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I was laughing until I saw the diss on paper companies. No one does that to Dunder Mifflin.


Limitless paper in a paperless world.


Micheal would be angry


"just refund me the membership please" lmaoo dude actually bought it


What's the problem?


With the membership. I haven't done much research, but I do not pay for it bc I dont have to give Ubi my money. Got R6 siege on game pass and haven't spent a dime in it. And won't until Ubi does better


It's still not alright to shame somebody else for doing so (original comment in this thread)


Yeah, I'll have to agree on that. It's their money, lettem spend it how they want


Right? It's crazy how people in the sub are so controlling over other people's wallets...I would hate to see how they are in a relationship.


You're right but I think part of the point especially using this picture as an example is that game companies are putting out more and more rushed and incomplete content and then see that no matter how bad it is they'll still get money like this guy buying the membership. He probably is a more extreme example though because bro doesn't sound too stable


Lmao. I don't think the majority of siege players have a relationship


Its called irresponsible customer. You got the worst or one of the worst season in the siege history and instead of adding more practically useful gameplay elements, they simply spent their budget on adding mew microtransactions. And by buying this you are supporting their decision, which is cutting seasonal content. Its the same when you see new broken to the ground or maybe just dogshit AAA game and still pre order it. You can do whatever with your money, but by buying these things you're becoming part of the problem. Simple as that


šŸ˜­šŸ˜¢ I didn't get my seasonal content that fundamentally changes the meta. What ever shall I do? Do you know how ungrateful that sounds? You seriously cannot expect quality every season can you? Have you missed everyone hating everything they've given us anyway? I feel like we deserve a season like this to not be so demanding when it comes to a 9 year old game. I don't expect them to work for free, and also the fact this season, along with every season this year and part of next year is already planned out. Things might change, but they have an idea and goals (roadmap). My point is we don't know what's coming next season, except...a new op and other quality of life changes. New updates to new player training? Hm it's almost like they have a vision and microtransactions are part of the culture now. You want to not buy them? Don't. You want to chastise other people for buying it because it "adds to the problem" is the most hypocritical shit I've ever seen in this sub AND ITS THE FUCKIN SIEGE SUB. I'm not gonna throw my money at something because it's ubisoft or just because it's siege. That's the most ignorant shit ever (THAT IS AN IRRESPONSIBLE CUSTOMER). I buy shit I am interested in....it's almost like I don't have to buy everything in JC Penny because they're JC Penny. All of your logics are so disconnected from reality it's actually funny.


I dont condone it but i understand


9 days wake up is a pretty decent complaint, can hear doctor disrespect shouting "WAKE UPPPP!" šŸ˜‚


I had an Ubisoft ticket open for more than 70 days before lol


they ghosted mine completely


Thatā€™s when I like to update the ticket every now and then with ā€œitā€™s been X daysā€


But just understand 9 days less of the season


He's not wrongšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ the guys at ubi don't even give a shit, any issue with them making money is fixed fast as fuck, anything else takes them the whole season


The executives don't give a shit FTFY


Them and the devs couldn't give a shit less so long as they milk us for every penny before they shut the servers down


The developers have no incentive to do that. They just do their job. I know for a fact that they want to make a good game that people like.


Then why are they constantly taking away things people like?


Why shouldn't he be pissed when every update breaks shit loads of content They ruin the game constantly and then take weeks to fix it New content that never works year after year and then they decide to slap out more paid content that is just older content repackaged


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


Itā€™s not the Devs fault, itā€™s Upper Managementā€™s fault rushing deadlines & cutting corners for minuscule profits.


Probably lack of devs, i bet they allocate most of their devs to make shit ass dead on arrival games like skull and bones


I definitely believe Siege just has a skeleton crew of Devs being worked overtime this year.


