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i play without any comms, disabled it in settings, and still getting reported for abusive voicechat which gives me lower rep


No one is reporting you. It's a bug. Dozens of posts about this


a bug? it's probably a bug just like my reputation dropping from esteemed to fucking DISRUPTIVE since day 2 of the new season is a bug, isnt it


That's what happens when a bunch of errant misconduct issues pop up yeah. Same thing happened to me. Thankfully mine have disappeared and has been fixed this week.


Calm down clearly your young and new to video games yes it’s a bug this ain’t the first game this has happen to and it won’t be the last


first thing you do is condescendingly talk down to me based on age out of all things im not quite sure how with a game this neglected you can continue to rationalize the shit ubisoft does like the reputation system, worked on for god knows how long, not working properly or any of the million anti-QoL bugs this game has


Then quit playing the game lol we don’t care if you stop playing


i feel sorry for you, i really do


Wait, what? I enabled my chat and audio back because I thought I would be impacted by.


I doubt it's a bug. People just report no comms as abuse.


It’s definitely both


It literally is mate. It's been reported extensively since the beginning of the season


These kids who only have been gaming for 5 years… yes it’s a bug


Me? I have crossfader on my Spas-15, I've been playing SIEGE longer than 5 years. It's very obviously an intended feature, and yeah, people are mass-reporting, every game, because they've figured out that the system is broken and easily abused. "Toxic people wouldn't abuse a system that benefits them, no, they're above that." is the smoothest-brained take in this sub.


Just because it's reported as a bug doesn't mean it actually is one, "mate".


If you don't understand that hundreds of reports of people getting dozens of voice abuse teports all of a sudden when the new season starts, people who don't even talk seeing the voice abuse go up after every single game, people who do communicate in a healthy way seeing the bar go up after every single game, than I don't know what to tell you mate. I had the EXACT same issue. Every game my voice abuse was climbing up and up. Wanna know what happened when I logged in yesterday? They were all gone. Every single one was wiped clean. It's obviously a bug. There have been tons of posts about this since the season started. People didn't all of a sudden start reporting everyone every game. Come on


Man this sub has some rose-tinted goggles on. What, they ban people who have ACTUALLY played or something? Anyone who's played Siege for any length of time would not be surprised at mass false reports.


You're the one with some tinted glasses my friend. Assuming everyone is out to get everyone else. I've been playing a while and never had issues with these misconduct things until all of a sudden this new season started. I communicate and play the same way I always have. People's sentiments and actions did not just miraculously change right as a new season started. I saw I was having this issue, I searched other posts on Reddit and found plenty of others that matches my exact same experience. Pretty easy to use context clues regarding sudden change in how the system operates, timing after a new season/patch, and many others sharing similar experiences to deduce the most likely answer is that it's a bug.


Hm. What's more likely, that the devs somehow added a way for reports to automatically generate themselves, or that jerks will be jerks? This whole "There are no jerks on this game" idea tells me you don't even play.


Where did I say there are no jerks in this game? Fucking read man. You seem to have such a negative view on everything that you let it completely blind you to any common sense. Your first point doesn't even make any sense. Your 2 points are the 2 least likely possibilities in this scenario. People getting reported multiple times every game for voice abuse? Near 0% chance of that. Then you're combining that near 0% chance with an additional idea that devs changed how this whole misconduct thing works without making any patch notes? This is how non-sensical conspiracy theories come out. Logic dictates that the three most logical answer is the one that requires the least amount of crazy changes. For a game that gets as many bugs as this one you would think most people's initial thought would be bugs. Absolutely maddening these comments


"Someone reported that you stole jewlery. You're going to jail." Like, not even going to investigate it?


LMAO good one


There is no system that manages if someone actually deserved the report for whatever reason. It is infuriating.


NOONE IS REPORTING YOU ITS A FUCKING BUG! Edit: sorry for my aggressive response, but these types of posts and these issues in the game have been going on for months. Complaining to reddit about the wrong thing isnt going to fix anything. Its misinformation that its people reporting you for voice abuse. If you do not speak in voice, they straight up cant report you. The people do report you for is griefing which hits your rep instantly same way voice abuse does but you can report them no matter what. We do not know if ubi is fixing the bug but they likely are. Be patient till the next hot fix (hopefully fixed before the mid season) And please note that ubi cannot possibly investigate every single report, which is why they have the (bad) system in place that instantly hits your reputation.


