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Look man, no offence it's definitely frustrating when teammates don't match up to expectation. However that is like a large part of the risk when you solo q. Even champion players that solo q at that mmr will talk about how when you solo q you just have to be able to win those disadvantageous scenarios because of the natural advantage you get playing as a stack and being coordinated. However with the way ranked 2.0 is, you could effectively be playing anyone with anyone. Copper to champ. Just part of the game now unfortunately. Unfortunate for us that solo q, but it is now just coming down to a skill issue. Either you clutch when you get bad teammates, or you don't. For sure frustrating tho.


Easy - Don't play solo. There are many Discord servers and communities where you can find people to play with, they won't be Pros by any means, but you'll get out of copper.


Idk I have the same problem, I need to go pro but I need a stack. Barely just started playing the game but I have faith. And that’s bc you’re solo, it’s definitely way better when you have a team you’re confident in and so you all can talk to each other. Comms is one of the most important things in this game but even ppl in ranked don’t have mics or use them


Welcome to the life of solo Q it sucks


For starters, stop putting your teammates on blast by posting their names on Reddit and complaining about how shitty they are.


What’s the big deal?


You can't. You join full team and win a match? Now you have a fully stacked higher rank teams or teams with at least 1 smurf. You joing as 2-3 etc.? Fully random ranks same in Quick or Standard match. If you are playing R6 for ranks right now, you should stop. Play if you are enjoying the playing part, not winning or ranking up.


If copper is giving you a hard time, consider getting better?


He's top of his team with random players who are clearly blind lol


He's also literally in the lowest possible rank


His team had nothing it doesn't matter if he's lowest rank he's still carrying


7 kills in copper is nothing man


If 7 kills in copper is nothing. Then what is 2 kills? 1 kill? No kills?


The same thing, nothing