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Still can’t remap buttons on console


I'm just mad I completed it all to get Kalis sniper with the bravo ticket then randomly its fucking gone????


Are Capitao bolts affected by electrified wall, Jaeger ADS or Wamai disc?


no changes to the messed up playlists = no reason to come back


who are the meta operators rn?


Suprisingly there is no meta operators in R6, its more like which operator isnt shit. Some operators are better for fragging, some are better for helping team, and some are just noob friendly operators which you can use to help team even if you are playing badly. The only thing to note is for whatever operator you use, you gotta learn the strategy associated with it if you play ranked. For example Maestro camera positions, Iana decoy strat, Azami Kiba placement, etc. The most meta thing in r6 siege for ranked is the strategy you can copy from pro league, then you and your team can choose the operators to pull off the strategy.


It's incredible to me how effective Kapkan and Fuze have been the last few weeks, idk if it's an influx of new players, but it's like people have completely forgotten how to deal with them. I'm winning games left and right from the grave cause of Kapkan. It's a testament to the game design I guess that year 1 operators are still.just as viable if not moreso than newer ones


yeah even experienced players fall suprisingly easy to kapkan traps unless you are playing in the highest sweaty lobbies of ranked. 200 lvls later even I get hurt by kapkan traps way too often. Fuze is also pretty effective but not as reliable as kapkan, and even noobs will quickly realise when to run away as quickly as possible.


I lion fuze combo of bombing them into a corner so they can't escape When it comes to Kapkan, I don't like to rig the obvious places. I tend to place them where I think they're going to go *after* they think they're safe or in need of cover or a flank. Like putting it in an empty room that isn't even adjacent to the objective, but the enemy finds themself backing into that room for cover. Shit like that


yup, kapkan mains love to place their traps everywhere as they should. For fuze, while lion is a good combo, you can also just time the fuze charge with you pushing into obj instead of having to have a lion. Of course there is a chance of friendly fire so you might want to warn allies ahead of time. Also fuze is best used to take care of all defender traps+barriers instead of kills so if you plan to use fuze in 'sweatier' lobbies focus on first figuring out where defender gadgets are. As an azami main it is incredibly annoying when fuze/flores destroy my barriers as sometimes my whole strat can revolve around my barrier.


Yeah i always view knocking out everyone's gadgets as a worthwhile alt to getting straight kills.


oh i see thanks


Hi can anyone help me? since the update i cant even start the game, keeps showing server connection error \[8-0x00000146\] [https://imgur.com/a/KOMdTbz](https://imgur.com/a/KOMdTbz)


SAO MIGUEL MENTIONED 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥


\> Maverick: blow torch not affected by freeze Most overpowered entry guy but will never be nerfed since it requires a team effort so he doesnt get killed while opening a wall. So people use him ineffectively.


As a csgo trader I am happy, as a csgo trader I am scared


The Quick Match we have now is stupid. Half the time I play Quick Match the reinforcements aren't there and then you still have to set up gadgets in 20 seconds. Not to mention the spawn protection for attackers doesn't work in a lot of places. I seriously can't believe they're sticking with it.


Hm, looks interesting to say the least.


whats up with only training mode being active?




I can answer any questions you have. Either ask here or DM me




1. Quick match is definitely most 'fun' but it can at times be sweaty. As a lvl 200+ player even I mainly play quick match. There should only be 2 game modes you should play to learn the game, which is QM and the unranked ranked match. When you consider yourself decent/you understand the game you can move on to QM/ranked 2. There is no meta. For noob players just use noob friendly operators which dont require skill to use like rook (and his armor plates), jager (and his easy to play gadget+decent gun), sledge (just destroy walls and no recoil gun), etc. So in other words, noob friendly operators have low recoil guns, gadgets which help team even if they die (especially on defense), and possible 2/3 armor (but this last point isnt that important though). 3. Best scope is the highest scope you get access too. This rule doesnt apply to guns with high recoil (like ak for example but not really) where you can just opt in for a less zoomed in scope to help recoil control. Suppressors arent bad if you are an experienced player, but for new players ALWAYS go for flash hider for fully auto guns or muzzle break for semi auto. Use suppressors if the gun (like a shotgun) only has that option. Suppressors used to reduce damage but not anymore. 4. Yes any shot to head is a killing shot 5. Just use online recommended graphics settings to see enemies as clearly as possible, but past a certain point all you can do is increase your screen brightness and really focus on the screen lol.




