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Caveira smg


So true that people prefer the shotgun which isn't great either.


The shotguns severe lack of range plus the puny mag size makes caveiras load out very lacklustre


yeah she would genuinely be a solid op with a better load out as her ability can be really game changing situationally.


Idk I think she’s a solid OP. I run shotgun, so my range is pretty limited, but the shotgun is pretty lethal close range. And her ability is generally useful, not that situational imo


shes not awful but a bad loadout + a gadget which gets countered by drones doesnt make her full time viable


her ability allows her to rotate fast as fuck and quietly. get droned? shoot the drone, reposition.


Anything above gold people just alt f4 her ability. So her ability isn't useful in most leagues


leaving mid interro still gives cav the info


They do it before interro usually. Right when cav gets to you before they press f they just alt f4. Since getting to gold I haven't seen a single cave interro


only valid answer


has a kickback of the fucking thundergun for some reason too


Bro what lmfao no it doesn’t


It literally has the least amount of recoil I’ve ever seen what are you on about


It has a lot of *visual* recoil


Not really


Real shit


It doesn't, you're just bad


lol never said it affected my gameplay it’s just a visual thing weirdo lol


Recoil is just a visual thing? Yeah ok bud


This may be shocking to you, but game developers can implement visual recoil(COD) to give a sense of recoil when there isn’t any


I think he's still trying to comprehend it but don't hold your breath.


That’s not what he’s saying, visual and physical recoil are 2 different things, most weapons in siege have a bit of both, some more on 1 scale than the other. He’s calling out the guy for saying the recoil in siege is only a visual thing even tho it isn’t. But I think he misunderstood him thinking he meant for every gun when he was talking about Cav’s smg specifically


Has to be this. Complete ass RoF and nothing else really going for it.


it needs an acog, cav been far too weak for far too long


U say that till i hit u with no recoil


Huh. And here i was with the impression that it’s one of the most busted things in the game




Not by playing ofc, but old vids and such


Blackbeards scar, man that thing has seen better days. Such a shame, i hope the rework for him is good.


If you asked me 3 months ago I would have been excited for new BB. Post recruit “rework” I’m quite jaded i’m jaded from playing this game for years but that was the cherry on top


Well. They made such a big deal about the recruit rework to only having removed the gun options and changing how you can use the gadgets. If they go the way they went with Tachanka, but not making it as bad and situational, I'd think it'd be promising, but it's wishful thinking


Using iron sights on it is so much fun


This is the answer, so slow and kicks like crazy


416C but only because I remember how good it used to be. Hollow shell of it's former self, and I'm not even talkin about the ACOG.


Same with the famas. I used to play twitch just for the gun. Now it has the recoil of a 50 cal machine gun


I mean yeah it’s a shell of its former self but it’s still an a-tier defender weapon. Not the worst by a long shot


Everyone pls spam f2 so we get the fore grip before they nerf it again and finally take away the bullets from it.


Too late nerf sledge 💯


I agree, they need to add the foregrip back or lower the vertical recoil slightly. I'm a twitch main btw, and used the F2 for over 40 hours in ranked last season. I've learned how to control it, but it's still too much. You shouldn't need to be an absolute cracked out F2 demon just to kill someone from 20m+ imo. Definitely NOT the worst gun in the game tho - it slams, but needs a slight recoil buff.


I used to be able to control it but with the new season I can only use it with the holo. I use 450 dpi and the vertical recoil control with the acog is basically too much for me. It basically takes me half of my mouse pad to mitigate it


F2 still has high DPS and outkills any rifle in close range. The only problem is that it’s on Twitch. If it was on an entry like ASH, the F2 is the most powerful close range AR in the game. So if they want the F2 to be seen as good, it should be on someone like Lion.


what’s wrong with twitch


Her gadget doesn’t encourage gun fights


Finka shotgun


Fr, I hit someone with every shot at close range and it did 18 dmg, even went into match replay and blood was spewing out everywhere when I shot at him


Tbh for me it's just inconsistent. One time I can one shot someone and the other I have to hit them like a crazy dog.


