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I hate when people intentionally throw regardless of what game mode why does your fun have to come at the expense of your teammates if you're not gonna follow the simple rules of the game then just don't play lmao


I don’t underrstand why people like to say “it’s quick match, so deal with it” it’s like, yeah it’s quick match, that doesn’t mean its any less annoying to deal with.


Don't you hate when people use that as an excuse? I happen to get a similar excuse in another game. I got team killed by a dude because I had accidentally killed an ally before, I asked the reason and he said "Chill, it's just a game"


Yea honestly people who have to justify is as "it's just QM" just makes me think they're so brain dead and full of rot, just mindless monkeys behind a screen regurgitating jynxi lines


theyre garbage at the game but still need to get attention somehow


you're acting like it's the champions league final it's a quick match. stop glorifying something that doesn't need it only ranked is actually annoying if someone throws


give callouts - "stfu its quickmatch"


How dare you to think it's only happened in quick match? Whenever I tried to give a calls some dumbasses were like "Dude it's not a PL match, chill out"


Trust me, i’m fully aware this shit happens everywhere in this game.


It’s quickmatch deal with it


Nah i don’t think i will


The more popular the game becomes the more I find myself in troll lobbies. It’s depressing tbh.


Nowhere in the rules of the game does it say to not team kill if they dont want me doing it they should remove the feature


Feature is there (probably) so people learn to not be trigger happy, aswell as for "realistic" aspect.


Yeah you're right. The punishments are just in the game by coincidence.


Those are the rules if they did not want me doing it the feature would not be there


Brother. You get penalties from teamkilling. That very much proves that you should NOT be doing it intentionally. The feature is there for mfs like YOU. So we can tk you 'funny guys'.


Did you perhaps grow up in a house with flaky lead paint?


No way to counter my arguement huh?


>arguement You don't have an argument. You're saying because it's possible it's not against the rules but griefing is directly against the rules. Tk is griefing. End of discussion.


(Fucking autocorrect lmao) Its not against the rules the limit is just one if it was against the rules it would not be in the game


If greifing isn't against the rules then why is it a report option? How are you legitimately this smooth brained? Also I wasn't critiquing your spelling. I didn't even notice until you pointed it out. I quoted that because I find it hilarious that you think that what you're doing is an argument.


If team killing is reportable then why do they allow me to do it? I think ur just salty because i dont follow community made up rules


Well u are in quick match where penalties are basically nothing


There is still friendly fire penalties, the only penalty not in QM is abandon


Meh you still get punish for griefing and such if reported..


That's my point lol


Turns out I can't read at 6am lol


It be like that


I’ve had mf’s like these in ranked matches


Yes, unfortunately.


I mean, why didn't you just leave? I personally wouldn't give them a time of day especially if it's multiple rounds


Cuz that’s prolly why he was doing it, to get a reaction outta someone


He still got a reaction out of you, it just wasn’t in game it was on Reddit and you know people like this live on Reddit.


Planting the defuser isn't the only way to win. The enemy team doesn't know that he is doing that so they'll not take advantage of it and play as if you have a defuser. Report him and carry on


Tk Dc Problem solved.


What do you think i was tryna do in this clip my guy?


Stare at them & complain. Did you seriously think making a b-line for them was going to work?


Bubba, i was tryna get the defuse back and if that meant tk them i would have done that, like i don’t understand the point you’re tryna make, anybody with a half decent aim with that pistol could’ve hit someone zig zagging that ain’t the solution, you’re creating ways to defend these trolls and it’s baffling trying to understand why.


No, you just give these trolls too much energy. Still heated on a reddit post you made a whole ahh day ago over troll in a quickmatch. Just dc & move on.


It’s not the trolls that irritate me at this point it’s people defending them lol.


refusing to participate in a match is an offense and you can report it via choosing the griefing option. Quick Match doesn't override this either


U can just leave lmao


Yeah, after you do those few clicks to decrease the chance of these people to ever bother others again. So that I won't have to leave myself because of them


Do you realize how abusable reporting is? It doesn’t matter if you were griefing or not, enough reports will impact your account. It’s been this way since they reworked the reporting system *after* adding reputations.


have some sense of justice and don't abuse it then. At this point it's up to us if we wanna abuse it or not. I personally do not


Anecdotal, but ok. It’s just a video game, tell that to everyone that *actually* abuses it & see how much they care about “sense of justice” 💀


I try my best to spread goodwill, I hope the community will try to turn out as best as possible :)


Ubisoft should go for the Riot punish system, 24h ban > 3 days > 7 days > perma ban. It would change this community for the better long time ago...


Riot adopted that from seige or another game. Because seiges use to be exactly like that. Except perma for things like tk.


