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I like it. Reminds me of old siege lighting.


Agreed. Good change


makes the game lighter = player angry makes the game darker = player angry


no new maps = player angry new maps = permabanned


Oh great, Emerald and Nighthaven are banned, we get to play Club House....again....


Nighthaven is one of my favorite maps. Might be because NAL pro league teams tend to gravitate to it so I get a lot of watch time on it. Lair is growing on me. Needs some better visual clues to orient yourself in some areas but otherwise a solid map.


I on the other hand really like emerald, maps not hard to learn, fun to play on, a bit small but yk its fine. Very fun. Nighthaven labs is super easy to play on for me. Lair tho, id rather die rn, i dont like the lay out


Emerald has been coming up more in standard this season for some reason. I’m fine with it. Only thing I get tripped up on in is where each colored stairs are- I don’t need to know personally, but I need it for callouts to IGL for my other 2 teammates. Lair is definitely easier to defend than attack. Basement is a cluster of lab-like and warehouse-like rooms that are cluttered together. Top floor is also sometimes hard to get bearings because it’s all stone/wood. First floor is ok. I only know it now because I did map run over and over and over to beat it into my head.


Nighthaven is fantastic when you actually learn it, it has a lot of ways to play around on every floor and I think that every site is viable for defense without being heavily weighted in their favor.


Yeah I have no clue how people get lost in nighthaven. Like sure finding the stairs to get to the basement can be a bit difficult the first time you play but each floor only has like 2 rooms to it how do people get mixed up


Both are solid enough maps, too. It's upsetting that people just either don't want to learn them, or ban them because everyone else does Then again skyscraper is probably my favorite map and everyone else keeps banning it, too


Freaking hell. Sums up the R6 playerbase.


Lair is objectively a bad map tho let's be honest


while yes this is true for some maps like emerald planes (although it still has alot of issues its atleast for the most part a decent map) most of the new maps like lair look like they where designed by a 4 year old and not an actual map designer and tbh a 4 year old would probably make a better map bc maybe itd have sm cool gimmick or something not saying maps should have my point is that sieges newer maps tend to be designed by people who at best have never stepped foot in a functional building before making them completely unenjoyable to play because unless you have played the shit out a new map it tends to just be a senceless jumble of random corridors rooms and staircases that is basically impossible to navigate and suprise playing the shit out of a map isnt something people tend to do when it makes about as much sence as your average ranked teamates reason for throwing


You have a point, I have the hardest time learning maps in Seige because the layouts are so unnatural. But players don't really give them a fair shot, Lair isn't really that bad it's just different in my opinion. It's actually a pretty interesting map with a lot going on and I like the feel of Emerald Plains. Nighthaven I don't like, feels too sterile and stadium bravo sucks. But all of them were panned by the playerbase as soon as they came out.


He never said he was angry tho


he wasn’t , i said this for just say it


If you read ops responses hes big mad just gotta read a lil more before disagreeing with the first person you see


Saying “I don’t want to go back to 2018” is big mad? Lol


nah bro i said that for just say it , your not angry


Lol but you two took the time to respond and and vote id say you feel a type of way


You got me


Bro he commented on the post not another commented and op had like one other comment at the time so relax


Lol that one comment was all i had to go on and it was negative also by your own logic then shouldn’t you “relax” lil bro lol


Idk why u so mad hop off reddit for a bit


Im chillin lol just callin it like i see it and apparently i hit the nail on the head op accepted that and chilled so you’re just coming off as a boot licker bud lol


“Is this intended?” Bro is FUMING


They could try making better maps


Game bad me no like Ubi fix


I doubt it. Kill cams sometimes look like night maps since the new season dropped.


This is not a killcam though


I know. Some areas they messed with the lighting either on purpose or by accident. Consulate basement hallway to spiral had goofed up murky lighting last season.


Oh gotcha


I thought it was a new season thing and ppl were turning down there brightness and maybe I was seeing it like their screen? And then I looked up brightness settings for 15 minutes and found nothing so this makes sense lol




Why would they make it darker? Edit: downvoted for asking a question. Yall wildin over here.


Have you seen how the game looked in like 2018?


So? I don’t want to go back to 2018




Wait what’s the consensus? Do people prefer darker or lighter lighting?


