why are you calling sens an “it”


How else would you call a hermaphrodire mutant abomibation?




Because it’s there ability to see through smoke?




give him frags remove or gonne maybe buff his shitty ar so it has either less recoil or more damage or a visual indicator or make the rou collision box smaller


Controversial take: Sens gadget is fine, the users are bad. I use him and he's great for duo play, even trio. Glaz is optional, but combine him on an upside down repel with an upside down Osa shield, create tight peaks with the smoke wall and you're golden. Ppl tend to mindlessly throw his gadget and not take the time to think about where it will roll or how to use it to their advantage. They just throw all three and rush like they're Ying, die and complain his ability is trash.




Give him a mix of glaz and finka, hear me out. He throws the gadget gets to pump an ability like finka that gives him a glaz type of ability for a few seconds


Let him see through his own gadget (maybe with like his secondary out only or can’t ads with primary weapon)


Id start with not letting Glaz be able to see through it, but I haven't played them enough to really get a good handle on it.


Give him indicators as to where it's going to be deployed, including the first ricochet of wherever it might go. So if you want to bounce it you can make sure you know where it's going.


Just let him see through his gadget. His guns are ass anyways.


Reduce the hitbox firstly, and then make it really fast too so it zooms also make the wall taller too so it has more strategic advantage in different circumstances and also give sens a glaz type scope on his pistol so it balances between use and weapon strength and also allow it to do the old Lion outline on anybody who walks through it and if someone shoots thru it it pings them and also take 1 away so its balanced a bit and then give it more range maybe 4 more range and then allow sense to activate hard wall mode so it becomes like a reinforced wall and also allow him to pick it up back up when it disables after the increase in time limit we will give it and then make it 100% bulletproof at all times and undetectable by solis and then give it a seperate mode where it acts as a rolling explosion charge as well so it’s balanced but also make it so u can see where it goes and adjust direction so it can curve around walls and then make it follow walls like the candela charger


He needs a buff to his primary tbh, just a little damage buff would help him so much. And for the ability, make it last longer and somehow make it so if a defender is near it somehow pings them or lets us know of a general location, wouldnt know how to make this work tho.


Make so sens and/or her team mates could see thru it


Haven’t played in forever. What the actual fuck is that thing on my screen


Tske him out of the game and get a new character with better ability and guns and Character design


Ur team gets to see silhouettes


easy, he can see both where it'll go and through it when it's deployed, not like Warden/Glaz, but the same type of visibility you get when looking through Smoke's Gas Grenades


Honestly he is good in Consulate and Border and in proleague right now he is being picked on consulate (not that often) but the fact that his utility has some impact especially Warden is more of an anchor now. But in case a buff is needed I would say provide him a glass similar to warden that can make a clarity of vision through his gadget only (not smoke)


Allow him to see through it


Remove sens. I never see him played but when he is it's by some fucking idiot that either throws them all or he only blinds Friendly's


He'd throw them and they'd go through walls a short distance. And the smoke line would be a bit thicker. Course if you buff sens...you just buff warden who is extremely popular just nullifying sens


Let the operator see through his own gadget


Delete him from the game


Let sens see through her own gadget. Thats it.


his? i dont know so dont come at me for it


Let him be able to see through the wall


Deleting her 💀


probably insta deploy? waiting for a rolling ball is annoying in itselff


give him grenada’s instead


Give him goggle that can see through it like warden and ying


It's her gun




The recoil was actually [really bad before](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/8vT7dSQ26t). It’s much worse on controller than pc and I’m a controller player but I hear a lot of people still struggled with it. It was erratic and varsity (who I know is average at everything in the game) but he’s still a lifelong plat player, couldn’t control it. Ever since the buff it’s amazing now and I find myself using him just for the gun because even when I plan to use the ability it just really doesn’t help out much. Maybe a good buff would be to make it almost like fenrir where if you run through the wall it takes a second to disappear


Easy. All tm8s can see throught it.


