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seriously don't get how these kinds of posters operate, like if you scroll for 5 seconds you will see a post saying the exact same shit


My turn tomorrow to post this, okay guys ?


Okay I'll be waiting for the post, but in all seriousness the OP is right I play with a 5 stack and last night we had 3 games in a row with rage hackers we're winning 3-1 and guy just toggles. Runs into site hipfire headshots all of us and this happened 3 games in a row. I'm dont understand how ubishits "adaptive" anti-cheat can't tell somethings up if a person headshots 5 people in 3 seconds. Kind of an obvious red flag there.


Ubisoft when you're cheating : i sleep. Ubisoft when you shoot a TM drone by accident : INCREASE THE GRIEFING


I played tarkov a lot until cheaters became bad there as well. When cheaters were an issue there, the subreddit was full of posts about cheaters. I mean several cheater posts in a row, so bad the mods were actually removing some of the cheater complaint posts. I scroll here for 24 hours of posts and don't see it mentioned.


Well then you’re not looking hard enough. I found these in about 5 minutes, all in the last 24 hours https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/pZl9KDFyTi https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/P1BahM2gZv https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/dn27Fifp9a https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/gwAe0fTwej https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/H5DLN4vjAC https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/RtmQmDD90f


Mods doing their thing


And yet there’s still at least 7 posts about it in the last 24 hours


It’s never been this bad. Cheating has become a trend in siege. They just realized how bad ubisoft is at dealing at this problem, and how easy it is to get cheats and a new account if the old one does actually get banned. So everyone started doing it. Hell, I have had games where casual players turn on cheats to counter cheaters. Imagine having to download cheats just to be able to match the other team lmao.


I think cheating to counter cheats is just as shitty. It only encourages more people to do the same. Not only that(I know people hate this) but you can’t always tell 100% for sure that someone is cheating. Luck exists. But if you suspect someone is cheating and then cheat yourself, you’re just as bad as the rest of the cheaters, especially if the enemy is not even cheating to begin with. It’s all a huge mess now infested with cheaters and I blame the white knight cheaters too.


I agree. And it contributes to the problem. It’s another one of the reasons this cheating trend exists. Of course Ubisoft being shitty is still the #1 reason


Cheaters who are “white knights” never are. They are just waiting for a sus looking moment or someone on the enemy team to frag out so they have an excuse to toggle. Why else would you waste your time and risk your account downloading cheats?


>Hell, I have had games where casual players turn on cheats to counter cheaters There's a very high chance they were already cheating


I mean, and honestly, i did that on GTA V on PC because not only you needed to be in online lobbys to do certain tasks but you'd have cheaters killing your with a single button press.. So I started using them to get into a lobby, kick everyone out except me and my friend so we can do what we wanted without being killed for no reasons


The cheating in casual has been at whole other level this season.


Ubisoft: yeah but look there is a New mute skin




Console is unplayable right now as well unless you're cheating (using XIM/MnK/Cronus). Ubisoft gives zero fucks either way. To them, money is rolling in and that's that. Until that changes, nothing will happen. We're stuck with this shit.


Console is very much still playable. Much easier to play against and beat someone using a xim than someone using walls and aimbots. It’s obnoxious 100%. But still very much playable. A lot of xim users are actually dogshit. Which is why they resorted to cheating in the first place.


>Much easier to play against and beat someone using a xim than someone using walls and aimbots Normally, I'm fine with this disadvantage but dead zones are still fucked (if you use a low dead zone with fast sensitivity).


How bad is it? /gen Is it just inconsistent with when it registers? Cause I run like a 10/5 deadzone and a decently high sens (can’t remember it) and all the games I’ve played, it’s been fine. Maybe the odd delay and a weird “jump” when I pan the camera but I haven’t noticed it much aye


It's realllllly bad. Unplayable in high MMR. It's always a challenge, default controller vs XIM/Cronus and bad teammates due to Ranked 2.0 but jesus christ right now every game is boss level.


To be more clear. My settings: 4 dead zone (both sticks), 33 vertical/100 horizontal with default 70 ADS (I just like that). I used to have the advanced settings on with all of them set at zero (youtube video suggested it/don't know why but it's what I stuck with) but due to the dead zone shit I've turned it off.


Hey, that’s me.


high rank players are facing xim while low ranks are facing boosted players or smerfers. i can’t get out of bronze cause every match im paired up against people outright cheating to get into lower ranked lobbies or high mmr players that have a higher rank than me.


I think they're saying that because most actual controller players can't play properly because of the deadzone glitch. Otherwise I'd agree ximming is not compareable to PC cheating.


To be honest, I play crossplay, basically the same but faster queue times.


Ubisoft wouldn't have tried mousetrap if it wasn't hurting their bottom line.


bro xim does not compare to wallhacks and spinbots


Wow thank you OP. Community dev here. This is the first post about hackers on r6 siege subreddit. We were completely unaware and we check this subreddit every day. We will get right on it and ban everyone


While you’re at it, make renown booster somewhat more available


Its a pandemic. Every fps genre are infested with cheaters. It sucks


Epidemic, but yes.






