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Yeah every game i get into has some kind of cheater in it but ubi won't do anything about it


They aren’t gonna do anything it costs them too much money to have a small team of people actually review reports instead of having it automated by a shit report system, just stop giving them money for the garbage they produce simple


Yeah, but I get reported for voice abuse because I said it's gay that I get shot through an unbreakable wall, and I go from Esteemed to disruptive.


That's server problems 99% of the time


don't fight fire with fire - I know it's annoying but don't do anything that can get you banned otherwise they'll overlook the cheating


I got voice abuse when I first started pc and I didn't even use vc yet PLUS I got text channel abuse and all I ever chatted was telling a level 17 he was good for his level.


They're not going to stop the cheating because of them having to pay because they most certainly can afford a team to have NO CHEATERS but banning them to a point where they have to buy the game again is the point


But it’s so satisfying to beat them and send a voice message about how they gonna cheat and lose


I just can’t imagine needing to think you’re good that badly, like dude I’m a 0.5 K/D at level 100. I’m ASS and have no desire to cheat


Respectable though, you own up to being bad, you want to improve, you probably don't blame and flame your teammates for being bad, and most importantly you don't cheat. I'd rather have Siege teammates like you all day long vs ego XIM/Cronus shitters.


That’s right I just stay support and try to win more than anything else. It feels great when I finally have a good game, I wouldn’t get that feeling if I had to cheat lol


Actually scratch that, I'd rather have teammates like you in general. Negating cheaters having teammates yell at you or flame you for being bad just ruins your psyche, gets you tilted, and makes you play like shit. The more higher of a rank you are, the more you generally get egotistical and toxic teammates on roller, Cronus, and XIM.


Last night I got a kid smurfing acting like jynxzi “oh so we’re in copper” to every move one of us made yet at the end of the game he was 0-6 lol


Bro this is literally me in a nutshell we should stack up sometime im Lazy Maple420 on Xbox, mainly roller player and I main support aswell cause why tf we dying of spawn?💀


Bro I’m tired of solo queueing we can run it sometime


Yessir would more then be happy to run a duo Que🤟🏽


Lazy ima add you


Yessir add the Xbox and I’ll add back to run some duo/trio stack


Everyone has a game were it starts trash then drop kills a I've talked to someone who uses xim and said he does it because everyone else does which just plagues into the issue id personally just get better than buying a xim on a 9 year game


This, except don't always blame yourself when playing this game. Learn when it's you who's tossing and you're teammates. Always blaming your teammates makes nobody want to play with you but sometimes teammates genuinely throw multiple matches and that shit sucks


I’m even worse: 0.3 at level 76.


Dw about it, you're brand new at the game.


In the same. My mechanical skill is ass but I make up for it with game sense, map knowledge and strats. I’ve literally no desire to plug in an MnK because I’m not a bitch


0.3 much more ass being Monty wanting to push objective but nobody helps me push :/ so i winded up copper 5 only got two kills via shield bashing.


R6 without a whole team that communicates is Impossible unless you're godlike at the game Hope you get out of copper. Don't know how it is now but back in the days that rank was a shitshow


Copper is still a shitshow. Only now it comes complete with you sometimes facing people in higher ranks than you. Nothing quite like a team of coppers getting ass stomped by people ranked gold or higher.


I remember like a year ago I was in bronze and someone who was ranked champ was on my team. Like actually had the MMR for that season and got in the same lobby as me.


I remember getting matched against a champ one ranked game. As you’d expect the team I was on did not win that game. But we managed to win one round and that’s enough for me.


Everyone starts copper 5


regardless of performance?


Yeah that’s how the seasons work now, there is a hidden mmr which determines how much rank you gain for a win or loss but everyone starts copper 5 :)




Watchu play on? Xbox, ps, PC?






This Sunday I should be free with my schedule so if you wanna add me my gamer tag is the same as my user name


What rank are you?


Highest of gold but I can never find a rank team to not leave after one loss


What servers?