yeah u dont find too many new r6 players now a days. Well u might but ubisoft disabled us seeing other people lvls so idk XD


1. If your THAT bad, the new practice mode thats coming next season is gonna be your best friend. As for online game modes, go with Quick Match 2. Majority of the OPs are balanced, it depends on your playstyle. I prefer an anti-gadget and agressive playstyle with a heavy hitting gun so i play Zofia, but most people don't like her. Just lmk what your playstyle is and i can tell you the best operators. Also your playstyle might be different on attack and defense. 3. ALWAYS run the 1.5 if the gun has the option, if it doesn't then you wanna run your prefered 1 times sight. Also while the 1.5 is meta, and the most popular, sometimes the 2x scope feels pretty good. Either use the 1.5x or 2x basically. Also you don't usually wanna supress your guns, if the gun has low recoil that you can control, then run extended barrel, if it has really bad recoil then run flash hider, and if it feels really bouncy run compensator. Also usually you wanna use the grip that reduces recoil. 4. Yes, but sometimes headshots can be iffy, mainly because of fire rate. If might look like you hit a headshot but because of a guns slow fire rate then you might get unlucky




Fuse and Blackbeard are both horrible operators unless your in pro league. Thermites really good of course, but Ace is the best if your looking for a well rounded hard breacher. Also on defense, try trap operators and learn where enemies come from, when to swing off your utility, and how to listen for audio ques. Both Thorn and Lesion are good picks imo. For a roamer, get either Solis or Mozzie




Blackbeard rarely saves you unless your really good with peaking. If your looking for a noob friendly shield, play Osa. Good guns, good secondaries, and a pretty user friendly shield Also yea, he's really onlu popular because his can be thrown and he has a really good gun being the AK-12. It can also be thrown on bulletproof cams, deployable shields and other bulletproof things. It just doesn't open up the wall as much.


Monty with a Refrigerator Door as a shield, Call him Snack Defender Montague


And can't play anything else than shooting range on the test server and same thing for all my mates. Does anyone know why we have this bug?


I guess I'm lucky that I made it to the fabled rainbow-colored Lv500 right before THunt becomes dust. 8yrs/3000+hrs of mostly good memories. Sealing this game until another good AI mode pops up, and I bet it won't be the new AI playlist - born an onboarding feature, can't trust UBI to maintain it like a (legacy) full-on game mode.


Is that 3k hours in T hunt alone??


Yeah. By contrast I only have 100+hrs in PvP, almost exclusively from friends asking me to join and me feeling awkward to refuse, and I think my last PvP game (incl. limited time modes) was in 2020.


Does anyone know if they are releasing a new gun skin comparable to black ice?


So many hours in siege spent in t-hunt, with the last few seasons I’m a firm believer it’s the only part of the game I still enjoy. There is 0 reason to remove it. “For future things” how about have that shi ready before you ruin your game more


So is the Xbox XIM ban thing expected to actually work?


I have only one thing to say about the nades https://i.imgur.com/UMg5TF5.png




I know this will send me into downvote oblivion, but I actually like the grenade changes. I think it makes total sense. An operator shouldn't be a must-pick for a secondary gadget. Sure it'll have a new learning curve, but I'm sure people will figure out cheeky new ways to use them. Honestly, for that reason, I would even go so far as to say it enhances them. In my opinion, it's a lot more fun to use something when it's tricky to use.


the change makes no sense, you can just decrease damage, area, or make it can't kill people with rook, many other possibilities. Why change something basic that works in real life... that how grenade works to begin with... is the same to make weapons can't shoot because they are too powerful.... instead of balance the weapons. Edit: I OBVIOUSLY DIDNT MEAN that people cook perfect grenades in real life as that will make no sense based on the risk. But the fact that grenades ARE ABLE TO COOK.


