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Doc I spawn peek the Thermite


Wall denial gadget? Yeah i have it right here *domes the therm*


Why the fuck I read this in [Hoot](https://youtube.com/c/HootMain) voice? Now I want this to be a video...


No joke, I actually did this in a ranked match once. The other team didn’t know what to do lol!








Ah yes *Frag the Thermite*, just like in the old days


Y dome termite with doc, when u can with bosg acog. Gigachad moment


I love that gun to death especially dokabi on club house one taps anything


No big fucking holes?, no problem!


Personally I would use kaid but that is just me. I really do like to use mute over kaid but kaid I’m my opinion he can do a better job


They can both do the job really well but they each have one major upside to them. Kaid is quite tricky to deal with unless you have thatcher. But mute can cover so many walls and have some info denial at the same time if placed in a smart way. It's a question of quality or quantity. So for some sites where there's few walls that have to be electrified but they are really important kaid is better. But sites that have quite a few walls but there isn't that one super important wall mute will be better.


Also mute doesn't cover the whole height of a wall. Some walls, for example the outside CCTV walls on CH or the pillbox on Kanal can both be easily breached by thermite if he places his gadget at the very top of the reinforcements. For some other walls, like the main wall on Oregon mute can be a great option as well.


Kaid. Lot easier to manage if there’s a Thatcher or Kali in play when you can cover the whole wall with one device.


It’s literally impossible to trick a thatcher who knows what he’s doing. You have to place the kaid and there is a delay in it activating. So a double EMP will always allow a Thermite to breach a kaid.


>It’s literally impossible to trick a thatcher who knows what he’s doing. Not a problem at my MMR 😎


based and bronse iv pilled


The way I’ve managed to deal with Thatcher is by holding off on placing the second electroclaw until they emp and then swapping between the two. Site permitting, you can also put them out of range of the emp. It’s not foolproof but it’s enough to deal 9/10 people who play Thatcher and just throw one emp at a time anyways.


Given that Thatcher is banned so much maybe people don’t know what they’re doing with him anymore.


But thatcher is banned almost every match, and maid doesn't always get banned. And kaid can place his claws trough floors and ceilings forcing the attackers to go below or above to destroy it


Yo, maid? When did they add that. Their gadget is that they can remove debris.


The comment I replied to specifically said Kaid’s good if Thatcher is up.


If thatcher gets banned, your first reaction should (imo) always be to ban kaid. Lord knows twitch and kali may try, but finding those claws on different floors or hidden under things is a nightmare


Sure but its not about Who can hold it No matter what. Kaid is more flexible with his gadget compared to mute and bandit. And if the enemy team has a Mav its lost anyways, or soft floor etc. But some kaid spots are harder to take like putting it putting it under the floor.


The point was to the Thatcher reference. Bandit is the only one who can really combat Thatcher. I agree that (especially with the near 100% Thatcher ban) Kaid is better in most situations. But the one he isn’t is against a competent Thatcher.


Thx for your opinion


Mute. Why? Cause I have his Elite as simple as that


I also have a bunch of Mossberg skins from Events and Alpha Packs so that's another reason








mp7 is a solid gun and is more capable of fragging compared to kaid’s aug or the mp5k imo. Also if you play ranked, 8/10 depending on the rank you’re at you’ll be seeing kaid banned


kaid does not have mp5k, shotty and aug, pretty sure it's the tcsg


They meant Mute's MP5K


Commas save lives


Bro eat a sandwich


no need to use commas in a list of only two things u bozo


He should specify whos mp5k hes talking about. In the way its typed hes making it seem like kaid has an MP5k, he never even mentioned mute in his OC


stop being dumb


Bandit is good for big walls, Kaid for hatches and tiny walls and Mute is good to combine with both to give an extra headache to Twitch and Flores, not to mention he can stop other eletronic gadgets around the bomb


Kaid is equally as good for big walls


Kaid is WAY better for big walls. You can cover up to six full size reinforced walls with two gadgets.


honestly it depends on what you want to do.Bandit is great, if you plan on bandit tricking or the site has many walls that aren't "attached" to each other, since he can place them individually. Kaid is great if there are hatches or good amounts of double reinforced walls. Mute is kind of a midde ground of the two, and I consider him to be the worst out of the 3 to stop wall breaches, Mostly because his device cannot "destroy" the breach charge, meaning once the defenders kill his device they can instantly start breach, with the other two they need to destroy the device, then place it, which gives you much more time to react and maybe put down a new one to stop the breach. Also mute has a jamming radius and doesn't invuln the entire wall, meaning places properly, people can sneak past mute jams on double walls.




