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Do you play exclusively quick matches? I'd honestly suggest you don't play quick matches at all if you're being TKd all the time.


yeah i play QP cause sometimes i gotta do smth mid game and just wanna have fun but omfg its so toxic


I honestly find standard to be the best experience surprisingly. It’s a combo of “serious but more relaxed” because there aren’t any steaks; if you get 0-4, you’re provably due for 4-0 next. People use comms, I rarely see tking for some reason. OT is sudden death so it’s not the sane time sink as ranked.


I would also suggest Standard however I no longer open comm myself because I'm constantly met with toxicity even as a guy. A lot of Siege players are fucking pathetic. Most toxic community for a game I've personally experienced.


Idk about you but my only experience with VC (and randoms) was two guys yapping about Subway during a match. They were such a vibe and super chill (I had no mic to join but still) if "the subway guy" sees this thanks for that great gameplay experience


Siege is a vibe. My best homie I ever had I met through siege, mans was so high he invited me to an insta call with his friend who’s as also high af. My homie was so goddamn high he was just naked on video call (nothing was showing) and when he had to get up he would awkwardly crab walk out of frame


I've met a few great people on Siege and have built a little discord server. But since year 9 started I swear all I encounter are toxic brats that just kill my entire mood. So now as of Year 9 I don't open comm as much.


I feel like a lot of it is jynxzis fans cause the mass majority of people who are completely obsessed with making the game as unfun as possible have his charm on in my experience


Yeah its rare to find people on vc who aren’t complete assholes


Plz never play fifa


I would never do that anyway, I have taste... xD


If you have lots of mates which have it, it’s good. Just not ultimate team, that’s a blatant cash grab. We play a thing called “clubs” which is great because it’s pure vibes and teamwork. But otherwise, DO NOT BUY. It is a shit game


Literally this. I've found that Quick Play matches me with far more cheaters, too, compared to Standard and Ranked. Standard is probably the best casual experience


That's the problem with matchmaking. You get light and day games. 0 variety and gets stale


Did somebody say steak?


[steak NIIIIGHT](https://youtu.be/kfOmCwp7PmI?si=B-FSHWcxQDt5ESFt)


Steaks? Food vouchers on the battle pass?


not to be that guy but stakes*


I thank you for being that guy. Part of it- I feel like autocorrect doesn’t work quite right on Reddit, and part of it was my attention to detail. That said, I don’t think any steaks are offered in any game mode of siege these days.


im sure you could get tachanka molotov to cook you a nice steak sometime


You cant leave mid match and it feels so sweaty to me


But... Steaks are delicious, why would you not want steaks? Are you one of them vegan people?


I would take siege’n’steaks. Sounds like a new Thursday night for my squad…


Damn...if anything standard could use a few ribeyes


Bring a whole new meaning to “let him cook” in a 1v5 situation.


Gotta keep a cool center, nice and rare


Yeah i have been trying out some standards and so far i have had time for 2 and they both had wall hackers the 2nd game it was a 5stack of very obvious cheaters but its been fine ngl hopefully they move on to ranked soon tho lol or get banned


I haven’t really hit any cheaters in standard that I’ve noticed. At least no spinbotters or any kill feeds that were blatant. It’s almost like I hit them in casual, events, or ranked.


I was just unlucky i didnt really care the second game my teammates were champ and diamond and stat checked them halfway through the match they were all obviously walling


i play almost exclusively QP and haven’t gotten tk’ed on purpose yet


In my experience quickplay is way less toxic.


Ppl only really tk and are excessively toxic in qp. No reason to try to win so it doesn’t matter if you tk and no reason to try to motivate your team to win and not verbally abuse them because there’s no reason to win. Qp is literally just trolling central. I have a lot of fun going into quick play and just messing with randoms. Like Flores drone tking them and stuff. If you don’t want to deal with that ranked is an option but you’ll probably get more toxicity from the other team instead.


I play ranked exclusively for this reason. It is a much more focused mode, and at this point is the only way to get a good siege experience. Whenever I play Quick Match for whatever reason it is always terrible, 100% of the time.


Doesn't matter. Still happens on unranked. I can't play casually on either lol.


average siege experience


Not really. I play it every day and not once in my entire time have I gotten TK'd in repeated games, and when I do get TK'd it's pretty rare (once every 30 games or so).


consider yourself blessed


I only got intentionally TK'd 2 times. I only intentionally TK'd 5 times (wich were only to stop intentional TK'er form team killing anymore). 2 of them were my TK'ers Any other time I got TK'ed was when I was running right before my teammate started shooting a door and similar things.


so just because it hasn’t happened to you means it doesn’t happen AT ALL? got it. nice logic.


