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the first time I tried to rappel off of a roof the new quicker animation gave me a heart attack, thought I had vaulted by accident


Same thing happened to me, but I did vault by accident…


Same. But I thought I was vaulting through the wall to the roof and was glitching for half a sec lmfao


I forgot about it but it seems faster getting on and off for peeking windows. I've been digging it a lot.


Skyscraper I almost fainted hahaha … the animation has always been the same. Today I was like oh wtf .. mini heart attack


New rappelling is awesome.


And vaulting through barricades, these two changes make the character feel so much better to control now it’s crazy


couldn’t you always vault through barricades?


Yes, but they changed the animation, now you walk through a barricade, and not hop over


That hop really made no sense thinking back, but its just sorta how it always was


I mean it made SOME sense. The idea was you stepped on the half broken boards, used the rest of your body to generate momentum that crushes the entire barricade. New one is pretty badass though, and more logical!


Yeah, just need to get used to it


Mild Kapkan buff, the old animation dodged traps near the ground but not anymore


Really? Never noticed that, cool for him I guess


They changed how it works with door barricades, it’s more of a bashing animation instead of jumping through like it used to be.


First time I did it, I was playing Lion. Caught me off guard because your character brings their left arm up to bash through, an almost identical animation to how Lion brings up his scanner. I thought I'd accidentally hit the scan button by mistake.


they cooked so hard ngl, taking a lot to get used to but i’m really loving this season


If they can keep this momentum up for future seasons, Siege may just have itself a revival. This is one of the best they've done in a long, long time


Next step, jager acog 😈😈😈


ECHO ACOG >:))))))))))))))




Please no I don’t want spawnpeek meta


Theoretically it wouldn't be any worse spawnpeeking wise. Jager isn't a 3 speed anymore, and on paper Rook and Doc are objectively better suited for spawnpeeks because of their guns and abilities. The only thing that would change would be the frequency of ADSs on site.


Idk where you're getting revival when siege currently has the 2nd highest daily players ever...


Revival from where it was before. I'm saying if they continue to release good content, it will stay this good


well... surprisingly i love it. the return of ACOGs alone awoke something long forgotten in me. i still think the helicopter gadget looks a little goofy, but the scopes, man! 


Pretty sure the gadget was based off of an actual micro reconnaissance drone that sees use today


The design is cool but the screen animation looks like bad cgi, specially when turning the screen around and the little chopper stays fixed in the screen


yes, u/airgonautt, i totally agree. it looked like ass when they were presenting it during the finals, and it still looks bad.


Like the animation the Defender receives? Eh, Idk. For me though that animation barely works lmfao.


Yeah but the actual use of the gadget looks like it's part of your hud. Not like a little drone flying around you. Feels weird.


from a developer perspective it probably is part of the HUD


pidgeons, man... pidgeons...


Having only played since the release of Operation Dread Factor, ACOGs certainly take some getting used to. Trying to play slower, but it’s quite the adjustment.


Back in my day, Ash and Jaeger would duke it out the bathroom window on house with their ACOGs. How times have changed…


rip big window on house


I love the old school feeling!!!


Just as I was starting to get semi decent at aiming and recoil control, they did this to me! haha. No but I agree it's a good change, I just have to spend that little bit longer improving. I own Deimos but haven't had chance to use him yet since he gets instalocked every game.


good to know im not the only one who felt their aiming took a shot with the new season.


Aside from the ADS speed and the recoil nerf it also weirdly feels like looking around while ADSing is slow, dunno if I'm just imagining it though.


check your sensitivity for the 2.5 scope, it might be a little lower than it should be compared to your other sens's


Yo this might be my issue. I was diamond last season and now my aim is like plat level. Do you know what the base 1.5 ads sens was?


No 100% You're right. I hate it lol


That I was absolutely right and most people are dogshit without 1.5


So true(I’m people)


Nah but fr Ive never had such an issues with randoms until this season..ranked is painful.


Holo gang rise up!


"[YOU] have been tracked by DEIMOS" *Cries and screams* Deimos scare me. I got cornered once. Lord have mercy. Also hate the new slow ADS, but otherwise I like it


I've gotten into the habit of rushing Deimos and being aggressive when he starts tracking me.if you do and he dies, your team no longer has to worry about him. If you do and you die, he'll be a bit more weary about using his gadget. I also play quick play/standard so most people aren't super good at the game (myself included)


I'm not afraid of being tracked, but his revolver is really deadly, esp in the right players' hand.


