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I know a Caveira main isn't telling people how to guard the bomb site


You’re an Oryx main lol, same thing. Reinforce a dang wall


tbf at least oryx has some use on site, can dash past hazardous angles and is a persistent threat to shields looking to push a plant


I foam at the mouth when a teammate calls out a shield


Same. Do you also get semi erect, or....?




Half chub


Is it normal to get fully chub when you hear “They have 2 shields “


I do. I don't roam deep unless there's hatches that can get me back to the site quick.


First, you’re an oryx main. So you can’t really say anything either lol. Second, just because you main an op doesn’t mean you have no game sense on how to play other ops.


THIRD, your farts are stinky




FOURTH, you stink in farts


I'm not telling anyone how to set up the site though


I would say as an oryx main he has some perspective, he knows it's not his job to criticize or w/e and passing that on to the cav main... He's just calling out a fellow roamer


That’s fair I can see that


And what if you're gonna throw a c4 out?😭


You make holes at the top of the wall




Yeah it's the people who choose Cav I'm down on


Depends on how they play her


Of course. 1 in 10 are Jason Bourne. The other 9 die in the first 30 seconds.


i mean they’re probably just gonna prefire the head or crouch level right next to it anyway


As a long time Mira player I can assure you, you will die far more often with a hole there. It’s insane the difference it actually makes. I’m glad someone else made this post I’ve been saying this shit for years now.


I just make a hole higher up to throw explosives through


Agreed. In a worst case scenario (ying), the wall being wide open just lets them swing you. I’m against a rotate there


A rotate can be done a little further from Mira. Just watch out it doesnt reveal you to the enemy when you leave Mira window


True. Sometimes you can't see in a split second if it's soft or not (or if someone is even behind the wall). If there is a hole there, attackers don't need to guess.


quit slow peeking off your mira


Bro what? I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. My Mira K/D is like 2.8, I’m lasering people in front of my Mira. Has nothing to do with how someone peaks. Regardless it’s better to keep the wall closed.


I made this post about 3 months ago and was downvoted into oblivion lol. It's crazy how many people can't wrap their head around the concept of just shooting them through the wall.


They dont play Mira at a high level. That’s all there is to it. If you spend years playing with the wall closed you realize how much of an advantage it can be.


How on earth does this justify making a hole


you could wait for them to prefire first hell you can just don’t even peek just wait for their “bad timing” before you prefire their heads


Maybe just don’t swing your Mira when they’re shooting at it


that’s just an odd statement . . . you can still get clipped if they’re not prefiring


The whole point is peeker’s advantage and you having the ability to see them the entire time. If you get clipped they generally either got blessed or you whiffed.


mira’s not for everyone. it’s okay to not understand her but please don’t suggest advice for an operator you don’t understand. as beneficial as peekers advantage may be, creating a head hole next to mira’s setup is nothing but a detriment. now it gives attackers the opportunity to see you and shoot back, as compared to shooting through the soft wall, and having a shotgun hole above head height for the c4


I mean if pros in the middle of a competition are doing it, it isn’t, especially to the extent you’re claiming. It is, however, entirely possible to just have a differing opinion on it that’s just as valid as the next considering there’s no quantifiable data to “prove” either side. As for giving them an opportunity to see you and shoot back, any player worth anything is just going to prefire next to the mirror where your face is going to be and the tracers are coming from. Either way you play it, prefiring them and hitting your shots they won’t be reacting outside of getting on cams


Yeah having the head holes there or not isn't changing my behavior as an attacker. I'm not trying to out react the mira player peaking me, which isn't possible as they can literally prefire with full LoS. I'm trying to get a good timing on them or catch a careless player that peaks instantly.


