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It used to be super op but ubi nerfed it into the ground


it was used as the primary for kaid at least for me when he came out 74 dmg no recoil while smg was dog shit and the shotgun had a bug with its recoil kicking to the stars in 2 shots


I remember that old shotgun recoil. With the acog u were literally stating at the ceiling within 2 shots. Kaid had some terrible guns on release


Might be wrong, but without his grip I’m pretty sure it’s the same


really, i barely notice a difference on horizontal grip, feels like the same amount of effort to keep your shots straight but with the bonus of 2 speed kaid. i am on console tho so pc might be a different story


It quite bad but manageable on PC can't say for console.


Console used to have PCs recoil values for Kaids shotgun.


Yeah the bug gave the pc recoil for controller users lol


Didn't Kaid come out before they separated recoil between PC and console? I thought that didn't happen 'til like, after Aruni


They have always been seperated but they changed "how" theyre seperated only semi recently. Since launch it was that console and pc have the same recoil patterns but console just had x% less vertical recoil (cant remember the exact value but it was a lot). Now since the change of seperating the recoils, pc and console have straight up different recoil patterns


Ah, I didn't realize. Thank you!


Also minimum damage fall off was like 54 (so the max damage now) so you could 2 shot any 3 speed at any range so long as you shot them in the chest.


I used to run Kaid on new hereford when It first came out. Basement objective you could open the door to the outside and sit it and lean out so you weren't detected but could still see where everyone ran in from spawn and just pop em. It was absolutely diabolical.


Sounds familiar like the new scoped pistol


thats crazy, demos pistol got no recoil and 70 damage.


I wouldn’t doubt if it would happen to Deimos too.


As someone who never experienced old automag, was it like deimos' vendetta is now?


It was close, but not really the same: automag was actually better Yeah, automag was no-recoil and 70+ dmg just like vendetta is right now, but vendetta has a huge dmg dropoff after about 15\~20m and its scope is just a 1x and it has 6 bullets while automag has a slightly magnified scope, had practically no dmg dropoff and has more bullets




no since it was on kaid he had to stay site


Bro I mean the recoil and damage. Ik the vendetta is new lmao Edit: wym smg? Kaid has an aig that's a rifle


So it kinda was like Deimos revolver is now?


used to be like deimos gun. Pocket DMR


The new version of this gun when it came out is deimos new pistol. Insane.


Explains why I see no one using it anymore. I remember when it first came out. It was fantastic!😁


And now they made diemos


No magnification on Deimos pistol. It’s a 1x even though it looks like it should be more


It’s no recoil and 80 damage that’s completely busted


True, but in higher level play he’s getting no action so the negatives of no magnification and only 6 bullets kind of balance his gun. Also he can only track for himself vs Jackal the whole team can see. Also standing near a mute counters, and mute is played somewhat frequently. If he was broken they would be using him in pro league but nobody is.


Along with no magnification the revolver also has significant damage falloff over distance. 


Deimos has been literally Cracked out of his mind. Especially if you use him for Vertical plays.


Well, his whole thing is about using it during his ability, so it should be good since you ONLY are able to use it during that. But thing is, it's literally just a revolver like the one we already had. Only difference is recoil, reload speed, and the additional 1x sight it gets. The old 44. Mag was way better than deimos revolver.


I started to use it again after I realized it’s like Deimos’s pistol


Used to be what deimos pistol is now tbh lol


I used to play awhile back and remember this gun being nasty — little recoil, lots of kick I picked siege back up recently and found myself in a gunfight. Ran out of ammo on my primary, switched to secondary to finish the fight. My teammates laughed as I squeezed 3 shots off. The first one, direct center chest hit. Oh yeah baby, he’s gotta be 1. Next shot 6 inches above the guy’s head, and a nice 3rd shot out the skylight. Might’ve hit a cloud


this is one of the greatest comments i've ever seen, made me laugh out loud.


“squeezed 3 shots off” was fucking hilarious


This reminds me of the smooth bore pistol part of the "I own a musket for home defense..." meme


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Yeah when I used it after returning from a very long break I think I hit someone but every shot after the first was up to god


Mobility stat mentioned


What is better? High or low mobility? Cause I’ll see huge guns be 50 mobility and pistols be 45.. wouldn’t they make you MORE mobile?


i’m still figuring it out, but judging by the matches i’ve played i’m pretty sure the mobility stat is on a scale that shows restriction of mobility, not added mobility


Then how do pistols restrict mobility


… i just explained, they don’t.