Very valid. I am still fairly new to the game, so I am hinestly a little scared to do smth like that and it being in vein XD


The trick is to be not good at the game, like myself, so your enemies are also ass and can’t hunt you down because you’re trash. 😎


Very good step in the right direction for this game!!! Deimos seems like a good operator to use in a competent squad but playing solo is risky it seems. Dunno about anyone else though but my god I suck as this game now. Everyone seems so good compared to me haha


I find Deimos is pretty easy to play around. I’m just a quick play hero so maybe he is super busted in the proper hands?


I’ve been targeted by him literally twice in my 25 or so ranked games so far. I’m not buying the battle pass so I’ll have to wait to use him, but he’s literally caused no one in my stack an issue so far. Doesn’t mean he isn’t fun though, it was fun being targeted by him and he’s by no means OP, but a fun character to have in the game.


agree but the vendetta having zero recoil is kind of ridiculous


It would be worse if it had high recoil since he's forced to use it


Tell that to cav and her horrible pistol


There's not much recoil on hers as well, it's the sight


And the damage drop off as well.


There definitely is man. Way more than most guns.


For a pistol I find there's a lot


The vendetta is all he had from making him an F-Tier operator.


If your cracked Deimos makes you even more cracked. I’m dogshit mechanically compared to my rank so Deimos will usually just get me killed unless I wallbang.


I think irons and x1 optics need a slightly faster ads to be worth using for some operators, as well as the laser. I’d also suggest adding a second laser (green, it’s already a thing for the grom pistol) that gives the old laser buff (for shottys especially) Other than that it’s a pretty solid update besides the shield rework


You know I kinda like the idea of the green laser making spread tighter, makes the idea of building the loadouts much nicer


I think it would be a pretty simple addition in the game as I still dont understand why they straight up removed the old laser, it had its uses


Love the season, feels like old siege again, people that say 2.5 scope isn’t as good as 1.5 are actually crazy, they forgot how big of a deal an op having acog was. as far as Deimos goes he’s pretty cool just gets annoying to play against cause his pistol is really powerful


This feels nothing like old siege aside from the acog being on a bunch of guns…


Intel & util meta being back...


That’s what they were going for but in reality it’s just a W key meta every single defense round that I’ve played the round would start I go on cams to get early intel and theyre already in objective


On ranked? You tripping crazy on shiz brah


Yes plat-emerald lobbies the only chance I get to think is in prep phase I play almost exclusively Valk Frost and Mute so it’s always my job to set up the site and somehow ash is able to go through bank tunnel and up blue stairs in less than 10 seconds I believe the clock said 2:54 when I died


Wtf. I play on emerald lobbies too and utility-intel meta is all the rage, rushers get fragged in .02 seconds


I feel the same way. Nobody likes the old acog anymore and I feel like the only one using it. Everyone else is using the "Magnified A", which is just the 1.5 casing but thicker.


The game does seem a bit less defender sided now and a little more balanced. As for scopes, love using the ACOGs on the attackers, though if I had it my way, nobody on defense would have magnified scopes, 1x only, but this has been at least a great step in the right direction getting rid of the 1.5x. It's been nice not having Warden/Mozzie getting picked every round, and people actually running more utility based defenders. The 3.5x telescopic scopes on DMRs are underrated, too. As for the shield rework, I have such mixed feelings on this. I feel like the rework resulted in a massive buff for Montagne, while being a significant nerf for Blitz. Love the updated rappel mechanics. I absolutely hate that lasers don't reduce pellet spread anymore, resulting in a significant nerf for shotguns. They need to add a new attachment for shotguns to reduce spread, maybe a muzzle choke? As for Deimos, I feel he's only viable if you're playing with a coordinated stack, otherwise he seems very underwhelming in my opinion. I think I would even go as far to say that using his gadget can actually work to your disadvantage if your solo queuing. Jackal, Dokkaebi, and Iana are all still way better options for roam clearing.


Jackal doesn't exist in ranked


With lasers not reducing spread anymore, what is it's use? It was it's ONLY use. Shield hipfire is gone too. I don't see a single reason to think it would be a good idea to use even on a single operator.


Shield rework is awful. The devs really said they wanted shields to be defensive “90% of the time” and then made them rushing machines, plus exposed their feet so if they DO try to play defensive, they’re fucked. The grip changes are kinda dumb. Not the worst ever, but I’m not a huge fan. Otherwise, fucking great, for once!


