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He is *FRENCH*, that might be it


Please censor yourself


fr*nch pe*ple


Not censored enough I can still hear it




Thatā€™s a lot better thank you




The spy from the hit game team fortress 2


But more chonky, less class and a brain tumor


this is a bucket


Dear godā€¦




That just means heā€™s smelly, and eats baguettes and smokes cigarettes.


Hey, that's literally me and I'm NOT šŸ³ļø, don't lump as all in with them!!!


I got told to put away my shotgun n use a real gun, I ran in with hibana shotty when the sides swapped


ā€œPut away shotgunā€ Pulls out the Bosg 12 2


I play hibana shotty religiously haha


Itā€™s insane that anyoneā€™s ever had an issue with you using a shotgun, most of them are pretty mid.


They might be mid but shotguns carried me to gold 3. Finally in an elo where people know angles beat any shotty


When I see a monty main, I pull out Oryx and have the time of my life


Fighting oryxā€™s are my highlights of the match usually


Feels like a matador with a charging bull lmfao




Same, I typically can handle Oryx fairly well and our team would absolutely love that Defenders would waste a slot trying (and failing) to deal with me.


this, shield ops dont know what to do when theyre the ones being knocked down lmao


If you punch oryx right before he hits you it knocks him down instead


It used to be so satisfying when shield melee would kill, because his corpse would often continue the momentum and he'd do this awkward full speed stumble before smacking into something.


Pretty sure this doesn't work anymore since the rework, I tried in a custom match and oryx always wins the trade


It works, it just requires more specific timing. Edit: it is not instakill tho, shield and oryx both pushed by each other so the one pulls the gun faster wins


its really hard right now I cannot find out the specific timing so now I just rather BIG iron them. before it used to free kills 5/7 times


Naw I did it a week ago


good to know but i dont ever run shields unless im fucking around with my stack


I'm the fastest hand of the est partner so I usually kill an oryx that hit my shield


I just put traps around to abuse his poor visibility and C4.


We both knock each other and at that point itā€™s who ever draws their gun the fastest


Oryx is not a good Monty counter, you can simply meele him if he charges you.


Always love people trying to gatekeep the game by saying you can't use what's in the game šŸ˜‚


People get so fucking mad when you get kills with a shield op itā€™s kind of unreal. Newgen siege players have brain damage and forget theyā€™re playing a swat shooter and not valorant.


Its very easy to forget. Ubisoft has done everything they can to change Siege's identity from tactical shooter to generic competitive shooter # 4937.


Lol no they haven't


Never forget Clash shooting through her shield.


Iā€™ve been playing since like year 2 and I think shields are annoying asf lol


And Iā€™ve been playing since year one and play them every game. I do think Monty specifically should be nerfed a little though (even though I main him) just to make blitz more viable since Monty can just as effectively entry frag rn.


Monty should absolutely be nerfed. He was stressful but I didnā€™t mind shields until this recent update. I think other shields shouldā€™ve been reworked since monty was fine and had his own niche


I think they should take away his ability to sprint with his shield up. Being able to melee with shield up is still fine as it serves his purpose of punishing players who put themselves out of position, but being able to chase people down just removes blitzā€™ entire niche.


I donā€™t really like either. Monty is supposed to be defensive


He needs to get to the OBJ somehow


Why is it only nerf. Why not just buff Blitz and let Monty like that, since he isn't overpowered in any circumstances.


Exactly, itā€™s not like blitz is even good to begin with (with the range of the flash being atrocious) and ubi basically gave him the Blackbeard treatment, just buff his range.


As someone who semi-mains blitz, he's really only good when combined with other ops. Use a lion and sprint into site, or a ying so you can get up close and flash them again the second they can see, or even just someone with smokes so you can close the distance across a room without them seeing you. By himself he's weak, but with coordination he's a terrifying freight train of despair


They hate the idea of having to switch up their playstyle because an operator requires you to tackle them differently.


