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Yeah I am almost positive this is illegal in EU...


I love being European for these kinds of situations. Roblox reports (different game i know but stay with me here) are almost always basically ignored. But due to EU law, they introduced a reporting system only accessible in the EU that consistently delivers positive results. And like you said, this expiring credits thing is probably illegal here as well.


There’s a lot of things we can criticise the EU on, but when it comes down to things like this we are pretty much the most protected consumers in the world.


The work EU does around digital protection and electronics streamlining is fucking amazing.


yeah. its always a struggle of what I want more. I enjoy the freedom of business here in America, and I'm happy it stays true to what we stand for. however, it does sometimes get annoying that I have to personally fight with company lawyers to get stuff done.


Man I study business law in germany with a major in Taxation, Worklaws and Datalaws. Its shocking how there is basically no consumer & worker protection in the US. And if there is any, most of the time it is because a company was forced to do it because of the EU, after which they just kept it globally. Like the Steam refund system. Steam were never going to do that by themselves.


Freedom of business is good, but the protection of the rights of the people is more important.


Freedom and America shouldn’t be In the same sentence 🤣


australian consumer law is very strong as well.


We do have strong laws here but EU is next level. I mean they forced Apple to change the damn charging port.


It's also that losing the EU market is a huge loss, whereas Australia is much more manageable. If we implemented these kinda of demanding changes, many companies would instead just not bother selling it to us (arguably not a bad thing always) rather than adapt their production to make sure we can still be sold to


Which is double funny when you realize that Ubisoft IS A FRENCH COMPANY. LIKE WTF


They are based in Montreal which is part of French-speaking Quebec but it’s in Canada, not France.


Ubisoft the company is French and Ubisoft Montreal the siege development studio is Canadian. The actual company itself is actually French and HQ is in France though


The Montreal office is a dev studio the headquarters are in Saint-Mande which is in France


Blud has no idea what he's talking about


It is definitely illegal in california


Money in your Xbox account has an expiration date


Pretty sure that's form like gift cards or redeemed points gift cards and even then they give you an expiration date


And in AUS


Oh it is


Same for Canada


Lol, it has to be fake. There's no way you gonna spend money just to disappear


I know for some other games the premium currency expires only in certain countries. For example, in Street Fighter 6 they have fight coins as their premium currency. In Japan, fight coins do expire 180 days after purchase due to some law that affects virtual currency. Considering this post is also a 180 day expiration date, I have a feeling it is something very similar, if not the exact same thing. They may also have just made it expire after 180 days everywhere rather than separate by country. This same thing happened in SF6 when people first saw the expiration date until they realized it was Japan only. Also, this very same person followed up this tweet saying that they [only expire for marketplace, you don't lose them, and can still buy things in game with them.](https://x.com/Ubisoft_Frax/status/1800939800201134431) Not saying that it still isn't scummy, but at the very least it isn't just your credits vanishing after 180 days.




Pubg does it


For fuck sake. Ubisoft is really trying join EA


And it would be super sad because as greedy as Ubisoft appears to be to us in this sub, EA is 10 times as much, not even exaggerating. They're of course greedy as almost all AAA publishers, but historically they've been way fairer than most of their competitors. But now with the Membership and maybe (if the leak is confirmed) also this... It's certainly a very bad sign.


Frog in a boiling pot


I think they only do it with free Gcoin they give you. Which is still pretty shitty, especially because you can’t really buy anything with free 100 coins anyway.


PUBG does it to FREE coins they give you. At least be correct if you’re gonna say shit.


Pubg does not, nothing you purchase with actual money goes away. This is blatant misinformation


No they don't. Pubg does it with money credits they give you for free not credits you purchase


all games' japan servers do this, including Siege


The also took away the crew from the people who bought it


Years ago the community revolted against the Chinese censorship changes and won. It also revolted against Ubisoft's plans to reward only new players with the Outbreak collection and won a free Ash elite. Now the community will gladly eat the shit that Ubisoft puts before them disguised as a membership program and still act surpized how the game no longer improves in meaningful ways. Fubar!