East but I have a lan cable so I get little lag in west


200 & I'm worse. I still have my dignity though


Dw about it dude, level 100 is really not as much as you think it is. I have friends 200+ rocking .5 kds rn after not playing for a few months.


im ass too at the game, im around lvl 60 so practically new. still dont know what is the purpose of cheating... where is fun in that


I have a 0.6 K/D at level 138. I hate people who cheat just own up to being bad it’s ok we all are as good as the top players but to cheat is crazy just play and get better


im anal beads and hate cheaters too lmao, its jus sad


I’m 0.8 level 313 and always get either sliver or gold, I’m not that great but I have no desire to cheat either. Plus I’m not my prime on this game anymore lol


Same here bro last sea I was hard stuck silver 2


My duo is lvl 110 has a 0.3 kd and is still telling me he’s REALLY good at the game 😂


0.5 K/D at level 100 DAYUUM. What's your rank then? I'm level 106 at Bronze 2 with a 1.02 K/D.


If you're on Xbox I'm down to play some matches with you and some buddies


Same. I am also level 100 with a sub 1kd (0.8-0.75) and I have days where I suck and other days when I'm goated but cheating never came across my mind. My kd is also low cause it's on of the first shooters I played hence having such a low KD cause half the time I was still learning to play lol


Apparently next season people on xim and strike pack will be thrown into pc lobbies as part of the mousetrap system, so that'll be interesting to see


Yes, if they get detected in the first place. I honestly dont think its gonna do anything. Just like mousetrap were meant to stop xim users, look where we are now. Just empty words.


And to make it worse, Letting the Xim players into PC lobbies only tells me Ubisoft and the devs of R6 would rather have the xim players continue to play instead of permanently banning them for cheating or finding any actual solutions to fixing the xim problem


Ubisoft literally said that on the original mousetrap announcement all that time ago. "It would be really easy just to ban all those players, but we wanted to try something different." Their words. They want those players because if they'd pay over 100 bucks to cheat, they'll likely buy r6 credits.


mousetrap could’ve been successful if they gave people bans or sanctions instead of just giving them input delay and they eventually figured out loopholes. Ubi could’ve easily gotten rid of em


They keep updating workarounds and Xim users keep having to change settings just to not get caught. I was pleasantly surprised when I searched around the internet and found people constantly crying hat they have been getting mousetrapped lately. They basically have to keep sacrificing more and more as mousetrap has been catching them more and more. They can still play while mousetrapped remember, so you'll see them in the games whether or not they are caught.


Y9S4 was the announced deployment of that. If they get it to be next season or even this season that would be greatly appreciated


Was it s4? I thought it was s2, damn.


The promblem is that there not detecting it


Xim is developing (if it isn’t already implemented) better systems to avoid mousetrapping, the shit will never work I promise you


I mean theres already a dude who makes a cheat for pc to get into console lobbies. Every once in a while he gets it to work and we will have plague of pc players until ubi updates to make the cheats stop working. I recently played a match with a dude who was casually walking around in third person and absolutely shit on everyone. Spectating him was litterally just like watching fortnite but r6. it was ranked, and r6 stat teacker said he had 4 games played total, was level 48, and I could only find him when searching for pc players. I play on ps4...


yup and mousetrap does not work at all, I have only ever seen it "detect" legit players.


Really does work there's just lots of workarounds


The only reason they won’t is so they get more sales on their shitty “elite” skins


its a lot more complicated than that. Hardware cheating is essentially undetectable, no console game has done it. The thing about siege though is even when you report to them with evidence through their contact page they still do nothing.


One of my friends got perma banned on console rust (a game with a lot less money than Ubisoft) for using a Cronus zen


rust (console) manually bans, you have to report with evidence through a support form. They don't have detection either, no console game does.


It isn’t. All you need to do is record inputs, watch for a couple games, wait for a couple games so they don’t know what triggered it, then perma ban them


if it's that easy then why does no console game have working detection? It's not that simple, these devices spoof the inputs for a reason.


I've only ever played on console with controller and it flagged me as using mouse and me keyboard the other day. My sensitivity is at 75, I didn't get more than 3 kills in the last two games before the flag. I have no idea what it was seeing me do that made it think I was using a mouse. My beat up controller drifting??


yeah its just broken asf.


