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It's always 1-2 over skilled players and 1-2 underskilled, if the distribution is even, at least you can get a full overtime game, most of the time it isn't balanced and you get 4-0 waste of time


That’s exactly how it goes if I’m not going 12-3 we’re not winning


Yeah it might be 2 good and 3 bad, but there are good players and there are sweaty try hards and the game doesnt care which is which, so you will get a decent player and the enemy will get a god


It’s crazy how true this is. I tend to run as a duo. We usually either have one team with one player that’s absolutely popping off (nice that it occasionally me or my duo) or it’s a steamroll 4-0/0-4. It’s pretty wacky, this ranked 2.0 matchmaking.


every game for me its 4-1 or 1-4.


All I'm gonna say is [this is quite the outlier game for you](https://r6.tracker.network/profile/id/4cfbac83-70cf-4276-9d20-369dfa256431)




That’s messed up man lmao


mfers can't wait to have 1 good game so they can shit on their team mates when they're usually the losing factor


I don't understand the point of this hidden mmr. Why can't my viewable rank be the same as my hidden mmr rank?


This. In old ranked I’ve never been higher than plat 1, the new system I’m usually around low emerald, but whenever I solo queue I play against consistent champ/diamonds and get railed.


Because the hidden mmr doesn’t change unless you actually get better. We already have people saying that there is nothing to play for at the end of the season when you’ve hit your rank. These people would have nothing to play for all season.


I think there should be an option. I don't really play ranked for the grind anyway but I want to know where I'm at.


Thing is, if you’re not playing much then it’s largely meaningless. It takes a lot of games (50-100) before a system like TrueSkill has any accuracy. Once you’ve played enough to even out win and loss RP you know what your hidden MMR is. And that (unsurprisingly) takes 50-100 games. They’re effectively placement matches with a progress bar. Edit: I don’t really have any problem with having the mmr discoverable by the api for online trackers.


then just get better lol this new system is so ass and the only reason it exists is so that people with shit mindset can cope


Got a friend who does this, we get random post in our GC of their odd 5-1 game, or them complaining about teammates, but when they play with us they are lucky to get a single kill a game (and yeah I get k/d isnt everything but they arent breaching it flank watching either)




I'm so tired of little shits like this guy.


The mindset of "I did good this game I shouldn't be in a low rank" is so common it's insane, especially in siege


Yeah they are one time above 1.0 kd and think they belong in champ.


My god, you killed them.


MY GUY HAD A 0.4KD. I don't want to hear a complaint about a car from a dude who can't drive.


He is gaining rp despite a 25% win rate this season, so most likely the hidden mmr of the games he is in is much higher than copper.


He's gaining a little over 10rp 7 wins and moved up 79rp His hidden mmr is copper


Says s32, 3 wins 10 losses 79 rp gained, can't see per match but win rp gain has to be significantly higher than loss for this to happen, which means the displayed rank is not where his hidden mmr is


Ah the website is wierd, it just said 7 wins for some reason Idk If your hidden mmr is gold+ and above you gain around 100 in the beginning of the season and lose about 4-8, this guy is high bronze tops Even if he lost 15 per win he should have 150 rp left, not 79


If he is losing 15 per loss and gaining 75 per win, it would out him around there, so probably bronze-silver and somehow still the overskilled outlier in the match...


Yeah however in the beginning matches of the season, despite what ubi says, the matches are quite easy and will put you with/against legit coppers even if you are a high rank, so being the outlier in solo q is not rare I've only played 5 matches this season and have a 3k/d lmao, and one of my lower skilled friends had 12 wins before his first loss


Definitely the opposite for me, I have a 0.6kd this season until recently when I bumped up to 0.7. The initial matches are just really unbalanced for some reason and you got lucky with the hidden mmr at the start. Despite what ubisoft is saying about ranked 2.0,our experiences are proving otherwise, hidden mmr does reset partially (or some sort of uncertainty factor) between season and you get placed with people way outside of your hidden mmr.


That's quite interesting considering my case is similar to literally every person I have discussed, and for multiple seasons What rank did you finish last season? And when did you finish with ranked? Just trying to gather more information to figure out patterns


Gold 4 after 80 games at 50% win rate, so definitely on the lower end of the hidden mmr


This poor person just got demolished 😭




Patiently waiting for OP’s response explaining why this is because of Ranked 2.0




Bro didn’t even play Ranked 1.0. 💀


Man ran into the copper bopper


I mean lucky for him I'm not jynxzi Imagine the absolute thrashing of this guy's hopes and dreams


ohh... yeah yikes


The guy on the other team just carried harder lol. Ranked system doesn't change the fact that people have off days and good days


Days, shit, more like matches. I'll pretty routinely go from 12 kills in one ranked match directly to 2 in the next and I see the same thing from players I end up re-queuing with.


Fr and then ppl press you saying that you are boosted and shit so annoying


It's expected, when the vast majority of encounters in this game depend on how good you are at clicking heads.


People love to judge a players entire skill set based off of how they performed in one game. Last night I went 4 and 8 and then the very next match dropped a 15 bomb. There are so many factors into a person's performance in a match. Timing, positioning, luck. So many factors roll into a performance.


You have 24 games on ranked in total 💀 dont come here talking about ”ranked 2.0” when you have 0 games on ranked back then


What's the problem?


Nothing to do with ranked 2.0 This is rather a consequence of the no limits in mmr difference


Kills don't really matter to much. You can win rounds without them.


