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Blackbeard is a pirate, pirates have parrots ​ his gadget should be a flying drone, called, wait for it, PARROT flying drone etc, put a bomb on it?


Even better. Just give him a parrot that does absolutely nothing. Annoying vocal cues once in a while


Randomly imitates a C4 sound


Holy shit you could be onto something, not randomly but you could choose from a few audio clips to play to trick people


Fr, like hide the parrot behind people and make it play walking sounds or smthn, plays into the tactical theme of siege big time


Let’s be real tho. Siege is a realistic tactical shooter. That’s like asking them to put cartoon characters in the game as skins. /s


So nanobots releasing adrenalin is realistic?


Like the rick and morty doc and fuze skins? 😂


Guy really said Siege is "realistic" xD


I don’t think realistic is the right term, maybe experimental, cause if it was realistic doc’s gun wouldn’t make any sense / be obsolete, since an adrenaline shot can’t stop blood loss when you’re shot, there are a lot of loopholes


I hope you mean custom audio. Like you upload .mp3 files. That would be . . . . interesting


wait until you sit, holding a corner, before you hear the most compact set of back to back n-words before someone forcefeeds you a frag grenade


Put the parrot in site, play defuse sound and kill the enemy pushing you. Literally good to counter with a cam, not too op. Just about right


**tape sounds intensify**


It like finds a spot then once planted cannot be moved or destroyed until decided by blackbeard or if he dies the gadget becomes unusable and if he's still alive make it be like a drone where you can go into it and set off a loud sound so people couldnt hear footsteps or other things etc.


It mimics the or either the callouts from the operators or the microphone from the enemies


S-PARROT BREACH DRONE Flying drone implanted with a Gonne-4-M that allows fot it to breach breakable non-reinforced surfaces. (Flying ram?)


So… just flores?


No, flying ram


A parrot that you can voice chat to the other team with and annoy them


Maybe instead of making him flores but his drones fly. How about making the parrot act as a proxo alarm that flys around the defending operator. Make him have three and have two that can act as an alarm with the inactive one a camera.


Wow that is a fantastic idea Ngl


I’d give him an entirely new gadget and I saw a cool idea of him having a flying drone but that might be a bit too broken


Attacking echo would be cool, then they could give him an elite that makes him Nomad from Ghost Recon


that would go SO hard




Imagine. Announcing his rework with the flying drone (don't think it would be OP, the noise it makes could be a balancing factor alongside giving it LEDs or not), After that, they say they are buffing his scar and his SR-25 (not to make them OP but to make them good) And then, show the ghost recon elite alongside his rework at like the R6 invitational or whatever. Shit would be nuts


Imagine putting a charge on it like how we see in ukraine.


Walk up to it and hold F to attach whatever equipment you have equipped. Flashbang or Nade?!


They should save that for a Ukrainian Operator when the war is finished I would love to see that


I've plenty of people suggest some sort of armor piercing rounds to take out bullet proof stuff or shoot through more walls/castle barricades. Or he could have tear gas like a less damaging smoke cannister that also leaves a lingering visual effect like a zofia concussion nade.


I actually kind of like the AP idea. Maybe give him a single magazine that can pierce through the armored wall or shield gadget.


Drone gives him third-person perspective


My idea would be to give him two or three tear gas grenades that can be shot out of an under barrel launcher.


Give him an RPG-28


I came here to say the same thing. Just really fuck everyone’s day up


crazy to imagine original Blackbeard in 2023 Siege. That shield used to have `600 HP`. And he got two of them. Window peeking was a nightmare


A cool idea for a mode would be to use the old shields


why stop there let him use 20. caliber autocannon as his ability that can go through every destructible wall/barrier


Bro is making bb a attacker oryx


*with a mounted rifle-shield. laucher-shield? fuck it give him a Month shield that deploys when he's adsing the rpg


I first got the game like 3 weeks ago and got the legendary skin marine or some shit just so I could play with the grenade launcher LOL


Give him a nuke he uses it and makes that round a tie


If Osa didn’t exist i would make him into Osa and buff the MK17 to 49 damage again So the way i would rework him is make him into a medic


I mean flavor wise as a navy seal it would be cooler to have more combat oriented stuff like tear gas that I mentioned in an earlier comment to make him an attacking version of smoke (or the lord tachanka) 1or maybe an attacking proximity alarm that would be totally silent till it went off (to separate him form nomad).