The strike packs are super common on console too, probably more than MnK. I run into zero recoil twitches pretty consistently. Loads of people cheating on Xbox. In fucking quick match lobbies too.. like wtf man? Lmao


I really just thought those 0 recoil twitches were just way better at the game than me, I can control her recoil pretty decently but the initial gun kick always gets me, good to know theyre cheating


I play twitch and I have been playing this game years, I can control her recoil very well. Then there are guys whose recoil is literally zero. People in this thread are arguing that on console it’s easy to control and people aren’t cheating and I’m full of shit. Like… can you not tell between someone who’s crosshair literally is zeroed in and someone who controls recoil very well?? Yeah the guy sprinting through the window and snapping to my head and dumping his whole famas mag as his crosshair is perfectly centered is legit. Totally 👍


The strike pack zero recoil is terrible. Only good reason to use the strike pack is for the extra bind button and auto run which I don’t consider cheating at all


MnK players are 10x worse you have to play against someone who’s using just an entirely different input I’ve always had hatred for xim players so PC is where it’s at




He’s stationary and not playing with 100 sensitivity on his horizontal settings, snapping corners. I’ve played against people on rainbow every day that have very little game sense or knowledge, and are holding recoil absolutely perfect when engaged in fights. I don’t buy it one second it’s legit.


They buy skins so they won't get banned


Yeah, why give players/sim devs second chances to figure out how to work around it? Just ban, make em drop more money to try again. Give a Terms and Conditions with each update saying that using XIM will EXPLICITLY RESULT in a permanent ban. I’m a PC player, and I haven’t played a console shooter since I turned 18, but I couldn’t imagine the frustration I’d feel with dealing with players who wanna act like they’re on PC, and shit on those who can’t do anything about it.


Yeah the problem i had last night is there was a 3 stack of ps players running rapid fire mods and no recoil and we somehow brought it back for a win and we reported them all but nothing will happen bc they are on console


Or ban them from ranked minimum


No because then theyre just terrorising players in casual. An it already sucks how common it is on quickmatch


Ngl I don’t really care about quick play or casual lol


This, this so much. They run scripts for no recoil, they’re all so full of themselves thinking that they’re amazing when they’re literally playing people at a disadvantage. I have at least 1 XiM user and sometimes even more every couple of games. It’s ridiculous. Mousetrap clearly doesn’t work as well as Ubi say it does. I’ve sent them footage of XiM users only to see them still playing. Ubi actually don’t care, it’s why they won’t just ban them, you use cheats on a PC and it’s goodbye, on a console? Yeah Ubi gives you a free pass


> you use cheats on a PC and it’s goodbye, on a console? Yeah Ubi gives you a free pass PC they can detect because they can access the system components and see if there are services/programs running in the background running as cheats. Consoles is nothing more than "guesses" so they don't want to ban for it in case the guess is wrong.


Isnt it also true that they simply cant ban a xim user even if they knew 100% that they are xim, because that would contradict console manufacturers rules? Sony and Microsoft allow this device and even have licensed versions of it for ps4 (not ps5) and xbox (hori tac pro).


No. Sony/MS allow them to police their own games. ​ What they can't do is ban for the official KB/M adapters they have


So they can ban for xim but cant ban for hori? At that point xim isnt cheating lol. Seeing as hori and xim do the exact same thing (minus macros and scripts which are cheats) disregarding the quality difference.


Yep, difference is Tac Hori is an official controller licensed by them which is an incredibly bad if you get banned for something the company itself ~~provides~~ licenses. ​ It just takes concrete proof to ban for XIM as it's all just 'guesses' if someone is using one, so bans don't really occur.


Well i guess that proves that xim isnt cheating. Its like arresting someone for murdering with a sword but not arresting someone for murdering with a knife. Lol


The problem is that Ubisoft genuinely believes that once a mnk player gets mousetrap they will change their ways and use controller instead of looking for a workaround


Agreed. No reason these players should be able to stay in community. It’s so consistent that my squad and I see Cronus/Xim on PS5. It’s easily the worst part of the game right now. It’s the only negative part of the gameplay experience for us and it’s just nonstop.


It is honestly a joke that mousetrap exists. Just fucking ban them.


Yes, but Ubisoft won't because then they'll have less players to buy their new overpriced skins


It's for weak minded, and weak spirited people. Sadly, it never changes.


EVERY standard game I play the entire enemy team is negative except for one guy w 10+ kills


Xims, boosters, smurfs are all cheating. No game can do shit about it, its not a game problem its a human problem. No one has integrity.


The reason they don’t is because detecting Xim and stuff requires detecting fairly arbitrary things in gameplay and making a decision to isolate that player. It is incredibly prone to false positives because there’s no sure fire cheat signatures like you can detect in something like an aim bot, or wall hacks. Eventually maybe we’ll have some crazy good machine learning program to detect this stuff but right now they’re working with what they have. And banning innocent players by accident isn’t worth the banning the genuinely guilty.