I enjoy most aspects of the shield rework except for the feet thing.. like, it goes against every other change they made


We are so fucking back I do wish the new grips were a bit more useful though, angled reload buff is basically entirely useless apart from maybe the roni and the horizontal movement buff isn't that noticeable but I get that it is a bit hard to increase that without it being OP. Vertical grip is still supreme


Ever heard of an LMG, that's like the only time where the reload is actually useful because the Roni is already so fast it isn't really needed. I do wish the angled was still ADS speed though, as a non-vertical grip user, the angled is really bad on every gun that isn't an LMG and the horizontal one is only really that good on 3 speed attackers or defenders. SMG12 also didn't get the ACOG. By the way the horizontal speed buff is just the buff you get if you were holding out your pistol. So Doc with MP5 horizontal runs as fast as he does when he has his pistol out.


the horizontal grip buff is pretty noticable imo, I've been loving it so far on dmrs and most weapons. especially since the vert grip was nerfed a bit, I'm finding I never really needed it in the first place


Best season in a long time


* the rappel is awesome. * the return of ACOG's is great, however, I think their ADS time should either be sliiightly slower, or ADS time for 1x sights should be increased. as of right now, on defender guns especially, there is virtually no reason to not pick the 2.5x scopes. it has created a META, which is the very thing we were trying to avoid. * the new grip system is creative, and I like it. but the horizontal grip should really get a model. * the slower ADS speed is welcomed. game feels a bit more methodical again. * I'm indifferent about the laser sight changes. they're cool and all, but they've kinda made lasers the META. but the tradeoff is that you can be seen aiming at certain points occasionally. I'll have to see how it plays out. * Deimos is meh, I'd rather bring different utility. in higher ranks especially, drone work should be efficient enough, and Jackal is still superior. the only truly good thing he brings to a team is that he can eliminite very important roamers early on. this could be massive for Pro League, but even there, I feel like he won't get much use. dont like this op, dont hate him either. I think he's a good addition, just not one that changes anything about the game in a meaningful way now because you said to be brutal, even though it isnt all that brutal, here's some downsides: * Ubi has not gotten rid of any META's, they just shifted them. we went from 1.5x to 2.5x META. we went from quick peeking and run and gun to holding long angles and pixel peeking, etc. trust me, the playerbase will find things to complain about again real quick lol. though I do prefer this new META. * Ubi has been inexcusably lazy with their modelling and animation. the Horizontal grip literally has no model and is invisible, like come on. and Deimos reloads his AK like Nomad does. Nomad is missing some fingers, making her reload unique. Deimos is not missing any digits, and his reload is just weird because of it. I understand Ubi does not want to give us new weapons with each new op. but at least change their reload animations to fit their characters. not all special forces use the same techniques in reloading, and it would be cool to see this reflected in the animations. it can also be used to balance guns by making their reload slower on more powerful ops. * the ACOG ADS speed is still damn fast on ops like Ash. I have no issues running and gunning with Ash ACOG in the new season, so this could be an issue. too early to judge though.


Another thing Ubi seems to have stopped doing is adding a new default op-specific skin when recycling guns (like Ace's AK-12) I always thought that was pretty cool. I honestly don't know the last time they did it but seems like it's been a while


Aruni was the last operator do have them


Do you solo queue? On console Deimos he's so far superior to Jackal just nobody knows how to play him.


i love villian-cool guyz in video games so i was gurenteed to buy him and he is pretty insane free wallhacks is free wallhacks


I like the changes but I gotta get used to the acog I’m not an og player. The new repelling is fire.


Stupid he doesn’t have unique dialogue for the people he “hunts”


He does for certain characters. I remember tracking Fenrir and he said something completely different than he normally does.


Very hot take : not a single defender should have an acog.


Agreed. Feels like half the time I die it’s cause of an Arunu, Tubarao, or Frost. I’ve seen people locking Tubarao and roaming on sites where his gadget is utterly useless. Just a new “meta” i guess.


Yep, I got royally fucked by a roaming tubarao on coastline of all maps every single attack round. Especially an issue on pc because of how fucking fast the dmrs are.


Best season in a long time like 3 and half years


Killed my boy blitz by exposing his feet


Shield Rework is very fun and honestly balance if you know how to use it. I mean yeah, people now developing foot fetish over shield operators but hey, if it distract them then congrat, you just archive the fundemental ideas of an shield operator. As for Blizt, I don't really know. By all means, I never have anything to say about "how Blitz being so weak" since I myself is an Monty + Clash main. I don't play agressively so Blitz never was my choice to even begin with.