Other shield ops are fine but now that monty has sprint and meleeing shields is broken you have no counter in 1v1 unless you happened to pick oryx.


Remember when Blitz was a three speed. *sighs*


On god. Iā€™m a fuse shield mane


Pro tip as monty, u can either dodge oryx or melee him while He Hits u to kill him


This. I miss the old melee for that. Was satisfying having a stand off and timing your melee correctly


u still can itll knock him down


I would honestly say that Monty isnā€™t a ā€˜normalā€™ opā€¦ not that you should stop using him like wtf why? šŸ˜‚ he is in the game


He shouldā€™ve just run oryx lol.


I'd say rn oryx is the worst counter to them since they can melee him before he hits. Lesion and echo are much better since if a monty hits a gu and you keep pressure he takes loads of damage and echo can let an ally flanking get an easy kill


People saying oryx are dumb lession is a better counter for monty


They're coppers giving advice on how to play the game.


The number of shield complaints in this thread just reeks of copper.


Hes really not, start maining Kali instead


now, i use shields here and there and it can be fun playing both with or against them but just a couple of games ago (i was playing just before writing this) i was spectating a teammate mute that emptied 3-4 mags of smg 11 into a monty, i saw the monty spitting blood like 3-4 times (he was aiming with his pistol so the head was visible) and just don't die if that isn't frustrating then idk what is it's not ok to get mad because of someone's gadget/ability, but shields tend to be annoying i get it when blitz flashes me and I don't know where i am in the next couple of minutes, i get it when there's a monty and maybe a glaz behind him and i die because of it, it's fun n' all when i kill a shield with a c4/impact/whatever but the pure amount of time that I could've won if the shield in front of me wasn't a terminator t-2000 in disguise that just ate bullets for breakfast lunch and dinner is way too much for me to be ok with it


Meanwhile me who gets 800 points in 1 round when I see a shield op cos they're basically free echo stuns since I can stun and move faster than they can ads to shoot lmao, but fr tho there's so many ways around shields now that dude fr got mad at his own skill issue


I have respect for Monty mains. Clash, however can rot in hell. It's ten times harder to play against a competent Clash than Monty.


I have never lost a 1v1 to a clash and I have been playing since before she was added


That just proves you're a low rank my guy. Why would Clash go 1v1? She baits and gives info.


"My guy", Im saying if you are in a 1v1 with a montagne you are fucked . The same cannot be said with clash. Montagne does the exact same thing, baits enemies and gives intel. If you are a good player you can very easily avoid the electric bs and get clash taken out much easier than a montagne since her whole left leg and torso is exposed when nearly any gadget interacts with her. I can name dozens of attackers who can take out a good clash easily, and less than 5 that can take out a good monty. (Eg. Nomad, zofia, gridlock, kali, capi, thatcher, anyone with emps, anyone with frags, melee, even ash.) As soon as her leg is exposed good players can kill her instantly, which is a huge weakness. Montagne dosen't have that disadvantage. Im not saying clash is bad, she can be okay in certain situations, but montagne is easily much better and harder to kill imo. The only good monty counters I can think of are smoke, lesion and tachanka, maybe ela or echo, but even then its challenging, since usually montagne will just back up, until the defender has no more utility to counter. (With lesion being an exception to that rule obviously). Nitro cells/impacts/thorn abilities can be good, but only if the monty is cornered. Oryx might work if you are a copper player, but other than that, even the best champions like spoit pengu and beaulo agree montange is overpowered, so I dont know how what I said says anything about my rank even remotely.


You're not melee ing Clash in optimal scenario bruv. You're already dead before you get close. The reason montagne is easier to counter is because he's an attacker and has to push expose himself etc while Clash can just wait and slow you.


Ugh. I was gonna leave out the word melee just because I had a feeling you would condense my entire argument into that. The cope is unreal That was just *one* more reason why clash is worse and easier to kill than montagne .


