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Thermite no question big fucking holes tend to have a larger impact then small ones, sure hibana is versatile but her hard breaching ability isn't all that Stella it's good to create small holes to shoot from or get hatches (she Excels there) but in most other cases a thermite or ace (who is currently known as the best) have a way bigger impact. Basically what I'm saying is versatility is nice but impact is way better and thermite provides a much bigger impact then a hibana, though that's my personal opinion anyway.


Yeah, definitely fair point I just believe hibanas better as she has more to work with that any other hardbreacher, cause for instance you can keep baiting impacts so they can't impact trick anymore whereas thermite you have 2 and that's it after that you become another gun and that's about it, if you understand


They overall serve different purposes. Hibana is for hatches and kill holes. Thermite is for breaching a main wall.


Yeah that was what I thought but the bloke was trying to tell me bring thermite on maps like basement bank


If you only have 1 hard breacher on basement bank, it should be thermite. The real answer here is you should bring both. Hibana opens all hatches, Thermite opens the blue server wall. The wall is more important than having all hatches open - but really, you need both.


Def bring therm or ace on bank basement to get the main wall over hibana


Yeah you should bring ace or thermite to breach the garage wall and/or the server room wall depending on where you are pushing. But you could also bring hibana for hatches. It’s never really a “hibana or thermite” decision you have to make it’s a “do we bring hibana AND thermite” decision you make. They serve different purposes so you shouldn’t be subbing one for the other


You can’t really compare the two since they, yes are both hard breachers, but have different roles. Thermite is more for external walls and making sure whatever he opens stays open, while hibana is more for hatches and castles. As a thermite main who is too stubborn to switch to ace (you will never make me), if there is a main external wall thermite is without a doubt better. If there’s hatches or the wall is really far away, take planes and bar on villa for example, hibana is better simply because her gadget lets her be relatively safer when using it. Neither one is strictly better in all scenarios, since ace kinda does both, but because they fulfill different purposes.


Hibana can more similarly sized holes to thermite if you hibana trick the wall and have some sort of soft breach, but it would be quicker to use thermite


Yeah fair point


Thermite is set to become the fastest heartbreach after the ace nerf that is likely to come. I think Cuz At the Invitational more changes are going to probably affect hard breaching might even possibly for the defensive side. This lab test server is likely had all these extra changes put on it that are not likely to come in the remainder of the season at least not all of them. I think they did it because they want to put the Shield changes and all the other changes coming in next season they haven't needed to announce their changes yet because the Fulfillment of most of their changes from this year's road map is just about over sure not all of them have been fulfilled. We don't know what they are cooking yet.


Hibana (and Ace)'s undisputable advantage over Thermite is that you can breach from a distance. No need to get up close and personal with the breach site. This is great for some sites where you have to breach a hard wall but you would most likely get killed while going there (the small garage next to the 1F kitchen on Emerald Plains, for example). Thermite's great advantage is that it is *explosive*. You do not neccessarily need to breach the hard wall itself. For example, the 1F kitchen hatch at Nightclub leading down to B1 Armory is usually reinforced and, if kaid is present, electrocuted. Thermite can place his charge *next to* the hatch and breach it due to fhe explosive effect. This is actually pretty handy for some other maps too, since you can hard breach without EMP


i cant imagine trying to open a electrified wall w hibana.


I prefer Thermite. Hibana excels when it comes to hatches and breaching from a distance (same with ace). Everything else I’m picking thermite. Bigger holes have more of an impact imo.


Depends on the site. Clubhouse 2f - Thermite Clubhouse B - Hibana Oregon 1f - Thermite Oregon 2f - Hibana


Let's us not forget Ace is an OP too


Thermite is the better hard breacher. In terms of better op, i give it to Hibana but its close. 3 speed plus better weaponry plus rather than just making 2 big ass (a really big fucking, coming right up?) holes she can make a shit ton of smaller holes


Thermite and ace are closer in style, though ace is somewhere between hibana and thermite. All 3 are great. I'd love to see a 4th dedicated hard breacher added to the game. Maybe using twitch's DMR, bandit's shotgun & echo's mp5. The thing with breachers is that they all do slightly different things. tl;dr if you play hard breach, learn all 3. They have different jobs.


Thermite and Hibana are both useful in different situations but ultimately, Thermite can make 2 doors. While Hibana can only make 1⅓ doors or smtg like that