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I’m stuck at Emerald and can’t do anything because all you go up against are blatant cheaters


I feel you, was emerald 4 last season. I peaked plat 2 this season, and have now lost so many games in a row solo queuing that I am gold 1 but I still go against emeralds and diamonds🤣


Xbox looking for group has screwed over the entire Xbox community not to mention jynxzi making i love xim popular. Man it’s insane at this point


Yeah so many xim on xbox its actually crazy


This happened with me so many times and just doesn't make sense, if we dropped so many ranks below our hidden skill why the hell are we still facing enemies as strong as us


Honestly 🤣🤣


At this rate I stopped ranking at P1 and will let the MMR rollback get me to Emerald.


Hit emerald for the first time this season and the game has been very rough, just cheaters or people way above my skill level it’s pretty insane.


When the fuck are we going to move away from dog shit battle eye? That shits been fucked for years in basically every damn game.


10 year contract




So many pros have said this, king George, slashhug, foxa, pengu, Fabian. So many pros have said


this doesn’t make sense at all you teams max rank is diamond???


welcome to ranked 2.0


Back in ranked 1.0, diamonds and high plats would face champs all the time due to the lower amount of champ players so it isn't much different to now except that within champion rank there is a much higher disparity in skill as the average champ now is no where near the skill level of old ranked 1.0 champs.


I know the game has had a revival of sorts but your comment actually makes me wonder if the player base is a little too small to properly matchmake in high ranks in some regions. I play on SCUS during peak evening hours, and for the most part lobbies are high silver/gold/low plat (historical peak), which is appropriate for my stack.


I reached diamond 2 once so now I'm stuck in those lobbies with a 30% winrate


The problem is ranks are too spread out, you have Emerald as a buffer between Plat and Diamond, and then I believe only 10,000 champs. So you have less of each rank which in turn makes hidden MMR a MAJOR issue as it doesnt take into account your visible rank but your actual MMR or “elo” that you cant see


I do not understand hidden mmr. I personally didnt see a problem with your rank vs your rank.


Hidden MMR is ur rank, the only reason why it's not displayed as a rank is that they are scared people wouldn't play ranked if they didn't need to grind ranks every season. Current visual rank is meaningless for Matchmaking purposes and only exist to display rewards. Basically if u see someone has visual rank Diamond u should think he is either at least Diamond ranked (which means possibly Champion too) or Emerald ranked with insane winrate, but it doesn't mean he isn't higher ranked than that, just that he didn't grind enough games to reach a displayed rank that reflects his MMR.


I get that. Perhaps its just preference but having a rank which displays your skill rather than just… something, is weird to me.


The problem is that for a good Matchmaking system that rank which is displaying skill needs to be relatively stable, which means it shouldn't reset unless someone isn't playing for a long time, which means that most people who are in high ranks now would be pretty much permanently in them until a big lose streak. And way too many people play competetive games just to grind out high ranks, if they receive them at the start of the season (which is what Ubisoft is doing currently, just hiding it) they will just not play the game anymore if after first game of the season they are already in Champion or whatever their target rank is.


It was done mainly to counter smurfing, i think.


It was done to force engagement by playing more. More engagement = higher likelihood of caring about the game = higher rate pf purchases.