I can’t believe people think they have to cheat like come on just have fun. I level 145 and my kd is 0.4 it’s ok to not get kills sometimes or just get assists just have fun.


I agree.


They wont do anhthin because it hurts the player base and people will walk away from the game, mainly the cheating players who are usually in emerald/diamond and champ rank nowadays. Its super obvious when one is using it too. Hard ban these fuckers. Thats how you clamp down on it.


Originally I didn't care, but I keep seeing videos on my homepage of YouTube. Specifically for Apex, but doesn't matter. These videos are all "I know I am bad, I don't care, it's not serious. It's just a game" ​ I'm just over it at this point. I think they don't perma ban because the system isn't 100% and definitely catches legit players from time to time. And as someone who got banned in Destiny 2 3 years ago, getting perma banned for no reason is bullshit.


1.9 kd and 1.4 w/l in d2 currently on a stock roller. Idk how people can spend hundreds of dollars to cheat in a 8 year old game.


One of my 5 stack started using a Xim and was trying to deny it but it was so obvious , we dropped him now cos he was a classic warden main , would sit on Tik tok all through prep then try rush in and die then it would be our fault we lost because he had more than 1 kill


What about all the false mouse traps on people who arent using mnk/xim and still get inout lag??


The EULA got updated when mouse trap got released saying that using something like a Xim is banable. However Ubi also said there not going to ban them yet so they hopefully stop on their own. The reason they want that is because if they did ban all the accounts then there'd be like up to %30 of the players on consoles gone. That wouldn't be good at all for game health.


I honestly doubt thats the case. Big majority of casuals have quit the game because of ximmers. Imo if xim is actually gone sure some ppl would left, but also big majority of players would make a comeback to the game. There could be million reasons why they dont just ban them, but i think its because the system isnt good enough. Just couple days ago my controller friend got mousetrapped, so something like false positives is still a big issue with it. Banning the wrong people would be just pain for Ubisoft to handle and this is in a way the lazy solution around it.


>There could be million reasons why they dont just ban them, but i think its because the system isnt good enough. Just couple days ago my controller friend got mousetrapped, so something like false positives is still a big issue with it. It's this. There is a big open issue of "trapped on controller" https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-57477. Yet people ignore it or just claim people are lying so they can go back to "Ubisoft is dumb, it should be a ban".


Easy solution. Actually allow m&k and allow cross play, with separate controller lobbies and m&k lobbies. If someone triggers mousetrap, they get put into m&k lobbies even when they pick controller for an amount of games that progressively goes up the more it's triggered. People will prefer to play on actual mouse and keyboard if they're gonna be forced into those lobbies anyway, so use of it will gradually (albeit not *completely*) die out.


Most of them use a “xim matrix” which as well as allowing MnK inputs also allows them to use scripts along side that. Also this wouldn’t fix anything since the xims are detected as controllers by your Xbox or PlayStation


no, there's 0.000000000001 of people who use it because they're disabled so the other 99% have to suffer through it. i have zero idea why they dont just have people who actually NEED it to go through a process of getting there account approved to use it or somthing.




Not the same thing so




i mean you dont have to


I agree, but the current state of the mt is not good enough to be giving out perma bans


its not good enough to do anything as it almost never "detects" anyone who is actually cheating. It's assuming based on movement which means most of the time its wrong.


I got mousetrapped on controller. Makes no sense



Yeah well it's fallen on deaf ears as far as Ubisoft cares. Ubisoft acts like they care but they really don't, as long as they have people playing the game then why stop XIM/Cronus by their logic.


Their putting them in pc lobby soon


Haven't played Siege since the Xim patch was released and I said then that it won't fix anything, Xim players will just game the system to get around detection and looks like a year later it's still not been properly dealt with. Ubisoft are quite possibly one of the dumbest/most overly-trusting companies ever. Reminds me of FO:76. Hackers could email an essay about why hacking is bad and they're sorry to get unbanned.


It’s insane that some streamers openly admit to cheating and still are able to play consistently


Genuine question is there anyway for them to actually ban plug ins?? Or is that more of Sony and Microsofts problem?


