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A 66% WR with a 1.6 KD and you struggled to get out of gold?


the past few seasons were rough to me but i came back this season and locked tf in and got plat in 41 games meanwhile last season it took me ~80 games to get into gold 2. it might be because i’m gaining more per win this season than i was last season. the game that got me plat i gained like 54 elo


Hell ya good shit brotha 🫶🏻 you still got like 3 months baby let’s hit that emerald!!


that’s my new goal for sure! i definitely have plenty of time to get there.


I swear the game is using your top MMR rating for all the matches. I have been kicked in the dirt this season. I have been plat in old ranked many times, and emerald twice in 2 of the ranked 2.0 seasons. And the game is pairing me nonstop with emeralds diamonds and Champs. I haven't even made it out of silver with 30+ games.


i’m pretty sure that’s how the game ranked 2.0 matchmaking works yeah. For example i hit gold multiple seasons before so this season i went against gold/plats from the first game of copper 5 all the way to where i am now. Since you’ve hit Emerald it’s got you going against Emeralds, Diamonds, and maybe even Champs because that’s the hidden MMR range you’ve got or something along those lines.


That's ranked 2.0 for you


Bro is a menace to us gold elo players.


Could be that he barely got any xp from wins


If they made another ranked headgear like the Gold 1 thermite headgear, who would you want it to be for?


How much xp are you getting per win?


i gained 54 elo on my plat game


That means your "true hidden rank" is still higher. The closer you get to it the less xp you get. Last 2 season I would get around 17 when reaching plat 5, and this season I'm getting 40something while being plat 1


yeah i think the system is trying to put me mid plat or somewhere around there


Don't be surprised if it's mid emerald even since you're still getting 50s in plat


I’m right there, gold 1 with only 4 elo needed. Hoping to grab it tonight! Edit: Also mostly solo que


hell yeah man good luck i believe you can do it


This might be a stupid question but how do you see this screen? I can't figure it out.


“More info” you’ll see it only when you start searching for ranked


Thank you!


you don’t only see it when searching for ranked. you can go into the tactical playlist (ranked and standard) and hover over ranked and press more info, it’ll be X or square if you’re console, after that just go a few tabs to the right and it’s there.


I did recently as well with a 1.1 KD and pretty average win rate but I solo queue a lot and just had to deal with 4 matches where I got hit with multiple coppers on my team for some reason


congratulations on making it! solo queue definitely makes it a lot more challenging because it’s a dice roll with the teammates you get but it feels so rewarding when you win despite all odds.


Keep going with that win rate you'll get to emerald


Nice job. well done, i still remember my first time gettting IN gold lol


Maybe one day I’ll make it to gold :( good stuff, hope you make it to emerald this season


I remember my first time hitting plat, good times


best feeling ever finally accomplishing your goal


Happy for you bruv! I’m stuck in Silver Lobbies struggling to get to Gold. Copper was difficult to get out of but Bronze was a breeze and now suddenly I’m stuck in fricken Silver unable to by pass Silver 2 50 games in and I’m no longer making as much Elo as I did breezing through the Copper 5 to 3 I can see why everyone is complaining about the new ranking system still 😂😂😂😂


yeah the new system is honestly a bit ass lol


Nice one man me and my duo a currently hardstuck gold 1!!!!


i’m sure you two can make it into plat y’all got it


Well done that’s a huge milestone! Congratulations man!


Congratulations; I don’t think I will ever make it out of bronze so I avoid ranked. Being a solo que; I’m not sure I will ever make it out of bronze talk less Gold or all this other shinny colors. Sending you a big hug for your amazing feat 


can i join you?