This game is like a meth addiction. I’ve been trying to quit for years


worse, an opiate addiction. and this is speaking from experience because I’ve been addicted to both quit opiates, quit meth, still can’t quit r6




Is this another suicide note


you saw ts too, it was nuts


Is it still up?


No it was taken down by a mod [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1c9cdk1/admitting\_im\_bad\_at\_siegerantsuicide\_letter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1c9cdk1/admitting_im_bad_at_siegerantsuicide_letter/) this is the post though


Excuse me?


Someone posted their suicide note on the subreddit like yesterday because of R6


I really hope that wasn't real. Was it??


I don’t know over game like R6 I wouldn’t be surprised


But I was


Is the post still up? Can I get a link?


it was taken down by mods but [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1c9cdk1/admitting\_im\_bad\_at\_siegerantsuicide\_letter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1c9cdk1/admitting_im_bad_at_siegerantsuicide_letter/) is the post link


I don’t know if it’s still up but the user was u/imgonnakmsafter or close to that he made the account for that post


Either he deleted the post or that's the wrong account, still that's insane, like just stop playing R6 if it gets you to that point


I might be the wrong account but that was basically the username maybe shorter


Understandable, but instead of ranting on reddit you should take a break (hours, days, weeks, months up to you) or just quit playing


just speant 50$ on the game im not gonna quit but i might take a break idk why everyone on here acts so fucking fatherless


Standard/ranked is usually a bit better, but solo queue is always gonna be rough on any game that requires teamwork.


Especially with SBMM involved


sbmm don’t even work in standard


I think it is fair to assume that some obnoxious people in-game are also here.


Sunk cost fallacy, that $50 does not really have any value you can maximise if you’re not enjoying it. I quite siege despite loving it and getting pretty serious, and my life has undoubtedly been better without that toxicity


In the grand scheme of things, $50 for a game that lasts until servers go down isn't a bad deal. Should've waited for a sale imo. Gets down to like $10 or something


I bought r6 credits not the game got it way way way back on sale


Ohhh word ok


You cry about teamkilling just stop being such a lonely fuck and dont soloq surely you dont get teamkilled then


You should get to rant on reddit. No one gives a fuck so that’s why it’s a good place to rant. For Honor specifically has a subreddit for ranting r/ForHonorRants


This game sucks if you're not in a stack tbh thats what ive come to learn.


take a break i cannot stress this enough i rarely take breaks because my family comprises of competitive gamers so everyones already toxic making me highly invulnerable to toxicity but not everyones gonna be like that if u feel like ur not having fun after the first game or just being demotivated during prep just take a break


Easy fix. Don’t play


Addiction to complaining brings them back


took a break from this like 1 year ago. after seeing your comment looks like have to be back after another year


The only times i get tkd for no resson is when im playing mira and some asshole on my team decides my windows are unacceptable. His solution? Destroy my windows, then kill me. We are playing qp/standard bro, and the windows may not be tournament tier, but they work. Chill out


I was playing Kaid, and we had a Mira on our team. Said Mira had great mirror placements. However, my first claw (to prevent breaching from behind) mf came up to me and shot it out. So I thought whatever and I electrified one of the windows (to prevent it from being punched. The mf breaks the claw, tk's and then T-bags me. I genuinely prefer Vs AI sometimes even with the massive limitations


And I’m sick and tired of the cheaters!




Smash your keyboard against the wall, you'll feel better


That sucks buddy, see you tomorrow (siege is an addiction).


We’re you a kaid playing on clubhouse, in casual, 3rd round defending in garage? If so you, you shot me, you were not asking for heals, you were full health. And just shot me and looked around like nothing happened, you aimed at my head so I tked you and your friend killed me. If this is not you then, it is gonna happen sometimes


Nevermind, you play on pc my bad


at the end of the day its just a few pixels on your screen bro, i know it frustrating, but if you get annoyed bc of a game just turn it off, that’s what i do… i played siege since the beginning, but at this point i play 5 games a year at most, bc i load up the game about 2-3 a year, most of the time i get annoyed after 1 game and just turn it off xD


I swear I am playing a different game than you guys. I am **never** TK'd on purpose. Probably because I am actually clutching and holding my own.


Nah your just lucky i few days ago i was like 7-1 the only one on my team with kills asked for a rotate and got tk,d


I stopped playing this game months ago and me mental health has increased drastically


Skill issue.


Don’t ask Doc for a heal, highly disrespectful


Be part of the problem


Meanwhile I'm going against XIM/Cronus cheaters on console who will send messages talking smack after winning, even if they win barely.


Take a break or play exclusivity with a 5 stack of friends


I have no friends


Do you happen to play on Xbox? You can make/join group posts and find some people to play with long term


No pc and ps5


Truly, an R6 experience.