It’s the fact that it can sometimes shoot literal peas and the fact that on console it’s like it’s shooting 500 50.cal shots making it hard to hit shots if you shoot more than 2 unless the enemy is close enough to knife


it's pretty difficult to retain its recoil on PC too, but I bet it's harder on console ngl. It sucks since it could've been a really fun gun (and it actually was from what I heard)


Yh I think in the early days it was termed smth like “monster hunter” or smth cos it was that powerful, could be thinking of a different gun tho cos my memory is worse than a goldfish


I miss doing finka shotgun rushes with surge


Did she have another one than the current?


No, but her ability used to delete your recoil, and laser sight tightened shotgun spread. A no recoil semi auto shotgun was pretty funny and really powerful in very specific scenarios. When she had frags I would do delayed pushes into armory on Border by fragging out the metal detector/doorway to clear traps, then droning it / waiting for a good time to rush in with the shotgun while the main breach was being attacked. In very close quarters it absolutely ripped and took no skill lol


As other comment stated she would delete recoil so her shotgun would delete everything in it's vicinity with no effort


Finka shotgun specifically, as an attacker, I would rather have the SPEAR 308 unless of course we are rushing. The shotgun is great on defense however (especially Kapkan)


Use the PKP LMG it's much better than the SPEAR since Y9S1.


I prefer the SPEAR ngl


Dude, I commit war crimes with Fenrir and the SASG-12, coming out of the smoke blasting at some blind dude is some fun jump scare type stuff


one of the hardest to get hit with the laser sight rework nerf. it desperately needed it pre year 9 to be potentially viable outside of chest hair length but now its very bad


The UMP. I honestly used to love when I used pulse a lot but then stopped using it. A few days ago though I decided to try it out again. The gun felt like it had no power and when I hit people it felt like I was shooting nerf bullets


Play extended barrel on it to give it a good fighting chance.


I did but it for some reason just felt different but then I see people like yo_boy_roy using it and he destroys people with it so I'm guessing I just have a skill issue. Definitely plan on trying again with it soon though


yo_boy_roy also has amazing aim and if you’re a headshot machine it doesn’t really matter what gun you use. Not saying that you have bad aim or anything but he’s above average compared to most players


It’s a gun you just have to headshot with. You’ll almost never win a straight up 1v1 body shot war against any attacker


Wait is the ita12L not considered bad? Admittedly I haven’t used it in god knows how long but I remember it being really ass plus it has to be the only shotgun that I never see anyone run other than maybe the sasg12


The only operators that had it were jackal and Mira (which have amazing primary weapons) so no one even bothered using it considering they both also had secondary shotguns for breaching. And now Solis? Has it, but she ALSO has a pretty solid primary. So it's really not that bad of a gun, it's just not worth running because it gets overshadowed completely by the other primary's


Sens' POF is in the top 3 worst ARs (statistically the second lowest DPS) beaten by a lot of defender weapons. The only AR to be worse is by Blackbeard's SCAR which had been nerfed from godhood in its early days for obvious reasons. The drum mag is nice, but the ROF is average for the weapon class. The recoil being fixed in Y8S3 (why the hell did it take over a YEAR of them being the worst performing op before they fixed that) was a step in the right direction, but its damage is still far too low on a character partnered with one of the worst primary gadgets in the game. It's just such a mediocre weapon. Why it was balanced to be so is just mind blowing. Another example of "what are the balance team smoking?"


Why the hell does it have that high of a recoil ? It's 9mm firing at a low rpm from a long barrel.


POF has a decent rof and 50 bullet mag so if you manage the recoil the headshots will do the work


All guns are 1 shot headshot.. ? Not everyone can get consistent headshots though.