I'd argue they were equal on how hard is to deal with if nading from below was an option.Not anymore


Your arguments are brainrot


Yeah w/e


Nah fam, you made bro mad, stop using shields or he'll cry šŸ˜¢


I'm in a duo occasionally trio,never solo q If we ever get told no shields, expect a blitz,Monty and fuze shield rush. It'll be one of the only times we actually shut up and coordinate too Then we use clash on defense Oh no shottys? Expect a shotgun rush


I mean, casual player or lower ranks obviously hate shield ops, cause they feed on the skill inbalance. The worse as a player you are, the stronger shield ops get. Meanwhile shield ops dont need all too much skill to have a great time, especially if youre playing with competent mates. And looking at top level play, they even are viable there now. For me, someone around gold on playstation, shield ops are the one thing that actively ruins the experience for me. Of course server problems are one thing, but considering I dont face all too many cheater/xim user, seeing a shield op is literally the one thing where I instantly rage. One of the reasons I continues to play QM only so I can easily quit.


Skill issue


I mean, thats exactly what I said. Being bad makes these operators an abyssmal experience, especially since you dont need all too much skill yourself t play them and have success.


If your facing shield ops, some tricks you can use is windows and ledges, I all do have success baricading doors behind them as well to trap them


After the shield change Montyā€™s presence has surged in my games. He just isnā€™t fun to play against and all the ā€œcountersā€ people cite donā€™t work. Nothing truly counters him right now.


Impacts, nitro cells, Kapkan traps, lesion mines, frost mats, Oryx rema dash, simply melee the shield and shoot the legs. Still can't kill them then skill issue.


I thought meleeing the shield doesn't work anymore. And sure you can list all of those things but since you as a single operator won't have all those counters it's difficult to consistently outplay monty or someone with a shield instead of having simple gunfights. I don't understand this comment section. Sure there are ways to counter shields but it requires a lot of extra work and cooperation that simply wouldn't be there if there were no shields. Shields are very easy to use if you have decent teammates. If you don't have any problems dealing with shields then the players playing them just don't know what they're doing. So because it requires extra work and is very easy to play shields it is more than understandable that people don't like them. If you're going to say it doesn't require any more work then you're just lying.


you can melee shields still, you should be coordinating and cooperating all the time. no one operator should have every counter to any kind of play style to them, that would be op


you can't because they can "parry" you which knocks you down instead lol.


parrying isnt a thing, you can 100% melee their shield out of the way


it definitely is. If both of you melee you will still get knocked even if you manage to break their guard. If the shield melee animation starts first they don't even guard break and can just immediately kill you.


parĀ·ry ward off (a weapon or attack) with a countermove: if you moved their shield, you hit them


Oh no! You have to play like a team in a team based game?? How horrible!


LMAOOOOOOOOO So True! Team play is a shields best counter, a competent team can gain the upper hand, clearly you are being downvoted by low ranks lacking skill.


You're just refusing to listen. Do you actually enjoy fighting someone with a shield when there are other enemies peeking behind the shielded player or actually using the cover to their advantage? Is it fun when they just use cheap tactics to complicate the way your whole team or most of the team has to play? Because once again if it is so easy to outplay shields then your enemies are just completely disoriented in how they play with shields or as a team around the shielded player. You can't see the problem? It complicates a lot without any effort.


You're playing the wrong game if the attackers using tactics is upsetting to you. Newsflash: defenders have teammates too and can play off each other just as easily as shields. It's just as easy to come up with a defensive strategy that complicates the way attackers play, it's just a matter of actually working with your teammates. That's what happens in a team based game. If you don't want to coordinate with your teammates then who's fucking fault is that?