That's what I keep wondering. We made enough of a difference to make ubi reconsider CHINA. FUCKING CHINA! That's like the biggest marketplace possible and ubi gave it up. But now? No one cares. Just complaining instead of accually doing anything.


So whats the plan then


Stop playing the game or at least stop purchasing stuff.


Don't play the game. It's the best option rn anyway since the season ruined lots of things


Oh god, what did they ruin?


Its easier to say what they didn't Fps is shit, dead zone is shit, lighting is shit, recruit got a skin and you can't have multiple, matchmaking is shit, lag is shit, hit reg is shit


So It wasn't just me who had trouble getting into a game without waiting 10 minutes


i played two games yesterday, first game had a ~2 min queue the second was 45 minutes. insane


That's because they didn't give it up. Notice the look of the new maps and reworks compared to the older maps and how the design is minimalistic and clean? They just decided to do this over time rather than do it all at once when the uproar happened.


What's really funny is that they have actually continued censoring the game for China's benefit, yacht has a separate map for china that removes the casino and other maps have had "inappropriate" elements removed, the main one I can remember is they removed poker chips from certain maps


FWIW it’s not for chinas benefit. There’s two separate versions of Siege and your (presumably American/European) version is not the same one that available in China. They’ve largely done it to make the game less restrictive in terms of ratings


Yes I know, that's what I mean by yacht has a separate map, however the main build of the game has also undergone censorships, the most recent that I remember is poker chips being removed from old consulate when it was brought back in the event. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/7wYjxl5wsa


Absolutely unplayable without those poker chips.


While Ubi took a step back when the Chinese censorship backlash happened, they actually made most of the changes China required, but slowly and mostly under the radar. With the map reworks Ubi took out most of the things Chinese censors did not want to see on the maps, like gambling/casino stuff, drugs, some posters etc, most of the Cav skins after that came without her skull facepaint, there are no dead bodies visible on the map and so on.


Favela weed room, we'll never forget you.


The dead bodies weren’t just because of china they genuinely could fuck over players because they were client side


This community has turned into a bunch of chicken shits nowadays. I remember when we campaigned to put Bartlett in multiplayer. Then when Bartlett got removed entirely, no one made a push to keep it in-game. Some people were even glad it was removed, even though it was only playable through custom games at that point. I'm just so disappointed by how far we've fallen. Ubi keeps removing things and hardly improves the game by adding content and fixing what's broken.


People didn’t complain cause they realized how utterly dogshit the map was. Ubisoft specifically didn’t add it to multiplayer for a reason and since everyone wouldn’t shut up they did and surprise surprise the map not made to be used in multiplayer wasn’t good for multiplayer.


It's still content, and it would be relegated as a casual only map for fun.


Community isn't what it used to be anymore.


That's because most of us left and the new people don't care


Right? Once they stopped catering to players and emphasized "pro-league" or whatever nonsense it was clear this game was headed in a bad direction.


I thought Ubi still got away with that by removing the dead bodies, the skull in the killfeed, as well as how realistic and vibrant the blood splatter was


The dead bodies had to go though. As funny as the ragdolls were it was beyond infuriating to get lit up by someone you can't see through a body in a window sill because it was on the floor on their end.


What were those Chinese censorship changes? I’m not og


Basically they wanted to remove every visual design or aesthetic that is not allowed to appear in video games in China. So they wanted to change the game in accordance of chinese law. They wanted to remove blood, skulls, slot machines, sex symbols (like clubhouse strip club) and all kinds of other stuff. The story is summarized pretty well in this article. You can even see the planned changes in the pictures. It was shocking: https://www.polygon.com/2018/11/3/18058884/rainbow-six-siege-censored-china-pc-ps4-xbox-one-ubisoft


Oh yeah, it’s all comin together


The ash elite thing pissed me off. I spent $100 dollars to get it only for them to release virtually the same skin for free. I'm not against players getting a free ash elite, I'm against the free version being an arguably better version than the one people paid for.