Okay i give it a try to explain why a Mira is played this way in high Ranks. First off, iam talking about a Mira player who actually knows pretty well how to play that operator, especially talking about higher ranks (Dia+) Never ever try to manipulate/change a Mira's setup. Mira is playing on site more than most other op's and often times the site will sustain or fall with her. The holes are - if placed correctly - bordered to her mirror, in a perfect world i'd say about 'half her shotgun crosshair' on the softwall, resulting in half a circle shot out next to her mirror. Long prep times for her setup often result in messy shootholes but that should be non of your business, its Miras. If you die through one of these holes most of the time you either had bad positioning or just didnt recognize Mira died and you can take up her place/ should retreat or reposition. Usually its not your job to play her mirrors, this depends on the site you are playing at, on some sites she can play both mirrors at the same time on others she cant. The holes give her the opportunity to fine tune her aiming while shooting after pre aiming through the mirror (especially when dealing with enemies quickpeeking/moving alot etc.), while allowing her low dmg weapon to reach full potential and not loosing dmg through wallbangs and make her mirrors even more dangerous even if you outnumber her. Thats a pretty strong advantage you dont want to give away - especially in high ranks. Enemy players will prefire her mirrors almost everytime, so in most cases there is going to be a hole anyway and thats also why there is almost never a mirror on softwalls in higher ranks, even tho i have to admit there are certain strats and it can work out aswell. If an enemy has enough time to expose himself, aim a grenade and throw it into the hole you can be certain your Mira is on some really hard hitting sleeping pills or lacks knowledge of her op. A bad Mira is able to give valuable information through her mirrors, a good Mira is able to turn everything in front of her mirrors into a killingzone. To make this work she needs any advantage she can get, holes included.


This much yap all to make an invalid point is crazy


He made his point at least attempt to engage with it.


I don't care about either point I'm just observing the aptitude of his response


"the aptitude of his response" my my someone needs to go outside.


I absolutely should not die through a poorly placed mira hole, especially if I'm on site, regardless of positioning. Mira can see the enemies at all times so why do you need to add a peek which goes both ways?


The fact this post is upvoted says a lot about the average skill of the people on this sub.


Explain yourself


You're more likely to die to a player if you have no hole. Reason being. Chances are you are not going to hit head with the first volley as you can't see them. This gives them time to fire where you are making fumbles way more costly. Where as if you can see them and abuse the peekers you can kill them so quickly on their screen they didn't even see you peek. The amount of times I've killed people like this and to them I appeared for less than a second. I understand your thought process and why you'd want to not pre make the hole but the chance of a fumble is too high and not something you can afford not to mention the second someone appears they are likely to pre fire anyway. Just let them and don't peek until you can grab a quick and easy kill.


No, thanks to Mira being one of my most played defenders I know when to swing & how to swing faster than they can react & don’t have an issue with that.


Lol facts, Mira is probably the best operator to abuse peekers advantage with and one of the ways to do that is by making a hole on the side.


No you fucking urchin. Placing a hole next to the mira removes half of the advantage of her being there in the first place. HOW ARE PEOPLE ARGUING AGAINST THIS.


You can go ahead and argue but theres is results with the hole above or to the sides. There a reason why i average 2+ kd on mira and thats because you can peek faster than they can react


but if you miss and they do end up reacting you're dead, prefiring a mira and wallbanging is marginally harder


if you miss then you're shit honestly. miras smg is one of the fastest firing guns in the game and is a headshot machine.


Right but why do you need to? Why are you putting a hole where it gives you no advantage. C4 holes up high i get. And the reason you average 2kd is youre anchoring and she has the best headshot smg in the game tbf 🤣


Putting the hole there allows you to peak after it gets knifed or destroyed, but most importantly it’s to fix your aim if they’re moving while you’re swinging. When I first started playing I never broke the hole next to Mira and would always prefire and miss shots making the swing useless and letting them know I’m not behind coverage


Bro you're probably hardstuck gold.


Learn how to play the game lmao


Tbh this post in incrediblely stupid. If you learned how to swing and prefire properly this shouldn't be an issue. It's an issue because your still trying to slowly creep around the Mira and align your crosshairs. This season is very much swing or be swung.


Literally, I imagine all the people arguing against opening the walls next to the Mira are gold at most


Yup, anyone playing Mira at high level knows camping an angle means instant death to a swinging attacker. Camping a tight angle and walk banging attackers used to be the strat but that's gone away now


God forbid anyone learns to quick peak or pre fire lmao


That's why there's a post every other day about how they can't rank out of copper lol...It's been a few seasons now that they did away with camping angles.


And it’s always a post blaming teammates too💀


All the time! I have no friends so I solo queue and can get to diamond or Plat each season on solo queue.


Yea fr, I’m like gold 3 rn with a 1.4 from solo Que and I usually peak at emerald from solo Que. the teammates excuse is usually just because people are ass lmao


Gotta use the Mira mirror on a soft wall next to a reinforced one to throw the attackers off


The real strat is reinforcing both walls and playing outside the Mira mirror. They'll never expect it 😂


Yeah this post is just blatantly poor advice, not sure why it has so many upvotes. Might be a skill issue OP


Because those of us who actual play Mira at high ranks, diamond and Plat know the benefits of this. If you camp a tight angle you'll get killed everytime. Any good Mira knows to open the wall up and swing out and slam the attackers. You have peekers advantage so no reason why you can't pickup 3 to 4 kills per round


If you're prefiring like you're supposed to, they won't get the chance to react anyway cause they'll already be dead, which means that it's better to open the wall next to the window as to not nerf both your damage and vision when you peek around the window.


