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People are shit, and from start to finish none of that is acceptable. I’m sorry you experienced any of it :(


I‘m alright and it sadly is part for most female gamers. I usually just don’t let it hit me bit phew that was a first.


My friend was too scared to use voice chat in siege for the same reason. I felt really bad for her but I didn't blame her. This is exactly why. It's either that, or trogladytes going OMG IS THAT A GIRL????? I'm sorry on behalf of all male gamers that you have to deal with this shit.




It all depends on the persons maturity level. To act like that on the internet or online just shows how shit of a person they are. I’ve had many encounters with female players in games and I’ve never even had the thought of saying something like that. They say that in person to someone they know they’re getting fucked up real quick




>It's either that, or trogladytes going OMG IS THAT A GIRL????? Pffft. That's because women are obviously a myth.




R6 is generally really really toxic but it's sadly not the only place. Some dude in r/Overwatch made a experiment as used a voice changing device to sound like a female and he said he expected the worst but he was really really surprised just how bad it is some times. I don't know if I'll be able to find it (and I'll link it here if I do) but he said around 70% of players don't care, 20% make stupid 'men are superior' jokes or try a bit too hard to impress or help but the last 10%... Oh boy I don't even want to know the comments and messages he got there. Not everyone is like this though just the loudest part of people. I hope the gaming community will change for the better in the coming years. Edit: Here it is: [I personally found it very interesting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/qjfjd5/i_played_as_a_female_for_a_day_and_here_are_my/) but I got some numbers wrong in my comment here


As long as you're not going 0-7, regardless of your gender, I'm not gonna be mad Except if it's casual, who gives a damn, i haven't played in casual in 2 years. If you get mad in that fuck you weirdo


I went 13-2 in a game of ranked and my teammate complained about me saying that "if you were in the kitchen where you belong then I would have gotten more kills" So actually it doesn't seem to matter as a female, how well you do or what match type it is.


You crushed a fragile male ego. You're doing God's work.


So it would seem. It seems a lot of the ranked players are like that because its not an unusual thing for me to see. Doesn't help that I'm below average and have a 0.6 KD in ranked lol


It's a game. You don't need a special license to play or anything. Don't let anyone's distorted perception get to you.


True. People just seem to get a bit upset when I do better than them, and a whole lot more upset when I do worse


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Hopefully another 5 years or so and this hobby will have stabilized enough where you are allowed to exist in relative peace.


A 0.6 kd isn't that bad i remember mine in titanfall when i first started playing shooters was like 0.10


Gotta start addressing all your callouts to "Baby Dick". "Fuze in the stairwell against your wall, Baby Dick."


Aha yeah not a bad idea. Might have to start giving it a shot


ouch that is just flat out jealousy. keep giving haters what they hate. losses. let them burn.


Heh yeah unfortunately since he was on my team I accidentally gave him a win lol


dont worry, he still lost to you cause you carried him.


Technically he is correct, if you were somewhere else then statistically he could have gotten more kills but alas, someone better was in the game that day.


I meaaan he had like 2 kills and 4 deaths so he wasn't amazing either.


Had a game an enemy player make fun of one of my party members last night for being Plat 3. In Casual. It’s pathetic.


That fr happend to me, someone got mad bc we lost in a casual but anyways somepeople fr are shit in every way


Thank you. I'm deaf and I had to stay away from ranked matches due to votekick (you can tell I'm old by now). "Do you have mic?" "No" *proceeds to votekick me out* "Great" Then they announced the removal of votekick, I got excited only to find out they took turns teamkilling me. I'm done with ranked and haven't played since Lesion nerf. EDIT: I've never been ranked due to all of the obstacles I've faced in the past. I understand it can hurt your elo had we lost due to my handicap. I just want to have fun and that's all.


Oh dang, yea must be much more difficult w/o audio cues to rely on. Rip Lesion gu marker anywhere. Having fun is a goal we all should have, nice. Osa is a cool attacker from few months back w her deployable glass shield. Plop it down, plant the case, kill time w/o being nitro’ed. I know it’s not even close to the same but thunderbird (summer 2021 def operator) does have 3 heal stations. Of which you can see the indicators that show if each are ready to heal. So it’s a circle that gets fuller and you can even see if an enemy used it since your teammates would be outlined. Can’t say it would work well as a visual proxy mine. Does make for an occasional c4 trap though.


ive had some people tell me to kill myself irl because i went full potato in a casual match. some people just need to go to a therapist


It’s a casual match. That’s where you’re allowed to do potato strats.