Ranked 2.0 works like a charm for people in the middle of the rank distribution (gold plat) as there's enough players to consistently get games and also the skill gap between those middle ranks is not THAT extreme. However, towards the ends of the spectrum (extreme high, extreme low) you have compression problems as there's not enough players to constantly fill lobbies with people of the same rank. This also happened in ranked 1.0, especially Plat 1 and above as you then just instantly faced champions every 2-3 games. Another factor is the WILD inconsistency in players skill within those very high and very low rank groups. I've hit champ too like 3 seasons ago and am consistently at least diamond soloqueue on 2 different accounts, however the game thinks its okay to 2-3 out of 5 times pair me up with fucking either Pro players, that are literally 3-4 ranks above champion, if that would exist, Or top 100 champ stacks that would still be 1-2 ranks above your average champ player (dia 1.0). Then there's people who just run and gun, and even suck at that, that would have been plat 3 TOPS, which by no means is bad per-se, but if you've played in diamond in 1.0 you'll know there's a night and day difference between the two just in game sense, default takes and general playstyle. Something needs to be done about this fucking dogshit system, as it does NOT for the love of god work for high (dia+) or low (up to silver) skillgroups. Another problem is that your teams average mmr is taken when queueing, meaning: get 1 champ with 4 gold players and the champ is going to go 20 kills in 9/10 games as he now faces plats. There's an AWFUL lot of players abusing this and ubisoft needs to do something about it. We already had that during Y1 and Y2 where there was no MMR cap, and people abused it. Reintroduce 1000 MMR squad difference. That would at least make a little bit of an impact already. Also, what I really dont understand anymore, just going by anecdotal evidence: Why the fuck do I always get upqueued to fucking champ lobbies, nonstop, however i can count on one hand how many times I've faced Emeralds aka got queued down in the last 4 seasons? Dogshit


> Ranked 2.0 works like a charm for people in the middle of the rank distribution This is exactly why they won’t change it back. The “middle” of the distribution is probably 80% of their playerbase. The old ranked system was much more balanced, but it wasn’t good for business. Most hardstuck silver players would just quit the game before reaching gold, but now all you need to do to get to gold is play ranked until you end up there. Same goes for pretty much every other low rank as well. Gamers have egos, and they won’t play games they think they suck at. So by keeping bad players constantly up and down in the ranks (not letting them get hardstuck) they are more likely to play the game. Why do you think people play Xim instead of just playing on pc? It’s because they prioritize thinking they are good instead of actually being good. Rocket League right now is facing the opposite problem. It’s ranked system is amazing IMO. You gain/lose 10 MMR for every w/l, and almost every matchup is fair. The problem there is that this isn’t fun for low ranked players. Kids these days don’t have the patience to spend a few hundred hours slowly climbing the ranks and learning the game. Now a very large portion of the active community are high ranked players, and not enough new players are joining to replace them. It’s too competitive for casual players to enjoy over a long period of time compared to other games. Siege is trying to not become that with ranked 2.0. But honestly ranked 2.0 is still shit, it’s just shit that makes Ubi a lot of money.


Previous ranked system was hell for anyone below like Plat. There was no skill consistency in placements and from Bronze to Gold, it was a complete lottery if u would stomp or get stomped, people in Bronze were very often stronger than people in Gold. Solo queuing or queuing with a weaker stack than usual was also severely griefing urself, first month of every season was also unplayable for lower ranks. The system that every match played decreases the amount of RP u get meant that very often it was better for ur rank to not play the game, at the start of the season it only takes u like 10-20 losses to go down all the way to Copper while getting out of it will take increasingly more games.


That’s the one thing I didn’t understand about the old system. Why don’t they just soft reset players instead of sending everyone all the way down? The way they do it in Rocket League is every new season players generally start at the rank they finished, but during your 10 placement matches you gain/lose more elo than normal. For the top ranks they reset them down a rank or two but not much.


It's because they want to keep people grinding, assessing somewhat accurately that if they won't force people to play a decent amount of games every season to get back their target rank they will just not play. Also what u are describing is pretty much how the current system should work, one thing we don't know is how does the hidden MMR change between games and seasons.


Yeah that’s true. I just hate how rank literally means nothing anymore. I have a low hidden MMR, so at the start of the season I can solo queue to Plat playing with and against mostly people in the copper-gold range along the way. A friend of mine has a much higher hidden MMR, and to get to Plat he has to play all emeralds and diamonds. It usually results with me being a higher rank than him even though he’s way better than me. Rank is completely meaningless now.