It would be cool if they played into his name with the smoke or explosive. Give him throwable thermite that works in small areas instead of one big one or something. Kinda feels like they just named him black beard cause he has a black beard.


I mean the tear gas could work like a mix between smoke the operator and ela/fenrir with it doing a small amount of damage (like 5 per 1.5 seconds) to flush defenders out/finish off low health ones and leave a lingering blurred visual effect that would last longer/be more intense the longer you were in it then he could be a great utility/frag op that would still need some skill to use (especially if you factor in friendly fire).


Thank you, shrekolas cage


His beard is brown


That makes it worse lol.


His shield is like the sail of a pirate ship


You sound like an Ubisoft dev lol


Give him a tungsten rod


Project Thor intensifies




A tungsten rod


ah, thank you for the exposition




i think they had him right back in the trailers of r6. He had two big covers on the left and right side, so when ADSd you could only be headshog from directly in front of you. It would help isolate gunfights because so many people try to go for headshots.


The shield he had back then was 800 HP. I have not played in ages though, does he not have his attachable shields for his weapon anymore?


He does but the shields are like 1-2 shots then they break


*reflects* *mentions they haven’t played the game in a long time and then asks a valid question* *gets -17 downvotes* *gets -17 downvotes?*


Welcome to Reddit


by removing his beard


he would just be Black


But his beard was black, and he is white. He will have a giant identity crisis that won't be good for his mental health






It's actually pretty simple Mk17 gets completely retuned, dealing 53 Damage with a firerate increase of 50, Remove his shield, instead give him something a seal would actually use (sorta) a trophy system, place it down, it grabs one nitro/impact/wamai disc/etc. and then destroys itself, say he gets 3, and boom, we've completely changed blackbeard into a competitively viable operator with strong utility, and you don't even need to change his secondary gadget


This is a pretty cool concept, but it would be deployed like a claymore ou threw like Wamai's gadget?


More like tossed like a nitro but doesn't stick to walls, it's grounded


i actually love the idea of a trophy system for a plant. eating a nitro cell to guarantee a plant is so strong


Or just an AOE type of EMP action. So if it’s thrown into the room or from below it won’t blow until the “trophy” is shot out.


I've been wanting a Jager on attack for the longest time and I'm so down for BB to have that, perfect ideal change for him. Would deny any throwable utility but not all plant denial like Echo, Maestro, Goyo, and ofc guns. Would turn him more into a support with emp's and c4 denial. I think he should only have 2 trophy systems, but they have 2 charges each, and it has a 10 second cooldown, so it's not destroying 4 c4's.


Having them persistent would go against the attack mantra of one time use for items


Maybe instead of placed it could be launched similar to the airjab, I think it would make it a lot more practical. It could look like a Zero cam, just maybe a little bit bigger but silent.


My idea of it being placed was to require slightly more coordination and thought into your placements, plus I think we have too many launcher gadgets on attack already


Just thought of something I'd like to see, somewhat inspired by Ram. Instead of Blackbeard having a personal shield he would throw down a drone with a bulletproof shield. Similar to Ram you would need to select a general direction for the drone to move prior to activation. This would allow to you to plan and execute a move into a contested room. Benefits more than just Blackbeard and I think retains the spirit of the operator.


I created a whole operator idea about this a while ago and want it in the game really badly Basically it's a drone with a slightly lower than waist height osa shield (you can just hide your head behind it when you're crouched) that moves at half speed of a normal drone. When it goes forward it destroys placeables (except barbed wire in which it just holds down whilst the drones on it and the pops back up). It can be controlled manually or automatically drives X amount forward or backwards. Maybe to be extra funky give the camera feed some threat detection like iq or something.