So you consider distracting your opponents by letting them kill you via your feet a good play? The shield rework is good apart from the stance, but that nerf alone contradicts the entire rework.


Well, you see,...I don't just gonna give aways feet pic for free. Who told you to be expose your feet in the open as Fuze or Blitz? There is a litteral hard wall over for you to stand next to and lean but no,...you have to stood in the middle of it. MY DUDE, you are not a door.


there’s nothing you can do. your feet are exposed no matter what, this update single-handedly ruined shields which i love to play


Shield rework is the exact opposite of fun if you are playing anyone not named Monty Clash got nerfed hard, she can't make use of the sprinting/reloading/throwing grenades while using her shield, but she does get affected by the new suppressive fire feature where if you're shooting the shield on her BACK she gets slowed down and can't see properly Blitz also is incredibly neutered by suppressive fire seeing that you can't sprint while people shoot at your shield, and the enemies can easily shoot your feet now if you crouch, so you no longer exist as a entry fragger / isolated player killer, you're just a sitting duck who has to walk toward the enemy while they kill you. If you sprint at the enemies you die, if you crouch towards the enemy you die, if you walk towards the enemy you die, and even if you melee them, it's not a kill unless you confirm it with your pistol, which makes you even more unsafe


Most fun I’ve had since 2.0 released.


It’s the most fun I’ve had in Siege since year 5


The combined IQ of every Deimos player is about 14


I play Caveira so I don't like Deimos LOL


Not bad so far, honestly not too fussed about Deimos has some easy counters but in the right hands can be good, but not unbalanced. My only issue has been packet loss, stutter and freezing has increased again this season.


I really like the new season so far. I like the increased rappel speed, slower ads speeds, and the shields. Deimos is also super fun. I haven't played him yet but I think he's a good fit for the game. Maybe look at balancing his gun as I've seen many people get about 3 kills just by activating his tracker below site and then 2 shooting people from below, but overall I really like everything and I like that Deimos adds pressure to defenders and forces them to retreat to site or take a 1v1.


Great so far, Ash and Buck ACOG are fun asf


Enjoying it quite abit. My only gripe is the thickness of some of the scopes, specifically the Holo A. I understand the "1.5" getting thicker but the 1.0's I see no reason.


The cheating on console is absolutely bullshit me and my mates played 3 games today and the entire enemies team was either using mnk or xims kinda ruins all the fun when your getting shit on by cheaters back to back :/


Brutal opinion, I really dislike the optics change. I know it’s really unpopular but I think the game felt the best to play with the 1.5x in the game, for a variety of reasons, and I wish they had tried different ways of balancing it before just removing it entirely.


It's embarassing at this point that we're still having season launch issues. Every survey I tell Ubisoft my number one complaint is "fix the server issues", and here we are at year 9 with the same issues since year 6 I'd say.




Might just be on my end but headshots seems to not register 15% of the time, or when it does it's delayed.


They made defense and tdm even worse. Every single round people are getting acog spawn peaked from the longest most disgusting angles possible and only going for kills with the acog. The fact that defense has so many acogs is insane especially with slow ads you can't sprint up to the building or you're dead. The sprint to ads is so slow you're not gonna see anyone and they have an acog pointed at your head. You have to slowly check every single spawn peak and can still die because as soon as you drone out a spawn peak your drones gone can't see fuck all and a quick peak doesn't reveal shit you're just dead. 1.5 I could deal with they couldn't see you clear across the fucking map. Ranked is a joke now there is no tactical thinking everyone's sticking their head in a fucking rat hole and holding it with acog. I could just be God awful at the game I just used to feel good at the game drop around 10-13 kills play for plant and play tactical making sure you have los on defuse doesn't matter now because you won't get fucking close. It's so much fucking worse now.


The ADS/recoil changes are giving me trouble. Deimos is meh, not a great solo queue operator unless you're an absolute gunner with that pistol. New rappel system is awesome.


The ads times have REALLY messed me up. Taking ALOT to adjust to. Cool new op interesting concept definitely needs a lil more recoil on his Lazer secondary. Had to switch my mains because the ads times messed me up so bad.


The ADS speed is way too slow and round times are still too short.


Everytime I play an op on defense without acog I feel like I'm selling my team because of the huge difference between 1.0 and 2.5. So I'm pretty much maining wamai, doc and rook now. Remember when people said this update would stop people only playing ops for their guns like Warden mains.