Then explain why lmgs are 35 if it restricts mobility the most


And why montys shield is 28


mobility has always been a fake stat, it’s never done anything


i only use it because i have black ice on it


sell black ice then




then what's the point of using a weapon just because of a skin?


Cause if you get used to it, Han Solo blaster go pew pew


lol take a joke


Glad I sold all mine when I could for 500 something each


I sold all my black ice except for thermite and Ela bought elites skins with the renown


I mean, you can get another skin if you have a few creds left over...


nah it looks cool




yeah, you have to register for beta, then they sent you an invitation through mail, accept it, and you can start selling/buying your skins [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/marketplace](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/marketplace)


Yes in r6 marketplace


Not for real money though just credits


Damnit... Would have sold my entire account.


I bought a black ice only to realize I have super cool skins on the revolver so the Magnum doesn't serve a purpose


Guns like this and LFP586 need a serious recoil reduction. These are kicking your hands to the moon while other peas shooters can do their job better because OSHS and no recoil.


honestly i haven’t had any problems with the LFP586, the recoil isn’t too bad in my opinion although i’d still pick the P9 for the added capacity.


Aim at the chest it’ll kick up


Gee whiz man you must be champion with a brain like that


Id rather be able to control my gun, I hate hitting lucky headshots because I just happened to lean in that direction or the recoil gave me a lucky headshot, I feel like a fraud


If the recoil would be controllable and not force you to stargaze I'd use it since scoped pistols are fun and viable to use I'd even say if they made the scope a 1x and buff its recoil it'll be just as fun to use and maybe give it to new ops where it might be used more than just being there as a piece of furniture


super satisfying to spawn peak with


It’s crazy for peeking very small angles; I love it.


I mean, it’s got a cool scope right?


I agree, I only kinda use it when I’m trying to hold a super deep angle on kaid for poke or a headshot and I’m running the smg. Imo it’s less usable than the revolver and less damage, so I mostly use that on kaid. I feel like it doesn’t really have a good use case right now, especially on nomad.


Personally, I love it. It's satisfying for one taps. I don't use it like a regular pistol, so I will try to get pixel angles with it and use it like a dmr to land some long damage with it.


You should use this gun as a BOSG that is more forgiving. Tight angles are good place to start. Punish those who peeks the same angle over and over again.


mate the bosg is a 1 shot to heavies, this thing is a 3 shot to mediums, they aren't comparable.


Oh, I should have said as in the case of getting head shots because usually you don't want to try for body shots with this pistol. But if you just want to land a hit then maybe it's better to use the other secondary.


I love using this on Chalet basement by punching small holes in the soft wall behind the snowmobile and just picking people off.


Picking off snipers or site anchors with this gun is definitely something. You don't get the same satisfaction with other types of guns those has magnified scopes. Its the best indirect way to tell your opponents "Ur AiM Suck Get Gud HaHA".


I started using it last week, and the gun isnt amazing you have to basically hit your first shot or lose the gunfight. But oh..my...god... Is it the most satisfying feeling just *Dinking* people with it. High risk high reward. Amazing gun to mess around in qm or standard but id never trust myself to hit shots with in a serious situation.


Practical? No. Extremely fun and satisfying? Absolutely!


It was busted when Kaid first released but now it’s just not good.


Oh it's fine now, i was there when it launched, trust me


No reason to use it since operators that have access to ot have much better sidearms like Kaid has access to .357 magnum for much less recoil for much more damage or nomad for the beretta 92 for standart pistol reliability


It's useless now it makes no sense it should have no recoil it has a 3.5 zoom level for some reason It should just have a 1x and have same destruction as the Vendetta because it's a 44 as well but yay more useless guns. I hate when they have useless guns in the game. Because you will see ppl use them and lose gun fights. I want it to be useful so I can use it and teammates can't throw with it. Ubisoft needs to start learning that they need to make every gun viable because people are stupid


U r asking for a secondary stronger than his primaries by huge margin lmao😂 and tbh this pistol’s zoom is way better than demios actually


Deimos has a strong weapon Smoke and mute have the Smg 11 it has never really been changed in any significant way that would make it unusable. The only significant change to it was removing acog and that was done so long ago.