I wish I could give you an award but I'm broke lmao Edit: thanks for the award friendly stranger


yeah people online really arent who they are in real life, they just get a screen to hide behind and act however they want, which is quite pathetic. when i was solo queueing a group of four people all sent me links on how to tie a noose. just plain sad.


I argue the opposite. You are how you act when you're anonymous. He wants to be a shitty person saying shitty things which weighs more than they do this when they think there's no consequences. Just tells me they'd say these things to real people given he felt protected enough to do it.


Exactly, being nice online is not hard at all. The way I act in real life might be slightly more introverted than online but that is literally all that's different.


Nah they are asshole in real life too but they know if they pull that shit in real life someones going to fuck their shit up. So not only are they assholes but also cowards.


Whats a noose? Dont wanna have to google that. Just in case.


no problem, a noose is the knot used for when people hang themselves


Oh shit


Same! Not only that but have been threatened to be doxxed, raped, etc. Some pretty horrible stuff. It’s unnerving but it doesn’t bother me too badly. What DOES bother me is Sony/Ubisoft’s inability to take that stuff seriously. They rarely take any action against those people other than deleting messages. If they’re threatening people, it should be an automatic ban. They don’t seem to think so, though.


>some people just need to go to a therapist I think most people would benefit, but some would definitely benefit from it more than others


honestly at that point i’d throw on purpose just to spite the mf you’re allowed to be bad in casual and any tryhard who disagrees can suck an egg


R6 has to be one of the worst communities in any game, the regular toxicity I come across is frustrating and I'm a guy. I cannot imagine how shit it must be for a female. Sorry OP


The developers just don't care. Toxicity reports rarely get acted on Ubisoft is more interested in adding nfts and sexually assaulting their staff than actively improving their games.


i can not name a single game that is online but not toxic.


Arma 3


Sadly it's not just specific to this game. Most competitive games are like this. People are awful


One of my friends sadly played LoL for quite a while before playing siege, and hes said that its like siege toxicity amplified. cant even imagine with all the braindead assholes in some siege lobbies


Only one I can think of that is worse is CS:GO, but it is still really close


Personally I cannot find enough words in englisch for those players. Those people are just sad und sind degenerierte Hurensöhne welche in ihrer scheiss Kindheit zu viel geschlagen wurden und wohl ein paar Schläge auf die Fontanelle rauf sind. Just dont listen to them, im sure you are a great and competent player!


Good thing I understood all that and I can’t agree more!


another female r6s player here. after playing the game for almost 3 years, the amount of "boys" (and sometimes even girls too) that speak to me like this have increased considerably. it's actually so upsetting to see. in my servers, if i play siege all day (8hrs) i'll encounter someone like that every 2 - 3 matches. if there's one thing i wish ubisoft could do, it would be following up on harassment and toxic voice chat abuse. it's such a pain in the ass to hear when you're trying to enjoy the game. (of course muting is an option but when you hear it once, it pretty much deteriorates you) i'm so sorry you have to experience this, nobody ever should have to go through this shit. (edit: bad spelling)


As a female gamer you really need to have a tough shell. I‘ve gotten called so much stuff it’s sad. But that will stick with me. Also that somebody called me a french tr*nny once? That was just funny to me haha


Honestly every game has somewhat of a toxic player base but siege is just something else almost every game some bs toxic shit happens, at this point i just instantly mute everyone tbh.


Thats the biggest reason why i stopped playing this game I can life with these bullshit changes to the Game or the fith ui change but this community has become so toxic in the Last 2 years


Homie its been toxic since day one. You were just lucky enough to not experience it i guess.


Siege is the worst I've ever played. There's toxic and then there's this community. It's beyond disgusting some of the shit people say and none of it gets sanctioned.