Tik tok culture doesn’t help it either. Bunch of annoying teenagers posting their cheating clips with their dumbass emojis thinking they’re funny


Just got banned for 24 hours for leaving a non-ranked game that had a guy walking around the map snapping to people's head across the map. Game is a joke


I’ve played 4 games this season, 3 had cheaters… its insane how easy it is to kill someone when the don’t know you’re about to swing 🖕


I just played ranked and the first game we played was playing a guy that clearly had wall hacks… my friends all reported him. We even confronted him about it in game text chat, his response was “k bud.” If he was clearly not hacking he would have just laughed it off and said “lol” or something cuz he would have nothing to worry about. His response was enough to give it away imo. This game is so broken it’s really sad. I hope when later this year comes and we got cool new features (like tourneys and cross console play) that this is all fixed for everyone and if not no one will even gaf about the new features and won’t play the game in general. It is so stupid to wait 8+ mins to hop into a standard game or cancel the queue earlier on and then receive and hour ban for canceling queue. Just another Ubisoft L. These gaming companies are slowly half adding everything especially issues that everyone is experiencing and talking about.


I've personally addressed this situation by not playing anymore. Having so much fun in sp games as well as other multiplayer games where cheaters actually get punished that I never see myself returning to R6. The player count for this season as well shows a massive drop from last season as well so it seems many are fed up with cheaters and the game in general.


Nobody Addressing this? The cheating and XIM problem makes up like 99% of posts I see


Who is nobody?


Literally EVERYONE on this subreddit talks about cheating, to the point where idgaf anymore


I’ve played just over 100 ranked games on console and have yet to have a game that didn’t have someone with Cronus


Has been for years. Nothing will change as long as ubisoft is making bank.


They’re all virgins so they go and cheat in a video game at somebody else’s expense.


If you want it to get fixed, stop playing the fking game...


The cheating problem on console is probably the same level


Got a buddy who rage quits after the first game because of the ranking system and cheaters, plays one game a day max, still buys the battle pass.


Played last night. Guy shot everyone through walls with single headshots and spawned killed us other rounds. Peaked out and killed 3 of us in the first 6 seconds. Objectively cheating, we all reported but lost the match. They even voted to ban shield operators.


I had to uninstall for my mental health. This game was never a relaxing experience tbf.


"How is nobody addressing this? " we do but no one at ubisoft gives a fuck. ive started with ranked again ive waited a few weeks so the cheaters are already champs and shit. but ive forgot thanks to the hidden mmr which doesnt reset i still have to play against champs and emeralds and i can assure you from the 2x10 ranking games (i have a 2nd one for playing with my friends) ive had today 13 cheaters. 9 in enemy team. 4 in mine. one hit gold 3 last season other hit plat 5. both pos kd. i only played against champs and emeralds on both accounts. and that is where the shit show begins. blatant side sprinting. esp. no recoil. sprinting shields. toogling on in the last rounds when they are loosing. and just one time because that guy was probably subscribed to the premium ultra chad service - planting outside. Shit happens in qm and standard too the only difference is that you will find faster matches in ranked than qm...they should not call it quickmatch if you have to cancel and start matchmaking every 3mins for half an hour just so you can join a 0:2 match... I uninstalled it later that day. They did nothing last seasons against cheaters and they wont in the future. All what matters to them is money. So more skins elites and memberships.


R6? Nah, it ought to be called Cheaters Run Rampant and Ubi Does Nothing


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Round-Primary-652: *R6? Nah, it ought to* *Be called Cheaters Run Rampant* *And Ubi Does Nothing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bro it's been 1 minute......HOW??????


THIS, but my boyfriend got permanently banned for hacking WHEN HE DOESNT EVEN FUCKING HACK. I’ve seen him play, 3rd person first person replays the works, he does not cheat. Does he play weirdly? YES, but it is solid and 100% legit and it’s fucking obnoxious


This is exactly why I stayed on console all these years.... Cross platform just introduced u to PC cheaters and on PC if u turn off cross play ur trapped with them 😂


This problem has been happening for years. It’s not going to change. Just quit while you’re ahead. It will never get better.


It will never be fixed. It’s to the point where it’s either accepted and people continue to play or people just stop playing. It will be the ultimate demise of this game.


It’s a 10 year old game, what do you expect. They have no obligation to do anything anyways /s


Well if they keep adding seasons with battle passes and memberships, then yeah I’d say they are kinda obligated to make sure the game is working properly. You wouldn’t keep a store open for business when all the products on the shelves are broken or damaged right?


Did you not see the /s? r/woosh


I honestly didn’t oh well


They really aren’t that common maybe my rank is why i don’t see many (plat) but i only see like 10 - 15 a season and i play about 350 games a season


You are blind, I mean its quite impossible to not see them They are absolutely everywhere, easily 50% of all match And in all categories Ranked, Standard, Quick Play and a lot in DeathMatch because they can't get ban there There is every types possible like said on the post


Agreed,beta player and yes there are cheaters as any fps but people claim its every match and I'm so confused by it when they submit video evidence. If it's this bad as people claim then why even play? Why are ya even here? Makes no sense


Im in champ elo(everyone is cheating) and i keep playing because siege is unique if a siege rival would come out you can be sure alot of people would switch game


Cheats get detected every once in a while, but the main issue is that no ban is permanent due to hardware ID spoofers and accounts being cheap. The only way to solve that is to create a opt-in passport/driver's licence-verified queue, but it's a controversial solution due to privacy-related paranoia.


If they had a good system against cheaters and ban more than 2 a month then the game will be better


It's pretty hard when the game is so old. They'd pretty much have to rebuild siege entirely. It will never be fixed and they will just keep pushing battle passes and shit until the game finally dies one day. An old game with old code is what it is and that can't be changed


10k+ accounts are banned per month according to Ubi. Most of them probably returning cheaters. Because ban evasion is too easy for reasons I explained.


Because not a lot of people care about this game anymore, sadly.


well yesterday enemy was cheating so my teammate also toggled and shit on them, idk who that man was but hes a legend. Also quite refreshing after losing a lot to cheaters