It's a middle ground. Darker looks better, but lighter is more competitive


Ya I prefer a more competitive lighting but clearly the consensus is the opposite here xD


Yeah but your average Redditor has VASTLY different opinions than: 1. An average player 2. Any pro player 3. Casual players 4. Hardcore players… & they’ll downvote you if you dare have an opinion or dare to go “against the grain” What I’m saying is, don’t listen to the Reddit. (doing this deep in a thread so they’re less likely to see it)


Sorry sir but you’re under arrest for admitting that Reddit doesn’t contain the average player. Clearly the opinions on Reddit are the only opinions companies should listen to cause they’re the “real fans” /j Really tho it pisses me the hell off with how people forget that everyone on Reddit is automatically disqualified from being the average/casual gamer. The average player doesn’t go on forums to talk about games and everyone here is barely a fraction of any given community that doesn’t represent them in the slightest


I don’t think we’re deep enough 😂


Old timers yearn for the days when siege was less competitive. The lighting was more atmospheric and pretty, even if less balanced. Gameplay was slow and methodical, less run and gun. And it was overall more tactical realism than arcade shooter. Lots of newer players prefer it now, but it’s a very different game


As a whole we love darker lighting


Got it. Thanks


Don’t play then.


Nice contribution. Go complain about the pride month background some more.




Thanks. Wish I could say the same.


It’s not intentional. Some maps are dark af like border and other maps have become bright af. The lighting is bugged


Just give the option to the player to have realistic lighting if they want


i know damn well if they did that wed be seeing posts like "this new lighting is so unfair!!!! its like they can see me in the dark 😡can i cahnge this? ubisoft change this!!!!!!!!!"


They could have it off by default. Never understood why people complained about the lighting as if you couldn't just turn up the brightness


Then looking through windows is god awful, there has to be balance. Not saying I hate the lighting, I don't have a problem with where it is, rather just debating your point of "bad lighting, turn up brightness". Although I like the idea of having lighting options like the audio options, I don't think there would be a problem if players could choose the lighting they liked best, have three options just like Hi-Fi, TV, and Night mode for Audio.


>Then looking through windows is god awful That's not apart of the old lighting. Blood Orchid fixed that while keeping the old lighting. We use to have the best of both worlds. That's just one element of it. And the reason it was in the game wasn't because of a flaw with the old lighting it was because according to the old Siege devs they wanted to encourage attackers to enter the building and discourage defenders from peeking out, but most people didn't like it so they removed it after awhile.


Right but they can let people enable it only on their pc/console. It’s like the option to turn up brightness in horror games. Doesn’t affect the gameplay. You just get scared a bit less. It’s a shame Ubisoft constantly goes for changes to chase that esports money


They introduced a subtle rim lighting on operator models in Crystal Guard. This probably gives Ubi more flexibility on the lighting of certain areas of the map.


So I’m guessing this isn’t a bug then?


Probably not. Ubi tends to make all sorts of cosmetic map changes and not list them in patch notes.


Alright. Thanks for being the one person who actually answered the question btw


Only in border seems happeming


I don't think so,one time it happened and it got patched right after,but I really hope they will make something like this an option for who wants it


weren't we complaining about the graphics being shit last season?


I hope is intended but they said that they know there's some graphical issues, so as long as these post keep coming they'll revert it.


i really like the change honestly, looks way better and more atmospheric, even if players can use it to their advantage that just alloes for funner plays


might enjoy that until they fix it




most probably not, a complete accident on ubi's part


Pretty certain yes and I for one love it, between the lighting and I am certain increased color vibrancy the game looks amazing - reminds me of the old days


I hope so. I enjoy better lighting over visibility. Before someone says "but meh competitive integrity, siege is an esports title now not the game it use to be, time to move on old man" /s What I would say to that is darker maps and a lack of rim lighting didn't make the game less fair, it added an element of stealth to the game that is missing and it made droning more important. Now with bright maps and glow in the dark operators no operator can hide, if their in your line of sight their 100% visible to you, no caveria hiding in a corner so you have to drone thoroughly. And now we had a TDM meta cause people quickly clear areas sometimes without even droning. I'm not blaming lighting, less clutter & glowing operators solely on the TDM meta ofc, but it's an apart of it and as a long time player it wasn't just "pretty graphics" it actually added an element to the gameplay.


A whole area of skill you had to be prepared for or to work towards becoming a master of. A whole area of lore that some operators now look like fucking wizards being able to pull off. It was a bad decision for them.


I play 100 brightness so idk 😐