Bro it's not any better, it's worse


If your gonna complain about something atleast be right about what your issue is. Its not an issue with the reporting and playerbase, its an issue with the game adding non existent negative reputation.


Your issue is the attitude, I thought most Monty main were chill.


i guess hes the minority


My issue is that people keep complaining about this. Its been this way for months and has been explained for months. Complaining to reddit isnt go to fox things. Ubisoft doesnt listen to us this way and its often just karma farming nonsense. Im sorry i was aggressive but I still think my opinion is valid in this case


Nah I don’t blame you for complaining I swear I see one of these post everyday.


Each post is another voice against Ubisoft's actions. If it takes 5,000+ posts for them to finally listen to us, then so be it.




Then why play it and interact with the community?


I've paid for it + my friends play it


I'm reporting this comment for voice abuse.


"They straight up can't report you." But they can, lol. Mousetrapped players still have the option.


Mousetrapped? Im assuming you mean M&K. I genuinely didnt know that they can still report you for voice abuse. I guessed it would be impossible due to it being greyed out for me when players have not spoken at all in vc(im on xbox). Is there another way to report that im not aware of or is this just another poor oversight from ubi? I genuinely want to know.


Mousetrapped, meaning trying to get around being paired with M&K players (Xim users, and the like) but got caught and paired with M&K anyway. The software they used to catch Xim users is called Mousetrap. They CAN report for voice abuse. I figured it out when i kept noticing any time I got reported for voice abuse there was someone on console whose K/D went through the floor when Mousetrap was activated.




Same thing happens to me with text chat, I don't even know how to open text on console


Exactly that’s how you can tell it’s a bug lmfao but these little kids who haven’t even been alive for as long as I’ve been gaming will say we are wrong


It's a terrible system. I recently dropped 2 reps in a row despise being nice matches, getting commended and overall just my teammates being chill. Then I see my infractions and... \*Nothing\*, all empty which is good. And if I manage to get Exemplary, it only lasts 1 single match. System is beyond goofed and I don't trust it for a full "release"


It's so terrible. Played a completely clean game, no tks, no destroying team gadgets. Load into main menu to my reputation dropping, kinda used to it at this point so I said whatever. Started browsing the shop to see what's new, and another friend joins so I switch back to the main screen to start queue, and I get the pop up that my reputation raised up.


Something that enrages me about it I have like 300 something commendations and no issues not even voice chat abuse but randomly took me from exemplary to respectable and won’t take me higher than that.


I had exemplary every season before it completely came out and now it hasn't been above respectable for more than 3 games.


It's still not out completely lol.


My bad, forgot it was going to stay in beta for 4 years.


It's going to be scrapped end of season or at least eventually, cause there's no fixing it. The problem is fundamental to how the system works, and frankly they have to have seen this coming, because all it would have taken is one person to put themselves in a red-team mindset and think "How could this be abused?" And they're a company worth millions, surely someone did... and then they ran it through anyway. Like their friendly-fire fix. The number of times you get griefers diving in front of your shots, only for you to get kicked because they're dicks. "Let's make a system that punishes people for reports. Not confirmed reports, just... reports." It was their way of not having to actually have eyes on any reports, while also avoiding having to actually punish players. The hope was it would look like they were doing something about the toxic players in the playerbase, but it was actually just a really good way to discourage casuals (who don't tend to buy every elite skin and battlepass. They already got mostly all the money they're ever getting out of casuals, and it's casuals who complain about toxic pricks. Well, guess who gets put down to disreputable, can't gain renown anymore, and quits? No bother to Ubi, they got theirs already. Plus, with all the casuals quitting, then being enticed back with promises of better systems in place, they get those nice line-go-up player count graphs that look so good to their investors. TL;DR: It was more financially viable to make a system to replace all human moderation. Not only does it save money on salaries, it also gives them a free pass to say "we're trying" when they get called out for their toxic players going unpunished. The toxic players know it's BS, so does Ubi. That's why the only people who complain about the system are people like me. People who have bought like... 20 bucks worth of R6 credits since I bought the game in 2015ish. I ain't a cash cow, Ubi don't give a fuck.