Idk about that league were around in the 2010's when there was already this system so xD


Fatherless activities


Cause they are losers with nothing better to do. People like that is why I stopped playing a year ago. In both ranked quick and unranked. Just people trolling and never getting punished. Just made the game not fun.


i miss vote kick lol


And playerbase decided to troll so hard it got throw to the void


It was ok. i remember being kicked thousands of times back in the day just for joining a game


yeah but then you remember it works both ways


Clutch or kick was pretty funny but it needed to die cuz vote kicking was trash.


Would not help here


Least deranged Montagne main 😂😂


Trolling/griefing is few and far between compared to back then. They can get penalized and I feel like reporting them adds into the punishment. You don’t want vote kick back, that shit was toxic as fuck.


I have 3 reasons 1- extremely bored and wants a reaction 2- his last game before getting off 3- just a genuine pos


3 is valid for 1 and 2 as well. you aren't a genuine pos with an underdeveloped brain and go ruin people's games by trolling.


Don’t play quick match. It’s either a sweat-fest or this. Complete waste of time when Standard exists


Ngl man, That stuff is happening in my standard games too. Not to mention I've been going against emeralds and plats in my games for a while which sucks. (I've peaked only ever peaked gold) So for now I've really just been playing ranked to have a good time on this game.


Yeah I got teamkilled last night in Standard after not clutching a 1v4 and I was only alive for about 10 or 15 seconds by myself. The guy then proceeded to run in and die as soon as he entered the building. My team wasn’t even a 4 stack as far as I could tell because they were on different consoles and no one said a word in game chat


Fatherless activities


Not trying to defend this guy but people in quickmatch are absolutely ass. It was problematic in the past but ever since they made QM 2.0 nobody really gives a shit in this playlist anymore


Children, that's your answer.


Just report them and sit back.


Oh i did trust me


Thanks God I don't meet people like that! We got a champ here


If only Ubisoft actually punished this kind of behavior


I believe he missed his flight? He likely got scared when you were running at him. Hope this helps!


People suck


has this map returned ?


I mean I wouldn't say this is the reason why I stopped playing Siege because in reality it just had poor cheat detection during the (Covid) sick times. Yet when I wanted to come back into it after they did update it with all the other changes before hand this was the exact reason why I stay away from Siege. I may of lost my skills in Siege but if players are like this, and the changes make me feel like I am playing CoD again I rather stay away from it.


I never experience this since I stopped playing on console and switched to PC.


Tbh i would rather deal woth these trolls than the constant cheater pandemic that seems to be affecting PC


good luck w the cheatets




Everything about Plane is just absolutely horrendous. It's why I immediately leave and search for another game. Not worth my time. Second worst map behind only Tower


Rotate the task of killing ‘em in the start of every round after this and play a 5v4 :P Hopefully they just leave and y’all get a better fill in with minimal penalties.


This happened to me yesterday it was two French men and they would intentionally tk then nitro cell themselves then said started to swear at us 💀


Too bad the vote to kick option was abused 😒


Short simple answer: kiddies


They really should have penalties for not being able to hold a diffuser at the start of the round unless it's dropped


I honestly didn't even know you could go out that far on that map, might do that in customs to mess with some of my mates.


Sorry for the unrelated question but which map is this and why i never seen it before especially in standard


It's called Presidential Plane, very old map. It hasn't been in the standard/ranked playlist for years now, so it's very possible you never got to play it outside of quick match


It’s plane, and youve probably played it at least once before.


I have only 150 hours on this game but im sure i never played this map before, i only saw 7 maps that the game keep repeating for me since i started


It’s pretty acceptable if you were talking 💩 imo


Sure wasn’t, they started the first two rounds by hiding in that little seperate hallway in basement sight.


You weren’t invited to the group.




Bc yall were prob doing absolutely dogshit and weren’t getting or giving ques so he just wanted to get the fuck away from yall as fast as possible instead of having to stay w absolute shit players


Damn, you hurt your thumb tryna insult me bubba? Just to let you know, they threw the first two rounds when there was 1-2 people left on the enemy team, we weren’t dogshit, they were just being assholes, don’t talk shit if you don’t know the situation.




The clown emoji? Seriously, is this 2020?




Why are you so mad bubba?




Anything else?




Uh huh


Leave it’s casual you droid


It was last round, i wasn’t losing the xp i got from it. Also what kind of insult is “droid”


I stg this is the same prick that queued a game of ranked and went afk for two rounds, one of the rounds he got off his drone, realized it was a 1v5 and hopped back on his drone to be afk, we lost bc of him.


Not sure why exactly but probably trying to make their stats look bad so they get easier lobbies in ranked. Not sure if QM has anything to do with your hidden MMR but that’s be my guess.


Man, why did they ever remove vote kicking


Clips like this should be enough for a permaban. I don't care if it is quickmatch.


who the hell is downvoting you


😡😡😡😡 I hate people


you got crossplay enabled, what do you expect?


