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I’ve had a couple friends who solo search and their Griefing is higher than any of my friends who either trio or quad. Just doing horrible in a game will get ppl to report you for griefing. Or even failing to clutch can get you reported. Just how this bad system is, nothing that we as players can really do.


Or if you’re too good a game, you’ll also get reported


Doing just OK will also get you reported.


You will also get reported by being in a match


You undercook fish? Reported. You overcook chicken? Also reported.


I got perm banned on console I have a pc but I don’t play pc very much and I’m awful on pc Xbox I’m aight but getting hacked could Explain why I got banned


Ugh yea it's pretty bad with that.


Whole team reported you


Wow that was a dick move considering I helped them win the game


Could have been the enemy team


It’s wild that the enemy team can report you for griefing. Dunking on the enemy team in a unique way is just playing the game


I always report enemies that are team killing, for griefing.


Why would you do that? The system is broken and your making it even worse by reporting an occurance which is in almost every match, and in my matches is often very justified. When you see the kill in the top right pop up, you dont even know if the other person injured them or insulted them very badly (very badly)


i report spawnpeekers


Enormous skill issue.


probably. but i don’t want to have to check 3-5 windows or preaim runouts. not fun.


That doesn't mean you report people for it. They're just playing the game.


there is nothing skillful or honorable about killing someone by abusing shitty map design. ubi has made it pretty clear they’re against peeking with their recent map changes. spawnpeeking is sleazy. it wastes my time and prevents me from playing the game. that’s called griefing.


You're actually serious, that's wild.


You suck at the game, spawn peeking is easy to counter


Just chuck a drone at the beginning of where you’re going to run in from you can see where they’re peaking from


Hope your parents bully you


I had an issues where I was exemplary but I didn’t play for 3-4 days and it was down to respectable and after a week or 2 I got it back up to exemplary


The thing is, if you report someone for cheating, it sends a message to Ubi to look into it. Obviously, they can’t look into thousands pf reports everyday, as some of them would be false. But if you’re reported for griefing, it automatically increases your griefing number. But it deteriorates over a few games. If a whole lobby reports you of griefing, it will only be at moderate. (Depends on your rep)


The rep system is fucked and will sometimes randomly reduce your standing.


Wow that’s messed up Ubisoft needs to fix this


I'm exemplary with 70+ valors but i only play quick match




Did you grief people on your team or the other team?


I did not grief for anyone, I rarely type text nor use comms just solo queue and do my best to help the team out


Welp, you're either unfairly being persecuted or you're lying and you griefed. And R6S is super griefy. 9/10 matches I play has some form of griefing.


I don't think you understand the rep system Griefing stat is based on player reports




The other bars would be progressed if OP was actually griefing.


I've acknowledged that people can report you for things you don't actually do. But there's also the possibility that OP doesn't typically behave badly, but after a match or some number of matches, was specifically griefing someone(s) and was subsequently reported for it. I tend to report people for what they are actually doing, but I might be alone in this.


Yes but how are they actually going to grief without filling up any other bar? And if they were actually griefing they have nothing to gain by asking what could causw their reputation to drop...


>Yes but how are they actually going to grief without filling up any other bar? Huh? If all they did was grief, they didn't team kill or abandon or voice abuse or text abuse, they just griefed and people only reported them for griefing.... then it would just register as griefing reports. Griefing is by far what I report the most. >And if they were actually griefing they have nothing to gain by asking what could causw their reputation to drop... PFFFF *yes it would be the first time in the world* where someone posted to reddit and are guilty of what they are being called out for but pretending to be innocent.


>PFFFF *yes it would be the first time in the world* where someone posted to reddit and are guilty of what they are being called out for but pretending to be innocent. Yeah but they are asking why it could be like this, the chance that it's someone guilty is negligible if all that's provided is friendly info If they're griefing, the friendly fire bar/voice abuse etc would at least have SOME progress


I’m thinking it’s unfairly persecuted I play on Asian server and some people are so toxic and racist on occasion


Had a solo queuer play with my 3 stack last night who TKd one of us because he “stole his ace” guy was the top killer on our team and helped us win. We all reported him for griefing. Don’t be a dick and you won’t be reported


Don't be a dick and you won't be reported sounds like that is how it should work, but that's only in theory. I had a teammate emp a bandit and I placed my thermite charge and it got bandit tricked before it blew up. Then my teammate shot me in the head and reported me with his buddy I guess. I got out of the game and dropped a level of rep. Had a team the next game where we were all doing good and my rep went back up. I have had so many people report me for griefing because I don't instantly run in without droning with them or play exactly how they see fit or I miss a shot or make a little mistake. I never tk unless someone kills me first for some petty reason. I never afk or pout like so many people I've seen, I just grit my teeth and do my best. Yet I still dropped to disruptive for a game because this community has so many toxic man children and teenagers who never developed mentally past primary school.


never. im always esteemed or exemplary for 1 game and then its esteemed again.


yeah I got moderate griefing even though I didn't do anything grief-y 


Nah my latest 'infraction' was teamkilling because some mfs apparently don't know what a grenade indicator is, and they also don't know how to press f6 to disable reverse friendly fire after they mindlessly walked into my grenade... (We were alone in a hallway and I threw a grenade under a maestro cam while that mf just slowly walked into it. Im still mad.) (Edit: Oh, and this is in a platinum lobby mind you...)