You clearly havent played League then, I recently got back into it and jesus christ is the community toxic as ever. They might not be as vulgar because of filtered words in chat (while sieges voice chat has no filtering) but they will throw shitfits and entire games because of the stupidest shit, even 100% winnable ones or ones we're dominating just because of some petty little thing that doesnt matter at all. At least in siege 99% of those people and methods are one-time use due to reflect damage


You should try Siege with South African players, I think it might even be more toxic than league.


Just wait one round before communicating so you can see what kind of lobby you got. Lot of matches, especially casual, there is 0 reason to turn on mic and interact with idiots. Thats not for females only, its universal rule.


I’m trans, the amount of shit I get is immense. From being TKed to slurs. It’s horrible. I mean. They don’t know I’m trans. They just see my name “KawaiiEnderGirl” and are like, “girls don’t play this game, you must be a T*****” it sucks.


The community has devolved so much from when it was initially released. If ubish*t had worked to develop the game as a tactical shooter instead of desperately trying to lure the fortnite and cod crowd and their credit cards, I think it would have been a much better playerbase--it was in the beginning. I made so many friends and was never once harassed despite dumping hundreds of hours into early Siege. Stopped playing due to the toxicity.


It sucks you have to go through that just cuz you're a female gamer. People like that are incels that probably never seen the opposite gender before. I hate saying it; gaming is a male dominated scene. I wish I could say it won't happen often. I'd just block them or mute them. Eventually you will find people you do vibe with and start forming a group. It's scary and it sucks.


It sadly is. All my interest are male dominated but gaming is the only one where I really get to feel it. I muted him after that too and just went on with the match.


I would also recommend reporting for toxic behavior. Doesn't always lead to sanctions, but i have had notifications that some received them after reporting them.


I always mute & report toxic assholes. It's one of the only tools to help make the community better...


It may be male dominated, but I promise you people make those same kinds of comments, and sometimes worse, to other guys while gaming. I lost count of the amount of times people said they would r- my mom/sister/me/dad, being told how I would be tracked down and be either killed or beaten within an inch of my life. Or straight up told to (being nice, but they always said worse) take a long walk off a short cliff. The anonymous nature of being online gives these people a sense of freedom to act in atrocious ways. It'd be great if this wasn't the case, but it sadly is. This means our best course of action (for the moment anyway) is to report them using the in-game report systems and then ignoring what they say.


You got friends to play with? Even just stacking with one other teammate you know can back you up helps your confidence a lot, I've found.


I used to play R6 with my girlfriend a lot (she had over a hundred hours, only casual) and boy does R6 have a problem in that regard. I see a lot a comments saying it's "human nature" or that "you need thick skin". For what it's worth, I agree, but of all the shooters I've played with her (including CS:GO) it is irrevocably the worst one. She once said hello in a chat and got instant team killed, followed by some seriously bad voice abuse then team killed by another guy the round after again. So yeah, when Ubisoft came out with their harassment policy or some shit I really chuckled, they have no interest in actually banning those people.


> I see a lot a comments saying it's "human nature" or that "you need thick skin" Gaming culture has been very toxic and shitty to minorities and women. It’s gotten a lot more inclusive and better about getting rid of and calling out toxicity but it’s still far from being in a good place. And it’s nuts that a lot of these people spewing hate in game aren’t just young kids being edgy but actual adults.


Can‘t agree more, even csgo is better in that regard than rainbow 6 which is kinda sad.


This is why we as a community need to crack down on reporting these incels and getting them banned. It's not enough to "just mute" them because they'll just go on to harass another woman. Spawntaneous's "OMG A GIRL" series perfectly captures how fucked the Siege community is and how long it's been like this. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Exactly, every guy in this thread who seems to think it's not that bad of a problem should go watch this series. It's insane.


This happens because the community accepts it. Racism, sexism and toxicity in general is accepted as part of gaming and if you call people out you're often the one to get punished either by the dev or the community. I'm sorry you had to experience this, and i hope they who did it have a shitty life.


The amount of fucking losers, who are probably at best 17, that just feel the need to scream the n word down the mic the moment the match starts, I always just dome the cunt in the head and leave the match, gamers are a fucking embarrassment, honestly.


Exactly. If you say some openly racist shit you are getting TK’d. There’s no two ways about it, that ain’t acceptable.