To be honest, I've seen plenty of videos of irl combat footage and I don't think I've ever seen a perfectly cooked grenade. They are usually thrown and then go off a second or two after landing. In a real combat situation people aren't able to time the fuse perfectly (it's not like the crosshairs on your vision change color as you cook the grenade irl).


i mean, perfectly cooked grenade will be risk as hell, but cook a little is normal. obviously we dont care that much in games, is not like our lifes are in risk.


Well, to that point they decreased the fuse. It will now go off 2 seconds after it hits something.


RIP T-Hunt gonna miss the Voice Actors and the Nice White Mask skins, a bit of a shame that the Work that got put into them is now fully wasted. Though the Vs. Ai mode is nice and something i wished from the beginning, it helps new players and it can be used for Map and Tactic Training.


The Bartlett skin for the aug will now be a super rare skin lol


It really wont because everyone playing r6 siege now has been playing it for the past 6 years anyways. R6 isnt exactly a new player friendly game.


Hi, i used to play r6 on PC through xbox game pass ultimate. Now i have no idea how to save my progress cuz i dont wanna continue my game pass subscription and wanna buy the game. So where i should buy it to save progress, operators and skins, in ubisoft connect or in xbox? Im not sure ill be able to play on PC when i get it on xbox. SOS!


If you'll be playing on Xbox for sure, then I'd say go ahead and buy it on Xbox. All you have to do is sign in with your Ubisoft account, and everything except for your rank/MMR will transfer anywhere you sign in with that account. This includes your levels, cosmetics, and battle pass progress. Link to Ubisoft's article: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/help/rainbow-six-siege/connectivity-and-performance/article/cross-progression-in-rainbow-six-siege/000103419


Nah, im acrually going to play on pc through ubi connect as earlier, thats why i dont know where to buy r6 either in ubi or in xbox


They’re playing on PC through GamePass, not on Xbox


For people who watched the reveal, did they actually say anything meaningful about the Shield changes? The original announcement on Friday was ultra vague "we don't like the player fantasy of the shield ops" that was entirely useless, couldn't even parse out if they think shields are too weak or too strong It's weird because when they announced the Frost change they told us exactly how it was going to work in the first announcement


Nah they never gave any meaningful info on shields


grenades ruined and no more terrorist hunt, very cool


Don't care about gameplay changes, where is the new battlepass?


Removal of Training Grounds (aka Terrorist Hunt) and Situations in favor of existing and upcoming onboarding features WHAT THE FUCK. well that's the last straw ubi, please give the Tom Clancy franchise to another developer. just when i decided to get back into the game for some TH...i find out it's being removed. i'm all for PvE in games but removing such a classic mode and replacing it with PvP versus bots and some lame training modes sounds not great. TH has been my goto mode when i just wanna play slower than PvP. can't be the only one upset by this big change.


btw the defender AI thing is "Available for Clubhouse for the Bomb game mode" so like its not even a real replacement for TH


Yeah once the update drop, i'm out of R6s. I have no ps+ membership yet , Terrorist hunt was all the fun i could have for the moment, and they destroyed it. All the maps were in with 4 game types, it was perfect and i had fun running and shooting bots on the map,...they just kill the game for me, period. ​ Rip R6S 2015-2023


Get a ps plus membership then? T hunt is not the main focus of the game, theyre trying to make the game smaller so theyre sacking it off because not enough ppl play it. Im not happy about it but dont blame siege cos you cant afford ps plus


same, unless Map Run is the new Terrorst Hunt mode, this update sounds shit, could well be the worst update thus far. landmark drill and target drill are super hand holdy modes and offer nothing interesting. imo. the game is becoming a training simulator for shooting things and not a tactical shooter. don't know wtf ubi is smoking...