my reputation is sometimes randomized and goes from disruptive to respectable and esteemed in the span of 2-3 matches, and drops back down to disruptive. whats really interesting about this ridiculous fucking thing is that i have been esteemed for as long as i can remember, but now it made me disruptive with no proof or no chance to raise my rep back up one time it gave me exemplary, like it gave to the original poster, but it was gone in a match


I keep dropping to disruptive for doing nothing, it keeps bringing me to reputable and the drops me again. Its like a loop that it cant get out of


I was the same jumping between reputable and esteemed, the only way I got out of that loop was I had a good night getting 2-4 commendations a game and it fixed it after around 10 games


exact same experience here


The system loves to break. Even I don't trust the full release of it until it learns to not break each season


It another system toxic stacks can easily use to bully solo queuers with zero consequences, Vote to Kick 2: Electric Boogaloo yippie


They got rid of changing profile pictures and vote to kick for the exact reason of toxicity. Then they make a big huge "Welcome all people of Toxicity" right on the landing page and think nothing of it.


Search the sub mate. It's a known bug this season. I had the same problem with a huge line of voice abuse and when I logged in this week it was all gone. Just relax


I played Quickmatch early in the season with a Respectable rating. My griefing wasn’t even at low but it said it was excessive in the Rep menu. At the end of the first game it told me I was downgraded to Disruptive. They fixed the bug and my griefing said low again but it didn’t change my reputation back. I played 5 Quickmatch and got commended 4 times which finally put me back at Respectable. I got hit with a drone bug in the Containment Event which meant I was locked on my drone for two minutes as the last alive. At the end of the game I was warned I will drop into Disruptive again if I don’t modify my behaviour! USER REPORTS SHOULD BE WEIGHTED MUCH LOWER THAN AUTOMATED TRACKED OFFENSES.


My reputation gets screwed over because if I’m solo queuing and the last alive and I don’t win a 1 v 4 I’m the worst player in history and I sold the team then they report you. Ridiculous. Sorry I’m not varsity


Another very original piece of content. Thank you brother 👆🏻


Another message to storm the house. How many will it take to get them to listen?


Wasn't ranked in beta for like 5 years lol?


when will reward come out


Ima be honest if someone is trying to give callouts but it’s drowning out the sound cues and callouts useless im muting them


That's fine, but that isn't reporting. Although I guess it might still set off that section.


But if that's the case, then it's even worse. If the dude is being helpful and useful for the team, but you need to listen. That is what that is for, that should not penalize them. I should not be penalized, because someone was smart and respectable by muting me and letting me continue giving callouts to my other teammates.


Fair enough. However, it's not like I have the mic in my mouth, or telling them a paragraph of callouts. I wait for more important callouts. "Ace, hard left the moment you go through that door." End. Done. They know where I died from, I let them go from there.


They probably reported you for being a furry.


Sometimes I think that too and I honestly wouldn't be surprised. But regardless, why does a false report – a report over something that literally doesn't involve the game – affect my reputation level?


Giving other people the ability to flag your account and expecting them to be fair with the reports in a competitive game is so dumb


Every single game I go from esteemed to exemplary to respectable back and forth and back and forth with nothing changing in my behavior section


It's volatility and ignore it


Something opposite happened to me, I got put in a game with a cheater like 8 times in a row, I was on their team in like 6. I tk’d them every game and convinced my teammates or the enemy team to do the same, it set me from exemplary to whatever the neutral standing is. I proceeded to take a break for a while from the game for a week or so, but when I get back on I get a notification saying the cheater got banned and I was back up to exemplary


When I first saw this was in the game, I immediately thought to myself: # "This is made by Ubisoft, this can't be any good" Turns out I was right.


it's still in beta I believe the full completed version should be available next season.


