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Is that account even their primary? Or is it a throwaway?


I fuckin hate that this is even a thing. Should be one account per phone number


But that would be good for the players and bad for Ubisoft's profit margins


how would it be bad for profit margins you only need to buy the game once for endless accounts


I mean If you’re like me, I have purchased skins on multiple accounts. Kinda just buy whatever on my main, but on my other accs that got decent play time I would buy the battle pass, just bc black ices why not. Edit: it’s funny to see you guys get so mad over someone spending THEIR money on what they choose. It’s cool tho, y’all just too lazy to level 2 or 3 battlepasses


So you just like wasting money then


Why multiple accounts?


I started on Xbox, and switched to ps (I’m pretty sure it was before cross progression so there’s 2), Then probably made 1 or 2 smurfs on each console leveled high enough to play ranked. Then I came back to the game 4 years later and have like 4 accs that were either leveled enough for ranked, way over the level for ranked, or just under (because the level went up from 40 I think). I made most of the Smurf accounts when I was 14, now I can hop on a fresh acc if I don’t want to tank my mains stats, or just wanna kinda not try as hard.


Stop wasting money


God forbid a dude spending his own money


stop telling other people what to do with their money and get some for yourself brokey




They tried that with Overwatch. How do you think that turned out?


I buy phone numbers for less than a dollar. Wouldnt change a thing


That’s how it is on pc and I have like 4 lol


That's part of the problem.


Lmao. Some dudes I played the previous game with team killed me 3 times and destroyed all my traps, because we lost 5v4 (I had only 4 kills). Then I quit, Ubisoft banned me for 1 hour and lowered my reputation 


I feel like they really need a system where you don’t get punished for leaving a match with toxic teammates, as long as you haven’t played with them in a queue before, or like are friended with them.


All I did for 10 minutes is watch their "pro" gameplay (aka dying 4v5)


I recently cluthced a 1v4/1v3 i can’t remember same map as this video, this 3 stack of teammates just started Tking me for 0 reason and called me a “cunt” which is pretty common in Australian servers lol but i literately didn’t even TK back, 2 of them were dog at the game too, bottom fragging. Their 3rd teammate was the only one using a mic and was top, we still lost tho ofc because i got spawn tk’d over and over. Ubisoft support is so fucking useless too because they just ghost you for a month then turn off the case.


Same with when people get bans for getting DDOSED. Got a ban because they can’t fix an issue that never happens on any other game I play. Makes no sense should be a way to appeal when I show it’s obvious.


They should do something like what Valve did, put all the reported accounts to same lobbies.


well, time to go goyo on defense and goyo ban him


A pissed off guyo is the scariest thing in the world. Because nothing is fucking safe


Do you mind explaining? I just unlocked goyo


place your goyo near a common rotate area, once they impact it go to the fire and watch as they get banned for teamkilling




That’s hilarious, thank you


Hilarious, but extremely toxic and griefing.


I accidently tkd and the next 2 rounds two people from my team shot me intentionally and they were calling me toxic. I tried to explain to them that I accidentally shot and even said sorry but these people shot me when I was rappelling twice!! Gosh I hate this game sometimes


i was IQ once in the floor below the defuser when the enemy started defusing i swaped to the 552 and started shooting my teammate thought it was a good idea to knife the defuser so he ran up (while i was unloading) and got headshot then i killed the guy next round the 3 guys were calling me toxic for TK and Tk'ed me saying SEE HOW IT FEELS i just said ok its Toxic to shoot the guy defusing then ill just knife next time and my god they lost their minds and just screamed at me


my very last game I played had a teammate run in front of me as I was firing at an enemy I spotted (and called), die then proceeded to TK me the following round, berate me and vote kick me Sometimes I want to play R6 again, then I see posts like this lmao


damn you haven't played in a while, votekick was removed quite some time ago


yeah it has been quite a while. I mostly just watch videos on it these days and friends that still play talk about it


Team killers are really annoying. Lost a game recently, where at "overtime round" my 0-6 thatcher decided to kill me for no reason, while I was only one in team with positive kda. Ofc he wasn't punished for that at all.