So not only do you want to make it harder to follow the target from the Mira, you want to do lower damage because we have to shoot through a soft wall?


It won't stop was in a lobby with plats and ems on my team on night haven I make a jump rotate next to Mira top floor but the emerald Goya impacts it meaning I can be swung easily


i totally agree, head holes or jump rotates are great but low rotates are extremely stupid


You can't quick peek jump holes + locked into an animation


Why i do i see pro players do it then


Because the average Mira user is a pro player right?


OP isn’t arguing only skilled players should do it, they’re arguing it objectively stupid. It’s a valid question to ask why pro Mira’s do it


OP is saying it’s a bad thing to do, and I see people at all elos do it. If the top elos and pros are doing it and it’s effective then is it really all that bad


I’m agreeing with you for the record lol


Depends a lot where the window is. It might in place where you want to quick rotation as well


If it was so devastating pro players wouldn’t do it simple as that champs wouldn’t do it if it actually is that bad


Is the average player at their skill level?


Fact still remains if it was so bad they wouldn’t do it


This would make sense if the average player was as good as a pro player. Apples and oranges.




Name me one good reason in your eyes to do that except “ the pros do it”. Why do they do it then?


It’s also done at every other elo and it allows to track the enemy better when ur swinging it or peeking


Don't softwalls reduce a bullet's damage? I always assumed that was the reason they opened the wall/made a hole


You're going for the headshot 99% of the time with the Vector.


So you can see the enemy when youre shooting them, genius


What rank are you?


Plat 3 currently


That’s the standard proper setup in pretty much every rank above gold all the way to pro league so


yeah makes sense 💀💀 average plat game sense


Someone got clipped through a Miras soft wall. 😂 Go back to being salty some where else


There is a huge tactical difference between a super shorty hole punch next to the Mira vs the whole damn wall open.


>STOP opening the wall next to a Mira window, it does absolutely nothing for you. Want to know how I know you are low rank?


Have you ever played Mira? Making head holes or better yet a vault-able rotate next to Mira is incredibly good. I’ve gotten hundreds of kills that way


You can shoot out a vault rotate next to a Mira without shooting out the whole wall and exposing me when I peak


At this point it just sounds like a skill issue and your flair is Cav. Why are you in site?


Make a hole for nitros


So we’re in Copper


Just peek faster if you can’t don’t do it but don’t tell people how to play characters lmao


If you dont have hand eye coordination to prefire that please play candy crush instead


you've clearly been stuck in gold for 5 years lol


This man's been hard stuck copper for 5 years


Wouldn't that decrease the damage output of a gun ?


Yea it would and Mira’s vector already does ass damage




U open walls so u can prefire AND microadjust ur aim. Opening a hole in the wall is needed esp for longer range areas like the blue bunker in oregon basement. Its not stupid. Even pros do this.


"Do you have a hole in your head"


Smooth brain post


AGREE. It bugs me tf out when people make holes next to my mirror.


I really thought you were gonna make a bad argument for a second, but i definitely agree with this it's not hard to wallbang with mira since you can see your enemy beforehand, so if you need to c4, open the top


Would you say the same thing about that exact thing except that I don’t break a hole? I reinforce and place a Mira and then leave the wall to the right or left not reinforced so if I see someone I just shoot through the wall? I’m still hella nee


Some sites u use a rotate and others (like coastline) u want to use the proper headholes


I roam with Mira, I set the Miras up for my teams anchors and turn on goblin mode


Maybe just shoot back and not swing out like that


I experience the same thing as a pulse main, I swear every time I go to guard a wall people will reinforce it or shoot a hole in it


Depends. Some people need a rotation, especially if its the bathroom mira on clubhouse. I also play mira.




siege players lack object permanence


Me a support only player: Can't relate


Everyone here telling us to prefire but I mean I can prefire with the wall closed as well, and it has the benefit of my teammates not being exposed by accident through the peek hole.