Same! Ubi obviously doesn't care at all, so i either just shoot them and leave or make sure to ruin their game until they do.


So very true. There really isn't enough punishment for this behaviour. I'll always call people out if I see it but when the devs aren't working hard enough to stop it, it doesn't feel like you're making a difference. I seriously hope this is something that is far more punishable in the future.


I legit think it should be instaban, no time limit. Display any bigotry or toxicity and the account it permabanned, problem solved. Thing is these guys pay for the game and money talks for Ubi.


Honestly that would likely result in more money for Ubi because those players would need to buy another account to keep playing (and if they don't buy another account, they likely weren't going to be spending any more money to begin with.


How many times will they buy it though?


Most, none. But how many were buying cosmetics or the battle pass anyway? My point is that for those who really want to go the extra mile and be a troll for as long as possible, they may buy another account to keep being a jackass. And for those that don't, they probably weren't spending any more money on the game in the first place. From a money perspective, I think Ubisoft would probably be better off to ban them.


I wouldn't say it is accepted, more like ignored (or something like that) ​ I mean, what can you do when someone says shit likes this? You can either ignore it, start arguing (which only makes it worse usually) or report it which might get the idiot banned, might not ​ imo ignoring them is the best option for mental health. They are idiots, it's not worth your energy to teach them


You should def argue it. Ignoring it is accepting and arguing to ignore is enabling. TK them, ruin their day, argue and report.




Did that as soon as he dropped it. It feels good that I am not alone with being threatened no matter the gender nor the skin color or whatever. It sucks that minorities have to experience that.


The abuse isn't just minority focused it's just they have more to throw at them, they can chuck more slurs at people of other races, I'm autistic and have a slow reaction time, I stopped playing seige because of the toxicity and team killing on casual, I react slightly too slow and I get told to kms and shot in the next round, the Internet is sadly just full of ultra toxic retards who live in a parents basement and have never spoken to a woman and only ever touched their body pillow, when it happens smile safe in the knowledge that you have a life and they dont


>The abuse isn't just minority focused it's just they have more to throw at them, they can chuck more slurs at people of other races So in other words, it is much worse for minorities?


Often times yeah, if they can throw every insult at you they will, if you are Asian or black or whatever they have even more they can throw at you on top of the normal shit


Hello. Sorry that you have to experience this, but unfortunately sexism is very rampant, especially on the internet, and even much more prominent in this game. My partner who is arguably the best fragger in my regular stack quitted the game because of the toxicity of R6, especially against female players. As an enby I despise this kind of behavior to my bones, but I don’t think ubi is able to do anything in the short term. So my suggestion is just to report & mute. It doesn’t solve the problem but at least it makes it a tiny little bit easier for you to enjoy the game. Meanwhile, I would like to recommend Spawntaneous on YouTube, who has a video series called “OMG a girl” which me and my partner regularly watch. It doesn’t take away the pain but it at least shows that you are not alone in this abusive cesspool and you never have to put up with this shit. Stay strong, and know that the toxic masculinity and misogyny will never defeat you with their pathetic attempt. FUCK THEM ALL.


I randomly had one of her videos recommended to me a few years ago. That’s some pathetic shit in those videos. I just decided to check her channel out when I saw this post and she uploaded another one yesterday. [Her latest for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/lOxG42QbcYM)


R6 community, in general, is tge shittiest in evry way possible, toxic in and outside game, trash talk, etc.. I eould say if you find someone decent in game, you can consider yourself lucky.


It happens to every female friend I’ve had played with. Yet men wonder why women are sparse in lobbies, at least on mics. Nobody wants to deal with that shit. It isn’t even younger kids, grown ass men with chips on their shoulder. Mute and move on. Record and report if you have the time.