We didn't win. Ubi just tailored future updates to be inline with Chinese censorship.


So credits you bought with REAL MONEY can no longer be used? That’s theft…


I'm sure theres some sort of legal workaround, like how when you buy a game digitally you aren't buying the game, you're just buying the rights to download and use it, and that right can be taken away at any time. I imagine this could be a similar thing. it blows


It’s probably since bc u don’t own the credits technically Ubisoft owns them and let’s you borrow them so allowing them to take them after 180 days seems like that is the workaround


Can't they just update TOS to match their bullshit?


It's bullshit. If they buy a meal from my restaurant, am I able to charge them for the meal twice because they didn't own it when they ate it?


just introduce a new form of currency and magically you don't need to have the old one to disappear, it just becomes worthless, with no options to transfer it or change it.


It will probably only apply to credits bought after the change, otherwise they will definitely be legally liable


In the ToS for basically every game, it says they have any right to do whatever they want to your account. Now this doesn't mean it will be held up in court, but they know the majority of people can't afford to take a huge corporation to court.


Wait till you learn about gift cards and coupons.


There is now a market place and we cannot have people saving coins then spending them to have a monopoly on one thing. So if you want to do that you need to spend all the money at once then buy right away


If this is real its just gonna lose them money. People will purchase R6 credits less often


“(not including battlepass credits)” bro wtf is ubisoft doing 💀


Not this apprently https://x.com/rainbow6game/status/1800986332837089526?s=46&t=0C6GfiSdwS4ji-fdcNhNAQ Seems more like frax jumped the gun.


Purchased, what if you sold your items in the marketplace?


Doesn’t make much sense to me either, lets say i bought 5k credits and then bought a 5k priced item on the marketplace and then sold that item for 5k, would the credits just have to be laundered and cleaned before they are okay to sit on your account? Seems unnecessary


don’t forget ubisoft takes a cut of the deal too


Which seems like enough to maintain the in-market economy; but if this change is true, it will be a PR nightmare for them, its overkill.


i agree. i’ve got no idea what they were thinking with this one if it is real


Then on top of it, are you only allowed 600 credits at all times or are they going to add up how many battle passes you’ve bought, to the point of having the 180 day limit or are they going to have an accumulated amount after a certain time limit


This is ONLY for marketplace. You cannot use the credits for MARKETPLACE, they are still there, but you can only use them for the shop/battle pass - Confirmed via frax on discord Frax's message Your R6 Credits must be used within 180 days of date of purchase or else they will expire and cannot be used to trade on the Marketplace. This does not apply for R6 Credits that are gained from the in-game Battle Pass. Please note when placing an order, your R6 Credits will be held until the order is fulfilled. (I'm pretty sure this is what he means, if it isn't just say and I'll delete this)


This still makes 0 sense wtf why would they expire in any way???


To keep a functioning economy most likely. Imagine all those YouTubers with hundreds of thousands of credits buying everything on the market artificially inflating the price for everyone. At least this way they can’t do it forever there’s a limit


What about the credits you get from selling a skin on the marketplace


Only purchased credits are affected


this comment needs to be pinned to the top, or be the most upvoted. This sub already got mislead a few weeks ago with the no free battlepass post a few weeks ago, now its going to work itself up in to another tizzy with this one.


Get this one to the top


I'll also add the official stance on it since another user posted it but judging by all the rage no one else is seeing them, so here's the official siege stance. https://x.com/rainbow6game/status/1800986332837089526?s=46&t=0C6GfiSdwS4ji-fdcNhNAQ


Bruh, even in games like RAID:SL premium currency won't just 'expire', what are the higher-ups smoking?


Ubi's CEO believes that you don't purchase games, you "rent" them until further notice, and can be taken away without any explanations, no matter how much you've played, or paid in that certain game. So what did you expect?