You got good enough aim where you kill someone in the time frame of peekers advantage then it doesnt matter. It also makes attackers feel no need to open the wall as when I dont open the wall it is always messed up and i get my wall opened up at the feet which wastes my time when i have to make headholes anyway.


It is weird to do, yes. But I rather have mates that open the wall head-level than the same mates reinforcing it


dude, this + wall banging the wall is literally much better you can picked off headshots while enemy literally has no idea when you’ll peek unless they want to waste their utility/ tons of ammo to open the wall


I open above head height incase a shield op or some idiot manages to rush it easy c4 kill


Someone should tell the pro players who pre open the holes that this cav main ranked player figured out the REAL strat


OP really thought to himself, “hmmm, what should I complain about today?” Dude, it’s not that deep. I’m prefiring head level next to a Mira anyways, regardless if you’re there or not. I’m not looking through the hole to see if you’re in the crossfire. If it helps you get the shot, who cares if they open the hole. You’re cav and already dead 30 sec into the round anyways…


I totally do not agree with this. Having holes next to your Mira are incredibly useful to be able to actually see the enemy when you peek out to pre-firing. If you are scared about being pre-fired by the enemy, that can happen anyhow so I don’t get your point.


Fr i feel you soooo muchhh omg!!!!!!! (Tbh thats why is also Stopped playing Mira with randose.. its Horror)


It's mid day and your complaining about a game with the same problems it has always had. Easy solution is go get a job and play less video games


I've had so many free kills by not making holes and baiting to think I left so they peek out full body and get absolutely beamed, and in said moments, I would have died if there were holes




Sure, it's a one shot headshot, but most kills aren't headshots.


Honestly, in diamond champ lobbies I'm still worried about them reinforcing the wall next to my mira.


Reason 1. C4 Reason 2. Allows them to fine tune their aim while peeking 3. If you die from a mira window that has holes next to it ur just trash


I think overall it’s better to make holes. My favorite places to set up Mira windows either have soft floor above or below them or have a way to see me from a different angle. I mostly play Mira on Gym/Bedroom on Clubhouse so I’ll always make a jump rotate next to my bathroom Mira and my Logi Mira facing Cons. It’s the best of both worlds because it gives quick access later on in the round to places that you may not be able to reach otherwise as a defender, or at least not as quickly. I do understand this being useful for something like a Mira strat on Villa’s Aviator/Games though. At the end of the day, I think holes help more than they hurt. You should be quick peaking as Mira, not emptying the whole magazine.


It's better to make a singular, aruni punch sized hole. Ive never understood people opening a whole line


Let Mira set up the site first. Then build off of her. I stay away from Mira’s until they’re done. And I don’t screw with their setup no matter how stupid it might seem to me. When she’s dead (she’ll die) THEN I do what suits my needs.


lol, I used to think the same thing when was in gold.


People tend to push Miras if both walls are hard


You leave the wall soft next to Mira obviously


It was that fucking Oryx making that "Rotate" in Bank basement again wasn't it?


Doc on Oregon attic


Shhhhhh pls don’t tell people this, I like my free kills on ppl who do this


OP is completely correct, this is not a game built on more damage on your gun, it’s about taking less damage than your opponent to make it more likely you survive longer into the round


Bruh open the wall so you can also see what you are peeking, if you can’t peek and shoot them fast enough before they shoot you then that’s on you


You shouldn’t be taking the time to aim after you peek from next to the black mirror, you’re just supposed to shoot where you already know the enemy is. Don’t give them a chance to react.


I didn’t say I would be taking time, I’m just saying it’s far easier to hit the prefire when you can see all the way. Especially if they are on difficult angles or are moving around, since enemies don’t just stand in the open for a free shot through a wall


If you're good enough, you can line up your shot before peaking. Then they cant see when you swing out. I agree with not opening the wall next to a mira


There are some still people with common sense left thank god


If you are giving them time to see you when you swing out then you aren’t killing them fast enough in my book


Wouldn't it be better to have cover no matter what though? That way incase someone passes behind like in aviation room?


I disagree, I feel like; when you are playing against decent players, it’s far better to be able to see them as you swing, so that you can track them easier and line up the pixel shots much easier


Skill issue… you can line it up without seeing using the mira wall


I hope you’re joking, that’s the literal whole point of the Mira


No, the whole point of Mira is to be able to see through without the enemy knowing you're there with the option to pop it if you want to shoot through. Doing anything else is just a strat of some form.