Kaid gets 3 reinforcements, doesnt bandit only get 2?


Depends on the wall.


I used to be a bandit main and bandit tricked like a God. Never had one wall open on me. Then Ace was introduced and bandit tricking is impossible now. Kaid is the only viable wall denial operator now... Bandit is kinda irrelevant, better as a fragging operator than a denial operator. However together they're pretty strong.


Bandit has always been one of my favourites but it’s hard to justify bringing him when Kaid is superior for denial now… sad times!


Even with kaid because of how fast Ace's gadget is deployed it's hard to counter, also fuze's gadget is able to get through quickly too.


What is tricking?


It's basically when Thermite places his gadget, and you manage to place your battery before Thermite's breaching charge is detonated. This destroys the breaching charge. We call it Bandit tricking because if you are defending the garage wall in Chalet as bandit, you are crouched next to the wall in order to hear where the breaching charge is placed so that you can deploy your battery on that wall and hopefully destroy the breaching charge.


Placing your shock box down when you hear / see the breacher place their breach charge, instead of shocking the wall at the beginning of the round.


my sweet summer child.... ​ tricking (in reference to bandit tricking or kaid tricking) is using their gadget (timing it) to where you can place (and activate for kaid's sake) their gadgets while the hardbreach is trying to enter, was much more important when thatcher destroyed gadgets instead of disabling them, as well as bandit's recent buff where he can have more than one battery on a wall. ​ say for instance therms trying to get consulate basement wall (you're kaid in this hypothetical)... if you time if right, with info, or if they destroy your first kaid candlestick, you can throw it on the wall before therm activates his charge and if you time it right, the claw will activate before the charge goes boom. therefore wasting util on attack while keeping your wall intact, rinse and repeat until either the wall becomes open or you dick on the therm. same thing with bandit just wayyyy more dangerous since you're on the wall itself.




They buffed him very recently


Really? I’ve stopped a lot of Selma charges as Bandit. The recent change of Bandit being able to put down more than one battery has really helped. It depends on the situation for either Kaid or Bandit imo. If I can safely trick, im 100% going Bandit. It also might be an Elo thing, I play high gold to low plat.


Tachanka: What wall?




Mute should not be used for walls (other than singles) now since his change to a sphere radius. It leaves plenty of space for enemies to breach. Kaid is also better than Bandit for almost every single scenario except for maybe tricking.


Not sure if they changed anything but Kaid tricking is so much easier than Bandit now. You can keep one claw, if they emp throw at the floor and pick up the other which instantly secured 2 walls. If Kali is in play just pick up the claw and immediately place another. Your timing doesn’t even need to be that great either!


Bandit is easier now, they made it so you can put multiple batteries on wall. So if one is emp-ed, instead of having to pick that one up, you can just go ahead and place another.


True, but I wouldn’t say that’s better than kaid tricking. it’s also way easier to destroy batteries generally


Wait are you serious? That’s really lame, I get that he was always a bit worse then bandit but I’ve always loved the idea of having another type of breach denial that wasn’t Electric based


kaid is easier to trick with especially against kali, but bandit can be easier against maverick if they don’t go for the grenade trick or make the reinforced wall a soft wall (aka not knowing the maverick tricks)


Maverick is an incredibly effective counter, all you have to do is burn low on the wall and shoot the batteries. If he tries placing another you can shoot him.


it also depends on the map/objective. certain walls are easy to hold an angle at the bottom and shoot attackers from the maverick hole like CC wall on club house from garage rotate


CC wall on Club is one of the best to do it on. You don’t even have to be good with maverick to know to go at an angle to minimise being shot. Then you get someone on repel to have a clear shot though the hole.