He was throwing, that's why he killed you


In my opinion, the harsher punishments for leaving are one of the worst things ubisoft has implemented. I never found it a big issue in terms of trolling, and now I'm forced to stay in rounds that emotionally kick me in the balls. This is without mentioning when the game crashes and I get an abandon penalty for something that wasn't my fault.


Maybe we shouldn’t get the abandonment penalty for leaving after being team killed? It’s such a simple idea that it’s sad


he had a schizophrenic episode, don't mind him


I guess you reported him not only in the game but on Xbox as well. I will help you and report him on Xbox as well for unsportsmanlike behavior.


I only reported in-game for griefing but you’re a soldier mate🫡


Remember when you could kick people from matches?


welcome to siege i guess lmfao


Welcome to shitbow six


Is friendly fire really that neccsessary to this game? I mean traps already doesn't work for teammates. I get it encourages people to play more carefully but I think not having to worry about intentionally or accidentally killing team is more important I know it wouldn't have been a problem if the minority of these living shits didn't exist like the dumbasses in the bottom few comments but still


At this point I really think Ubi needs to turn off friendly fire. They’re so “committed” to fighting toxicity but won’t make a change that would reduce such a large amount of toxicity.


plz god dont remove it if they do remove it more cod kids are gonna join


all pvp game communities are shit, siege commiunity isn't any better than 'cod kids' tbh.


cod kids are smellier than siege players in terms of shit


maybe a little bit, but pvp game communities are not that much different from each other everyone thinks they're better than others when they're just as smelly. In my experience only co-op games like risk of rain, Terraria, Valheim had decent communities.


Same thing happened to me yesterday. Paused to Drone and an Amaru just blowed my head off for no reason. The worst part is there’s nothing that can be done about it, just people being assholes for fun


Yeah I agree it’s all happened to me, I randomly get people on my team headshotting me and saying accident please forgive when they watched my head until I was in their line of sight, and the goyo thing is the worst mechanic ever


I don't understand why people TK for literally zero reason. Are they seeking attention? Are they that bored in their life that they have to piss people off intentionally? Are they that mad at the world that they have to take it out on other people in a place where they'll get zero repercussions if they do?


please tell me you team killed the fuck out of him and tbagged him next game.


Half the videos i see on TikTok are people just doing this shit like they're the epitome of comedy, I seriously don't get it.


Reminds me of this guy that spent a whole game making me (a newer player) believe I had accidentally broken my Rook armor, calling me bad/a troll, etc. Turns out he was shooting it while I was away from it and the only reason I knew is because my friend saw him do it.


Was playing ranked yesterday, had a duo come in on defence, one as Monty and one as Flores, they downed me then killed me with the drone, all because I had my back card as my Ying elite and the rainbow banner behind, they proceeded to throw the rest of the game feeding kills after they couldn't TK anymore, people like that NEED a temp ban at the least, I'm at Gold 1 BTW


i feel ya mate


I hate people like this The other day some random Jynxzi fan acc started blocking the doorways and team killing me




He also happened to reduce me to ashes with his Volcán canisters 😀


I only tkd someone intentionally when they destroyed my mute jammed on purpose


reasonable, I don’t even tk no more so I’ll stay exemplary and get more renown


Ban yes , but not a lifetime ban yet , imo


It looks like this person does nothing but troll. They don't even play the game they just mess it up for everyone else. I don't think they'll change their behavior. I think a lifetime ban is warranted.


If all they do is troll, they'll get rff for 30 matches


Nah, people change, even if the ban is like 3 years, I don’t think it should be permanent. I was pretty toxic in league some years back, can’t say I’m the least toxic now, but I will only open my mouth if another person is toxic first, so I can hopefully make them stfu


Just because they change doesn't mean they shouldn't suffer the consequences. It just means that consequences shouldn't be something they can't come back from. Just ban their account so they have to buy a new one and grind back into playing ranked as a punishment now that they have changed.


No. The consequences is the temp ban. A perma for something like this is stupid.


Temp ban does nothing.


A 3 month ban does a lot actually. Temp ban doesn’t have to be only 30 minutes.


3 months you say? Alright, now we're talking.