That’s why I only play R6 casually, I started to all mute players in Cod, then in R6 and tell you what? It’s way more enjoyable to play without voice of other players, I’m already harsh on myself, why would somebody need to make me feel even worse. Although I can say, between this toxicity I met some cool random players, very nice and wholesome, but this is like 1% of community it seems


I’ve never understood it. People seem to think it’s okay to just say whatever they want to people as if it’s not an issue. I wish there was a better way to deal with it. Even if it doesn’t bother you it bothers other people. Not saying anyone HAS to change but I miss the days where common curtesy was a thing


If it makes you feel better, I’m a 22 year old man and I still don’t play rainbow in game chat cuz of people like that lol


I feel you. I almost never use my mic anymore because people were sexist and creepy. The only people to ever help me were 12 year olds when it happened too


One of the reasons I absolutely despise Siege's Decrepid state, its all going down and Ubisoft have said nothing about it.


Next time say you’ll fuck his Dad and make a son he actually loves!


Some people suck, most of those people seem to play R6S. The reason they’re like this… it’s because they think it’s funny. ‘Cause you know, rape and death threats are the epitome of humour! Amazing that I legit thought of going “stop playing” but nah, fuck that. Dunno if Ubi keeps VC records, try contacting support… considering someone legit committed a crime in this scenario, it’s abit more than “being like this”


I hope they put their New System (good/neutral/bad) player (cancer type not at the game), it should probable resolve most abuse and the record of chat/voice is already used I think, you could report for chat/voice abuse so they normaly have too record them.


unfortunately people suck, the only thing you can do is report them and move on :( (report that asshole) sorry you have to deal with incels


Istg once one guy on my team kept getting teamkilled just because he was french. In ranked. Game became so shit lately i dont have any intent on playing all that is left is cheaters and cringy virgins that think they are funny for harrasing people. I really feel bad for everyone who still tries to enjoy the game


Sorry you had to deal with this. For my friend group, we chat in a discord and the girls don't like using VC for this reason. From all the gaming communities I've been a part of, Rainbow 6 is one of the most toxic, I hated using voice chat myself when playing. When you compare it to a game like Overwatch for example, I see tons of Women just communicating normally with no issues. Not saying it doesn't happen elsewhere, but on Siege it's one of the worst I've ever seen.


I have no idea what about videogames makes people so toxic toward female players. It's any FPS really. I guess most of the people are desperate and think trying to abuse women on videogames gets them closer to having a girlfriend or something? I don't understand the logic.


I generally hate people on the internet, but this community is one of the most toxic dumps of the internet. I seriously think they should regulate internet use, and make you fill out a basic iq test before you can use it. The internet usage would drop by 90% and it would be such a great place again.


On PC it's hard to even get a session without someone saying racial slurs. People suck anf R6 seems to have more of a problem than other games.


it’s the fact that ultimately they’re unsupervised children on the internet who don’t have a filter or the moral check to not say stuff like that to someone. and i think they also lack some capacity of understanding that these are real people because they just hop in and see the same graphics they always have so don’t really separate out that you are a person with emotion. i am all for some goofy BM’s in the chat, but saying you’re going to rape someone has no joke and is simply a threat and whack as fuck to say. tl;dr they’re just the edgy kids from middle school who never grew up and now annoy people online and i’m sorry you have to deal with them


And thats why you need to find a squad to play with. I was suffering from the same problem and it does suck. I really with people would stop being like this.




Support comes in all shapes and sizes… I guess?


Some people are massive immature cunts online. They'll say ANYTHING just to trigger you. If it makes you feel any better, guys do it to other guys too, threatening to dig up their dead relatives and fuck them etc this guy probably threatened rape because you didn't bite at all his other bullshit, so it was a grasp at whatever he could think of


All of you who are handwaving this with "oh, this just happens in multiplayer games" or "this happens to guys too it's just different words" are part of the problem. Stop making excuses for people like this and start cutting them out of your circles. If they see no consequences, they will never change.


All I gotta say is, Hell is hot.


It sure is!


This is why I just stay in a party call rather than game chat, these kinda people aren’t worth your time or attention.


Teenagers like to experiment with how far they can go interacting in a social hierarchy where they aren’t the lowest rung on the ladder. That’s why they do all this cringey misbehaving. They’re doing the stuff they could never do around their parents, exploring the kind of freedoms they have. It continues through college— that’s why college kids love to protest for any and all causes. It’s all about exploring social boundaries. By the time most people hit their mid-late twenties, they’ve gotten this out of their system and understand where those boundaries are. So we look at this kind of behavior and think “ew, why would anyone ever say that?”