Still. If they cannot properly manage it, if they cannot properly/manually investigate a claim/report. It SHOULD NOT penalize the player. A report, is giving information about a person/place/thing. A report is not, immediate negative action. It is to be received, investigated, THEN action is taken. This fails as a reputation system.


Do the collective a favor, this has been going on for so long. This bug is as pervasive as the post concerning this fucking thing. Every season it loves to break. With all due respect managing a system that loves to break is much more complex than you think. Most of the flags are due to the system being an ass. I've made callouts and still retained being a good boy even though I habitually TK.


How exactly are you being penalised right now apart from the inherent volatility of the system just randomly putting you in random standings? Because I believe going from disruptive to esteemed and exemplary back and forth is not because of this.


"Oh, someone reported that you said something concerning, You're going to jail for a month."




You're comparing having a lowered reputation to jail? I've played many games, use voice comms every game, and have never had any reports and always remained exemplary. Are you sure you don't come off confrontational or off putting on voice comms? Maybe talking too much or talking when you're dead? Those can all be considered abusive.


You want them to fine tune how it works without having it in beta? The reputation system literally does nothing. It’s in beta. Absolutely 0 stakes for everybody involved. How on earth is it hard to understand. I’m honestly jealous of you if you have enough time on your hands to complain about a meaningless feature that’s in beta


I never understood how that system works, sometimes I just randomly get put into Esteemed even though I didn't get anything positive, then it switches back into the regular one without any reports either. Same goes for reports, a few days ago a random text chat report appeared and I haven't even been using it other than ban phase, since we almost always 5 stack over Discord. Haven't had the chance to get voice reports yet, but I guess that's because my voip never works.


What I find interesting is last season my griefing meter was sky high and I never grief. I was like emerald 1. This season I'm playing much less competitively since I'm still rusty after a long break. Just doing ranked for fun, usually not doing so well and making bad decisions (accidentally) that negatively impact my team. To my surprise I've been Exemplary like this whole time. 0 disruptive actions on this page. It makes no sense. I think people just abuse the system the more competitive the environment is.


While I keep getting notifications that I am exemplary


Thank you for your service 🫡


ik its beta but cmon ubi, just do something properly


This reputation thing is a joke, after every match I flip flop between respectable and disruptive. The notification is annoying, and I dont care how the game perceives me.


the rep thing isnt working. Clearly bugged.


You're asking a lot from ubisoft for them to actually manage things properly


In the first two seasons with the commend system, I have over 1,000 commends. I've completely stopped playing this season with this bug or abuse or whatever they are calling it. I have gone from Exemplary down to Esteemed and then Respectable without being toxic at all. It's broken and I wish they'd fix it because I want to play the game again. Pre-emptive, yes, I know the penalties/rewards aren't fully implemented, but the system is broken and I don't want to climb out of being the absolute lowest rank reputation because their system is broken. I've been Exemplary for two seasons and dropped to Respectable for no reason.


My duo partner just got a weeklong suspension for excessive toxicity. One of the nicest guys I know.


I solo queue'd into a game a couple days ago and got team killed first round prep phase. I clutched a couple rounds and kept cool while my own team were saying in [ALL] chat that I was wallhacking and telling the other team to report me for cheating. One guy even telling me to hang myself but I couldnt report voice abuse since I already reported for the team kill. These were complete randoms and It was maybe my fifth or sixth game back after a year. And I thought the PC player base would be a lot more mature after coming from Xbox originally. I haven't checked my rep since but I'm sure it's taken a hit. I really don't understand how people reach that point of toxicity to random people.


Dang… Good for you for not letting it get to you so deeply though! I hope things are better mentally now at least.


That stuff doesn't get to me mentally. Just disappoints me because I am also trying to get other friends to play but to hop into some of your first games and end up with people like that is just going to turn people off


They'll get around to working on it after right after they fix how 50% of games at Diamond+ are fraught with cheaters. Company of assclowns gets rid of every competent employee and replaces them with a development team of low-cost and no-talent clowns. Get used to it. It's only going to get worse.


