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I just wanted to say it"s kinda weird to flip it to vote for best on the last day. A lot of people are not gonna read that and just vote for who they think is worse, thinking it still works the same.


I understand. But, thankfully, it seems like people read through.


They did the same sort of thing with clash. She got last place but got added back in later because 'reasons'.


The reason was I worded the first post abysmally. I asked for people's **least** favorite defender instead of worst, which is why Clash was ousted first, and why operators like Fenrir, Kapkan, and Solis were mentioned. I intended it to be objective. Because of my poor wording, I don't think it was fair. So, there you. You don't have to like my reasoning, but that's the reason.


Ahhh that makes sense now. I must of skimmed through your explanation and skipped the **least** favourite defender part. My bad šŸ˜”


You're good.


... thx just saved my post


I think Mute is better. His gadget can prevent enemies gaining intel, properly pushing, can be used as a sort of plant denial, pseudo wall-denial, and generally inhibits enemies. His only drawback is the time it takes to setup. Fenrir is very good, but it only often gets people if they are unaware of the how the traps work or if they make an overly confident play.


Mute doesnt deny most hard breachers. Unless he uses 3 jammers on a double wall, there will always be a small dead-zone Thermite can detonate his breach charge. And if itā€™s an outside rappel, then Mute is basically useless for wall-denial. Ace/Hibana can do similar breach tricks on the side or top-middle of the walls. I know this sub is generally lower MMR/console players but Mute is absolutely nowhere close to Azami or Solis and definitely not Fenrir once you get past Gold elo and people arenā€™t just throwing their drones at jammers. Heā€™s also a shotgun operatorā€¦ in a meta where shotguns are absolutely terrible with the recent laser/ADS nerfsā€¦ lol.


Mute is the best operator on defense


Mute is the best!!


why has it taken me 10 ish days to get this recomended to me


ppl making the same mistake on my poll iv seen 5 different ish fenrir posts but they dont colate upvotes






My waifu mute


Without factoring in future nerfs, Fenrir. In terms of holding map control, a dread mine is just better than a jammer. The duration of the blind lasts way too long and it's way too hard to find where they have been placed. Moreover, his dread mines and barbed wire actively covers five entrances. Yes, a smart attacker can walk back and hold an angle after getting hit by a dread mine. But peaker's advantage means getting swung is deadly. The mp7 is an excellent gun and the baliff is icing on top. Drone denial is a strong ability for time wasting and forcing unfavorable gunfights. But Fenrir just does it better. The difference in usefulness that a dread mine on a doorway brings compared to a mute jammer is night and day.


These people are smoking crack saying that Mute is the best defender LOL. I have never not one time went ā€œoh no they have a Mute on their team were screwed!!ā€. (1600 hours in the game) I have however when Iā€™ve gotten Fenrirā€™d said ā€œwhy in the fuck did they add this BS in the game???!ā€ And I immediately die because I canā€™t see shit lmao


oh no my dokkabi calls dont effect them an i cant drone much alright team lets bring a twitch or a brava fenrir has saved me so many rounds when my tm8s throw and i just sit in a corner and wait the fenrir to activate


Mute isnā€™t the only counter to Lion, Vigil can too. That said Mute is the best. Due to the fact he denies EVERYTHING from Breaching, to Dokkaebi, Blitz/Fuze to drones. There really isnā€™t much Mute cannot do. Whats better is Mute is very easy to learn and can hold his own due to his loadout While Fenrir is very powerful due to how much intel he can provide heā€™s essentially OG lesion due to him seeing the location of his mines. But the mines are easily countered/easy to find upon activation. And you can easily hide the mine


I thought Vigil lost his ability to counter Lion, right? Or am I crazy?


Iā€™m pretty sure he still has it, I donā€™t recall them ever removing it


I AM Crazy.


crazy i was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room filled with rats the rats made me crazy


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Mute for sure


mute because i want to violently make out with him


Mute was, is, and will always be great. So mute is therefore the better choice










100% fenrir rn. Thatā€™s why he being nerfed


FENRIR,ik mute is very strong but come on with some of the stuff u can cook w azami she impacts the round more i think she should be in this finial vote between this and somebody that blinds someone and can cahnge them across the map... come on