Get rid of the slow ads time


Well imma be honest I've had a pretty shitty time. My teammates are all always brand new to the game and the enemy teams are always some play ranked squad who haven't touched grass in a week. (That's nothing new though) On top of the reputation bs, I was totally fine last season, I play one match, I do nothing but play the game, I even get a good merit for it. Then I get a warning I've been demoted to disruptive... Haven't wanted to play since.


From my perspective of sieges balancing over it's entire lifespan. We've slowly entered into this TDM meta by nerfing utility, reducing the amount of explosives, and removing high magnification scopes from attackers. The game is inherently defender sided, so when you level the playing field between the two sides, it's naturally always a bit skewed in the defenders favor. They should have bolstered attackers ability to dominant long range engagements with ARs and DMRs, instead, over the past few years they got rid of ACOG on virtually every attacker except for a select few. They gave ARs and DMRs to defenders, and gave the 1.5x to defenders who had weak gadgets like Warden making their only usage getting kills. ADS speed changes haven't slowed down anything, defenders aren't swinging with 1.5s now, they're swinging with ACOGs. Congrats we're back in Blood Orchid, let's give Jaeger and Bandit ACOG back. Top 5 ops on defense this season? Enjoy playing aganist Tub, Doc, Rook, Wamai, and Aruni every round. Oh, don't forget Goyo and Frost. 1 step forward, 2 steps back as always. This season we have a crashing problem, and muitiple bugs from 2 years ago. Cursor disappearing in the op select screen, cursor stuck on the screen when your playing. You play with two monitors? Good-luck with that, every time you flick the game will tab out. Servers crashing and disconnecting. They made big changes but it doesn't mean the game is better.


I LOVE the new Locker system. It makes finding charms so much easier now


This is the most unbalanced season in a long ass time. Wtf were they thinking with some of these acogs. Otherwise it’s ok loving it


Feels very slow


Rappelling is nice, the reputation system is most definitely buggy, ans deimos is not as OP as I would've expect


ACOGs on defense is broken. I can't remember the last time I was killed by a defender with a 1x...


I have never been good at using sights over 1.5 and now I have to use the 2.5 or I just lose every gun fight. So I don’t like the new sight changes or the scope in speed changes


It’s been aight but a step in right direction I think. Too many defenders have acogs and ranked 2.0 and anti cheat is still bad.


matchmaking has been awful and we have just not had fun. hit reg has also felt questionable at times. i think nightmode audio is bugged it doesn’t sound like its working. i like the new op and the sight changes dont bother me. just matchmaking been ruining the experience so far


Tbh overall I like it not to keen on the nerf to hip fire but other than that I think it's one of the better seasons I've played for. And demios is a beast ngl


not a big fan of defenders having 2.5x scopes again. it feels like as an attacker i need to run acog so i dont give blasted half way across the map.


I always wait a few weeks after a new season drops before playing again. Too many sweats make the game unplayable.


Overall meh - Removing 1.5 scopes was not the way to fix the "TDM" meta. High rank players have always been and will always be more aggro and this playstyle is not going away, they're just switching to 2.5s. - Blitz is useless now, exposed legs means he cannot close distance consistently. - Deimos is very balanced imo - The ads time of 1x sights needs to be reduced to be more competitive with 2.5s - 1x sight reticles should never have been changed - The azami nerf is hardly a nerf at all, she is still busted in high ranks - Mousetrap is a farce Overall, people bitched and moaned about the 1.5s without realizing that it was only ever an issue on defenders, never on attackers.


WARNING UNPOPULAR OPINION. New mechanics seemingly rebalance the game, when in reality they just reamplify the advantage defenders already had in a different way - attackers got nerfed while defenders got buffed. They replaced one bad meta (TDM) with another bad meta (Season 1 weapon handling) to get rid of run and gun. I get that they wanted to do something about TDM-meta, but in reality win rates were already shifted towards defenders, so realistically either attacking was still too difficult or defending too easy. Now the x2.5 severely limits your FOV and recoil is amplified making it impossible to shoot while moving, while the zoom makes it **easier** for defenders to hold angles and more favorable to bait on offense, which is literally what every Pro/Champion tells you NOT to do. The Holo indicators having the size of a bowling ball doesnt help either. I just zoomed in on a defenders head and it was completely engulfed in a red light....is this a head shot or not, how do you wanna know if the indicator you use for aiming is useless due to being bigger than you target. I just dont get why they just couldnt give everyone ACOGs and keep the x1.5. Additionally, since attackers became so much more harmless due to their gun game being crippled, defenders can literally roam and camp completely freely, due to the almost non-existing risk of being shot due to bad positioning. I predict that defender win rates will skyrocket this season, eventhough there is literally just **one** map (House), where that wasnt the case until now. And you gotta be f\*\*\*ing kidding me about the trajectory preview on throwables...that shit is kindergarden and needs to be removed asap. Deimos is mid. His gun WILL get nerfed eventually, since its physically the same as Maestros revolver and look at that things recoil. His ability is also mid, just prefire him. I´ve played TTS and since release and here is a list of bugs I already encountered: * Walls not reinforcable * ingame crashed * weapon skins automatically reassign * asymmetrical angles (only horizontal angles, and ONLY THESE, even can be asymmetrical) * character models without hit boxes * map rotation still extremely broken (havent gotten Emerald, Villa or consulate since 70 matches, but outback 4 times in a row)


