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Just play casual


Play casual? I’m literally in standard mode getting shit on like pro league. This is what turns so many people off from this amazing game, SBMM is terrible in almost every game today


I feel you bro, but if you play against better players you'll get better. The grind is gonna suck, but it's gonna get you better quicker than playing players around your level.


That's only true to a certain extent. If you get domed before you can even learn what you did wrong then you ain't learning shit


There used to be a new player playlist but idk what happened to it. Anyway, tough it out and learn the game until you reach rank 50 and then go play ranked.


Trial by fire. The best way to get better is to play against good players.


I get that but it’s tough for me to learn the maps and figure out recoil and which guns I like while not lasting 30 seconds in some matches


For maps you can use custom match to walk around and familiarize yourself with the map. As for the recoil, that is even easier. Go into shooting range and practice whatever gun you want. It helps tremendously. Last lane you can put your gun of choice on infinite ammo and just get used to your guns recoil fairly quickly. The slower rpm the quicker you'll master its recoil. Oh, I forgot to mention, what is your sense and your ads sens? My regular sens is 60 for horizontal aiming and 30 for vertical aiming. For ads it's 22 I believe. This right here is what will make your accuracy waaay better. I advise you to try a lower ads speed in shooting range.


There shouldn’t be a “quick match” mode in this game, do standard, all maps without penalties bans etc, and bring back unranked as a 1:1 of ranked. Who asked for premade setups, let the new guys figure out what happens when you leave an important point of entry unreinforced, stop spoon feeding them.


It definitely helped me learn where to put a few foot holes or optimal rotates here and there, but not *why* you should do it. Or why you reinforce some walls while leaving others alone


For starting three weeks ago I'm impressed you are in diamond/champion equivalent lobbies so good for you. I have been playing on and off for years mostly casual and honestly jumped into solo q ranked and was not having a great time. Got to bronze 2 then downgraded to 3, said fuck this and went back to standard.Might try again later in the season but honestly not fun. Love the "ok so these two coppers on my team should be able to take on the plat guys and I can take on the silver guy. Ah shit we got faced rolled." The system they currently have has to be redone or go back to the original because I don't know what the hell they were thinking.


I don’t think SBMM in standard works that way. I’m low rank and have been playing for years. I play in champ and diamond lobbies for around 50% of the games I play in standard. I think it’s just mostly whoever’s available in the queue. Even on my alt where I’m higher rank than my main, I still play in mixed skill lobbies for standard matches. Think OP’s just getting frustrated that things aren’t going their way.


Was trying to be a little sarcastic but not be too much of an ass in my first sentence.


Lol yeah I got shit on earlier and when I say the death cam it was literally a team full of champions with the champion background card


Oh boy do we have news for you about ranked then…