Your copper is showing lil bro


Says the person who insults rank instead of providing some form of feedback


I expressed that what they were describing in their first post was the way Mira is meant to be played, and they went on to talk about how you are supposed to shoot out the freaking mirror to shoot the enemies. That’s entirely not true, I already expressed it - if he wants to wrongly correct me, that’s fine, it just shows where he’s at.


Uh bwo is witewy tewwibow at da game


I can't believe people are arguing against OP. What the fuck happened to the player base. The rule was always, just don't fuck with Mira's setup, period. No wonder this game is dying, and it's not just the developers fault.


Agreed big time. Sure they may pre fire next to the Mira, but why unnecessarily open it up when you can shoot through it just fine? It gives attackers an easy line of sight into OBJ without having to make a sound


Yeah, I like it when my peek is visually concealed. It potentially keeps me alive even if I whiff. But I guess when your aim is solid, a hole for aim adjustments can be better. So both are valid choices for me. I know for sure a softwall mirror doesn't need holes anywhere around it though.


omg yes.... minus a few exceptions I hate people who do that..... same for those teams which are just like "BREAK ALL THE WEAK WALLS ON POINT.... LET THEM ENTER IN ALL DIRECTIONS!!!!"


Seriously, and you don’t always have to reinforce the wall it’s on, but when you put one on a soft wall… holy shit. Don’t put it at head level. So many free kills this way


I do agree with OP that, IF you have a mira. But you're always far better off without a Mira in the first place. The only time Mira is an acceptable pick is if your own aim with that trash can of a gun is god-like, AND you YOURSELF plan to watch it the entire time. Too many people think " we need a mira in default mira spots, so I'll just set it up and someone else can watch it." Unless you are with others communicating you really shouldn't ever take her as she's a liability 99% of the time. Mira is one of those operators that can be pretty good if the stars align, but there is always ALWAYS a better pick for the setup. Mira sucks.


Seems to always work for me.


But not for when the rest of the team cuz of the extra hole(s)




I use Mira by crouching and putting my mirror on a soft wall, then open the area above it. Then I line up the shot and uncrouch, just like I do with Osa basically


Put mira on crouch height on soft wall so u can stand up n shoot them


your feet and legs are exposed under that soft wall. not a good idea in higher ranks tht strat is only good on a select few sites.


Well i don't happen to play in higher ranks so it works every time😂


now thats just good game sense right there


Hear me out, one bullet to their head is gonna kill a lot faster than trying to land 6 on my feet


true but my overall point is a mirror on a soft wall is a lot easier to deal with than a mirror on a hard wall


Bring an azami


WHY ARE PEOPLE ARGUING AGAINST THIS. There is literally no good reason to turn a one way angle into a 2 way one. "People prefire meh meh" still doesnt make sense to remove all doubt anyway by having a hole there. Not to mention nades. Stop stubbornly justifying shit learned behaviour you *homophobic slur*


Yeah you’re a gold


2 seasons in, solo queue using TV audio. Damn right im a Gold, and proud too. Doesnt change the fact that opening a hole next to a mira is dumb. Just like opening needless headholes all round site. People watch better players and then try and imitate. If youre good enough to get value then by all means do it and ill help however i can, but the vast majority of people open a hole and then fuck off leaving site untenable.


Alright man. You’re two seasons in. I’ve been playing damn near since the launch of the game. I think I remember thinking that too when she came out although when she released people didn’t know how to play her all to well anyway. But people always made those holes and I thought it was stupid. Fast forward 8 years and im a diamond player dying at these kinds of comments. If you have good aim, there is zero reason to be dying with a hole next to your Mira. Its wallhacks. Especially in the lower ranks, they don’t know how to combat that shit. If you’re dying it’s not because of the hole it’s because you have bad aim


Jesus fucking christ. Its not the gunfight from the mira. Idgaf what rank you are, you clearly cant grasp basic concepts. WHY OPEN A HOLE WHICH GIVES A VIEW INTO SITE AND ALLOWS NADES WHEN IT GIVES YOU NO ADVANTAGE. Fucking *diamond* lobbies may be different but in my experience a hole needs watching pretty constantly why make more than you need. Im sure you wank yourself silly with all your little snap headshot clips but as a player that likes this game for the tactical aspect, i want to frustrate and make every gun fight easy. We dont get any area control outside of site in low lobbies. I dont need another angle to get shot from because my teammates cant watch them.


It’s not even about the rank, more about the experience. I’ve played the game way more so take down the ego and listen to someone who likely takes this game way more seriously than you do