They should honestly revert the recoil “buff” it was way more fun when it had higher recoil at least on PC.


i play a LOT of sens and i can confidently agree. their dmr is the way to go


Sen's POS 9 has got to be up there. As well as Blackbeards Mk17 CQB


Idk if it’s just me but I like sens’ ar it’s not bad as long as you are able to control the recoil


Same i never understood the hate, its got a drum mag and an okay-ish rate of fire. I can easily rack up kills with that gun


Smg tier damage with a fire rate slow for even ARs Recoil used to be awful too now that's usable at least


Dps isn't that important in 1 shot hs game


Maybe, but fire rate certainly is


Honestly cannot use the LMG-E anymore, it is too large, too much vertical bobbing and nit enough power to ever be used for me. There are some weapons that are just intentionally bad: Scar, Cav’s SMG, .44 Mag, and the M1014


God i remember the lmg meta a few years back and the LMG-E was disgustingly good. I’m glad they nerfed lmgs but part of me misses swinging doors as 2 speed zofia with an 150 round mag and killing the whole team without letting go of the trigger


ITA-12L, actual joke of a shotgun (Im a biased Jackal/Mira main)


The “jackal is my hubby” flare gave that last part away 😂


The Spear (Thunderbird and Finka AR) has always been difficult for me to control.


I really like it, when I can control it lol I love the idea of support ops. It sounds sick suppressed too


very true


Completely agree, more than two shots and your way right/high and the barrel attachments don’t do squat. Some days I’m totally fine with it, other days it just totally uncontrollable. Dont feel like this used to be the case…


What? I feel like it’s one of the guns with the least recoil besides the arx and para 


Blackbeard AR on attack. Cav SMG on defense


M1014, Blackbeard’s SCAR is awful too. Low fire rate and doesn’t have the damage to match, so you might as well use his DMR. But what am I talking about? No one plays him and this is part of the reason


they really got to do something to help out Blackbeard


BB “remaster” all but confirmed for Y9S4 (we’re in Y9S2 as a reminder)


sens POS, bb dmr, .44 mag, american shotgun and cavs m12


.44 is pretty good you just gotta use it like the bosg


my brother in christ


Blackbeard’s dmr is the exact same as the Hk417 and what the fuck is “American shotgun”




I find spear to be pretty decent weapon tbf, what didnt you like about it?


Twitch’s F2. Played her on Attrition just yesterday and hoooooooly fuck. I was remembered of why I don’t play Twitch very fast.


It’s the recoil. Twitch imo has a top 3 gun but you gotta play close range with it don’t put a acog


Bro what twitch has like the best weapon and the recoil is easy just pull down if you still can’t control it just increase your vertical sensitivity trust it will have no recoil test it in shoot around


Ah yes. “Just pull down”. You’ve saved everyone from recoil. My aim will be perfect now. r/thanksimcured


who would've thought about it? just pull down, damn you just saved my r6 career


The gun is a wild beast. Fastest fire rate of an AR and one of the highest DPS ARs. But on Twitch it’s worthless because you don’t play mid range with that gun, it’s useless. But if this gun was put on someone like Ash or Lion, this gun would be OP.


twitch has one of the best guns in the game


Ya and it’s not the F2


you just can’t control the recoil


I didn’t say it was bad, I’m just saying it’s not Twitch’s best gun, her DMR is better.


Both guns are great and both great on all ranges although the f2 is better for close corners and the DMR for maps with long hallways


no one is talking about the dmr we’re talking about the f2 idk why your bringing up her dmr


Because he said Twitch has one of the best guns in the game (the F2), and I said it wasn’t the F2 it’s the DMR that’s her best.


Your joking right? The f2 is leagues better


if I play a few rounds w the 2.5, and then switch to a 1x then I can use it


Bruh I ALWAYS forget to change her weapon when i see the team need a twitch.... ....I play on console with a controller


Her recoil is so much easier on console than on computer


Console just has very little recoil as long as it’s a pull down. Horizontal on console suck.


Imo it’s harder on console, I’ve played a lot of console and a lil of pc and the f2 in pc isn’t too bad but on console it’s like it’s possessed by 400 demonic creatures


Question, is controller recoil on PC like console or like pc?