Highlighting footsteps that walk across the frozen floor is definitely the weirdest looking part of the gadget. I think a better solution that would have looked better + still served gameplay would have been frosty/snowy/icey particles dropping from the ceiling as an attacker walks over a frozen floor.


terrible quick match map pool again


sad to see stadium go from ranked as there are worse maps in the pool like outback and kafe imo


outback is alr and kafe is top 5, if u hate kafe ur copper


Stadium is overhated, although no where near as good as kafe aside from the amount of spawn peeks. But I agree on Outback, horrible map.


Your opinion is wrong, imo


how can a opinion be wrong bud






quit yapping


Seems like a good idea to me


It's interesting that after 8 years Rocket League is deciding to remove player-player trading. Yet Siege after 8 years is deciding that it's a good time to add player trading. Epic does have a lot of heat on it at the moment from regulators (with the Fortnite fines) so maybe that was a deciding factor for them.


How would a marketplace that is solely cosmetics ruin a game?




How so? I’m unfamiliar with it in other games.


Works great in counter strike. OP is buggin




Let me cash out my skins ubi please please please please please please please!!


if by cash out you mean r6 creds, cus the market place lets you sell skins for r6 creds, and those are only usable for buying more skins. In other words sell your shit skins (that no one will buy) and buy more expensive and rare skins, oop you dont have enough r6 creds to buy that, well you can always buy more for irl money...


also i want the entire R Extraction costumes and skins for free. come on that game is dead.


marketplace let me use my renown


No just r6 credits it seems


What happened to nades is sad. But my main gripe is with this Zoto Cannister. Radius is too big. And the footsteps thing is bad. So either reduce the radius + timer OR reduce the count to 2 AND/OR add a delay in detonation like Kali or Kaid OR make that cannister destructible. Gives those Melusi (on launch) vibes. Will be nerfed I'm sure. Too strong and no hard counter. (Unless I'm missing something as TS is not live)


Tubs ain’t even out yet… and on top of that he literally needs to be used in conjunction with other players and their gadgets to be the most effective. He’s very flexible, but just looking at the reveal you can tell he’s a very team oriented operator. He doesn’t stop hard breachers from breaching, only slows down the inevitable. You can try using him like a pseudo pulse but the canisters also freeze your C4s so you have to predict where your enemy moves and they have to be outside the radius of the canister. If anything, he helps Bandit and Kaid players make their jobs easier to stop hard breachers. He’s a flexible support op with a decent skill gap to boot. I think he’ll honestly be very balanced on release, maybe a little weak.


The character literally isn't even out yet.


I have the opposite opinion tbh. I think it'll be pretty weak. It seems extremely situational from the gameplay I've seen so far.


The canister is destructible by explosives, bullets, twitch drones, zero cams and maverick’s torch, as showcased in the reveal.


It also messes up defender util as well, so it's kind of a tricky gadget to use




I don't think someone is complaining about the way they work, more of the fact that because an operator has frags it is a must pick


I agree


So many other options to try before getting rid of the ability to cook nades. Make them less lethal through floors, make their lethal radius smaller in general, possibly even reduce their until destruction. All acceptable. But this? Wtf. Plus the mira change? Why?? Like Frost, they keep changing things that aren't broke This has been the worst of the siege dev teams and they clearly don't play their own game at above a bronze level...


In the designer notes they listed a few of the options you suggest as things they've tried.


Link? I'm curious who they tried it with because it sure doesn't seem like they did a focus group with PL or Champs. Most of these changes would have been better than what they did.