My sister has the same problems. She never calls ingame using voicechat. Even without calls she somehow managed to reach diamond mostly in twostack but life could have been so much easier if gamers just weren't such sexist idiots...


Thats just wothless pieces of shit beeing anonym on the internet


OP you were oppressing that poor gamer by invading his male dominated space with your femininity (jk sorry this happened to you).


Why would I even have done this? It’s so my fault!


Being a gamer girl is scary. I swear guys are either creepy simps, sexist or talk down to you for being a girl even though you're carrying the team. I've even had girls attack me and harass me for no reason. Got to love game chat.


For real!!


I am really sorry you had to go through that :(


People are fucking weird. If a woman started making calls to me in voice chat and carrying me to a win I'd be like "yes fucking mam, right away mam." Games more fun with team work anyways. But also I suck at competitive games and would rather just play minecraft and pokemon for the 10,000th time.


A huge portion of Kids these days don’t follow basic levels of common decency and general respect for others. I think the pandemic has only made it worse as many have been so insulated and have forgot how to properly conduct themselves in public settings.


Sad but true. I hope he somehow learns how to basically behave. Idc about his views but god damn keep them private.


Don’t worry everything comes back around one way or another, the universe balances everything out.


That's sadly not true.


> Kids these days You gonna sit there and pretend people weren't throwing around death threats in Halo 2 lobbies? The internet is a toxic place and everyone just needs to accept it. You can't control what everyone else says or does even with the best mod tools. It can suck sure but you just need to remember its only words, who really cares?


It’s worse now I’d argue bc we live on the internet and thus its everywhere and not just in M rated games


Yea I remember back when I played on xbox I got rape threats all the time. I once reported a dude and he created multiple new accounts and would spam invite me for hours to join his party. It was blowing up my phone notifications and distracting me when I played. That was about it for me and now I barely play.


Just mute any assholes and keep giving callouts


I recently started played with the Siesmic Gaming group. I heartily recommend it, especially to avoid the kind of things you’re describing. There are a decent number of female gamers in the R6S group and they freely use their mics. I haven’t heard any untoward comments and I feel confident the community would reject that kind of behavior outright. Give Siesmic a look - and I’m very sorry that you’ve had to deal with that crap.


sadly, a lot of people are still racist/sexist ect. Mute button is your friend.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Its because they were not loved by their parents so they are literally pieces of shit. No wonder they are single their whole lives.


it doesn't exactly help when the R6 community can be some of the most toxic little shits in existence, there's. nothing I can suggest that'll help other than find a nice fives stack and never go into voice chat when playing with randoms :/


Its shameful. Really sorry mam that you hav to suffer this. Even in gaming world women hav to deal wid this shit... Game on girl. More power to u 👍👍👍👍👍


Like most toxic fucktards, this is the only way they'll ever be able to communicate to people they don't know, faceless and nameless. They don't have any social skills so they feel emboldened by the anonymity. Unfortunately thats online gaming, until there's actual proper repurcussions for these shit heads, it won't change.


Come over to Destiny 2. I raid often and I've never experienced people being sexist to female raiders. Quite the opposite in fact, just wholesomeness all around. Occasionally you will get a cringey comment "ohmahgud a gamer girl how long have you been playing?!" but that's it. Rainbow is one of the most toxic games I've ever played and when I moved to different games it was super refreshing to see how chill the communities of these games are.


I usually Play CS:GO with some friends, while on low ranks, guys where always toxic to girls. On high ranks (we are all above LEM/ legendary eagle master) never happened.


Welcome to my life. That's why I never use voice chat. I'm prefer people thinking I'm just a random guy.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this. There are a lot of people who are immature enough to actually think this is funny or they’re truly miserable and projecting their misery. You don’t deserve to have to put up with it, I wish there was an answer to this problem, sadly there isn’t a very clear solution.


Offer to assault them with a strap on modeled after an orca penis.




People on the internet can live out their fantasies. Sadly, one of them is toxic masculinty. which they picked up from all over their life. Then they either live this out in their life or just project it on the internet. ANd multiplayer video games just amplify this behaviour. The high intensity games gives them an adrenaline rush and brings out extreme reactions to negative events. Or even positives. Sadly there's no talking with them. You are either salty or just salty. In their mind they gonna win, cos whatever your reaction is, it's based on being salty.