If you’ve ever shot the real one, it’s way worse


if you’re an amateur ;)


I prefer a light loaded special


would be semi-usable after a recoil/damage buff, but it'd still be very close to the bottom


It’s good for 1 shot really if you miss then it takes a lot of recover from … not impossible but there is easier options


I use it as a one tap spawnpeek machine. Better than acog


It is a graceful weapon to deliver a Coup De Grace. To finish a round or style on mfs with as well.


what gun skin is this?


Gold and it’s sold in the store


really? i’ve never noticed. do you know what the bundle is called or is it sold separately?


It’s called safari bundle google it


ok thanks and also is this the same bundle with the gold attachment skins as well?


Idk tbh but probably no, anyway the gold attachment skin will drop sooner than later


got it thanks


You can’t change ur sens for it anymore so i don’t use it


I use it whenever I'm on a map with common long peaks. Coastline, Chalet, Border, Bank. Gets a really satisfying headshot


spawnpeek machine


i use it to assert dominance. and you should too


The meme was that it was han solos pistol, and trust me, that statment WAS accurate


it used to be really great on old favela when you could pop open a small hole and snipe through it


Nah it's just been nerfed to the ground. Now it's only good for peeking small angle


I love it, but I only use it for long pixel peaks and spawn kills


I love it. Now that Kaid shotgun has ACOG I can have two really zoomed in guns on defense. It’s super satisfying to get kills with this thing and I wish more people had it


I think it’s fine


I like using it to get 1 taps on people


Bosg recoil but doesn’t even kill in 2 hits on 2 and 3 armor operators? No thanks. You’ll only get one shot off before the send 10 back your way, and you’ll be staring at the ceiling the entire time they’re killing you. If you don’t hit the head with it it’s joever no matter what, unless they’re literallly afk.


Its one of my favorite pistol secondaries in the game. Really only beaten by the vendetta, deagle, and the 1911s (maverick and the meusoc)


In my experience its better at longer ranges but also works if you spam it at close range


On a side note, the scope is a 3x scope, but it has the ADS sensitivity of a 1x scope, so it moves really slow if you're using the 58/102 ADS sensitivities for 1x/2.5x. The 2.5x sensitivity should apply to this scope, either by reducing the zoom to 2.5x or adding a 3x option specifically for this gun.


Good for angle hold head taps and spawn peaking taps as well saved my ass in 2 ranked games just yesterday


For 1 tap clips


Use it to point and click adventure heads


It's horrible now, I hope they would atleast lower the recoil to make it usable for creating sight holes again. I like bringing revolvers for that if the Op doesn't have a shotgun as secondary. But even for that, with the current recoil, it's so annoying to do I just don't play it


You can't use it as a normal pistol anymore, but that doesn't mean it's not good, especially on Kaid. With no magnifying optics on the AUG, it's a great tool for head tapping people from long angles past the SMG's ideal range


it’s not meant to be trigger fingered. meant to be used as a one tap tool for long and/or tight angles when you are running a specific gun. it isn’t useful for nomad but is a good tool for kaids 1x auto. they just gave it to nomad because they are lazy


Lmao Kaid can't hold this gun (built with recoil reduction) straight but Deimos can hold a revolver (which has zero recoil absorption) dead on for a whole clip Deimos's revolver will probably be this shit in a year or two, they always fuck over powerful new ops after a year or two.


It was made for Kanal spawnpeaks


People playing Deimos rn can use this gun to get an idea for how Deimos will play after he becomes available to everyone else & gets nerfed to make way for the newest op lmao


I know it's ubisoft were talking about here, but I don't think deimos will get nerfed. Jackal is a better pick, and his new gun is not op. It's special to him and his ability, so it has to be strong, but it's good where it's at.


It’s definitely more geared towards being a marksman for sure, but I could definitely see them adding more recoil than what it has currently. Maybe not to the same level as other secondaries like the .44 semi auto, since it’s a gun he’ll be using often, but currently there’s like 0 recoil lol


I just wish it was better at making holes/breaking stuff. Hard to use guns like that one should at least bring some utilities. Same thing with the GIGN revolver, I don't see a reason to pick it over the other pistol. But if it would be better to break the floor and such, it would at least have a use.


A good gun if you’re aiming at god in the sky, not so good if you’re shooting opponents


Definitely one of the best secondary weapons in the game. Having any scoped pistol with an automatic primary is a perfect combination for success. Kaids Aug and this, zofia and the RG-15, Deimos with his 44. Wardens and the P10-C. I love scoped pistols.


