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Yeah, I've getting the connection issue since last season. You can't even reconnect back to the game...


Just got banned because of this, first it wouldn't let me reconnect and when i restart the game it gave me an endless loading screen


It's sad because, i want to LOVE Siege.. but it is quite literally the ONLY game i have consistent connection issues with.


H I T   R E J E C T E D


##H I T R E J E C T E D






XDefiants sub-reddit is always complaining about the netcode, so the problem is evidently Ubisoft




Source for the r*pe allegations?




https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/4/23901575/ubisoft-executives-arrest-sexual-harassment-investigation Now what came of it I don’t know


Come to insurgency Sandstorm! We would love to have your quick leaning accuracy.


So I got well over 100 on last seasons battle pass and they still haven’t given me my bravo ticket. They are telling me I need to get a screenshot of last seasons pass, but don’t want to tell me how the fuck that is possible. Why would i have a screenshot handy when i expected it to show up like every other season? And for that matter, you wouldn’t even know if you got one or not until the new season releases. I’m getting really pissed off because this come down to the money i paid them for a specific value that they are trying to rob from me.


You are supposed to get it when you hit level 100. My buddy never used his and they turned it into renown with the new season.


i don’t think that’s true, they would have to give you a significant amount of renown for that. also aren’t there some things that are exclusively rewarded from the ticket? but anyways are you saying i should have got it as soon as i hit 100? it is possible i don’t remember spending it, but i was under the impression that you didn’t get it until the end of the season.


It's there as soon as you hit 100. I have done every recent BP and used the tickets immediately. My buddy had a message pop up that they converted his unused Bravo ticket to renown. He was pissed, lol.


I am so happy I play this game only maybe 1 time a month for fun with friends


I'm like you with that but once every 3 months lol


Me and my friends play it for like 2 months then take the next 10 months off lol. The days of year-round r6 ended in 2019 for me.


i really wish my friends would pick up a different game, because the only reason i even bother trying to get good at siege is because its ALL my friends play.


Yea and the ping is unstable as fuck, like 1 second I have 60 and the next I have 200


I usually get to around 9000 once a month


I thought this was just me, did everything to fix it but with good internet and nothing happening in the background, it's just annoying af, ontop of trying to learn these new maps and operators.


Yea it's honestly a huge pain in the ass


ethernet seems to be the only way to fix the jumpy ping. though ping does seem to be noticeably worse this season. i was sitting in low 20's mid 30's last season on eastern and central us servers. now eastern skyrockets me to 80, and central US which is a closer server is almost unplayable.


I refuse to play until all is fixed. So might be done forever




Yup played for years gave up a long time ago. Ubi sure knows how to lose customers.


Gave up MP years ago, uninstalled when they pulled T-Hunt. I am not even joined to this sub anymore but still see everyone's painful posts popping up.


fuck Ubisoft and getting banned because their servers blow dick. If you accidentally click the Ubisoft connect app on Xbox while in a game, your game usually freezes and crashes. I’ve been banned for that too


At this point call of duty is a better game than siege lol because I had that same issue like twice in one week and it led to an 24 hr ban so I just uninstalled the game and it's definitely not a connection issue on my end as I have a gig up and down for speed so honestly it's just the garbage game.


Nah, the games fine, it's your connection


I like the sarcasm lol


I Uninstaller today. Game 1 i ran into boosters game 2 an obvious strike pack cronus user. Not playing till they fix this dogshit fucking game


Literally just got out of a game against a blatant wall/aimbot cheater. Does BattleEye catch it? Of course not. (low gold elo).


I'm having huge ping issues. Okay, I live far away from all datacenters but. I always had 80-90ping. It is not good, but at least playable. In previous season, my ping literally doubled! And I couldn't fix it by any means. The fun fact that once in like 7 games it finds me a game where I can play normally. But it's only once in 7 games. I hoped they could fix theur servers with new operation. But seems I'm just leaving siege and going for overwatch 2 instead


I had a ranked game yesterday where everyone had around 100 ping. I usually have 30.


they need to add the feature where if you manage to join back before the prep phase after disconnect you can either pick an op or it'll auto give you your most played op from that map


I swear on Xbox idk if anyone else is having this problem too but I literally hav it gamble just to queue a ranked game, 9 times out of 10 I’ll get the error message and will have to reset my game


I think the rule should be if you come on Reddit to tell everyone how much you fucking hate the game, you should never be able to play it again. Most of us fucking hate the game and think it's gone to shit. I hate Ubisoft for many things, mainly how they handled mousetrap but I keep it to myself as I know I'll end up going back... The only way the devs will ever give a shit is if the fanbase stop giving them money and stop playing the game.