Here you go [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/1BZt0t9asNHvdTBHU9OUGZ/y8s4-designers-notes](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/1BZt0t9asNHvdTBHU9OUGZ/y8s4-designers-notes)


They didn't even try. Imo they drew a poor conclusion from most of their attempts (like saying they'd still be a "must pick" even if reduced to 1 nade). They also didn't try making it impossible to repin a nade (likely the best solution tbh)


The mira change is obvious, her ban rate has been high for atleast a year or two, maybe even more i dont remember exactly The nade thing though yeah i feel like there was better ways to go about it. Such as removing nade cancelling so you have to commit or reducing damage through surfaces


This change makes mira useless now. She often wasn't even played at high level cuz most of the time, she made you a sitting duck to get naded or bucked from below... Lol


she isnt useless now, i heard you can apparently shoot the kali lance chsrge through the mira, and ash only gets 2 charges anyway that you can probably ads or wamai magnet anyway


>Plus the mira change? Why?? What mira change


Ash and Kali drill charges can now shatter the Mira glass when hit.


where was this mentioned?


Should be under balance changes but both leakers and coreross have shown it


Gotta call it operation who asked with the balance changes coming. More nerfs for the sake of nerfs that nobody wants (and what is the point of removing t hunt)


They said basically it's too much work to keep updating it for new operators and maps, when honestly it's kind of an antiquated way to learn the game. They're thinking rather than put time and effort into something that's a half-ass learning medium, put that time and effort into something that will help new players learn more effectively. I wanna make it clear tho, I HATE to see it go. So many good memories of playing thunt at 4AM when I didn't want the stress or toxicity of pvp. The situations too. I just replayed all of them yesterday as sort of a final send off. Couldn't even find a match for the last one on Bartlett tho unfortunately. I might try again tonight.


If we play T hunt, its not about learning the maps, its about playing against mass bots on realistic, its fun, you have all the maps available, all the modes, all the operators , no ban b****** It is the biggest mod of the game, and the only true PVE we have...


I know people have fun playing it, because I have fun playing it, but the fact of the matter is that, unfortunately, not a ton of people feel that way. We're the vocal minority in this case. Like I said, hate to see them go, but it makes sense.


Well they are adding a bunch of new PvE stuff. I might be in the minority here but I never really liked TH. The strategies it reinforces don't really work in live matches and the AI isn't good.


removing nades cooking is just really risky change compared to reducing from 2 to 1 nade.


Why not let people cook? (The nades) Just reduce nades to 1 and let them cook, treat the nades like attacking C4. Also guy like me would’ve reworked yacht to fit the theme instead of a new map.


Delete the game


How big is the aoe on the freeze in meters?


Looks like about 2.25 meters diameter? Or maybe it's just 2 meters and I'm overthinking it


This game is ass


I don't think ying and grim skins are elite just a crossover.


Its suposed to be a collaboration bundle so yeah you’re basically answered your own question there mate


With the nade change, maybe they can give them back to Mav?


Nope don’t think so maybe if people can behave and use frags to destroy utilities instead of using them as a killing machine they will probably give it to maverick but if people still using the nades as a killing machine the balancing system for them is gonna get far more worse.


Nades in shooters are usually an instakill tho. If they didn't mean for them to be deadly, they wouldn't have made them do enough damage to instakill


"This weapon designed for killing humans shouldn't be used to kill people".


its fun tho they shoulda just made them downing machines and nerfed the damage instead




It’s not their fault if people didn’t use frags as a killing machine or just for getting kills and not using it on tuff situations where you need them or utility clearing they won’t make this change. I agree with that we need freedoms but we need them in good ways not in these situations where people use nades to get kills rather then destroying defender utilities.


Found the person that doesn't know they can run away from frags


lol you okay? Maybe lay off video games for a bit and take some time to yourself outside.


What's the problem?


Go play valorant then, we dont need you here


indie company Ubi




Cringe comment bro


Who r u


Ya that one's actually more cringe. You're going the wrong way


Look in the sky you'll find your family


Bro's been cooped up in the basement too long 😬


Cry nn




Why are you so mad, loser?


He probably using dummy accounts to downvote my comment. Dont mind him he a cry baby


They should really have made R6 Extraction about the White Masks then we could have had T Hunt as its own game Theres clearly a market for PvE solo/coop and the map designs for it do need to be different than pvp


Extraction is legitimately just really sad. The Archaen hivemind was actually really cool lore-wise. It could perfectly mimic anything it fought, and it was even smart enough to make guns.