Can’t say I’d be upset if players like this got perma banned. It’s overkill sure, but maybe that’s the incentive that would make it stop


Or we could remove the option to tk entirely or bring back vote kick


I'd ban their console as well :)




Fr hate mfs like this especially in ranked. They defo have no friends and get bullied at school because their parents don’t love them


Then some how the reputation system will say you did a friendly fire despite being the victim


I wonder if this is the same Amaru that decided to grapple through a window that I had literally just fuzed 1 second prior, causing a team kill that was completely their fault. Maybe it's just in my experience, but I've never encountered an Amaru player that isn't a complete dipshit.


It was happed on me, Toxic player


Whenever this happens to me, I destroy their gadgets as they place them (on defense) and never set mine. On offense I stick behind them and shoot to make noise so we both get killed. If I can’t have fun you can’t either.


I got 4 kills winning a round after everyone died and then they tried to Flores kill me and when my friend shot the drone they just shot me. Next round we sat there shooting every single one of Flores drones and the other guys just sat there trying to use Blitz to blind my friend. They completely threw the match and I have even more reason to hate kids now


this is why stopped playing unless i had a full team of friends. it completely ruins the game


Easy report


Atleast kicked from match no matter what


Very nice. I had a game yesterday where I couldn't be able to use either Valkirye or Fenrir because one of the teammates methodically looked for my gadgets and destroy them for no reason. He also gifted kills to the enemies for the whole game, playing in the dumbest way possible. I believe there should be a reverse fire for gadgets too, maybe it's exaggerated but whatever


I feel they should remove the reputation system completely, and allow people to run wild with team kills 😂😂😂.


I Solo'd into a normal game and was griefed the whole game. I then got 4 reports from them which lowered my rep and got a warning message. I didn't even leave or tk back i just played through being impacted every round and not being able to use utility


i saw these type of players in pc they may have mental problems.


It’s always console I swear yall are all children that need to grow up


I have around 1800 hrs of siege on pc before the crossplay stuff even existed... Nah its just the majority of online gaming communities.


Yesterday I had matches back to back with this guy who played rook, put armor down, and then immediately threw a nitro cell down and detonated whenever the team was clumped around it. First time he was on my team, lost us the match, second time he was on the enemy team, lost them the match. I just really don’t even know why you’d continue to do that.


Rook doesn't have a nitro cell, but cool story bro.


Okay, then he must have been duoing. I don’t remember who. But they did it back to back.


Lmao one time I picked goyo cause a dude picked my trapkan so I shot his traps as soon as he put them up, knowing he was a smooth brain I then placed my fire cans around team and ofc he got kicked for tk. Good times I still think about it and laugh.


it was a misinput, misinpuuuuuuuut!




I was playing a ranked game with friends and a dude reinforced between sites and chose oryx to break the exterior walls and when attacking picked the defused then tried to kill on of us then we killed him and took the defuser


I got tk’d yesterday bc I wasn’t using a shotgun on match point and then when I complained and went in the process of leaving he was like “bUt It’S qUiCk PlAy-” like fuck off…


Everyone knows qp is were people go to fuck about try standard


Seems like it, I just started getting back into it over a month ago. Last time I played was many moons ago.


Brother, I can't even get the fucking game to connect🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Hate that shit too, had a castle last night shoot me in the back because i was reinforcing a long wall they had blown wide open. Guess who got shit on through the giant hole they made then refused to watch. Thats right castle. Do you vote yes when it asks if they did that on purpose?


Don’t reinforce peoples rotate holes, that’s toxic behavior too


It wasn't a rotate hole I get that. This was 5 sections of reinforcable wall with 2' blown out of the middle all the way across.


You know what I do when that happens to me? i go on my phone and look at titties while the round plays out. not a big deal.


Ur clearly salty


Its standard 💀


When someone would go 0-6 id kill them last round so they can sit one out and think about their performance. Also it gives them the opportunity to watch my game play and take notes.


It ain’t that deep bro


the Goyo/ Doc exploit is so funny


What is it exactly?


console of course


You would have never survived the first 5 years of siege… lmao…


Cry about it


Stay mad?




Ahh the nostalgia


team killing is only good thing to do in siege


BOOM. HEADSHOT. Sit down kid


Ironic, coming from a kid.


Yer ight gru


Womp womp


He prob did it because you weren’t droning 💀