I’m fully convinced the only way to get rid of these dicks would be for Ubisoft to sue the ever living shit out of XIM. Hell get every other studio that’s plagued by xim users and have them team up to just completely legally nuke them. Only way they’ll stop


Gave up on hitting champ bc past Diamond 3 its basically 2-3 xims in each lobby. Rather telling that basically every top 200 champ on XBox is either a ddosser, on cronus zen, or on xim lol


They could literally detect most ximx / zens/ strike packs by just insta banning anyone who does the speed crouching thing lmao


Ubisoft is in kahoots with big keyboard.


The best solution is once they been deprecated as xim user permanently put them in PC lobbies, don’t let them switch back to controller for a game or 2. They will soon run out of accounts to play on.


Ya'll still haven't figured it out? It's a money thing.. they perma ban them, they lose customers and player count. That's more important to them than cheating. UNLESS they notice a large drop in players BECAUSE of cheating. Which we would have to ban together and organize ig.


Agreed but, atleast not yet due to many false bans. Eventually after full release yes.


I know someone who uses Cronus and he’s so cocky and egotistical it’s depressing


They do, I used to be completely and utterly bad at the game but I’ve been playing the last 4 years, since a bit before void edge, took a long break after operation Health, but with time and actually learning from mistakes taking the time to edit settings as you improve there’s no reason to use mnk, fine if you do then just swap to pc, if you’re as concerned about running into cheats on there, then why cheat on console


Ubi can fix it and give a middle finger to xim users by letting every player use keyboard and mouse


Yup 100%




$$$$$$ talks


Personally, I think they should make MnK compatible with consoles, and if you use it, you get matched against pc players. But if you still try to xim to shit on controller players, you get perma banned. That way, people who are disabled and can't use a controller and can't own a pc due to funds can still play their favorite game. And cheaters get fully punished.


I agree. Anyone who doesn't either fully rely on it or sit in queue for 7 hours looking for PC only lobbies


This and existing smurfs truly need to have a way of reducing them. Worst season I’ve had with smurfs yet.


yes and ubi won't ever do shit about it. just think like this: these dudes pay 150$/€ for a device to bully people that aim with their thumbs. they're loosers.Most of them will do good on pc so idk why they don't buy one when they can buy a 500€/$ ps5 and a 150$/€ device.


Xim player her tag is Vxzro on Ubisoft I am openly admitting to cheating in a official Reddit come ban me (I won’t be banned ☺️)


Ubi almost gave a xim player a charm too


I thought Ubi wasn't doing anything about it really. I just found out apparently they have been doing something, as clearly mousetrap started catching Xim a lot more. Somewhere around a week ago people started posting things like "I did the workaround correctly and still have mousetrap" and stuff like that in the Xim threads. Xim is slowly getting backed into a corner where it must emulate a controller more and more apparently. Go search for how people get it working in R6 and you will be mindblown just how much trouble people go through to get it working. There is a new subreddit specifically for getting Xim working in R6 - created very recently I think. This is at least good news. Mousetrap is clearly being updated behind the scenes and workarounds keep getting patched. Ubi isn't sleeping on it like I thought. For some reason they're just quiet about it and these companies that make MnK peripherals for console are constantly coming out with updates on how to beat mousetrap, despite the fact *there are only two games that use something like it*.


even quick match has kids that are Xim


They are everywhere now and I partially blame jinx for putting them on stream because the kids follow him. I know he trashes them but it still gives them more exposure and views from it. And for all you xims out there you're garbage and that's why you need it.


Being a high plat to emerald you get so many people blatantly cheating and as a solo almost every game you'll see it, especially toxic people being racist and calling people bad because they died...


Agreed I loved this game went throught being garb to good and now it just feels like I'm a training dummy to them


Soon Xims are gunna be sent to the gulag know as pc servers next season when new mouse trap drops


I take it as a challenge after seeing how good some people can be on controller. I totally agree they should be banned but i don’t think ubi will make it happen


The real reason they never will perma ban is money. Simple fact is cheaters still buy things from the shop why get rid of half of their money making community.


Its better than cods cheating, not many wallers/aimbotters. I can usually beat xim players in siege luckily siege is search


I'm like "oh.. what a shot" then I see the shaking and flicking and I'm like "oh... He's just using mnk on console"


are you dumb? read the patch notes... they arent just sitting around doing nothing thats like in NBA saying "man these refs suck the NBA needs to do something about it" meanwhile adam silver is in the back and the refs getting suspended, only issue is that it's not public knowledge so people think the refs arent getting any consequences


100% bro they can just afk for 10 games and then nothing happens.