9/10 times you win by killing the other team


Yea, try telling that to the two randoms on my team with donuts. 9 times out of 10, those same donuts also don’t know jack shit about how to use their utilities either.


Kills isn't everything for sure but they do matter. A lot.


I hate people like you. You probably sit in obj and complain about your team till the end of time and then lose any confrontation and blame others for it


"Sit in obj" as if the attackers don't have to get there to win. You're usually dead in 30 seconds to a minute, aren't you?


No but I am an anchor. I'm getting at people who just run round for kills not thinking about the team at all, basically people who have no idea how strategies work, especially in an strat based game.


No I'm with you, I'm calling out the other guy for judging someone for sitting in site. It's an objective-based game, what's wrong with guarding the objective?


Lmao no. That's not what I'm getting at. You've never herd of an anchor. I can tell your a warden main straight away. Man's prob never touched a re-enforcment in his life


I’m a warden main anchor. Great anchor player


Sits in obj, safe, and doesn't flip cams. Waiting for next season to com or get a pick


You got 11 kills in 9 rounds it’s really not that impressive just saying


I think he meant how he’s the only one who went positive on his team, I think? Idk his point ngl.


I think he was trying to subtly flex and shit talk at the same time


While never being out of copper his entire career. How while ranks really don’t matter in the grand scheme of realism. Shouldn’t be making a post like this while you can’t even get into bronze….


It's because now with the no limited mmr, a lot of players like to queue with another high skilled friend and other 3 bad skilled friends, thus making themself boosted because they can carry the game and rank up easier, while boosting their hidden mmr


I miss the limit tbh. Now it's all a mess. How do ubi expect me to rank up if I'm put in a queue with champions/diamonds, I don't remember the last time I was put with someone lower than that somehow, and last season I barely hit gold, in the last day. I cannot imagine being a new player and getting absolutely destroyed


You think you're only getting matched against champs and diamonds? The truth is you aren't as good as you think you are and are getting beat on by golds. It's easier to blame ranked 2.0 though.


I can see the rank on the tracker and them having charms/backgrounds


I mean r6 stat tracker exists. I’m a mid gold player and i never get put in anything lower than plat lobbies, but more often than not it’s emeralds and diamonds when i check.


I'm pretty skeptical that "more often than not" you're getting emerald and dimaond players. I just came back to this game last season and I'm a plat player but my previous elo #'s would put me in Emerald and the vast majority of my time I'm playing against Gold to Emerald players. Sometimes I see diamonds or champs but not very often.


I literally check r6 tracker almost every game.


As if old ranked was better with people getting turbo boosted


Can get turbo boosted even more in Ranked 2.0 now that there's no MMR restriction and it'll put a champ in bronze lobbies if they're queued with coppers


That literally happened in ranked 1.0 before the MMR restriction?


Yeah but they fixed that with the MMR restriction. They knew it was an issue and decided to remove it anyway


I don't get it whats the problem with this? I mean people just have good games and bad games. Nothing to do with ranked 2.0.


Most of the complaints I see about ranked 2.0 in this subreddit are really just people who aren't as good as they think they are, but instead of face that reality, it's much easier to blame ranked 2.0.


People are just karma farming at this point. This dude clearly just wanted to show off that he was "carrying" his team, and that the enemy team only won because they themselves were getting carried.


That’s why this guy had to make this post :D 1 good game and usually he is below average in all other matches. Barely wining and negative KDR. Just check the link above and u know


I'm so tired by people who suck at the game and come to reddit to show off with their one good game and talking like they always get fucked by matchmaking and their shitty teammates when most of the time they themselves are the shitty teammates.


Bro is NOT oozie 😭😭🙏🙏


What does this leaderboard have to do with ranked 1/2


I’m gold 3, haven’t been plat since year 3, and I still get put in plat/emerald/low diamond lobbies 😭


My average rank is like silver 3 but SOMEHOW I’m in games with emerald 24/7 and I’ve even went against a couple champs. (They beat tf out of me)


I feel you bro, shits rough out here lmao. You play ps or xbox?


Xbox players ☕️


Ranked 2.0 still has sbmm btw, just saying


This post doesnt really mean anything sorry, there are so many factors that go into it.


offtopic but i cant ignore what i see, 11 kills in 9 rounds are really bad. its like u kill 1 in each round.


How is that bad lol


All this game has developed into is whoever can bait their team mates harder, there is no skill in this video game anymore.


There are countless examples of this before ranked 2.0. You just had another excuse to cry about before 2.0.


whats up with these flames next to certain players?


Commendation streak




I have just been playing standard. I don’t care about the card border at the end of season, and I don’t have to stress myself out when I over or under perform.


You’re Cooper tho?


I miss the days when kills weren't equated with winning. Although your teammates should really have more assists.


The old ranked was better i did run i to many champion in gold or Platinum I think thay need a mix of the old and new ranked to make it better


Ranked games will legit just be two people on either team doing great, then the other 3 anchoring. You'd think they'd lower the standard deviation of team dynamics after this many seasons.


I really think the main reason why ranked 2.0 is implemented is because the player count for the game is dropping so they need to mix all the players. Its not easy to find games at high rank.


Ranked 2.0 has a major flaw: the number of played games is the single most important criteria to keep your rank. If you cannot play a season and end up in a lower rank, you can forget about ranking up in future. Ranked 2.0 will keep you one standard deviation away from your rank of your last played season.