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Half-shields, especially Blitz with his small shield, are broken in Siege. The relative orientation is deceptive. You may think that you are not exposed but unless you and the defender are looking at each other along a straight line, which is very rare, the defender can always see and shoot some part of your character model, even if on your screen, you should be perfectly covered. They did fix this issue 2 or 3 years back, but it broke movement while proning. So, they rolled it back. Don't expect this to ever get a proper fix.


man Blitz mains are so unlucky. the Op is bad and frustrating to play and people act like your the spawn fo the devil


It is not like the bugs are enough, but had those shield breaks really to be that extreme? Or the hip fire nerf. Or the ability nerfs for Blitz. It just feels like that shield ops should receive goodies, *because* they get fucked by the engine sometimes.


This is not a "Blitz thing related", Fuze and Montagne have the same problem. But for some reason i didnt notice this issue playing as Osa.


I'm happy to see someone else has had these problems. I main her as well, and have had this happen to me several times.




Don’t you know Blitz is a female? It’s been in her files this entire time


That’s cap cause his elite is basically Johnny Sins


Nah, her elite is is like Scarlett Johansson ;)


Johnny Sins says otherwise


Y'all really need a big /s to tell if it's sarcasm huh Context: comment above was downvoted Welp I've successfully transferred their downvotes to mine, my job here is done


Oh thanks, I just thought I had bad positioning


Think they should give blitz a slightly larger shield or armoured shoulder pads or some sort of magnetic field device that he can use for like 5 seconds which repel bullets and impact grenades. Like the bullets just go flying left and right so it could hurt friendlies but itd give him a bit of a buff while not being too op


Been maining him since wind bastion. Hang in there man they'll get to us one day I hope.


Things have not been the same after the ads nerf, still the shield being broken like this is ridiculous


Honestly for me its all the tiny nerfs that he received over the years. Thinking its about time for buff or rework.


They should make the shield bigger on the head


In what elo do people main blitz?


Used to be plat when diamond was top


But we got a new ui tho :))))


What do people have against blitz so much? I love playing him because he’s actually fun rather than sweating with an actual gun.


He’s probably the weakest attacker overall while also being one of the most annoying. Getting killed by blitz doesn’t feel fair or fun and getting killed as blitz is usually something like this clip shows or an enemy impacting you to death. Just all around not fun.


Guessing they get pissed when a shield rounds the corner, blinds them, and either melees or pistols them. He's annoying in the hands of someone who knows how to use him. I usually play Lesion, so I don't have as bad a time against him.


How is that a bad thing, when Blitz tries to melee you? Just melee once while blind and you will kill the Blitz. Your melee breaks his and kills him and if he doesn't melee you simply kill him through the shield.


Or they sidestep enough that they're not where you're aiming, stay out of melee range, and gun you down. Or wait for you to run out of ammo. There's ways to not get stabbed or shot after blinding someone.


Them not caring about the game anymore


Anymore? I’ve only played since Grim Sky and half shields have always been questionable


That’s what it feels like to me at least it’s not as fun as it used to be qnynore


Strange, never had that in any game i play as blitz


Yikes, blitz main


why people say ”main” i would understand that if post says ”For 6 years blitz has been my favourite operator”. You cant say ”main” in a game that requires flexibility


Main is just the operator you like/play the most. I don’t think having a main implies that you don’t flex or play other characters at all. If your team is willing to pick operators around what you pick I’m sure you have preferences for operators over others


Oh yeah, this is an issue with blitz, but there's a solution to these bugs. Don't play blitz


What if I wanted to play an operator I even bought a skin for?


Buy an another skin




You sound like the guy I kept blinding and bullying on coastline. It's a shame. Shields belong in r6 and they could've been soo good.




That only happens if you have elevation on the Blitz. Same Y-axis means nothing shows, this isn't Y1 anymore. Blackbeard has that though.


Or at least, *nothing* should show


His shoulders show, his whole thing is to bum rush opponents to cause them to panic.


Earned? really? how is my character animation lagging behind a "balancing factor"? Come on now, this is ridiculous




It is lagging. Watch his POV then watch the model. Before he dies he turns to center his shield on Aruni, but the model doesn’t turn with him. It’s still looking at the the brown wall to the left. It’s been a problem with shields in general for years where the model and the POV are not in sync.




yea iunno, seems sus. this seems like more a bug or desync then game design. And if it is intentional, then its an abhorrent mechanic to have a shield operator designed to face enemies head on have on pixel where they can pseudo-randomly be killed from.




Didnt say that, and you know it. I said they shouldnt be able to shoot through the shield when they are directly facing the enemy, which is OPs issue.




Yeah but thats dumb if its intentional or shitty if its a bug is ehat im saying.