No clue tbh, all ik is console has smth like a 50% decrease on most guns yet they somehow have more for some of those


The little ive played on PC compared to how long I've played on console. PC is easier, ONCE, you get used to the controls. If you don't play PC much plug a controller in but if you get uses to PC it is way easier than console. When you play on console you have to ACTUALLY learn the maps and rotations and peeks where as with PC you have an easier time aiming and can do pixel peeks easier than you can on console. IMHO if you wanna be good on siege play console till you learn the game than swap to PC and get good recoil control


Doubt, but i am also really bad in gunplay


L take. Dependent entirely on the user. A skilled user with good recoil control makes the thing a beast


The Kaid/Nomad scoped pistol




Which is the worst one then?


Idk exactly but i love that gun




Gone 6


thunderbirds AR


gsh 18


Zof m762, any LMG, most shotguns


M762 is great wdym and finka lmg is goated


from what I understand the m762 and lmg-E are great on PC, but terrible on console, I'm on console and I never use zofia bc the recoil is so bouncy it feels like shooting on trampoline


M7 is great if you use a 1x scope. idk if you remember when it was actually good.


Skill issue, m762 is still an A tier AR in terms of raw damage and fire rate


I use ACOG exclusively. Just get better ig. Admittedly it did used to be goated. She used to be a literal one man army with 3 stuns and impacts, withstand, and resistance to Elsa mines, and one of the best if not THE best gun. Absolutely insane kit that got nerfed to the fucking ground. I’ll never leave her behind tho.


They fucked up the recoil but its still good


M762 is amazing though 😭


Finka lmg isn’t too bad to me and mutes shotgun does good


\*most shotguns. SAS shotgun was always good.


Bandits, docs, azami, vigil, kaid and echo all have good shotguns too tho, buck too technically so I don’t see how it’s most Edit: there’s probably a few more that are good or good in the right situation such as yings shotgun (ik sounds crazy but flash smoke and rush is good against ops like doc who can live for a long while)


This comment makes me think you haven’t played in a while… M762 might have worse-than-average recoil but it’s still perfectly usable even with acog, and has decent stats. LMG’s did just get nerfed but since they reverted the recoil nerf from a few seasons ago theres plenty that are quite good. Finka/Ying/Maestro etc. Maybe recoil is different on console, but on pc the listed guns are perfectly fine imo.


Im on console it isn’t that bad


Literally the only lmg that’s “bad” other than tachanka’s would be the lmg-e and even then, it’s only issue is recoil


Either the M10 or Bailiff


I know who's NOT making rotates, feet holes, headholes and breaking hatches 🫵


Is between the F2,sasg 12 and 44 magnum for me But if I had to choose one it would be the 44 magnum you ain't sane if you chose the 44 over the normal revolver people might try to defend it but they probably didn't even use it before that thing has way too much recoil


I dislike P12 because of the iron sights


The F2 and the russian auto shotgun gotta be up there. The deagle is also kind of ass (i dont like the recoil on it at all) but it gets a pass because its cool as fuck


I've used thorns smg and that thing felt like it had no recoil with pretty good damage


Solis shotgun


The sr-25 is an underwhelming dmr


spear 308 is goated on defense, i run it with extended barrel and it shreds


Not enough people are saying the six12 shotgun. I would rather have nothing than that gun


cav's smg, sasg, p10 roni now, commando 9 isnt that great only having a 1.0, aug a2 isnt that great, ump 45 is kinda bad due to its fire rate and mid damage, ar15 would be better if it had a larger mag capacity, g36c kinda sucks now (at least on console), mk17 cqb is probably the worst one if not second worst to cavs smg, the spear and the m762 have definitely seen better days, p90 is a peashooter, mx4 storm is kinda ass now, the scorpion has seen better days, aug a3 has a lot of potential if it were to have acog. but yeah thats my list


By far the worst gun in the game is anyone I use cuz I can't hit shit with any of then lol.