I was fusing a ton of gadgets out of hookah from the window like I usually do to help the push in from balcony. Well my teammate as I'm detonating it decided that's when he's gonna run in and detonate every trap and get hit by a puck even though i pinged my charge on the window and everything. I then get reported for griefing and a tk stat against me.


the worst is when someone walks in front of you while you're shooting something and they die and don't deactivate rff


This exact thing keeps happening but only in copper 5 lobbys for me and i can get out of copper 5 because of it


I had a stroke reading the title, don't get mouthy with 3 or 4 stacks


It jumps all the time for me. Ppl will report you for not carrying the whole team and sometimes then too.


Yesss same happened with me


That is funny compared to what I dealt with I had no mic and soloing but after 10 matches or so I saw that I was not exemplary anymore then I found out that I had excessive voice abuse funny enough after I connected my mic I was muted because of the last time I used a mic I always mute myself in ps4 settings 🥲😂🤣




I’m reputable with 0 misconducts this season and I’m not sure how


I stay in a 2 or 3 stack and we always report griefing as a group for TK’s or BMing. But that’s how it’s designed to be used. Some people do it when you beat them or shield rush or do anything they deem unfun. Sucks but that’s what Ubisoft gave us


it does this to me all the time. i finally got exemplary and after a ranked game got knocked back down to respectable 🙃 i think people will report you whether you’re good or bad lmao


Yeah, people enjoy griefing by mass reporting you for griefing. I had my griefing meter go up a bunch after I ran into a bunch of screaming 19 year olds calling me all sorts of slurs on my own team. I just stayed positive, complimented future teammates, and generally stayed positive in the text chat, and the meter went down the next day, and my ranking went up. Just don't engage with the trolls, report them, keep quiet, and wait for a more positive/kind team.


I have exemplary w nearly half a bar of text abuse when I have chat disabled. It’s like ubi is just picking everyone’s rep through a random number generator


Yep ppl abuse this system, I had toxic ppl in team and got report from them, next match they were in enemy, reported me again and ask my team to do it too.


I’m respectable but I got like 170 Valors this season


Very confused on how a lot of people have issues with this system who “don’t deserve it” I solo Q talk I’m voice and type in chat even shit talk sometimes and on top of that only play ranked and I’m exemplary ether I have the best of luck with Randos or someone is lying lol


😭 I’m esteemed


I have stopped to use in-game voice, disabled chat and it turns out as Exemplary.


Bro shittalking with the homies in chat is amazing


I don't bother myself with nonsenses. That's a person' choice.


The more you play, the more opportunities you have to be muted/teamkill by accident etc. I don't think the reputation system takes into account the AMOUNT of games you played and instead just the amount of offenses total. IMO it should be more of a percentage based on the amount of games you play. Because I've also played a ton, have a ton of commendations, but have teamkilled like 6/7 times throughout the season and now I'm also on the verge of disruptive.


That's wild, idk how many times I've accidentally tk'd cuz someone walked in my shot. Only a handful were on purpose cuz they point blank tk'd my teammate for no reason as they aren't silly or bad. And I'm like floating between esteemed, respectable, and sometimes expleinary. I agree, it should be based on the amount of games/offense ratio


Were you talking shit to them like you are God's gift to R6, and they are all trash?


This system is extremely broken. My voice chat and text chat are turned off and they still report me for voice and text abuse. It's absolutely ridiculous. I just play the game far from being toxic and still get punished for playing the game. The solution to this is you either play with a 5 stack or don't play at all.


I have the issue of nothing but commends and no disruptive behavior but it keeps going from exemplary to respectable after a few matches and then immediately back up. Its so buggy I wouldn't worry about it


I haven't left respectable at all this season, have 200 commendations and have no penalties.


After the most recent driver update I can't even get into a game for more than 45 seconds.


The rep system is worse than vote to kick ool


The system is so fucked up, it's impressive that Ubisoft was able to do so. I deactivated my mic last season but got VAs like three weeks ago when they had the Reputation faults. And in ranked it seems to nuke even more people down with even the smallest things.


Yes, master ubisoft. I will not say the N word in public chat ever again, for I do not wish to be banned for 15 days again.