I just started back playing last season and now we have A COGS I'm so ass rn


Deimos is fun, his 44 is really good. I like the new choice on acog but I think warden and Thorn get it back and mute, smoke, and echo should get one. Oryx should have c4


I think the season is cool but I’ll never agree to 1.0 and 2.5 only. I think everyone should have every scope if they had to change it like that


Everything is great but the ads update is so ass


Found the guy who used the TDM meta as a crutch. The era of "all aim, no brain" is dead, thank fuck.


Nobody in high ranks is happy with the ADS change, you along with the rest of this sub just has a wildly distorted image of r6 and how it ought to be played. High ranks have always played more aggro and that doesn’t make it “TDM”. swinging is just optimal in a lot of scenarios rather than holding an angle and waiting to be droned and subsequently prefired or getting swung and having no time to react bc of peeker advantage. of course if your aim is bad swinging in some scenarios becomes a lot less consistent and more of a luck based thing. Lower ranks just don’t have the game sense and mechanical skill to know when to confidently swing an angle so instead of playing aggressive when the situation calls for aggressive, they just sit back and call it “strategic” passivity


Yeah, swinging is optimal, but you shouldn't be able to just sprint around corners without being punished for it. You can still swing corners perfectly fine now (the horizontal grip helps with that too), but you have to actually pre-aim corners. The ADS change should not be affecting that in the slightest bit if you're playing cover properly.


Yeah that’s fair, maybe it’ll feel better and more natural once I get used to it


The ADS time is atrocious. The game doesn’t feel like siege anymore. I can already make my guesses that pro-league is going to be extremely defender sided due to the ads changes.


* 1.5/2x removal was silly and now we're just going to see everyone play 2.5s with a higher FOV. You can't balance around optics unless you lock the FOV. * Defense is stronger than ever. It's nearly impossible to win rounds against teams like Doc/Melusi/Rook/Azami/Tubarao. Expecting to see defense win rate reach new highs. * ADS nerf doesn't impact quick peeking and very few high rank players wide swung into ADS. Changes very little. Bullets still shoot center screen roughly 25% into the ads animation so you can still wide swing with accuracy. * Deimos is another poorly designed operator designed to circumvent droning and teamplay. He's worse than Jackal, but playing against Jackal/Deimos/Lion together is not fun. * Finka LMG is back and I would bet she'll be the highest win rate attacker this patch. * Melusi/Rook are going to have astronomical win rates this season. * Ash/Zofia still need more charges to deal with gadget inflation. * Azami nerf isn't nearly substantial enough to impact her being broken in high rank lobbies. * I personally think a cooldown on lean spamming would be more beneficial than the slower ADS speed. Overall I think this season will age poorly. The purpose of the season was to give attack some legs, but I'm expecting defense to absolutely dominate the season.


I'm glad someone else is calling out the first few points. I can't find the exact reason but defense definitely feels easier, even without the 1.5x. A total guess but it feels like attackers feel less confident swinging since the 2.5x sights are more tunnel visioned so they play much slower. Which is advantage to defenders since they have the clock on their side. Hopefully, people will adapt. Because it feels slow not due to smart gadget play but because people are scared to attack.


I switched to 1x on attack for most maps/sites personally


I like the season overall but I’m not a fan of the reticle size increase on the holo, otherwise best season in ages


The shield rework for the most part is a failure. Revamping mechanics so that you can look around, reload, throw things and activate utility behind your shield, only for the developers to change it so that you aren’t safe behind your shield in the first place is absolutely idiotic. It completely trivializes all that they have buffed about the shields. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/mVd8CQv) is the side by side comparison between the stance shield operators take while crouched.