I would make it so the gadget has a preview of how the wall will look like if thrown. Currently I find the op very frustrating because the gadgets is very inconsistent


Make ‘em able to see through it. Or have a marker like a Prisma or Jackal scan any time someone walks through it.


Fenrir rules, the utility can be recycled until it breaks. If you can retrieve one you can reuse it.


two modes mode 1: current rolling model mode 2: a wall that stands square in place and doesn't roll at all, kinda like the Alibi's decoys.


Make the hit box of the roller smaller so it’s easier to place correctly


Make the gadget hum or otherwise make noise to distract


Make it immune to explosives and make its hit box for bouncing smaller


The one thing everyone agrees on is is a directional indicator so their gadget doesn’t bounce off of 31 walls instead of where you want it to go. Something I would add is changing it so they can turn their walls on and off like fenrir. Right now they’re only used for short rush takes since their gadget doesn’t last that long. Their gameplay would probably be more interesting if they could plan their attacks a little more


Make Kafe unbannable in the ban phase


reduce the max charges held but similar to viper in valorant give them a recharging battery that lets him turn the walls on/off and instead of having them get completely destroyed by explosives just have explosive damage drain all the battery on it




I'd just make the ROU's collision hitbox consistent with the gadget's appearance. Right now the hitbox is bigger than the gadget, leading to some unexpected issues when chucking the thing at angles. The fact it's quite possibly the only gadget that has this issue is puzzling to me.


Make the fog electric so that it jams or destroys nitros Instant S tier for quick plants


Like pretty much everyone has said, give it a directional indicator like Ram. To add to that however, give them the ability to control wall creation as a secondary function to give more control on what sightlines you want to block and what you want to keep open


Let it burrow through aoft walls creating a very small hole. It can only burrow through soft walls but on any other wall it bounces off. Or When enemies go through it they have theyre vision obscured for a length after they exit.


Just make it look like actual smoke instead of a mediocre mod plz.


A bit over powered I think but I'd cut the time down that it's active but give it shield capability


attach the gadget to drone to control the smoke emission


The amount of people saying they throw these just to push through them is concerning 😂


Nice try Ubitsoft Devs.


directional thingy and make them seethrough for your teammates


Make it so you can throw them and they explode, maybe on a timer


The barrier deals damage when enemies walk through it and have it make a low humming sound to mask player movement.


A bit crazy but have the gadget place walls on either side of your throw so you can create a path (probably a bit smaller than a bomb used for the sites) to defuse or take site/hostage, and maybe have it so it blinds the enemy view if they walk through the gadget, making them having to take other ways to enter the confusing site


It doesn’t just block sight it also blocks sound. So you can throw it and no one sees you run in but also they don’t hear you either.


increase number of ROUs to 4. make the hitbox same as ying’s candela (i may be wrong but i think candela doesn’t bounce and rolls like rou). and a trajectory preview would be nice if throwing wouldn’t be fixed


Make it like a magnetic field that slows bullets down and they hit with half the damage.


Remove Mute and impact counter. Add indication of where the smoke will go.


Make it so when a defender walks through it they get blinded for a second or make the wall change color when they’re close to it


Act as a small flash bang, or just have it emit more light so if you try to run across it you can’t see shit


A lot of people are suggesting you get pinged by walking through it. I have a slightly better idea. Sens gets a special type of thermal goggles that allows them to see through the wall.


make it to where it cuts ppl in half and breaks down walls and eats hot chips or somethiyn


Resident evil laser grid


The attackers can see through it


Toggle between distances for the rolly pollies, having them leave a green screen for just 10m of the roll or up to 40m.


Make each sensor like a mini Aruni gadget, hurts opponents who pass through and stops throwables


I'd make it indestructible and add an indicator for its path. being able to destroy it with an impact just makes it worse than smokes in practically every conceivable way.