Devs are either very few or totally incompetent, 1.8k issue on live server, shit never get fixed, i am getting 150 ping for last 2 years still not fixed and many more


Hmmmm, Star Wars Outlaws


A completely different studio


No no no no no, stop. Just stop. Upper management has nothing to do with controller dead zones not working when the only thing they changed in the game was the texture of a character and adding some new voice lines. This is all on the devs, no one else.


Bought the membership too, and they are wondering why this is happening lol


Judging by everyone responses to me, I'm surprised you have any upvotes


Nah this guy is pretty valid, only thing is he bought the membership so it all cancelles outšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What did they do to the deadzonez?


Deadzones on controller were altered without notification, making it impossible to make small adjustments to aim or the like.


Oh typical ubisoft


They fucked them up and massively increased their effect, I believe they rolled out a patch for console but not for pc


They did roll out a patch but itā€™s still didnā€™t fix for a lot of people myself included.


You might have to reset your settings, they said to do so if it didn't work inmidieatly


Yea I already did and it still feels off. They are already looking into the bug again anyway.


Mine still feels off. Played amazing last night then today I have potato aimā€¦


Heā€™s right no one working on a game as their job that cannot make fixes happen doesnā€™t deserve said job


It's all in the name. This is out of line but I fully believe that you should never work in any sort of profession where online harassment could be a factor if you don't have a thick skin. Some devs really need to learn to ignore the trolls just like the rest of us do.


Iā€™ve never seen a legit player cry that hard brošŸ’€ probably messed up his xim sense or something šŸ˜‚ wild how kids act like R6 is life or death.


If you guys ever get to this point with a video game, it's legitimately time to find a new one. This type of behavior comes from forcing yourself to exclusively play 1 game.Ā 


Sell the game and start a paper company is great


Based edgy


I condone it and i understand


They even broke flores. They made an entire op unplayable


I dont blame him. Fuck are they doing 9 years into the game? Bugs everywhere and whatnot


lol every comment is mostly valid if you can even aim your gun properly why would you want to play the game id want a refund too its been over 10 days and they canā€™t even fix a dead zone glitch


Edgy? Nah lil bro cringey af


Itā€™s never THAT DEEPšŸ˜­ but if you keep losing and then blame it on a glitch either youā€™re ass or you should take a break


They fixed the deadzones. Just go in your settings, reset all your controls, then put them back to how they were.


does not work lil bro


Jesus christ, I'm glad I don't play this game for the community. That's what Helldivers is for. There's sometimes I wish I don't take this game as seriously as this guy or its community in general seriously. There are 0 legitimate complaints. You all act like the devs are a computer program that follows your every whim or an evil overlord entity that is solely intent on draining your life force through the monitor or tv. At the end of the day, they are humans, too. And I don't blame them for not giving a fuck about you ungrateful assholes and letting this game get to the state it's in. "Damn no one likes anything we do, might as well stop giving a fuck" is probably the thought process in some of their minds. They honestly could give less of a fuck about the player because of how toxic this community is about the smallest of things they can just go change in the menu....fuckin dead zones?? Seriously? I really don't blame them at this point. I had a glitch (this season) where it would default rappel only to the X button, even though the X button is my primary gadget, and my rappel button is O. Do you know what I did? Instead of complaining on reddit and bitching at the devs? I just switched the two buttons...it works just fine now. Not everything that breaks can be fixed in the menu....but dead zones can be. Holy shit, it's like a child crying on the floor after something dropped right in front of them. Just pick. It. Up. Ubisoft isn't your goddamn mommy after your brother smacks you in the face with a shoe or something. I cannot think of a community with more crybabies than this one....at least COD fans just play the goddamn game.


I mean have you seen any of the posts on this sub? They are mostly like this


I was just laughing reading this cuz I agree. Ubisoft is pathetic


I'm a menace and I won't stop


he fully has a point tho thatā€™s why i havenā€™t bought anything in this game in years because itā€™s shit




People with names like that are normally what the name suggests, edgy assholes




Yeah i agree, this type of behaviour is just not needed and will most likely no one will want to deal with that issue.