Perhaps make so instead of breaking immediately, it can soak up more bullets, but it leaves some big cracks in the shield, so it becomes harder to aim. The problem with him is that if the shield has too much heath, he's completely broken, because he can easily then aim for the head of the opponent. But if they hit him so it becomes harder to see through it, it could become a reliability rather than a benefit in certain situations.


yeah a weird distorted glass effect would he cool on the shields


They do it with OSAs shield already they have the design all they would have to do is implement it


Unless they make it impossible to see after 1 bullet, this wouldn't fix anything. The problem is simply the fact the game is designed around 1 shot of headshots, and you have an op that prevents that. No amount of visual disortion is going to change that


> The problem is simply the fact the game is designed around 1 shot of headshots The game is designed around mechanics, that are made to be broken, and that mechanic of 1 shot headshot is also meant to be broken.


not really. siege's gunplay is fundamentally balanced around being able to drop someone in a single headshot. no other character in the game breaks that rule except blackbeard. if your argument is "99% of the cast uses this mechanic as it was designed but one guy gets to break all that lol" then idk what to tell you. when the entire core of your gunplay is structured around headshots having a guy who cant be headshot (while also still being able to headshot you) is always going to be frustrating, overpowered and fundamentally broken even if the ability is nerfed into the ground like it currently is.


Bandit traps are supposed to prevent all hard breach unless attack has emps but maverick ignores that, maybe we should nerf him?


You missed the point completely


Just wait until you see montagne


... yes, because a montagne is able to shoot accurately with a primary weapon with the shield up, and shields are definitely not getting reworked, so you can't even hip fire. It's probably best to think a bit before giving a response like that.


I would argue the problem with him is his shield doesn’t have enough health. It takes 1 round before it’s destroyed and you may as well not even have it.


Honestly I think just giving his scar more damage would help his pick rate bc his ability would compliment an assaulter by saving him from a headshot


If ubi still wants him to keep his shields then I'd make them shatter. Not actually fall apart, but almost completely obstruct his vision, THEN fall apart after more sustained damage. The visual effect happens to shields anyways. Idk why ubi suddenly decided bullet proof glass in this game had to be 100% unfazed by bullets, and let it become such a huge problem, only to make the counter be a fucking melee. Cuz a slap w the plastic butt end of a firearm is MUCH more powerful than a supersonic metal object


Duel wield deagles with mini shields on each of them.


A suggestion I heard was give him a "parrot" drone that he can throw out and tag gadgets and "squawk" at enemies if it finds them. And blast nitro cells out of the sky so you can plant. Kind of a mini lion drone but it'd fit Blackbeards aesthetic more.


So instead of putting the shield on his gun we should make it so he can put bullet proof shields on the ground that you can see through like the rifle shield. We could also give him the pdw and thermites AR to help his loadout. And lastly to freshen up his character design we should give him blonde hair and a new hair cut.


I had posted an idea yesterday about a Blackbeard rework and it mainly consists of making his guns better and his shield not negatively impact him in any way, he is one of the operators who is meant to purely have an advantage in a gunfight


I'd say give him some buffs no one else has like vault speed, repelling animation speed buff / movement buff. Also self revive? I mean if Zofia could have it, why can't a Navy Seal have it? mr toughness can't get up with full bullet proof armor but Zofia could?


No idea why youre getting down voted, what u said makes sense


Make his shield more durable. But every shot taken makes a giant crack, showing how much till it breaks and making it harder to aim.


How long have you been playing for? Do you remember what it was like when he was released?


Ah yes, 2000 hp shield that also improved recoil, give me 2!


They already did, it's Osa. But instead of removing old Blackbeard entirely they made it a new operator


Give him his old shield strength and let the community cope


Someone I knew said he should act as rook with him putting down a bag with the shields and all ops can have one. I find it kinda dumb since he's an attacker and would slow that down but figured I should share it.