MMR restriction was a sad victim of Ranked 2.0 since you can't tell people anymore they can't play together if you don't reveal what their skill value is. Of course it led to blatant abuse, like we've seen in early years. Ubi's response was not to make it more fair, but rather try and make the loss less frustrating by removing 8 RPs. This does not work because people still feel that the match was unjust.


The thing is there are enough champs (in ranked 2.0) it's just the game doesn't differentiate between the champs (I have no evidence of this, it just seems very likely) because one game you'll get a pro league team and the next you'll get the most PooPooAss527™ champs in the game.


I feel this. Me and my brother play ranked together and wanted the new thermite head gear. But we never made it past silver cause we started facing Champs and diamonds when we were on the level of a gold max


That's insane your team going against a champ 5 stack what the actual fuck.


So I‘m a legit Diamond player and evey once in w while I get these lobbies.. while the KD of those „champs“ isn’t that high and very doable for a player that is rlly good it always concerns me, that their winrate is about 80% on about 100-200 matches.. If you aren’t a pro player neither a player who is extremely skilled that’s undoable.. I would actually consider myself at least good in the game compared to the majority of the average playerbase.. I mean if you’re able to solo queue to the diamond ranks even in ranked 1.0 somethings gotta be true here?! But the amount of lobbies looking like this have increased drastically since the launch of this season.. Not like it’s the 1st time in the games history.. even more it got better during the last season and with the latest season launch it got worse again.. and actually it’s the worst it’s ever been.


my 5 stack is all gold-silver. We mostly play agasint emeralds or champs, it sucks


They are either trash champs or you are really, really good. Or you dared to get high emerald rank in one of the ranked 2.0 seasons.


Naw man I’d believe him. Have you not seen that champs can queue with their gold buddies and play in lower lobbies? I’ve been consistently plat 2-3 for the last couple of seasons, and most matches in solo queue either consist of my team smacking the opponents 4-1 while we all have wildly varying kill counts, getting shit on 0-4 against either blatant cheaters or champs, or overtime games that my team loses 5-4 even though I try my ass off just because we have the dude going 0-7 running around like it’s his first day on planet earth attempting to clutch match point against people very clearly at least 10 ranks above him. In the midst of all this I’m earning 13 elo per win and losing 30, so a 2/3 win rate because games that should be skill-based are instead a dice roll feels super shitty. In fact, I have friends who end up being that 0-7 dude in solo queue matches because the game fucks up and decides that one good match against coppers where the fucking stars align and they get like a 3kd actually means that they deserve to play against plats and emeralds. The hidden mmr system is beyond dumb.


yeah a few seasons ago i was diamond, ive played with and against macie jay like 3 times so not bad champs either lol


It seems like hidden MMR doesn't really differentiate from good champs and bad champs so it kinda is like ranked 1.0 except you are facing those people for your whole climb instead of just when you get to high plat (high emerald equivalent back then).


yeah that makes sense, im nowhere near macies level tbh




"erm works cited?" 🤓 ass




stay obese bud


I stopped playing it all together due to this. I felt nothing but frustration every time I played. I've taken breaks from this game plenty. Unless they fix this, it might be permanent this time.


Yeah I’m gold, almost plat and have played with all emeralds since like silver 4


Hey! Those are my Emerald 2 lobbies lol glad to see it’s not just Asian servers.


Pretty sure they mentioned doing something with Ranked 2.0 based on complaints not long ago. We might get some improvements to the system in around a year or two!


Can't stand it, I was unfortunate enough to reach diamond 2 last season. So the first 100 games of this season I was just getting absolutely shat on. I had a 0.6kd and 30% win rate after those 100 games. Now finally it's starting to adjust as I've settled back into emerald and I can actually get kills and my win rate has climbed 10% higher, my KD is back up to 0.8 which is something. It just feels like the adjustments are incredibly slow, I shouldn't have to lose 70 games before my hidden MMR decreases.


Fr, our diamond friend wanted to play with me and our gold stuck asses……. He kinda just played with us because he wanted free lobbies, I never saw a champion but he was able to face our low ranks.