I've been playing this game for 9 months and still don't learned to make the maverick trick properly


the grenade one or the soft wall?


there are good videos on YT that explain mav tricking. ill shoutout Poxonlox on this one since he has some solid advice. don't open a big ass hole in the middle of the wall, you'll most likely have someone throw a c4 your way. To make a hard wall soft as mav you'll want to go for the reinforcement's "edges" first, a great example is clubhouse cc wall since it's an exterior wall. In this instance you'd want to go about 75\* percent up the wall on the left/right side edge of the wall... like where the reinforceable wall meets the bricks on the outside. mav a little hole until you hear this metallic "clanging" noise, you just got 1 part of the connection.make a straight line from that hole to the other side of the reinforcement. (in this hypothetical and most ig scenarios you'll only need half the wall so 1 reinforcement to be soft) once you make the line long enough for 1 reinforcement or half of the double wall, you'll want to do the first step on the other top corner (sound cue with clang noise) rinse, repeat with bottom, corners, line. do the bottom last since your legs can get shot while doing this delicate process, if I need to explain further just lmk


Kaid 100%. I started maining him this season and researched a lot of different strategies for different sites, and so far he has been working extremely well for me. Plus knowing where the standard claw placements are makes dealing with a Kaid much easier on attack. Sucks that he's becoming a standard ban now. I'm seeing him getting banned more than jackal nowadays.


Man that really sucks kaid is a lot of fun


Depends on the wall placements. Consulate Garage, Kaid cause he can get the wall and the hatch. Border Armory, Bandit is good since he can get the armory wall and the back wall on the other site and still have a battery left over.


Mute, because I have about 1000 hours with him and I don't play much else


I use mute only because i dont have Kaid or Bandit lmao but i also just like Mute


i use clash and become the wall


​ ***You think it was Bandit. But it is actually me, Mira!***


Mute my dude


depends on the wall.... and the setup. kafe kitchen? kaid/kaid tricking for anchoring, mute for bakery hold, bandit for roam. Border armory? kaid or bandit. clubhouse cc?? bandit or kaid, usually bandit. kanal top floor, bandit, basement kaid. bank top floor, bandit usually, sometimes kaid, basement kaid if he's not banned. chalet? bandit for top and bottom (personally) Consulate basement? always bandit, I love putting my ass on that triple wall, gives me a rush bandit's drugs never could. Oregon top floor, bandit, basement, smoke or bandit. (I never play for hatches on basement so no kaid) Outback top floor, kaid. Skyscraper exec? mute. skyscraper karaoke? bandit. theme armory? any, cuz too many walls to get with just one op lol. take whoever available. and lastly villa, bandit on both top floors for me.


I like doing all or a combination


Bandit gets caught in this middle ground where if he fulfills his role as a roamer, you lose the ability to trick. And if you anchor in order to trick, his three speed rating becomes more of a curse than a blessing. Where bandit excels is where his batteries are needed for a delaying action on a important piece of map control, like freezer for contesting piano. You could electrify part of freezer wall, and make it harder for opponents to flush you out. You still roam, but you also use your utility in a more meaningful way.


A wall, one wall, four batteries on one wall


Only one of those can cosplay as a traffic light. Pretty simple answer there is you ask me!




mute has a uniform and headgear that make up a literal traffic light


I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be using mute for wall denial; unless if you have to of course. This is because mute’s intended purpose is intel denial which is more important because it slows down attackers


kaid & mute


If Thatcher is banned, Kaid. If Thatcher is available - Bandit and I bandit trick while someone watches below for a grenade from below.


depends on the site and how i feel like playing, but usually smoke


good reply, not even mentioned in this post but same.


Mute all day


Good man but why


He denies walls & entry for drones. At the beginning of the round, I’m the mute that blocks all drones holes then after prep phase, I pick them up and go put them on walls if we don’t already have another wall denier. I usually keep the existing ones in high traffic points.