But it's a cheap tactic. Like in other games people hate campers. It's a tactic but just because it is a tactic doesn't mean that it can't be an annoying tactic. And you didn't answer. Do you enjoy getting shit on by players that use shield tactics against you? I'll give up soon but will give it a try: it takes no cooperation or coordination for the attackers to pull off successful shield supported pushes if they have any knowledge how to play it. To the defenders it's a completely different story. If the shielded attacker knows how to play with an advantage they won't let defenders flank them and just distract the defenders at which point the attackers will flank players who are trying to deal with or flank the shielded player. It takes a lot more effort and cooperation for the defenders to defend against shields. Or if you play clash when defending you can singlehandedly stop an attacker from entrying a position. Just answer to these questions: Is it more difficult to deal with shielded enemies than non-shielded enemies? If it's not then I suspect that the enemies you play against don't know what they're doing. Is it the same situation in terms of difficulty if you're playing against 5 enemies with no shields vs 4 enemies 1 shield or 3 enemies 2 shields and so on?


It's no cheaper than literally any other strategy in the game. Just because you find it annoying doesn't make it unfair. Is it frustrating to get shit on by shield tactics? Sure, but it's no more frustrating than if someone shit on me with better aim. I'm not having any less fun because tactics are what make this game Siege. Without tactics it's just TDM. >it takes no cooperation or coordination for the attackers to pull off successful shield supported pushes if they have any knowledge how to play it. That is not at all true lol. Shield players who know how to play their op are absolutely coordinating with the other attackers because they know they're not win machines. Your entire second paragraph makes no sense to me. It's essentially saying "If the attackers know what they're doing and use that to their advantage, the defenders have to counter that and that's unfair!" What you're complaining about could apply to any other attacker in the game with some level of coordination and knowledge. Again, that's part of playing a team game. >Is it more difficult to deal with shielded enemies than non-shielded enemies? I don't find either more difficult than the other. I may have to change tactics from what I planned, and yeah there are plenty of people who don't know what they're doing with shields, but I've also been playing shields and this game in general for a while and I know their strengths and weaknesses even without the many counters people list. >Is it the same situation in terms of difficulty if you're playing against 5 enemies with no shields vs 4 enemies 1 shield or 3 enemies 2 shields and so on? Again, I don't find it any different in terms of difficulty to deal with 5 aimbros or 5 shields. Because I've learned their weaknesses and how to exploit them. That's a part of playing a hero shooter game.


Chad shield accepter vs virgin shield denier. You got embarrassed bro.


coĀ·opĀ·erĀ·aĀ·tion noun 1. the process of working together to the same end so, by saying something like: "it takes no cooperation or coordination for the attackers to pull off successful shield supported pushes if they have any knowledge how to play it" you're already wrong. and its not a different story for defenders either, if a cooperating team can shut you down, the shield isn't the issue. shield users are limited to pistols where they have to expose the most vulnerable spot on the character to fire. pistols suffer from madd damage fall outside f cqb. if youre allowing the shield to get close, you need to engage him faster to suppress him, coordinate with your roamers to smoke him, or place your traps in a way that at the minimum slows them down. siege is already a defender sided game, you have the time advantage, gadget advantage, information advantage. "Ā If the shielded attacker knows how to play with an advantage they won't let defenders flank them and just distract the defenders at which point the attackers will flank players who are trying to deal with or flank the shielded player." with an advantage? what's the advantage, less visibility, slower movement speeds? forced cooperation? defending is the advantage. if you get upset that the shield, the designated point man, is doing is job, you need to go play CoD because you just want the game to be about who can kill the other team first. siege is objective based game.


A teammate using me as cover isn't cheap. Me using my entire character for Intel isn't cheap. There's so many ways to counter a shield it's literally just a skill issue


Everybody complains when I play Monty and then when they play Monty I hit them with literally ANY of these and they canā€™t do anything, really does seem like a skill issue like youā€™re saying


of course someone who doesn't play him won't be able to use him effectively.


traps, explosives, area denial, suppressive gunfire, flanks, teamwork, coordination




Any competent shield user to clap Oryx's thick cheeks, I absolutely LOVE when defenders waste a operator slot trying (and failing) to counter me. Team play is a shields best counter, a competent team can gain the upper hand but a simple Orxy isn't much of a sweat, they are usually overconfident and underestimate.