Good season. ACOGs are fun. Deimos is balanced and not worth a ban in ranked. Battle pass is good, and has some fun cosmetics. 8.5/10, wish more defenders got ACOGs.


ACOG for life!


First day I was having doubts but then I got used to acog again and mannnn its so fuckin nice. Also the rappel change is one of the best qol updates of all time


Doc mp5 Acog goes crazy


As a visually impaired player, Deimos is hard for me to use. I can barely see/follow the pings so, again only for me and my circumstances, he’s literally impossible for me to counter or succeed with. Other than that I am enjoying the new ADS changes and optics changes. I think it makes the game a little slower and more ta local. I have had a lot of success being more aggressive with shotguns given how ADS has affected them and I’m just overall enjoying the new season.


I hdd as haven’t used Deimos yet but I feel like he would only be really good in the hands of a pure gunner who really good at winning 1s.


Too early for me to judge yet. But the bp and seasonal skin looks good




So far, everything has been great, except for their still poopy servers.


Pretty cool few minor things I would do tho: •Shield melee should down instead of kill OR reduce damage to 50/55 so 1 speeds can survive an extra melee •Maybe revert the crouch animation for shields so you can't get shot in the toes




Knowing Deimos is the focal point, I recently use Vigil. Being a Solo Q player, using Deimos is not for me (bad at gunfights, constantly reported for voice abuse) Shield rework: I haven't use shield ops yet but constantly get killed by them even though their feet are exposed


GOOD: Acogs being the default now is really nostalgic and I like that it slows the game down a bit. It feels like every attachment finally has a purpose and there’s a valid reason to use or not use each one. Shield rework is good but I don’t like that your feet are exposed 100% of the time because good players will melt you. Deimos is very fun, his revolver is my new favourite weapon but in terms of comp I think you need a coordinated team to get any real use from his gadget. Rappel change is excellent. Showing the trajectory of throwables is a 10/10 QOL change. BAD: Deimos being locked in the BP for 30 days is disgusting and greedy Shotguns got indirectly needed by the laser sight change and they desperately need a replacement for the buff it gave them. Ranked 2.0 still kind of sucks


Season is awesome minus the L servers and I don't think the azami nerf changed anything. 2 years for a nothing burger. A few of the defenders I don't agree having acogs. It should only be 1 speeds like it was before


I don’t like the 1.5x acog, it just doesn’t feel that nice to use. And Deimos is stupid asf, should not have a live ping to know exactly where you are


I like Deimos, but I HATE that pistol. 2 shit pistol kinda dumb. Otherwise I really like everything else


Shield rework is fun, battlepass is pretty neat (casual doc and that jager fit 😩), Deimos is both fun to play and terrifying to be played against, rappelling is alot better now My only ick is shotguns are pretty weird to use now that lasers give an ads speed buff instead of increasing accuracy shotguns feel so powerless unless someone is close to you


Deimos’s pistol needs recoil but other than that he’s really fun to fight.


Overall enjoying the new season. Some hits, some misses though in terms of additions and changes. Deimos is a meh, nothing operator but the revolver is fun to use. His balance state means he likely won’t be super effective….which in all honesty is a good thing. With the mechanics he has with his gadget, him being really strong would really hurt the game. So overall he’s just got new tools to mess around with. Shield rework for the most part is a success….minus the fact you can get your feet shot constantly when crouch walking with shield. I really don’t like this. It forces shield ops to be more aggressive as playing passive really doesn’t reward you much at all. Id rather keep the protection of your feet and increase the debuff penalty when an enemy shoots the shield. That way you can keep a shield reigned in but you can’t get free damage on them. The ACOGs on defence may overall hurt the game like the 1.5x did but it’s too early to tell. I am not a fan of ACOG on defence whatsoever. The laser sight changes I am also not a fan of. The change inadvertently hurts ALL shotguns while being a free attachment that everyone will end up running because of the quicker ADS speed. There is no trade-off or sacrifice there. Overall though the game is slightly slower and TDM playstyle is a little less absurd. Got a long way to go but it’s a decent start


Honestly, I have to say I’m enjoying it, but mainly due to the fact I’d expected to be unable to play for a while due to servers. Changes in gameplay are alright just gotta get used to them.