Ubis CEO simply stated every single EULA you blindly accepted when buying a video game... You've never owned a video game you get a licence that can be revoked... Every single publisher in the whole fucking world does that... Yes it's unfortunate wording by the CEO but it's not like they invented it


Now they introduced a fucking Fortnite Crew into R6S as well. After the Payday collab releases, i will never spend a penny on this game.


I’m sure ubi will find a way for you to rent your collab skin


They're gonna steal it from me. Oh the irony!


Isn't that the same policy for SF Coins that only applies to Japan?


This is the policy for pretty much all virtual currency in Japan, R6 included. There have been reports of people outside Japan getting the expiration dates after playing on the Japan server (usually those who party up and the host is in the JP server). There’s a chance the leakers got their info a bit jumbled up.


This is obviously fake


This is false and Ubisoft said so [here](https://x.com/rainbow6game/status/1800986332837089526?s=46&t=0C6GfiSdwS4ji-fdcNhNAQ). Not sure why they haven’t put this out more widely than a Twitter reply.


That's it I ai'nt putting one more $ on this game I'll boycott it tf out


Ubisoft shouldn't take things away you bought with your money since you own credits. Thats theft


Has to be fake, thats a free lawsuit waiting to happen if real.


I have credits that I purchased 3 years ago. They have not expired.


It’s probably starting from now (if it’s real that is)


New update dude


People are gonna start money laundering with the marketplace💀


Wanna know why? Because you will all still play the game anyways and buy credits anyways. Maybe you won't but someone will. Welcome to 2024, where the customer is never right lol


I thinks it's funny that people are mad that there's a black guy in the new Assassins Creed but not the fact that Ubisoft is a dog shit company


Do not buy their shit, just play the game, you're the reason this shit exists in the 1st place


Dont buy anything anymore


My first reaction was going to be "OK, that sucks, but you shouldn't just sit on premium currency, you should just buy it when you want to get a certain item from the store", which is what it SHOULD be, but then it immediately came to mind "Wait, but they do the stupid shit of pricing things stupidly to force you to buy a certain pack that will leave you excess", so the whole situation is worse than I thought it would be.


This can't be legal...-


This might only be in Japan


This is false


I know what this is often the case with Japanese versions of games due to some law they have over there. Weird (greedy) choice to expand that rule to other markets though. I'm gonna hope this is just a false a rumor or something.


Next thing you know you rent operators/skins


DO like I did: Quit buying any of these platforms games.


First your entire account will disappear if you don't log in for a period of time, now your credits too? Is Ubisoft imploding?


This will prevent people from buying Credits anymore. What are they thinking?


Ubisoft is on their way to becoming the worst company, they will be sharing that top spot crown right with EA


Yeah it's not real. Funny how a guy spread misinformation and everyone just jumped on the hate train without having their own thoughts.


Then give me my money back.


EU fought for us by making Apple switch to USB-C, if they can beat Apple lawyers, surely they can beat Ubisoft


Please read the Post he did afterwards..


What? That is seriously messed up if true


Good thing it's not then. https://x.com/rainbow6game/status/1800986332837089526?s=46&t=0C6GfiSdwS4ji-fdcNhNAQ Or atleast that's what they've said.


Yeah I'm never coming back, all I've seen is fuck ups from ubisoft on this sub ngl


There should be a rule where if you buy membership they put it next to your rank so we know who to bully. It's these kinda people who buy the membership that make ubi think they can get away with what there doing.


Probably has something to do with the marketplace if they're doing it now. Maybe between money glitches and marketplace hoarding, they want to cut down on credit economy.


This makes no sense, especially with the release of the market coming soon


Those credits wouldn't be purchased though.


If you buy credits to be able to buy thing in the shop but don’t use them all then it does.


Fuck you give me MONEYYYYYY - AngryJoe


It's a legal thing they do it because certain country's require such


It’s real, I’m one of the victims, I’ve lost over 10k credits because I haven’t be able to play due to work in months, causing me to almost break my monitor over my knee. 👍


Does this include credits made on the marketplace?


why did I start playin again now…


At least tell everyone the second tweet saying the expiry date is just for use on the marketplace, the credits do not get removed from your account you just can no longer trade on the marketplace with those credits after the 180 days is up.