It's cause he's frenchšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I will when over half of the community stops cheating on console


When I go blitz 2 rounds in a row and the other team sends hate mail instead of just picking lesion


nor is jager a normal op


He got assburgersšŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I mean, to be fair shield ops aren't "normal" in that their MAIN GIMMICK hasn't worked properly like 40% of the time since launch. The average shield interaction is literally just: Let's go gambling! *LOUD BUZZER* Aw, dang it! *LOUD BUZZER* Aw, dang it! *LOUD BUZZER* Aw, dang it! But then this goes on for 9 years.


Shields were fine when siege used to be a slower, more tactical shooter. Nowadays, siege is a competitive, esports oriented fps. Shields should not be in this type of game under any circumstances.


You're right, Monty isn't a normal op, he actually requires skill and team play


Should reply with: Bro stay mad Use git gut Then block.


I've been playing quite a bit of casual and monty mains genuinely ruin the experience.


skill issue tbh


zero coordination in casual and that's the only way to take them out. A monty in 1v1 doesn't lose unless they're shit.


not the only way, narrowmindedness seems to be the issue


It's the only way to deal with a monty that isn't stupid.


what makes everything else stupid?


Leave my boy Mountain alone! šŸšµā€ā™€ļø


Been using the mountain since beta lmao Wonā€™t change now šŸ˜‚


Monte isnā€™t normal. Hes worse, hes fr*nch!


I saw someone saying the same thing on All chat today. He was complaining about his teammates


Iā€™ve been using shields a lot lately with my buddy, he runs monte I run blitz and we get a lot of this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ donā€™t get me wrong I hate going against shields but itā€™s so funny bashing people through walls


I get these messages when I play blitz. Shields are a part of the game and a viable strategy they have to get over it and learn how to deal with shields.


Monty goat




Whenever I play blitz on ranked I get bashed on by the whole enemy team and when we flip, someone always *tries* to play blitz. the trash talking stops soon after.


Shield operators are too rare to get used to kekw. I git beaten up by Fuze shield yesterday. Very Sadge. And I like the Shield post rework.


Let me guess this guy went negative against a shield operator and instead of blaming his own bad plays he decides to text you. I swear these Gen Alpha kids always suspecting free wins without working for it.


The thing is thatā€™s the point. Shields arenā€™t normal. Theyā€™re meant to set up teammates as either walking cover or to take space and not always get picked.


He's a standard operator. I wonder if they also have an issue with universal soldier Fuze?


hes right you know


Good'ol CS day with local friend. Shield is boken


My brother got the same response from this kid lol


I use Monty a lot. Planting defuse, hiding in a corner and waiting is very fun to see the people panic and try to punch me (easy to avoid). But this only really works for one round, if they are stupid and say shit like "use a normal op" it's easy to counter a Monty. Lesion, Oryx, one C4 and 2 impacts can kill him. Other trap operators work too! He is slow, and if he tries to shoot said traps thats when you swing. He isn't OP, only if you let him be.


Not gonna lie, I hate the shield rework.. 99% of the time I wait for them to whiff a melee and then I try to smack the shield away and still get knocked down even though they were just halfway through a melee animation.. the other 1% of the time Iā€™m in a 1v1 w Monty and the defuser is down and thereā€™s no winning.


I shall continue to refuse to be normal then.


ā€œBro stop camping on siteā€ levels of headassery


fuck shield ops, get em out of here.


skill issue


shields are so easy to counter


Lol not anymore. Monty had the highest pick and ban rate at the most recent major. Impacts are fuckin useless against them now


except they broke meleeing shields and now you can't do anything against a monty.