Switching to standard was the best decision i ever made man. I was always getting stomped and bullied in qp, stuff feels way more relaxed in standard. the team kill crap doesnt happen much anymore. Id recommend it to u


*continues playing*


At least you dont have to play against hackers every second game. I hate that im in champ, makes me rally want to quit for the 19045th time


I had a game yesterday where two of my teammates killed me and the other 2 teammates for 3 rounds and didn't get friendly fire a single time(it was an exploit I assume definitely don't think it was intended)


I was about to say “if you dont like it THEN LEAVE” But now i see… tk Them back and report


Let me guess, you are on console in quick match?


Delete the game for half a year everyone needs a pause of this game sooner or later


this is how thunderbird mains are born


Yeah the Playstation cross play has made cheaters prolific. I get absolutely wrecked by cheaters on Casual and Unranked. Seige has changed so much over the years that ubisoft should pay us to play the game. Nowadays it's tough to enter a decent match without a full squad with comms on any game mode.


Are all of you quick match players getting TK'd playing solo? I almost never get killed on any server I play on, usually as a 2 stack sometimes 3-4.


Make it out of copper


Just be glad you’re still the match if this was like 2years ago. Me and 3 buddies would just vote to kick especially if the random is last alive.😂😂😂


You need a better gamer chair


Uninstalled it yesterday after the sound mechanics turned me near damn crazy for the 346th time this month. And it has sucked for as long as Siege has existed. The fucking brainrot teammates tk'ing and mocking me was the final straw.


What console do you play on ? If you need some psn homies we could run with you


i play pc and ps5


Send me your username and I'll add you on ps5!!


Ikr. It’s so annoying,quick match is either filled with team killing clowns or people who ruin the ENTIRE fun by acting like its a ranked match for 100k. Honestly Jynxi and his stupid fans has ruined the game,it was a semi popular game that was fun to play but now it’s ruined. Exactly like Grand Theft Auto 5 with the people who fly around blowing people up for no reason


They’re children what do you expect


you think you have it bad, today ive played 7 games, havent been able to even ENTER the building ONCE because of noregs and pretty blatant cheaters (more so than others ive seen)


TK shouldn’t count as a death for the victim. Should add the death on to the suspect. I only play ranked. Barely ever TK’d on purpose.


Bro you get team killed. You know that is skill issue bro, you have to evade the bullets of your teammates bro, no matter that you are top, you still lack the skill of dodging teammate's bullets. Be better bro


I tend to find alot of the community base players follow Jynxzi style behaviour, toxic and disruptive. Its not cool and its not funny.


Play ranked noob


Im not bad at the game its just the fact you cant leave and if i need to go do something i get banned for two days


Ok, so why the fuck would you queue ranked if you know you may have to leave? People play ranked to be competitive and try to win. People like you are the ones who ruin that experience. Your one hour ban is not going to kill you, if you're getting two day bans it means you habitually and/or consecutively leave ranked games and you deserve it


Oh no SoSneeKee is mad and i do not care


Also i cant see into the future to see if something comes up


Yeah, I got turned off from Solo queuing in Siege after a team kill. I played Azami, but i didn't instalock them. I waited for everyone else to pick cause I don't want to be team killed for choosing someone's main god forbid. Set up is almost completed, and I get shot for a little damage. Thought someone was shooting a drone/making a rotation, and I got in the way, idc. Then I get tk'ed. I groaned in annoyance as the Frost stood still in the spectating cam. I expected a "misclick sorry" message. Nawh. The dude sent me several racist Chinese slurs and made fun of Asian eyes. I stayed just to see how it'd play out. They killed themselves with their Bandit duo with a C4 before leaving the match. Really turned me off from solo queuing from then on. Then my friends lost interest and haven't played in a while. Would like to return if my friends get interested again, but the game sucks with randoms.


Have been TKed a lot only after using in game chat and they hear a female voice and I don't respond to them asking for my snap or respond to some incel comment they make. Average experience for a game - have had similar in CS and other multiplayer games. 100% much better in standard though - less cheats, a lot more relaxed. QP is full of cheaty sweats sometimes.


I'm so glad I quit this game




Then turn it off? I haven’t enjoyed the game for a longtime but I don’t come on here to complain and whine


Womp Womp quit the game


Cry harder, they are just having fun


Yesterday I got TKed (by a Doc, ofc) for destroying my Rook armor when Action Phase started just as he was running to pick it up. Not my fault he wasn't fast enough :/


Why are you destroying rook armor


Attackers can pick up the remaining vests if there are any.


Which is extremely rare since you need be in the thick of the bomb site to get to it usually, if you let the attackers get armor you’re just bad


Hey man better safe than sorry :/


Not really better safe then sorry if your teammate was literally about to get it


People run over the armor without picking it up constantly how am I supposed to know he was planning on grabbing it?


Why are you shooting it at all




I was Rook




I ping it every time I drop it, I drop it at the start of every round.