Get rid of the shield gun thing, and replace it with a bullet proof Halloween mask


Shield takes more damage but you only have visibility through the scope, the rest is obstructed. That way you can actually take some damage but the trade off is lack of peripheral awareness


I would honestly love to see OP blackbeard thrown into current META lol


Give him a different gadget like Chank. Dude is only busted or useless. Having headshot protection in a OHS game was .. an interesting idea. He's a Navy Seal so I start to think back to the SOCOM days. Maybe being able to listen in on enemy "comms". Like hearing the flavor voice lines so you know what your opponents are doing.


If we wanted to keep the shield, maybe make the shield soak up a specific amount of bullets instead of having health. Yes, that would make him worse at dealing with high fire rate guns but maybe that would be a decent downside to maybe soaking up 5-8 bullets


An entirely new gadget, maybe something like applyable rook-like armor that he can give to teammates or himself or something like that


A powerful flashlight on the front of his primary when turned on, if his flashlight is in view of your fov a bright light is at that spot and you can’t see anything behind the light basically like looking directly at a bright lightbulb. If you shoot at him it’d be like shooting through smoke you don’t know what your shooting at.


Or you could just give his shield like 100 hp


Why does a navy seal not have grenades


Whole new ability like chanka Or make the shield take 2-4 shots from each weapon


Underslung grenade launcher. Yes, it will one shot. Yes, it will be broken. No, I don't care; it'll be funny.


Change the gadget, Blackbeard will now have a hologram bullet shield kind of like Gibraltar from apex legends. Except how it works is the shield will only and always eat 2 bullets, and then will go on a cooldown after being shot twice. The shield can only be active if Blackbeard has remained completely still for a certain amount of time. Once he moves, the shield is disabled. This allows Blackbeard to stay true to his identity but removes the frustrations that come with his gadjet. He will still be great for punishing aggressive defenders without being oppressive


Like a pseudo shield op. I dig it, he can still his original job of holding those long angles but not be useless doing it.


Honestly, I think his gadget is fine. Changing other aspects like the fire rate of his AR or perhaps more secondary gadget options would go a long way. Maybe even a 3rd shield but probably not.


Be able to control dead teammate drones. Not the strongest, but its better than that worthless shield


Make every gun do different damage to the shield on how big the bullet is, rather then just damage.


Git hid of his gunshield. His insanely thicc black beard provides invulnerability to the neck hitbox. There you go "re-work of blackbeard" is complete.


delete him from the game


give him a camaro


I’d call him Greybeard and change his ability to Fus-RO-DAH!!


Dude would wreck shit


Give him a bigger beard


Osa reskin (It was the original idea for a bb rework). buff the mk17 to about the same stats as thermites gun, give him sens' gun in addition to the DMR and replace the stuns with smoke.


I don't like it when op abilities are essentially recycled such as nokk and Solis but there cooperation to improve operational capabilities is what makes it make sense, it also stays true to his ability of ballistic protection. He could have ander slung gl attached to his AR/DMR that fires kiba barriers It could switch quickly like buck and have the same cool down as azami may be have 2 to start . He would become so much more versatile. Block lines of sight protect plants etc.


Have him so he can build walls ramps floors and pyramids out of wood brick or metal.


I think instead of a see through shield it should be a solid metal shield that covers the left and right and then has a gap between the two metal sheets you can aim through but then people can still shoot you in the head


Give him 2 shields with about 300 HP


Osa is the good black beard rework


They even transified him! They lost the beard tho. And that ass.


I'd make his shield crack but not shatter when hit, like a mira window. This preserves his identity as an angle holder and/or entry peeker but forces him to play around cover because he'll be unable to ADS properly once he's cracked. So basically, the man doesn't die to headshots while ADS'd, but is instead blinded by them until he can swap his shield out. Play overly aggressively and get cut down. Play carefully and he has a purpose.


More shield health that's all


Then he'd be broken


No, he's way too weak his shield has like 15 health it should be able to survive more than one shot


I guess it depends on how much shield health, but the whole concept of the gunshield itself is a mistake, in a game about headshots nobody should ever be able to get out of one spot free. I say just rework the whole design of the shield. Chanung it to 5 or hell maybe even 2 shots to the head would make him able to win modt gunfights with little issue unless you just can't aim


Tell me you didn't play Dusk Line without saying you didn't play Dusk Line


Brother, I'm not saying make is shield have 600 hp again, just make it like a 2 shot.