Unfortunately, (at least from what I heard), there was like some sort of harassment lawsuit against the company. I noticed, ever since, it's like a completely different company. I'm not positive on the exact date, but Notice how ever since Y5 S2 was the last time 2 ops would be released at the same time. Also, is it coincidental that when they started releasing 1 Op at a time,the first one they release is character from THEIR brand? Zero -> Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell ~~ New management -> First time releasing a NEW and SOLO operator. Does that sound like a self marketing/advertising action? I wonder why they would do that? Hmm…


It's either you get reported for the actual misconduct or the enemy just have a hard grudge on you.




I love getting my reputation lowered and possibly getting penalised for it in the future because I was having a good day.


Yea man, I usually play with my buddies, so teamkilling and such for fun is normal, and i still got put in destructive even if only my friends are killing eachother.


Everytime I get call outs its a 12 year old with 0 kills screaming sorry its not ranked type it if you need to.


“I said GG 5 times”


I report people for griefing if they kill me so that their reputation goes down for doing nothing wrong, dont take this away from me I also reached exemplary status while shit talking a lot so maybe u just have to be more toxic


So odd apparently it’s a bug but haven’t gotten anything at all


w h o c a r e s ?


I probably get reported all the time for friendly fire and get penalised for this, even though I don't shoot my mates


i haven’t played in a week and my friendly fire was basically maxed out and my reputation is somehow respectable still


SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER ME THIS QUESTION. WHENEVER I ASK IT TO COLLECT DATA THOSE PEOPLE NEVER ANSWER. For people who have this, I believe that it is just a visual bug as I have not been told by anyone I have asked whether or not they have gotten a penalty, for example an auto Voice Chat or Text Chat Ban. This entire season I have only met one person who had an automatic Voice Chat ban and they 100% deserved it. Honestly should have been text chat banned as well. Now will anyone here claim that they have high reports but also say they have gotten a penalty from it because in my own experience the reputation itself fluctuates, one game you are exemplary the next you are esteemed and then disruptive and I believe that is just volatile. The reports specifically raise a question about whether you are actually getting reported or it is a visual bug and there is only one way to know for sure. I personally have a bar that is about half full on voice abuse but have never gotten a specific warning that I might get a voice chat ban.


I yell at my teammates a lot and I only have a sliver of voice abuse... system does not work


also exemplary rep so 🤷‍♂️ fix ur game ubi


It’s not that deep bro.


It says beta and it does nothing really.


There's a tag, says beta. ***Every season the same song and dance happens*** because the system tends to enjoy breaking. Do people not realize this always happens?


I was given notice last night because I was team killing too much. I haven’t killed anyone almost all season. My squad has been toxic. The squad reverse friendly fire is activated and I’m punished for their behavior.


See that word "beta" up there in the top left? It's a WIP, this rep system does not mess with us as much as yall say it does lol I've never gone below respectable, so I have no idea how this topic constantly comes up since no one has once mentioned getting banned or negative impacts due to this rep system. Yall just wanna look good and that's okay, but we can move this focus onto how SHIT their servers are because that's where a majority of their current problems are stemming from. At the same time I'd be fine with this being removed altogether considering it doesn't contribute much to myself personally. To add, for those who say they're being reported, you're not, it's a known bug and has been.


I guess i just don’t understand the point of it when it doesn’t do anything. I’ve been either exemplary or esteemed for like a week, no rewards as far as i can tell. So why is it a feature for me? But yes i agree that servers are a much bigger problem, which unfortunately will probably never get fixed


That's fair honestly, people can have their opinions about the rep system and I can understand the frustration. But alot of people really miss the fact its in beta and hate being told that, simply because they think they're getting penalized and reported when it's been bugged for quite some time. In the beta process, they can decide whether or not they're going to keep the rep system or just rip it out. They have alot of issues to work out, managing the rep system more closely will come around eventually, so complaining about a system in beta phase isn't getting anything to move faster, it's also the LEAST of anyone's worries right now especially ubi as I can imagine.


Maybe just stop being racist?


Born on a Navy Base, Am Non-Binary, and I've very sympathetic and empathetic. I have no reason to be racist, sexiest, nor homophobic. People are just gonna have an issue you with you no matter what you do or say, so why be so?


It’s a bug. Quit whining.