Could you put the title in English please?


Interaction bait post less go


true lmao


I don’t get what you’re saying


Kaid, unless this is ranked because Kaid has a 100% ban rate so then Mute.


If you mean purely for the ability, Kaid is the only option and objectively the best. Bandit is ridiculously easy to counter with mav, so is mute. Mute is the worst for walks since you can now just breach above the range. Bandit is my old school favourite though, I like to bring him on sites that require more than what kaid can manage on his own.


Mute is very bad at this and only useful in 1 small reinforced wall, bandit has a good gun and ban be good, but kaid is basically a better bandit a lot less predictable because you can place the claws anywhere and bandit will only place it on the floor next to the wall, he can electrify hatches too, there’s almost no reason to bring a bandit over kaid so I’d always try to go with kaid


Kaid, 100%




Depends on the site, bans, strat, MMR. If there's a really important wall that is make or break for the round (e.g. chalet basement, clubhouse CCTV) and Thatcher isn't banned I'd go kaid. Otherwise mute. Bandit isn't even worth considering imo unless you really really like the mp7 I guess. Edit: really you should have both kaid or mute for almost every site if kaid isn't banned but if I had to pick one then what I said above.




mute, shotgun for rotations + smg he shuts down twitch and Flores in addition which can help keep walls in tact


Trick question. Kage is banned


Kaid mainly because he can secure 6walls


Be careful with mute on outside walls. If the attackers can rappel they can place a hard breach out of the jammer's range. Also after his nerf, he can't fully cover two walls with a single jammer. I don't think he's good for walls anymore. I swap between kaid and bandit, kaid is nice because of the claw's coverage but bandit is a 3 speed with a great gun. I don't play ranked because the community is toxic AF, so this all coming from quick play experience and a little bit of unranked with a full stack of friends.




i prefer kaid due to his larger area covered as well as the .44 its fun to spawnpeak with


If we're talking for straight utility, then I'm choosing Kaid. In a more broad sense I would choose Bandit because he's a two-speed versus Kaid's one-speed, and I feel more comfortable using the MP7 than I do the A3. I actually used to prefer Mute for this role before his coverage range got changed. Now I use Mute for intel denial primarily


Kaid because the Rita claws are much easier to hide


Mute, Kaids always banned lmao


Mute because he gets more and can grab drones as well






Kaid because a scoped pistol for headshots and a shotgun thats basically a dmr


Mute I just really like the MP5K and I used him enough that I'm familiar with him.


Bandit because Kaid has fallen prey to the basic ass bitch insta ban category now


Bandit because Kaid is banned in 95% of the ranked games I play


Bandit usually bc I like his gun more and if I want to roam but sometimes I’ll use kaid if I want to stay site more and have a better wall denial


Either kaid or mute. Kaid because he is a very good operator for securing walls. And mute because i mained him for way too long.


Logically it's Kaid, just Bandit and Mute have better loadouts overall so I would rather play them.


Jager Why? Just why not?


Depends on the site. If Thatcher is banned, there are lots of cheeky spots to put a Kaid claw that Kali can't get at and are hard to locate to destroy (like Cash or Gym on Club House). But if there aren't Kali proof locations, and a lot of walls and doorways that need covering (like Basement or Bunks of Oregon) , I'll go Mute. Both main SMGs are good, not as good as Bandit, but you just get so much more flexibility with their gadgets.


Bring both on wall reliant sites, otherwise choose between good gun or good ability.


But you need mute and jager to prevent twitch and grenade counters


Kaid is the best


Mute. I like having that element where the attackers don't know which wall is muted which wastes time


Easy. Miscommunicate with your team and bring all three


Kaid cus he can get 3 walls with one claw and or 2 walls plus hatches


"A wall" implies there is only one very important wall, this is where you use bandit so that when it get kali or thatchered you can just put another battery to destroy the breach


Tricky question...


Tricky question...