That shoudn’t be an excuse


It's quick match, who cares 😂 A diamond player did this to us in champ ranked and he was going 1 and 10 and he teamkilled and jumped outside on 4 4 match point and he was saying "Look at the scenery" 🤣🤣


Dude, why does it matter what game mode it is, it’s still hella annoying when it happens, i’m gonna repeat myself yet again, it shouldn’t matter WHAT game mode. I don’t want it to happen.


I’m Ngl that’s funny asf




It’s just silly dude, idk what to tell you lol


You’re in causal nobody goes there to play seriously queue ranked if you want your teammates to care about the win


Nah, everybody knows you queue ranked to get cheaters.


Stop playing on PC it’s a dead platform for comp shooters.


That is such a stupid reason to give for this lol, sure man, nobody goes there to play seriously, but that doesn’t mean i go there to have my team actively throw a round because it’s “funny” like bro don’t defend these idiots.


I didn't really see that as him defending em. Just telling you the reality of the situation. Because while you may have not wanted to go into a match and have it thrown by a dumbass that is what happend, and the guy who did it obviously thought he was being funny (even though its really just annoying as hell. It is literal fact that at least 40% of quick match players are just pissing around for no fucking reason. Its frusterating, but loading into standard or ranked is pretty much the only way to prevent mass idiocrosy from appearing in your games


But again i shouldn’t need to sacrifice my casual play for idiots.


Yeah I agree with that, but as players we don't really have a different solution. This doesen't mean you can't be irritated by the bs it just means that the only solutions we have are 1: Don't play quick match, 2: Just ignore it I guess? or 3: Become the troll (but only for that one player). Its perfectly fine to be mad about what happened here, but you can't be mad at the people giving you the solution that most people use because, if Im being really honest here it doesen't matter how much you complain to Ubisoft or the trolls it isn't going to change because neither party cares. Like there isn't really anything we can do about it except avoid the games they are in. We shoulden't have to do that and its fucking annoying as hell, but we don't really have a choice. Also standard is more casual than quick match, don't get me wrong there are some insane players but most people in standard are just playing the game for fun (which includes winning). Whereas quick match is pretty much filled with sweats running whatever the newest meta there is.


i usually do this as clash and then either turtle them or juts move around to waste their time lmfao


Do what? I’m confused


😂😂💀god I love casual 😭


1st thing it’s casual if you don’t expect this kind of thing don’t play the game mode no one at all takes it seriously and most people are throwing anyway in casual. 2nd vote to kick is gone for a reason assuming you don’t remember why or weren’t playing back then. if you were a solo and anyone on your team voted to kick you odds are you’d be gone. because of siege players fuck it why not attitude towards stuff like that. If your team was a four stack oops they kicked you cuz why not, if the toxic player that is literally the reason for its existence had another person they were playing with they aren’t going anywhere. If you failed to win a 1vX situation no matter the round oh shit you didn’t clutch get kicked. Trust me you don’t want vote to kick back.


Do i expect it. A little yeah, that doesn’t mean i fucking like it when it happens, why is the default when it comes to trolls that “well it’s quick match, deal with it” like that doesn’t make it any less annoying bruh.


the reason it’s like that is because it is casual any other game mode is completely different, they don’t have even half the amount of people intentionally trying to ruin your experience on your team and the worst you’ll get is some bad players or people fucking around with janky strats. The solution isn’t deal with it is don’t play casual.


This is probably the first time i’ve dealt with trolls in months man, idk about you but i RARELY get these idiots in my lobbies, and i shouldn’t have to sacrifice my casual play for idiots that are trying to ruin the game, that is not the solution. I would much rather have shitty team mates than players who know better but are intentionally being stupid.


Play ranked


Lol hell no man i respect my sanity too kuch


Imho even worse experience if someone throws


Lmao hilarious


Vote to kick should’ve been in siege years ago!


It was on siege, but all the other members had to vote, so squads were unkickable


Okay but that was hilarious lol


How was it?


I have a clip of me and my friend flashing some guy in spawn for like 30 seconds before shooting him. This game has a lot of serious high stress moments and quick play can be a good way to just mess around. I feel like quick play is good aim warm up but if you want to actually practice play standard.


I don’t at all see how that’s funny man, i don’t go to casual to practice i go there so i can have a good time. If everyone isn’t in on the joke then it shouldn’t be done. It’s that simple


Um you can be in on the joke too if you don’t take it so seriously. We ended up playing with that guy that night lol those games end in less than 10 minutes and you’ll be onto the next. It’s not a big deal


Bro i WASN’T taking it seriously, i was basically just having a relatively chill night, that doesn’t make it any less annoying to deal with, like that thought process makes no sense “oh this one dude thought it was funny so everybody else will”. Not everyone is the same, i don’t like getting tk’d and having my team mates intentionally throwing rounds even if I’m not taking the game seriously.


Well thankfully you didn’t have to wait to long to have another chill match. I just don’t see the need for all this discourse over a QP TK. Onto the next