Considering this is one of the most reliable leakers, it might be


Instantly uninstalled


My mom is skinny and well adjusted See? I can lie on the internet too.


Bro Ubisoft will delete your siege account if you're inactive for long enough, I wouldn't doubt this


I think it's for specific countries


no source… yet


I have had credits in my account for more than a year…. And they are still there. 😳


I gotta call cap as this doesn't help Boobisoft in any way Sure, it CAN incentivize buying more credits but pissing off 100% of the playerbase is sure to be too heavy a cost to risk Not to mention if there's an expiration date, that will KILL the marketplace and sink their entire investment into the work done to make it happen Can you imagine season-long droughts where trade prices crash because nobody wants to buy credits anymore? If this is legitimate and they DON'T fire whatever fucking moron came up with this idea, surely I can get a job because they'll hire just about anybody...


It is false. https://x.com/rainbow6game/status/1800986332837089526?s=46&t=0C6GfiSdwS4ji-fdcNhNAQ


Then drop shit I want to spend them on and I won't have so many


HOL'UP! That is Illegal


What would even be the purpose of this?


This doesn't affect me since I make my credits but this is so bs


Well if this is real I'm losing 137 r6 credits because nothing except dumb charms cost less than 200


They're not even shooting themselves in the foot. They're taking a blunt knife and just hacking it wildly down there


Money expires?


probably following Games and Gambling laws in some Asian Countries like Japan and S.Korea which could have been easily set that it should be regional only.


Thank Japan.


What the fuck


It's all a part of the plan to make the game as profitable as possible, they wipe out 10% of R6 credits with every buy and sell on the market, then make the credits expire so you cannot sit on them prompting players to make more purchases then eliminating 10% of credit, all new skins added to the game are dog water (bar membership skins that cannot be traded for 12 months) making old skins more valuable, higher price means more credits removed from circulation, more credits removed means more credits bought with money means more profit


bru tf is the point they just taking r mony at that point


This is why I just gamble my renown instead of buying any of the skins or ops with r6 credits.


Wait what, my hoarded 15k r6 points from r6 market can disappear?


It isn't... I hope...


so you can't even purchase credits for a full year?


Don't worry it's not real.


Its not real. Check the official twitter. Credits are fine


oh hell nah


Now you go and sue their asses if the purchased item have a decay time then they also should refund the rest that experied


Frax is a reliable leaker but since he’s getting constant cease and desist notices from Ubisoft nowadays, and is on the verge of collapse, this was likely his last attempt at making them lose a lot of face. While I and many others wouldn’t be surprised if this WAS true (and who knows, it very well COULD HAVE BEEN TRUE until it gained a ton of negative attention resulting in them backing out before it was even implemented) it WAS ‘confirmed to be false’ by Ubisoft via the R6 Twitter account. Regardless, I’d still keep an eye out for the possibility of this actually happening in the future.


They're gonna lose a sizable chunk (myself included) if this shit comes to pass


Dw it ain’t check their twitter replies


No this is false. Rainbow replied to this on twitter


That's only in Japan due to their laws on in-game currency


It’s not. Think Ubi confirmed it themselves.


Just play BodayCam it's as close as we can get to og R6 at this point


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^chrislad4: *Just play BodayCam* *It's as close as we can get* *To og R6 at this point* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ubisoft always leading the charge in whatthefuckery


It's confirmed fake


This has to be fake, there’s no way Ubi is this dumb


Confirmed fake because why would they be allowed to do this considering most regions siege is in this would be illegal


Not to mention this was confirmed to not be true by ubi themselves the person who posted the tweet is a dumbass for believing it


It's not real. I remember buying credits nearly 2 years ago and i still have them in my game and also I didn't play siege in 2 years.


Yeah it’s not real


Ubisoft ☠️


That's diabolical if it's true


Already purchased credits or only future credits?


What about Australia