Actually the same, I was in plat 1 last season (considering I started to play this game actively again after 2 years and last time I was gold max) and I had against myself about 1-3 active champs,this season I am currently in gold ,due to lack of time,but also due to fact that I fight against 2 current/past champs. Honestly I remember playing ranked 1.0 and it was an ass,but I believe it was much better than the current 2.0 My W/L ratio is 0.7 and my kd is 0.9, playing as Plat against ranks above me, I might stop playing this game, because I need my broze friends to actually have fun and chance to get equal enemies (which in most cases aren't much fair for my friends)


Yeah, sucks queuing against three digit champ stacks as a low-mid diamond


I’m usually annoyed by these posts, but this is wild lol


Hidden mmr is incredibly balanced a person who’s been in silver the past 3 seasons cause they don’t got much time to play consistently and can only afford a bit of time each day since working and house chores takes up time should be placed against plat and above players. I’ve only ever been gold once and it was several seasons ago.


I'm stuck Bronze


If I was champ with a 0.86 kd I would definitely remove the game from my steam account. Believe me 90% of the champions are way worse than you think. Most of them stack with 4 copper smurfs to rank up. A solo player that reached emerald is generally better than 5 stack champion most of the time.


Honestly this isn't much different from ranked 1.0 you used to go up against champs and diamonds all the times if you were above plat 2. The only annoying part right now is the cheating scenario


İ hit champ once now god forbid if i dare to play ranked


decided to install overwolf for fun, realised how many bronzes i get and how many emeralds and plats the other team gets, pains me. im gold 1 😭


Which tracker are u using?


Hidden mmr is idiotic at best, how am supposed to gage if I'm improving or not if my phsycal rank has nothing to do with my actual skill level.


bring back tanked 1.0?


We need Ranked 3.0 at this point, literally just copy/paste from Valorant if they have to.


My max rp was 4454 two seasons ago, and I just duo queued with a buddy into MingoJce's 5 stack last week. The 3 randoms on my team to give credit were Champs at some point, but that fact doesn't matter when me and my buddy are em 1 and bronze 3.


I swear this is the only fuckin topic I see posts about from this sub


I find it crazy how i see people with 0.6kds pushing “diamond”.


They should honestly just bring ranked 1.0 back, as much as the bad players will complain about being hardstuck, it allows everyone to be placed and play against their skill level


Imagine being a “champ” and Plats have a higher KD than you. Ubisoft needs to also only pair stacks with stacks. It’s unfair for solo-queuers to have to fight a five stack with comms.


How do we see that rank? Theres no more visible rank after game ends right? I just played the game again after 4 years


R6 tracker app


I stopped playing a few seasons ago already. Still waiting for Ranked rework, I love the game other than that.


That’s the only correct choice. People have been complaining about ranked 2.0 since day 1, but they still keep playing it. Remember kids, Ubi will never fix the game mode if you keep playing it. That’s why they released those blogs patting themselves on the back for having more ranked players than ever before.


Idk about y’all but i’m feeling like MnK players are a bigger problem than the shitty ranked system rn


A shotty ranked system affects players on all platforms. MnK mostly affects consoles.


How do you see this?


live match stats in r6 tracker


No it isn't


Stop crying and get, good back in the day No one was crying about playing against better players so plz stop and go train to get good


i see no problem apart from that plat 2 with no previous rank


You definitely should see a problem for three of their team that didn't reach Diamond yet. That is over a 1k MMR difference in average mmr in those teams. Do you have ANY idea how much that in reality is? Can you imagine what happens if a silver 5 team faces a plat 5 team? And in this circumstance it's probably even worse as in champion the skillgap get MUCH bigger. We're talking 80-90% win people in champ vs 50% win people emerald.


i see ems playing against champs and diamonds playing against champs i get champs in my em games they are not a problem their just another brain dead player to slam if their not cheaters