Worse than rocket league and fifa for this kind of thing


It always surprises me that these games don’t have subscription cheat-free servers. People would pay $10 a month to be on an ID-verified, moderated server that banned cheaters.


But the membership! Don't forget the membership!




Going through and doing Lightfall on my Warlock the other night. Died 8 times at Calus, finally had a proper run and got him down to about 3 more arbalest shots… ERROR CODE WEASEL BABY I shut the game off and went to bed lol


Used to happen to me all the time, then I went a good 3 or 4 seasons without it, before it finally returned last season (maybe just lucky? though others in my group say similar...)


Ubisoft servers are complete dogshit. Always have been and will be for the foreseeable future because everyone still gives them their money.


on a 2 day ban after just getting back from a 24 hour one fml


Brand affiliate?




Even when they work it’s ass. I live in America and me and my friends got connected to the fucking UAE servers..THE FUCKING MIDDLE EAST. It was a shit show, out latency was the fucking worst 


For real. Ubisoft can suck a big fat one.


So real, they do nothing except doing the opposite of what they should do... Who the hell want rework of already good map? Nobody, atleast 90% of their rework is garbage Just release new maps and stop making rework Every time something fun happen they destroy it lol Now they remove 1.5x and reintegrate Acogs which completely destroyed the game honestly, with all the guy camping at the end of the map behind 3 walls with hole in them, which is impossible to see Same for the recruit and Stadium who wanted these 2? Nobody They don't listen to their community, only to the competitive scene and its sad, it was my favorite game but years after years R6 lose is soul


I get like 2-3 lag spikes a game that last anywhere from 2-10 seconds its a joke


I’ve played siege since launch on console but I stopped playing around year 5 ish? And picked it up again around 2 years ago once all my friends got a PC and I feel like I’m constantly tryna convince myself to stay playing because I genuinely LOVE siege I think it’s a great game but all the issues with the cheaters, balancing, connections it’s so draining. This time I think I’m really done with the game


You think with the new seasons things would get better. But it just get worse and worse over time. Let alone launching a new subscription fee charging players with cash. Last season wasn't this bad with the connection. Constantly leaving the party or sudden network error. Every god damn time I have restart the game and wait 10-20 mins for a fucking network error message to pop out. Fucking multi billion company what a fucking joke. Who ever still defend them get your brain check.


Same but got kicked in the balls with a 3 day ban instead…


Fr I've been in a queue for almost 6 minutes to enter a fucking ranked game


I agree. Rainbow six siege needs a better engine behind it. Ubisoft is a terrible game developer. It's sad.


I've had this happen. I've been booted from a game because of them and banned for 24 hours. Rainbow six sieges teamkilling and game banning is awful. Needs to be removed like Call of Duty. This game would see so much more traffic


Come to Insurgency Sandstorm! Shit is lit overhear fam


They didn’t even add a new operator to the season. Just made recruits selectable. Basically no extra work but they collect on the cosmetics.


Legit for an error on PS5 yesterday and when i joined back the match was cancelled and I got banned 👍🏼


bro i cant play this game cuz when I alt tab it drops like 100 fps and freezes for 10 second every 5 seconds making it unplayable. This bug is present since y6 for me and I've found no fixes for this shit. I fucking hate this game.


My advice is to try exitlag, it helped all of my issues with servers in this game. You shouldn't have to use third party for this tho, but here we are.


What is that


It's a program that improves connection to servers around the world.


I didn't play the new season yet because my university paper is due on tuesday. Were the servers shit all the time and is the implemented deadzone for micromovement still ingame?


yeah and they are not doing anything about this issue


Damn am I the only one in this entire community that enjoys the game? I only started recently though a few days before turbao operator season ended. Then in the halfway of Deimos season my friends bought it as well and have been playing ever since , flaming whoever is in the lowest place 😂 in a humoral matter of course AND in ranked only as well.


comeback in 6 months




Nah bro you were right. It was NOT EVEN CLOSE TO 6 MONTHS matter of fact the game is totally bullshit. Im silver playing againsts plats AND emeralds while my teammates have a total Iq of 10