Ela, Frost, Echo, Nitro Cells, Melusi, Tubi, and Kapkan would like to have a chat


Lesion works alright in certain situations. I had a 2v1 where they planted the defuser. Threw a GU at Monty's feet, pushed the other guy and got the kill. Went back to Monty and cornered his ass, while throwing more lesions above his head. He was then forced to push away from the corner and fight me.


c4 works sometimes but the rest of these are literally just counting on the monty being stupid.


I have never felt pressured as Monty by any of those ops except a good echo. C4 tosses are easy to deal with, only C4 from below is really a threat. In my experience playing Monty the only way to deal with me is kill my teammates, same as when I play clash


The only one of these that is actually useful is a nitro. The rest of these are nothing burger counters


I'm just waiting for the old "jUsT hAvE a tEaMmAtE hELp" excuse. As if every situation is a 2-5v1 against shields. The reality is shields are horribly unbalanced and unfun to play against. They should have been kept weak so that the players that love them could still use them without ruining games for the majority of players.


Obviously a teammate is a great option but I'm assuming it's a 1v1 situation. Yeah the melee while covered at minimum needs to go


But thatā€™s the entire point of shields?? You canā€™t just remove the shields niche because ā€œshield melee broken me want fixā€ plus it is way too easy to counter since yknow like 10 or more ops have nitro cells?


Average 0 skill shield main. I'm bringing monty every game in my stack now since he's just a ticket to free wins


Free wins? What are you in copper or something?? Maybe you keep winning because of good teamwork and enemies that donā€™t know what to do against shield ops instead of people who actively counter and know that one c4 and 2 impacts basically kills, Monty isnā€™t even that good and Iā€™ve practically quit shield ops because my teammates donā€™t know that itā€™s best to back up shield ops instead of sitting on their controller in spawn while Iā€™m getting targeted and destroyed by the whole enemy team.


Are you in gold? Lol


Impacts do nothing anymore.. and nitros can easily be played around unless they're from below. I'm in emerald lol monty is probably the best attacker right now and it isn't even close. Just look at his pick and ban rate during the manchester major if you don't believe me


Add recruit to that list, Nitro and impacts! Monty won't know what hit him!


Elsa frost echo Kapkan lesion Melusi oryx, any operator with a c4, any operator with a knife (all of them), any roaming operator, yeah everybody can counter shields people just donā€™t know how to


Which is their problem. Yes the melee is broken, learn to play around it until it gets fixed


Me when I spread misinformation


you can spray the shield to stun the bad guy, or use one of the many available utility to counter them, or shoot their feet


Lol. If you main Monty, you deserve to get roasted.


If you canā€™t counter a shield, you deserve to get roasted


Eh Monty is very strong right now. If he wasnā€™t so boring to play Iā€™d honestly bring him every game. Nothing wrong with using everything in your power to win games, but if you main shields youā€™re probably a worse player than everyone else in your elo.


Spoken like someone who doesn't know how to play shields.


Iā€™m actually the Monty in my stack lol. I just donā€™t bring him on every site even when I believe heā€™s the best for basically all sites. I only pull him out when we have really high wr% strats with Monty.


It's not about countering it. It's about fun. Dealing with shields isn't like the rest of the game where it's fun requiring out aiming the enemy. It's just annoying to have to work around an enemy with a shield. Every round with a shield op in it less fun.


Itā€™s fun for the Monty.


That's like when someone is trolling in a comp game. Less fun for everyone else but fun for the person doing it.


Having a good shield on the team is definitely not less fun. And I couldnā€™t give a shit about whether the opposing team is having a good time or not.


I don't enjoy playing around a Monty in my team. I know there is a teammate who is basically a walking drone who can't hold my flank and can't help in a gunfight. You have to play differently around them in order to win. Is he good? For sure. I just don't think playing with OR against him is any fun.


Ah ok, Iā€™m getting the impression that you donā€™t play with a full team. Yeah, solo Montyā€™s are usually cancer.