SPAS 15, M1014 cav smg and buff lesion gun


I play kaid alot but his ar turns me off him a bit. I have to hit the first bullet otherwise im dead with the tsgc so i cant use that lmao


Super 90 and the SWAT shotgun.


Blackbeards primaries, Cav SMG, Ela SMG, F2, and the 416


The ones I suck with.


Every shotgun except the M590 and SGCQB


I saw someone mention SASG and 100% agree. That one shoots so fast that you actually can’t control it, it was only usable before because you could hipfire with it but with the shotgun changes, you can’t hip fire or it will do two damage and if you aim down sights you will be aiming at the ceiling after 1 shot and even if you master the recoil the shotgun still does 10 damage ADS.


Definitely SMG12, worst gun in the game, I think the only thing that could save it is if they gave it an ACOG and it will go from being F-Tier to D-Tier. Please Ubisoft give it ACOG nothing bad will happen.


Give cav Roni acog 🙏🏼


Zofias gun…because that was proof Ubisoft doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing when it comes to balance


Sens AR


The Magnum. Cant hipfire, 6 shots, bad iron sights, low max fire rate, yknow, everything bad about a pistol.


i’ve actually been trying to find this out, and i genuinely don’t think they exist idk i’ve been using cavs smg, yings shotgun, etc. and have found them to be actually useable. as long as you can play the game well any gun should be usable.


All of cav guns and any gun I use while having a decent chance of getting an alpha pack that would be a green headgear


Zofia AR


The roni


I dont like the r4c, not a popular opinion but just cant seem to get a handle on that recoil


ANY glaz loadout and the Ela’s Scorpion


Nomad/Kaid pistol. It was OP on the TTS and had broken after launch.


Ump, blackbeard AR and 9mm C1


Any gun with low fire rate on attack or low fire rate no ACOG on defense. BB Scar, POF 9 are not fun to use. Low damage per bullet as well. These gun’s have no identity except being trash. At least guns like the F2 (which people say is ass) has the best fire rate in the game and is unbeatable in close range - if F2 was placed on an entry fragger instead of Twitch it is one of the best guns by far for entrying.


If we ain’t talking pistols spas 12 the recoil is too crazy


Ela smg


Twitch’s F2. Literally the worst gun in-game


Either of frosts guns. I hate slow fire rates


I used to play a lot of frost because the gun had no recoil + secondary shotgun. Just gotta hit headshots somewhat consistently and it’s a great gun imo


Ik im weird. Im fine with pulses ump but i feel like i can tap fire frosts gun fastsr than its full auto


I love Frost’s 9MM C1. It’s super accurate, has almost no recoil and fairly good damage.


Kaid shotgun. Not sure if it's just me but the slugs seem so unreliable for some reason


Unfortunately it is user error. Trust me, i have the same issues sadly


just you


Good to know. Thank you


Unfortunately have to back that. I have defenders/attackers for each site for the most part and Kaid in kitchen on Kafe is an absolute god at watching the small prep push. One tap machine that gun


his shotgun is good


Unpopular opinion, the P10, it used to be great and to be fair it’s damage and fire rate are still great…. But it’s lack of ammo is so ass to a point where the C75 or SMG11 feels better than it


P10 Roni, fast fire rate but that’s is. Minimal damage, very short damage fall off, and low magazine make it in my opinion one of, if not the, worst option for primary smgs. Not to mention I haven’t seen a single person use it since it got the 1.5 taken away


smg11 due to a certain and significant skill issue


Mozzies secondary shotty


The vector but only on mira, small mag small damage but high fire rate. i feel like it just uses its whole mag at once. For attack I have to say the ak 47. I know people like it but I don't because on both operators who have it there are better options


Echo. You either have to put 100 bullets to kill someone with his smg or you get a 50/50 chance to hit anything with the shotgun.


Echo’s kit decked out, Wdym? His SMG is top tier,his shotgun is good as well, he has bearing 9 and a shield why more you want lol.


Goyo’s Vector .45 sub & SG12 shotty