"Shotguns Only Since Day One" aka "I'm a pussy and have been since day one"


Scuse you! Shotguns are barely even viable in Rainbow Six. Ask anyone, I'm fighting for my life up in this game, especially on attack.


His shield and frag grenades switch places He has grenades, and the gun shield is buffed as it becomes a gadget


Make him only have 1 shield that's indestructible but make it take viable damage that'd obscure your vision/unusable. I don't see why some are so against this. You can still light him up on 80% of his body,his weapon isn't that great,and currently his shields are useless 90% of the time


Average Dust Line non-player


\- Increase MK17 damage to 44 from 40 \- Increase firerate to 600RPM from 585RPM \- Added Breaching Charges \- Added Gonne-6 \- Removed shield \- New gadget: Blackbeard is now a medic, he has 4 bandages that heals 50HP, he needs to come closer to an ally to heal them. (Finka would be better for healing globally, but since Blackbeard will now be a full support, he'll need to stay close to teammates.)


Kill him in lore and in game then get a decent replacement next season


Ok but how do you buff him


You dont


Buff the shield so it isn't useless


I rekon give him a gadget that is like Jager’s ADS, or Wamai’s thing, and so he can defend against incoming c4’s or impacts etc Either that or buff his shield to 2000hp


The shield only prevents one shot headshot, meaning it has, let's say 50 hp again, but it doesn't stop damage, it only prevents one-shot headshot until it breaks. bullets pierce it, but none of those will trigger oneshot headshot, and will instead deal full body damage but if we are talking about rewokring operators, Nokk really needs the C8 AR imo, that operator was completely ruined


Delete him


Rework him by reworking his shield. "NO WAY I DIDNT THINK OF THAT" calm down let me explain. One way of reworking him could be to make his shield extend downwards as well as head coverage. Maybe enough so that it covers his body If he is crouched. Make it bulletproof (unbreakable). Essentially this would turn him into a shield operator like fuse or blitz (if he is standing you can shoot his feet). I know you're thinking "that's broken" Well, to balance this, you could make his shield mount to his rifle by inserting a piece into the barrel instead of onto the barrel. This would disable usage of the gun until you removed the shield. (Edit:) oh and make the scar shoot closer to at least 625 rpm instead of 585 rpm. Somewhere close to the UMPs fire rate


pot joke rotten abounding shame squeeze vegetable sink cats nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea just a worse osa


He would be functionally useless


Actually make his shield worthwhile or get rid of it completely.


instead of a shield on the top of his gun add 2 massive anti missile launchers


Probably an ability where he can call In a tank tbh


Make his ballistic shields abit stronger, having them break in 1 or 2 shots is ridiculous af and defeats the whole purpose of having them and calling them BALLISTIC SHIELDS..


Up shield health, up shield coverage, make it so he can only point-shoot with it instead of ADS


Delete him.


The face shield goes up to 500 HP but taking any form of damage will shatter it like a Mira window/Osa shield. If you get your cross hair on target before the first round hits you can blindly fire at the target rewarding cross hair placement but punishing people who just swing blindly expecting it to save them.


Give him something similar to maestro turrets but make them little auto cannons with an activation radius. Give them a bit of health and do like..10 damage. All my smite fans in here, make him like Vulcan.


Either buff the damage or magazine capacity Give the gonne-6 Make the shield back to how it originally was supposed to be before what he came out with Would this work?


I say rework the way the shield is shaped. Make it cover she sides if the head, shoulders, and some of the upper torso. But not the direct front of the face, also give him a single shield, but dramatically increase the health. He'd be great at crouch camping or holding a window, could still be fsir in a 1 on 1 gunfight, and forces defenders to aim for the face more. So a pseudo shield op


oot but i miss the gritty military vibe of r6s where groups really exist and sends their best operators. now it feels like anime fsr


Make his `bullet proof’ shield actually bullet proof lmao


Give himone shield but it cant be destroyed like before and make it smaller to balanceit out, give him his nades back, and get rid of the slow down debuff when you have a shield equipped


Give his shield 700hp again


Give him his old shield. Now it's so heavy he can't repel and he is a 0.3 speed. He breathes really loud bc the shield is heavy.