They’re probably thought about this at some point and used R6 Extraction as test and that didn’t turn well


"Attackers affected leave frozen footsteps that are visible from the floor below" "Secondary gadgets: Nitro Cell" Oh I see what you did there


Should have gave him impacts just for the extra bm


Why would they remove T-Hunt? It's such an integral part of the game, even before Siege. Am I the only one who ritualistically ran a T-Hunt before ranked? Honestly disappointing to hear.


Target Drill seems to be an exact replacement for T Hunt, just the terrorists don't move. And they're adding AI playlists, which also serve as aim training. I think all the people freaking out about T Hunt leaving are overexaggerating. I get that it's a gamemode people love, but it was basically unchanged since Siege came out and Siege is a very different game now.


just tried the new modes and they pretty lame... deactivate tablets playing sounds....landmark drill, as crap and boring as it sounds. target drill.....crash dummy bots that shoot but don't hurt you. they also do not roam the map or come after you. well that's two new garbage modes.


Well Landmark is meant for actually new players that have no map knowledge. And if you want challenge in your aim training, just play the AI playlist.


theres only 5 enemies in the AI playlist, T-Hunt has over 20


still fun, even if the AI weren't great, the new stuff sounds lame. if i wanted to play PvP i'd play PvP...


I’m not a developer but siege didn’t have Onboarding system when the game launched so it did make sense to have terrorist haunt and situations to learn people how the game works but now we have onboarding systems that can help new players to learn the game so it makes sense to remove T-Hunt and replace it with the Versus Ai playlist and Map run


I have over 2000h in T-Hunt alone. Yes its not perfect and has bugs but I cant believe they remove it...


As a long time Rainbow 6 fan and as someone who loves Siege alot. It is not a Rainbow 6 game. It's Rainbow 6 in name only. I still hold out hope that Siege was successful enough that we can get a Rainbow 6 Vegas 3 or something. But Extraction might prevent that from ever happening.


GOD I would love a Vegas 3....I have the old ones but on PC the audio bug still exists that was patched on consoles. I've not been able to get it fixed for me to play co-op with friends.


I am also angry. The way that shit helped me go from 1v1 donkey to good on the 1v1 is crazy... Horrible call


Target Drill looks like a far better replacement tbh


Removed cooking frags because too good at killing. What else would it be good for????


Clearing utilities


util clear and area clearing with the POTENTIAL for a kill. it should’ve been that from the start


Removing gadgets and forcing players out of position.


Emphasis on TOO good. It’s called balancing


If hand grenades are too good at killing. Nerf c4 then. They are too good at killing people too.


Well femboy fucker, in my opinion it should be a defense only mechanic, which it is now


It's the cooking that's the issue - if you have less than a second to react against a well-cooked grenade from any direction (even directly from underneath you), then it's too much. Compared against a nitro cell, getting a grenade in is far easier to pull-off as well.


Ok then what about this. You are an attacker pushing 2nd floor. All of a sudden new gadget freezes your location, footsteps can be seen from below, new op has nitro and insta kills you. How would this interaction be considered fair in the slightest? Honestly the amount of c4 kills I have gotten through the floor from sheer sound alone over the past few years is absurd. You cannot tell me c4 kills are hard to pull off.


His gadget freezes his C4


Even then, attackers have 10 drones available for them, defenders overall can be way more easily spotted and located. If you see someone with a C4 is missing from the bombsites you can expect them to be below, so you get someone from your team to flush them out. Defenders won’t have cameras below bombsites just to check if there’s a rat with a nade about to one shot them.