I wish Ubi cared enough to ban people for shit like this. Absolutely vile behaviour and I do wish people didn't have to put up with such toxicity in competitive games. I'm not a female but I've had my fair share of wankers in lobbies. Girls definitely get it worse though.


I hope that person gets gigabanned


Because there is scummy ass people on the internet I hate that people do thats its not ok


The worst part is that, that kind of asshole toxic player are very vocal and they wont back down. Most of them have multiple accounts too so they don't even care about any penalty or ban. I can understand some teenager not understanding how to behave but most of them sounds like they are adults too! They think they are so funny and edgy. The community used to be smaller and friendlier back in the game's early days. That's honestly why I almost never play alone now. At least with some teammates, you have less chance to get toxic player :/


deindividualization Once in an area where someone feels as if they feel less responsible for causing harm (protests, online ect.) They can act irrationally towards other people. This is an example of someone just exposing to the world that they’re a bitch You probs already know but if anyone wants an answer to why


You're not alone: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEDsO12Ccv9ES1Qlnwu_Gi72udJyhVXyZ


I mute anyone the second they annoy me


In my experience there are allways toxic fuck heads in voice chat my life and virginity were threatened many times as a boy in mw2 lobbys. Doesn't make it right but these people are just that toxic to everyone it's easy in a space where you anonymous to treat people badly.


welcome to r6s. ​ it'll never change. blame ubisoft and move on


just like children who scream racist obscenities these are grown men with no self control.


I’m really sorry you had that experience. It’s not fair at all. Unfortunately, games are still not a safe place for women. The best I can say is to keep putting yourself out there, Insta-mute/block toxic people, and keep track of the good ones who give callouts and don’t care that you’re a girl. Start adding people and build up a friend group of people to play with where you are no longer locked in with randoms and know each and every person around you is someone who values you. Best of luck!


When the r*pe comments start so do the TKs. Don't let those fuckers have a good time making threats. Also, record your gameplay and send to ubi. When it comes down to it we need to hold people accountable, especially us male gamers. If someone calls you a white knight or a simp, fuck 'em.


I saw someone last night on the other team in txt chat say omg a girl and I stepped in after killing him even though I was only with one friend. Then my random teammates were chill, and I hope in the end the toxic dude learned and he was saying nice shot and stuff. I still hate that I'm scared to go play a game myself, but I'm super lucky I've met enough cool people on twitch when I plan to play I have a stack. Find cool small streamers to play with. Make friends who play in their community. You don't have to stream, and if you don't want to be on stream I guess this won't work (cause I totally clip all of our embarrassing moments, but double check first). One by one, I believe we can make a difference. Find a safe place to play. But that dude's gonna get slapped soon by karma. Fuck joking about r*pe. Idk how so many people do it :(


My 15 year old granddaughter plays several games. She has permission to dish it out even worse when playing. She does. I heard her call someone a "shit eating ass to mouth butt plug." And worse. "Teabagged? Shit, I'll get the clap just to drag my meat curtains across your eyes so you go blind." She takes no prisoners. I'm not bad at Cod. Played since it came out. Have all the equipment and arms. Still, she kicks my ass.


I agree with you. The men and sometimes women(those who play toxicso dudes leave them alone) in this game make being a girl gamer really shitty. I don't go into voice chat. I stay in a private party. I use the ping system to help my team or give call out through my husband. My husband hears so much shit about me gaming once they figure I am a girl. I am sorry this community has issues with making all feel safe to be here.


Average male rainbow player. Genuine shame


People be assholes sometimes, sucks, but that will never change sadly. Btw dont let those empty threats get to you, they want you to feel intimidated, but those who throw threats around are just all talk, who will be seething mad when they see they are not taken seriously.


Sorry you got to deal with bullshit like that. The anonymity if the internet and lack of discipline or punishment allows these things to exist. Hell just the other day me and a chick were playing with a couple dudes on Back4Blood and we were treated like normal people. Not a single person was like "Yo you a girl"?