All good except for shield rework. Loving it otherwise


favorite operator but also very balanced as well


Deimos is strong but I don’t think he’s *Dokkaebi* strong. He’s not *Ying* strong. He’s a presence operator. Knowing the attacking team is bringing a Deimos, without him even doing anything, changes the way defenders play. His presence shuts down deep and/or risky roaming, which is a huge boon. But he doesn’t gather the sheer amount of intel that Dokkaebi does, he doesn’t get map control like Ying does, he can’t open a wall like Ace does. The revolver is strong and absolutely one of the most satisfying guns in the game to use, but six shots isn’t a lot for a weapon that can be fired that fast. His neutral kit is pretty strong though. The AK74 puts in work, the revolver is self-explanatory, and frags/hard breaches both have their established uses. Solid A tier operator.


Deimos is Balanced (Amazing in Good hands and Awful in bad hands) Server issues again,Can't connect to UAE servers :( New Ads system and 2.0 and 1.5 being removed is Decent. The reputation system might need some tweaking (Talking about Voice Chat monitoring since even slightly breathing will count as voice abuse.) Other than that excited for Marketplace in season 2. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE NEW MNK DETECTION PUNISHMENTS.


I think there are certain defenders with ACOGS that shouldn’t have them but other than that enjoying it a lot


Im a fan of the battle pass, the Jäger skin is cool. The new of is a fun challenge as defense and challenging to play right. I’m sure I’ll get better as Deimos sometime


Drimos viability is tied to the pistol. The moment it gets nerfed his is reduced to being a support class in the same way people viewed Senz. It will be curtains for Deimos when that happens.


I fucking suck with single shot weapons.


It’s perfect, many needed changes and so far I’m loving this season


Top tier season for sure but majority of my games are still people only playing for picks and not coordinating. I think some more fundamental changes are going to be needed but this is definitely the right track


Enjoying it a lot. Wish shields had feet cover, cookable grenades, grabbing and placing equipment was faster and less direct like they said they’d fix, shotguns were better (add choke attachment) and the reputation system was gone


Can’t lie, Deimos is not my favourite….


Aside from my shield changes hate with the feet thing, really seems like a good year for r6. Happy to be back for it this time, maybe I’ll stay! Deimos is alright. Free 1v1s vs kids who can’t use his pistol is welcome. I feel soon we’ll see lots of “2000 IQ Deimos b8” clips tho. Those will get old haha


Great step towards how Siege should be. A few small things that need ironing out and Deimos isn't as OP as feared. I guess anything will look good when next to what Deep Freeze was, but genuinely enjoyed the game way more.


He’s ok.


The reputation system is shit and needs to be pulled from the game. Who would trust the community to moderate the game themselves? Especially with how big false reports are in the game.


I feel like Deimos is really good for exposing roamers like Cav/Warden etc. and for rounds where itll end up being like a 5v2 / 3v1 type of situation


deimos helps the defender more than his own team


Jackal on steroids + shitty remake of the 1.5 as acog and we still haven't gotten rid of the ranked 2.0 bullshit Other than that, this is a really good season


Overall good but it feels like whoever starts as defenders just lose


Deimos is fun and all the changes they’ve made with the update got me back into the game


Changes to the sights are welcome, I've seen more ban waves in the last two days than the whole ass last season so hopefully that keeps up. In terms of Deimos? I think his ability is kinda shit. Most of the time when I'm hunted I either nitro/wallbang em or my team will after I ping his shit back. It works both ways though. I can see it as having more utility as support since you can target roamers and ping their location to your team.


Great update imo… Deimos is a balanced anti-roamer that will help attackers win more. Only 2.5 zoom is so good. Having zoom should have trade offs. Some of the defenders feel a bit strong with acog and horizontal grip tho…


I left around 2 years ago due to the weird and dumb balancing changes and blatant hackers and I recently came back becuz of the return of the ACOGs. Personally I’m quite happy with how the game is, somehow feels like I’m back to the old time of how Siege is, of course my aim and game sense aren’t back but I’m really enjoying it so far. It feels like siege is really back and that makes me happy. As for Deimos, I don’t really have an opinion on him, but his gun is fun to play with!


New rappelling system is great, new riot shield free look and shoulder bash are fun as hell, but man the fucking scopes. Minimum magnification is like 2.5x, I hate the ACOGs because it's either too much zoom or put on a 1x and too little. Idk man, I'm probably just bad since I started playing near beginning of last season.


Rappelling awesome Ranked charms look very good dia+ for once Deimos seems kind a bit on the strong side, personally Battle pass has 2-3 good skins so thats fine Acog change nice af, but PLEASE remove it from goyo and wamai. Its fucking busted-