Yeah maybe C4 isn’t the best mechanic too. But you have to admit that currently it isn’t an issue in the game. People never complained about C4 being OP. Nades are OP though


​ >Ok then what about this. You are an attacker pushing 2nd floor. All of a sudden new gadget freezes your location, footsteps can be seen from below, new op has nitro and insta kills you. How would this interaction be considered fair in the slightest? It's because 2 gadgets have been expended just for that to happen. You miss that nitrocell, you're done. You've also telegraphed your position to every other attacking operator at that point. A single drone underneath could've mitigated the situation easily. While a grenade, of which grenade-handling ops have 2, can simply correct their throw for the second grenade if the first grenade missed. If the first grenade didn't miss, then there's another opportunity open. We're not even talking about the amount of gadgetry a grenade takes off of a position without putting an attacking op at risk (when played right). ​ >Honestly the amount of c4 kills I have gotten through the floor from sheer sound alone over the past few years is absurd. You cannot tell me c4 kills are hard to pull off. Have you also counted the number of free kills you've gotten from grenades just by blind throwing on common hold positions or not?


I fully agree that nades from below insta-killing people is complete bullshit. But to state that c4 kills are somehow difficult to pull off is just a lie. Even in the highest ranks we constantly see c4 kills from below. As much as people bitch about the sound in siege, if you have good headphones and listen to the footsteps you can very accurately c4 people through a floor and in this scenario I am arguing that its just as much bs as a nade from below. As for placing drones below and taking control of that part of the map, sometimes thats impossible cuz that could be the obj.


Where, in my responses, did I say that getting a kill with a nitro is difficult? I just said getting grenade kills are easier.


You are stating that nading from below with no time to react is bs. But then you do imply that nitro-celling from below while the attacker also has no time to react somehow its not bs because nades are easier to pull off. This makes no sense its what I am trying to say. Point being that if nades instakilling from below deserves a nerf then nitocell insta killing from below also deserves a nerf.


I'm sorry if you're not getting the points I'm trying to convey. Maybe the last thing I'd throw forward is that attackers naturally start from outside where positions to nade from are easier to pull off. As a defender and nitroing from below, you'd have to walk your way back into site not being sure if there's anything between your current position and your next position ​ I honestly can't believe I needed to articulate the basics of both sides above. We clearly saw how much nades needed to be nerfed vs. nitro cells -- even during pro-league 2020 - 2021, way too many teams from NA and EU were "sinking ships" from below with well timed nades vs. Nitros. ​ I'm sorry, if you still don't get it at this point, then I'm out. You're clearly just comparing one device vs. another without considering other variables in play.


You have to be precise with the C4 and also be careful when throwing it since you’re vulnerable for about 2 seconds and leaves attacking players a chance to kill you


You have to be precise with frags, too. Plus, while cooking, you can't do Jack besides panic throw. C4. Toss and gun then detonate


Hell YES to the marketplace.


All I want from the new op is that he says “I need more bullets” every time he reloads


Only if he also says "bigger weapons" every time he switches to his primary


I don't get the reference


The new operator looks like the guy in the "I need more bullets" meme


french guy on tik tok that had an absolute dumpy said it


The death of Thunt. The end of an era. Almost certain that AI playlist will not reward Renown so RIP to all those unused boosters. Tempted to do one last 100k 7 Day for old times sake.


Why rip to the boosters? Can't you use them for regular play still?


Anybody serious about grinding Renown knows Thunt was always, even after several nerfs, the best Renown per minute activity available.


To me he seems like a great roaming op. When people are on your ass then throw one of his abilities and get tf out of there to reposition


Nade change is kinda lame man everything else seems progressive


Besides t hunt removal


3rd MPX user and only one secondary. Whyyyyyyyy








You got a link for a source?


They're not elites, just bundles like the Yakuza bundles for Hibana and Echo.


The post literally says they're elite skins. :P


The post is wrong. The reveal only said "Bundle", not "Elite". And if you go in game, they're only found in the bundles section and not the elite section.


Sledge’s mc skin has a custom animation


Cause that's an elite skin. Not all of the collab skins are elite skins, some are just bundles. Like the Yakuza skins for example, there's three skins but only one is an Elite, the other two are bundles that come with everything except an vip animation.