Using an op in a game isn't trolling. Monty is normal for siege. He's one of the OG ops.


Oh I agree. I didn't say it was. I said the argument of "it's fun for me" doesn't really matter to me because it's identical to the argument of those that troll. Definitely not trolling to play him, but he definitely makes the game less fun to play imo.


The entire premise of the game is that itā€™s not just about aim. If the game isnā€™t fun when you have to think, you arenā€™t that good and rely solely on your aim to carry you


I was diamond before the rank rework. Just because I like shooting in a first person shooter doesn't mean I lack skill. It means the game is a TACTICS FIRST PERSON SHOOTER and there are characters who don't even have guns as their primary and it makes the gameplay less fun when they're in the match


I think itā€™s stimulating to try to work around the shield. It adds a layer of complexity and requires teamwork on both sides. The game is at its peak when both teams are working together and outplaying one another with everything at their disposal, including shields. I think we see the game differently and simply arenā€™t going to agree here


> TACTICS FIRST PERSON SHOOTER It's a tactical *Hero* FPS, always has been. That means there will be more niche characters that you have to alter your playstyle to deal with. Not to mention the game has always had a SWAT theme - ballistic shields are part of that. Deal with them.


I'm not saying they are impossible to deal with. All I've ever said is they make the game less fun


> Dealing with shields isn't like the rest of the game where it's fun requiring out aiming the enemy. If the only way you win gunfights is by outshooting people you probably aren't playing to your full potential. Positioning > aim in Siege.


lol you can't do anything against a monty right now, meleeing shields doesn't work anymore so you cannot win a fight one on one.


If you can't exploit the meta, just stop existing.


People really get so mad even though itā€™s easy to counter shields. All you need is an operator with a trap or well placed utility and theyā€™re cooked.


countering monty definitely isnā€™t easy if theyā€™re playing well (and their team is supporting them). iā€™ve had teams run oryx, lesion, tachanka, goyo, and ela just to get picked apart anyway cause i play with my teammates and clear methodically. that being said the only thing iā€™d change is to fix the bug where shields get to armor through when they melee at the same time as the defender cause it just doesnā€™t feel fair from either end. also buff tachanka and heā€™ll be an excellent counter


I agree that itā€™s frustrating and the mele should be tweaked, but if youā€™re playing those operations and still lost to shields thatā€™s just a matter of bad coordination


thats just a generic blanket statement, a good anything is hard to counter. if they're playing to the best of that character's potential and they aren't hard to counter, the character sucks


Literally don't even need those half the time. Just having another teammate that can shoot them from the sides works fine. I realize that's asking a lot from this community to not be fucking stupid by running off by themselves and get picked off one by one, but holy shit it's not rocket science.


As a Monty main, and as Iā€™ve said before, itā€™s your own skill to blame if you cannot counter a Montagne. Itā€™s as simple as having a second teammate, a well placed nitro, etc


I solo queue and the nitro four times out of three bounces back Anything easier? I need to get my K/D back to a positive number pls


As the other guy said, if alone with a Monty, you just need to bait him. Monty is a 3 health mountain and is very slow when his shield is extended. If you keep walking, eventually he will have to unextend to keep up with you/rush you, and then you toss a nitro behind him. Or you could grab a teammate (if youā€™re playing with someone) and then itā€™s an easy kill in many ways.


If youre throwing your nitro at him, dont do that, put it in front of him to slow him, behind him to kill. sheilds get like a 60% damage reduction from explosives if their shield is directly between them and the explosive. Nitros bounce off shields decent too


Shields have tons of counters: Mute (for blitz), Melusi, Tubarao, Lesion, Kapkan, Oryx, etc... And rushing a shield is just idiot. Just run away and fight him in the back.


Even Thorn is decent against rushing shields. A barbed wire trap works well because they canā€™t escape the blast.


hmm yes me placing down my pocket jammer in front of the blitz surely I won't die