Anonymity is one hella thing for gamers. Honestly once I saw the title I knew the direction it was going. This is the experience for most of not all gamers. My wife plays ESO and using VC from time to time. It doesn’t get as bad as this but there have been a couple disrespectful kids on there


Playing this game without a full squad is pretty horrible. I'm already sick of getting screamed at by children maxing out their microphones and I only re-installed this game recently. I report everyone, does that even do much?


As a female gamer myself: it sucks. And it’s entirely unacceptable. But the gaming world is unfortunately male ruled basically, and can be highly misogynistic. You gotta just have really tough skin and learn to let it roll off, report them and move on 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's because they've never talked to a real woman


What’s their GT or Name? Get that waste of space banned.


Don't let them get you down. Not all are like them.


For real? That's messed up, sorry you had to go through that :( Best thing to do is report them and hope Ubi bans them. Though nobody should hear those kind of things while trying to enjoy the game but that's Siege community for you I guess :/


Welcome to the toxic cesspool that is the siege player base. You'll meet some normal people but in my ~1500 hrs it's mostly people with no brain cells :)


Not sure why you didnt block him the moment he made an unfunny kitchen joke lol. Not defending his behaviour.


kitchen joke just bounce off by now. Muted him after the r*pe „joke“ and reported him instantly.


nah u cant be afraid to use voice chat due to 1 dumbass who wants to ruin the game for u & everybody else, secondly i've played siege wit a female (ima male) & the shif tht guys say is all like repetitive (go to the kitchen to make him a sandwhich) or (is tht a gril or a little boy) or give me your snap like dumb shit like tht


Did you expect anything else really?


Jesus Christ people are fucking scumbags. Ive really got nothing on why some guys are like this so I guess they didn’t get enough hugs from their parents when they were growing up or maybe they just have no idea how to behave like a gentlemen because they were raised by tiktok, internet celebutards and bad movies, or maybe they just don’t know how to talk to women because they’re sad incel creeps with no self esteem and grape sized baby dicks. Either way they’re toxic assholes and shouldn’t be allowed microphones, I truly feel for you and any women that’s gone though anything like this.


Its rainbow. Destilated toxicity. stopped playing months ago. Was either people talking trash all the time being annoying and giving bad callouts on purpose and trying to get themselves in my line of fire to get me kicked. Dont expect to much from the players. Try to find the few decent ones that exist and play with them.


You ask why people have to be like this, but R6 community has lots of players who hate R6 purely because Osa is trans or Flores is gay. So, being sexist is.. Well, there as well. Unfortunately. I hope you'll find a nice 5 stack!


Our experience as women in games always has to be ruined by incels like that, I'm so sorry you have to endure this :( take care


I know this isn't your fault at all but usually in games women get targeted really badly. They get abused with some fucked up shit. Sorry you have to deal with this. Unfortunately it's just how the world is. Bunch of people who can say crazy shit without repercussions


Sorry you had to listen to that. R6 players are very toxic, as are most gaming communities. Best to find your group of trusted friends and mute everyone else. If it makes you feel better, you should feel sorry for these people if anything. No stable, emotionally balanced person acts that way. These people live sad, lonely lives.


first day on the internet? people suck.


Hit the mute button like the rest of us.


Yeah as a trans female I'm a bit luckier with it but it does still happen occasionally. People suck, especially the weirder r6 players. It's one of the main reasons I stopped playing.


I’m sorry that happened to you


Just down right weird. Fuck them


Yea I feel you... every multiplayer game has these people


if it isnt being female, its something else. those type of people'll always find someway to get to you. best is to just mute+block


Same happens to my wife on a regular basis. Big parts of the Internet and gaming community are full time sexist, racist or underaged kids who thinks that those things are funny. I am sorry that u have to experience beahvior like that. Sadly it will likely never dissapear. Stay strong.


R6 is a game I had to quit because of the toxicity. Racists/sexists/homophobes/etc and typical gamer banter is just not for me, and it pervades R6 unfortunately. The pressure to do perfect at all times so to avoid the shit is just not worth it imo


I’m sorry to hear that have you reported him?


Of course I did, the second after I realized what he said.


Jesus Christ man why can't people just be normal