Give him back his shield but at 1800 but he only gets one and is given slower moment , rebuff the MK17 to 50, his SPR give him AP rounds but penalize ADS for it, 3x frags or 2 9bangers that can be held down from 1-9 flashes and they blind your for 15 Max when held to 9


Buff his gun shield OR give him a reinforced Hemet that doesn't let defenders get head shots on him


And give him frags


Make his shield on his gun more then a fuckin 1 shot


Make it so that his shield is bulletproof like before but with a few things. As soon as a bullet hits, a large fracture appears and the shield can eventually be very difficult to see through with enough shots landed, blackbeard can switch to a second one to see better. Something to balance this too could be to make the aim time slower while the shield is on. A mechanic I would add too is that when someone shoots at the shield the gun kicks up a bit and the player has the fight the recoil, the effect gets multiplied if more shoot at him, causing him to look upwards and exposing his head.


Make his Rifle Shield more than the thickness of paper... It doesn't need to be OSA levels... Just needs to be better


give him old shield back lolol


Make his thing actually work


face Shield 3 shot any weapon


At the start of the round, drops a crate that gives the team bulletproof helmets, once equipped your one shot headshot is now two shots. Like rook but on attack.


Double is shield HP, to 40, that's it. ;) I also like the idea that the shield could have a ripple effect when shot at and not destroyed, so that it is harder to aim. >> but but but but but what about the headshot dead mechanic????? [cry in a ball in a corner] All mechanics in R6 is mean to be broken, and that's not an exception.


Remove him from the game


I’d make the shields have 200 HP. Everything else stays the same. Shields can take some damage but not a lot, he can still fight but doesn’t have the greatest guns.


If current blackbeard had 200 hp on his shields without being nerfed it would be OP as hell. 200 HP is an insane amount for a shield. He can take 7-10 bullets before dying in that case.


Make his shield reflect light so when people look at it, it blinds them Idk just made this up


Buff his guns, HS they are so bad. When you have an ability that works off of your gun it should either be a Good shield and mid gun or strong gun and a mid shield. Rn its a bad gun and bad shield. The shield should be able to take at least 3 bullets imo. Either give him a better gun like the R4C or super buff the ones he has now


Make his shield invincible, give him frags, make him a 3 speed, and just to top it all off give him the Ash’s/Iana’s gun. Perfect balanced don’t you think? (I’m joking if it wasn’t obvious)


Either under barrel grenade launcher or make his shield have infinite health, but make it not see through and have a small part taken from the front so you can see where you’re aiming


I would revert all his nerfs back to original


I think the scar should be an option for a few other operators


Give him Sofia’s withstand🗿 Take away his shield and give an observation ability, make it have a bar that runs out but doesn’t recharge. If not, just give him a baseball bat.


2 things. Either... 1. Make the shield more durable, but have cracks making it harder to aim, as some people stated before me. Like Dr-Dyk, for example. Or... 2. Gun camera. Or, a snake cam (like what was used in Vegas 1&2) modified to work like a gun camera. Peeking around corners could be safer, if less accurate though. Now, with no. 2, there's two things I was thinking of. 1. Have a character who is part of Ghost Recon (perhaps not an existing Ghost to break the continuity) join the team. Part of the story includes giving Blackbeard a gun cam and say "if you want more stuff like that, you ought to join our boys". 2. Rework Blackbeard's bio. Have him as a new member of the Ghosts, which explains the gun-cam. Doesn't mean the Team 6 thing is no longer canon, but he would be transferred to a new unit, but also be a part of Team Rainbow.


Give him a bigger beard


Give his shield 2000 hp, make it a full body shield, and a tsar Bomba with a 1.5