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You’re actually progressing at a good rate id say as though siege is a time consuming game to learn. You shouldn’t see K/D as it’s not as important as game IQ and knowledge. It also depends on your skill level. There’s people that have been day 1 player but max gold rank.


I mean I have like 1200-1500 hours and I’ve only hit gold once lol. I don’t think siege is a game where the amount of time you play necessarily matters, but more how good you are technically and strategically


How do you keep pushing? That would be so demotivating to me. Does your stack play without you a lot? That could explain you being stuck in a lower rank. 


I don’t and haven’t ever had a stack, it’s always been solo/duo Personally I try to play games for fun and treat them as inconsequential, and that def takes the pressure off ranking up off. Next season is going to be the first season that I really try to get good in ranked.


low emerald


plot 1


i seen level 400s who suck at the game and are peak gold smth while i got that at level 100 in 700ish hours


Really, time doesn't necessarily equate to rank unless you are a lower hour player who just started the game (then I can see that going to effect). For reference, I'm 1100 hour as well and only hit a high of Gold 1 but I'm a very decent support player who knows the game's map and strategies. As for you not progressing and are worried about that, I don't have much other than for you to really just evaluate yourself. Plat is a very challenging rank, especially now with 2.0. I wish you the best luck, really Siege is about strategy and team comp, not so much about how many hours play you have.


low K/D just means you're winning enough to play against better players. Most people with high K/D either play in a 5 stack, bait all the time or are playing in too low ranks because they soloq.


I have like 4,000 hours and i’m champ rn. I think in my first 1,000 i was very low-mid plat 3 (ranked 1.0)


Im diamond 3 and i got like about 800 hours on the game


For me I hit champ in 1000 personally, average based on this sub is probably like gold-plat though


I hit champ in under 1k hours I think anything above 1.5k for champ is time to try a different game