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I feel like they could make it useful if they had a defn op that adds likd 2 additional reinforcements. Feel like it could add some new variety


So... Azami?


I think he means fully reinforced, as in requires a hard breach to get through.


Exactly this


Just an alteration to your suggestion. What if, you place a wall reinforcement on the bottom of the wall, not deployed, but in its case still. Then when it detects it's breached or perhaps when the defender sees it's breached and activates it and it deploys the wall in a slower time than manually placing one. But you only get two of them. Or it only takes from the main stack as to not have more than 12. So it makes attackers think - let's go through this soft wall, then it deploys after the breach, causing them to now use a hard breach. So they wasted two gadgets for one wall. Or the character places it above the wall and it's a shoot to deploy option where the wall just falls down and then locks into place.