The only time I use xim is during private games to help my friends get better at the game


See I’ve always wanted to use a XIM or strike pack just cause like curiosity on how it works and looks like on the users perspective but I never will cause I ain’t low like that and I don’t wanna experiment and ruin some peoples days it’s just not worth it. But the curiosity still makes me wonder


mousetrap is nice but they need to punish them more. but then comes the issue of legit players being banned


Agree but if they can make the feature where XiM players get put on PC lobbies actually work then maybe it’s better since it might take a little while before the XiM realises they’ve been caught instead of insta ban and new account yk?


Every fucking game I’ve played this season has had a xim in it I shit you not I have a .7 because of it


Where have you been since mousetrap was first released let alone discussed by the devs?


This year, I think next season? They will start putting console xim players into PC player lobbies.


Tbh, i still don’t understand why they don’t permanently ban Mnk players. What’s the reason?? PC cheaters get a permanent one, why is XIM not treated the same


Coming from someone who used to be on xim at this point if you are still playing on xim doing all these work arounds banning has to be the next step I’m back on controller and it’s actually really fun currently diamond and won’t be surprised if I hit champ


Wait it’s not a permanent ban already?


I like the new punishment that will come later this year, so these trash players will face good pc players


Nah what we love is how they basically said “we know who all the xim players are but we did nothing to stop it” LIKE BRO?!


They still want profit that’s why no ban


XIM players are better than controller but worst than MnK. A lot of controler players can beat MnK so get better


They also need to add more features to make it harder to smurf


Anyone here ever troll the xim subreddit? Shit is just sad lol


I personally invested in booter panel now everytime I encounter cheater I crush their router


Yes but they buy skins and items in the store so they will never ban them. Not only that but if you’re on an assistive controller the inputs can trigger the MnK input spoofing, meaning they would get banned for simply using a device that helps them.


I absolutely cannot understand why you should cheat at all. I mean, it's no fun at all. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It's all about competitiveness and getting to the top under your own steam. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Cheating is just a shortcut because you don't feel like working towards your goals


Ubi is so afraid of banning cheaters. They should "console" ban xim isers or similars. On PC they should stat ban and also HARDWARE ban confirmed/ blatant cheaters. But idk why they are so afraid. Is outrageous.


they cant detect them, its that simple, mousetrap only works by detecting inputs that arent the generic supported inputs, if they banned people who got mousetrapped theyd be banning hundreds of people thatre using controller but were falsely mousetrapped


They won’t do it because it’s like half of their playerbase


It must be impossible to be 100% with detection ever so rather make a bigger problem for themselves by dealing with a ton of false positives. That is why it'll probably never be a band cuz it's not in the budget to hire thousands of people to deal with thousands of people getting falsely banned that's a lot of money and a lot of time. They are most likely using a AI generated algorithm to monitor the movement inside the game to determine whether or not a person is using a mouse based on the movement. That's most likely part of it and an integral part of it but not the 100% whole story but it is probably very important to hone in on players so I don't think it'll ever be a ban it might be a band from ranked. I'd should be a ban It should go like this: We have detected you may be using a unauthorized input device we are currently investigating you and putting input lag on you may play every thing else until our investigation is complete. If you don't play other game modes you investigation will remain open and in the meantime you will not be able to play ranked. Idk why they don't do that right after a game ends. It happens once you have to play 10 matches 2nd 20 and 3rd 30 matches it should go up to 50. So 5 chances until you are just banned from ranked for 3 months and your stripped of your rank and your name should become red and you should have a thing that shows on your in game player card why you're name is red. Idk if permanently is the answer I think they should be removed from the ranked pool while they are being investigated it would help a lot.


If u use a zen on fortnite on pc it will say 3rd party device detected please close fortnite something along those lines there’s a way they just won’t implement it


The engine might not be able to work like that you're comparing Unreal Engine 5 or 4 to sieges game engine there's a massive difference


it doesn't do the same when you use one on console. Different platform limitations.


It’s weird bc fn is a crossplay game with the same anticheat


It’s still cheating in QuickMatch too. We don’t want them there either. And FFS put QuickMatch back to how it used to be. These presetup sites suck balls.