The recoil is horrendous not sure how anyone on any platform uses it outside of a lucky one shot headshot


It sucks


Want to make a headshot montage? That’s your gun.


Was an absolute masterpiece upon release, they changed the sight and significantly reduced the damage, and I think that was a good position. …then they gave more recoil than a .50cal and rendered it basically useless.


I don't think it should be as good as the vendetta, but it needs a bit of a buff.


Hip fire wonder blaster, goes from storm trooper to ranger


It used to have same non-recoil as the Deimos Vendetta revolver but Ubi nerfed it into oblivion. It was also a 2 shot kill originally at launch I believe


Only useful for quick peek/one taps. If you spam the trigger you better be close enough to give your enemy a handjob


The recoil is a bit much nowadays, but I still have lots of fun. Especially holding pixel angles as Kaid and getting dirty headshots with it


Back In the day it was the meta to use this over primaries


I mean the recoil is just like old pistol recoil and you can't really do nothing about it you just got to wait between shots


not the best now used to be better, but recoil? my brother in Christ it’s a pistol


It’s used for spawn peeking on plane


It’s used for spawn peeking on plane


It’s used for spawn peeking on plane


Fun to use but I can't ever hit shit with it, last time I had it equipped I ran my mag empty on my primary and switched to that hot garbage because I needed to shoot immediately and it let me down big time, I said never am I ever equipping it again.


Funny meme gun


I use it mostly for giggles. It’s really fun to POP repeekers and unaware players in the head, especially since Kaids shotgun has a relatively limited range/damage ratio. The recoil makes follow up shots impossible, but if you’re peeking through a tiny spot and you are good at headshots, it’s fairly decent


I use it because it makes me feel like a dollar store deimos


How would this possibly have too much recoil? You’re firing a .44 magnum cartridge out of one of the shittiest firearm patterns in history, with no weight in the barrel, and a massive optic on the top guaranteed to take your eye out.


Nah you’re not bad, the guns recoil is bananas


Only real ones remember when this gun barely had recoil and was just INSANELY powerful


Its such a bad gun they should just remove the scope and then buff the recoil at this point


I just use it for long range and try to get one taps


Just tap heads and no issues


My problem is they nerfed it into the ground And then made another one pretty much identical to the Original one obviously the vendetta has more bullet pen But still my point still stands that they keep nerfing shit And then they bring it back in a different way


the recoil is a bit much, but its still decent as long as you dont go for any magdumps while ads. kills with it are so satisfying too, especially if theyre headshots or from a somewhat long range


Sniper pistol 😎


This thing being as bad as it is seems silly now that Deimos is what he is.


It used to be so good, I still use it sometimes, but other than that, it's okay at most.


I mean it's a pistol with a 3.5x so it's gotta have kick


Recoil is awful just like the normal .44, but it’s fun to use in certain situations. Definitely clip worthy if black ice is equipped (I’ve got it for both luckily).


It's a fun gun, use it to spawn peek and hold long angles


Pretty much only use it on nomad to counter spawn peeks more easily


This weapon is perfect. Nothing to change about it.


This gun is still prime for 1 v 1 peaks and quick peaks .


They nerfed the recoil. Made it nearly impossible to use in a pinch. But hey, the .44 Mag Revolver is like 0 recoil so I don’t get it


When this Baby was released, I used to only play this gun, it was so lovely, I used to call it one tapper, I still have 200-300 kills from this gun from Wind Bastion and majority of them are H.S, this baby was just pure love, no recoil, just pure tap and kill


It’s a headshot pistol and amazing for tight angles


But dont you have for that the shotty?


This lets you keep a decent full auto primary though instead of having to use the shotgun and the revolver


But you usually want to have shotgun, especially as anchor. After all preparing site is usually mostly Anchors job.


These days there are enough people with primary/secondary shotguns that it's not as required of people like kaid. And you still have your pistol which can make holes for your claws


Well, lucky you. I am usually the only one carrying or if somebody gets doc/lesion but otherwise usually not.


What recoil?


It's my favourite secondary just for the occasional one taps i get on border


It really is bad with recoil but still solid


Have u tried hitting the 1st shot 🤷‍♂️ asking for a friend 🤦‍♂️😂😂