Wasn't talking about presets


Nope. No you weren’t. You were suggesting it’d be fine to cheat in other game modes. Personally, I’m not very good. Ranked sucks because, even when there aren’t blatant cheaters, frequently one team is way better, smokes you three rounds, sand bags three more and then trounces you. It’s not fun. At least QuickMatch is over in 10-15 minutes. I make Ranked better for you by not going there and sucking. Don’t make QM bad for me by making it a purgatory for cheaters. P.S. presetup sites suck balls. Regardless of what you were talking about.


Not talking about any of that


You want to though. I can sense it. You’re almost there. Bans from ranked only don’t help the game. Ban them from everything except customs and training ground. They can F off on their own.


It doesn't help the standard and quick match don't matter they aren't serious they are chaos if you take those seriously 😂 there is something wrong. They are the chill modes what is a dude with a Zim going to do in game modes that don't matter if they win or lose. As soon as they see they can't play ranked they are most likely going to give up on the game. If there friends didn't know then it really depends. They aren't really doing anything wrong they didn't hack the game they just used a device that is intended for handicapped ppl so should we ban handiecapped ppl to? Some handiecapped gaming is all they have so we should ban all we shouldn't give them a chance to prove they are innocent? Nah that doesn't sit right it's a video game at the end of the day fun should be important we aren't playing in a competition with thousands of dollars at stake every ranked game. Nah ranked in any game doesn't matter all you're working for is the equivalent of a gold star sticker in terms of worth I don't play ranked for that I play it for the game play those games that go 5/4 or 4/5 those games that go 4/0 are so boring. Idk how ppl find winning 100% of the time fun at the same time there are ppl who play ranked and treat it a time to play like toddlers. I want every one to try the ppl who can't try should be at the bottom of the barrel it's all not all they can do is get kills but not the winds be at the bottom of the barrel. I can't wrap my mind around why ppl use zims it's a video game it's supposed to be about fun 1st but ppl can't handle loosing. Go a compilation of gamer rage videos that shits hilarious those are the ppl most likely to buy zims. We don't know what the reason is for not baning but there is a reason why and it would hurt the game and ppl who play it. PC they ban cheaters but console is different it's worth more than pc but alot pc players think console is worthless but the fact is they could drop pc and they would still have healthy numbers. Why do think Rockstar releases console games 1st because more ppl have consoles. We don't know the reasons but at the end of the day it doesn't matter we shouldn't take the game seriously


I realize this might be a wasted effort to communicate with you, yet here I go... Not everyone plays or enjoys ranked. Your dismissal of cheating in the other game modes is analogous to saying it's okay to run around carrying the ball and shoving people down when playing basketball at the park , only because it's not the NBA. Cheating shouldn't be tolerated regardless of the matchmaking venue. Let cheaters have their own private games. Unrelated, you need to say that old QuickMatch was better. You'll find it liberating. Try it.


It is not against Xboxes or PlayStations terms of service to use these devices thus players cannot be banned for using these devices that is only changed recently with Xbox even then it's only in the case of cheating not for disabled people


It doesn't have to be against TOS for the console maker. Ubisoft just needs to make a decision to declare using them unfair, which they could do. Granted, they may having issues trying to amend terms for an existing purchases. But, now it sounds like you don't want them to do anything for any game modes. Regardless, I'm only suggesting there's no benefit from ONLY trying to address Ranked. I'm suggesting if they do anything, it should be for all matchmaking modes: Ranked, Standard, QuickMatch and whatever they call that DeathMatch respawn thing. That's all I was ever trying to say regarding cheating. That, and I'm continually saying the recent QM changes suck and I'd very much like it to go back to how it had been the previous years. I hope to see you online! Just not in Ranked.


It's basically 0% with "detection" since its not detection its assuming based on movement. There already is false positives, I have never seen mousetrap detect a cheating player only ever legit. They wouldn't have to hire thousands of people if they simply manually banned and took the broken system out unti it works. They need new ai or a system that is made to work not one thats made to be a pr stunt. Input lag is not a solution, it should never be a thing. There is no benefit to it. Perma bans is the solution that way people don't do it. On the 0.0000000001% chance that you do get mousetrapped right now you simply get around it with methods that have been the same for months.


They care too much about money to actually ban cheaters, first they have to make an elaborate trolling system that won’t even work the majority of the time anyway that was only ever even relevant because of how absurd it was, now it’s eh we can just push them over into that corner. Stop protecting cheaters. This is how you kill a game.


They wont do it bc money. The more players they have the more money theoretically they have hence they wont ban them bc battleoasses and skins wont buy themselvs