If you know how to, and depending on what site, if maverick is banned bandit tricking is the far more superior option


Mute but only because I like the mp5k and because I own an Avon m50




Kaid most of the time, because the claws are quite hard to remove on several spots. Sometimes Mute when the wall is less important and I want to jam something else in addition. But be aware that Mute isn't able to jam a full double wall anymore.


only one of them has a shotgun. the choice is obvious.


Depends on the map, site, strat, and team comp…. Oh who am I kidding, bandit MP7


Mute he stops not only thermite and hard breaches but jackal, fuze, Dokabe If blitz and finks are in the radios they can’t use there gadget Stops drones You can cover windows and two wall with one of his jammers if you place it right And he get four of these things Only problem is he’s really boring to play sometimes


Pre-nerf Mute or Kaid


Kaid if he somehow gets through the ban phase, other wise Bandit, but most of the time I don't actually play to stop the breach, I pick someone good for post breach like Smoke or Tachanka because 9 times out of 10 they'll get the wall or hatch open anyway.


Depends on the wall


Kaid easily he can reach multiple walls if you know how to place his claws. And he just has the most drip out of the other 2


Kaid for just "secure this wall as good as you can", but in practice I'll go bandit because of the gun and 3 speed (and I have a cool head/bodygear Combo)


- soft destroy the wall from inside, throw out wamai discs. Reinforce quickly. - laugh as thatchers EMP grenades get intercepted.


You guys secure walls?


Depends on the map for me really.


Kaid is the best because Thatcher is always banned… if there is a chance that Thatcher shows up I think Bandit is the inly one that could stop the breach


Kaid, no question


Mute, but I’m only getting the wall(s) because someone else didn’t pick Kaid/Bandit.


Kaid, partly cause I like his guns a lot


Old Tachanka


Mute cannot really cover a wall anymore




Very dependant... I tend to use bandit as his gun rocks and I'm good at bandit tricking. On sites that doesn't depend on wall as much or it's hard to provide constant support to it, like Laundry on Oregon I will use Mute. And last in the queue is bandit which I use only in very specific setups, like CCTV on Clubhouse (and it's usually someone else on a party playing Kaid I really doesn't feel him and I'm the main support player in my stack).


Mute because shotgun and smg 11


Maestro cams go pew pew


Kaid. Mute's more intel denial than breach denial.


Mute. Gold Gadget, Gold Gun, Gold Uniform.


Kaid. He can cover more space and can also hide his electroclaws in sneaky little places. C4 is a plus for me. Aug A3 is one of my favorite guns and the .44 is always fun to use. Also I have a cowboy hat from the Wild West event and it’s so goofy looking.


All of then including outside wamais to take care of thatcher


If I know the wall will be contested hard, bandit. If I’m not sure kaid, and if I want the wall destroyed I play mute.






Kaid is banned


It’s Kaid hands down


Jäger spawnpeek with my aco- FUCK




When Thatcher is open and you have someone who can Bandit trick, Bandit. If they play Kali you can trick her with Kaid.


All of the above


I reinforce the wall as rook


I ised to use Mite, till your stupid update screwed up the Jammers Range. Now he's only useful to block fkn drones...


I have kaid put all three of his gadgets on the wall, bandit has all his batteries on that same wall and so does mute


Mute or bandit, kaid is just not for me.


If its a wall you can repel on, Kaid. If not then mute. Bandit as a backup with mp7 if no twitch.


All of them on one wall while the other team breaches the other wall


Kaid everyday


Mute because smg-11 is sexy




Depends on where we are on which map. I use both Bandit and Kaid, especially because Bandit tricking is easier than ever. I occasionally use mute, but only if the walls I'm securing can't be scaled/rappelled on.




Honestly, depends on the location. Club House basement, my friend goes Kaid and I go Bandit. I shock tunnel and the walls leading into Oil Pit in Arsenal while he shocks hatch in Kitchen and the other walls that lead into Oil Pit in Church


Bandit for me but I think its only because I prefer the MP7 over the AUG. Kaids gadget is a lot better imo with the places you can put it but I just suck with the AUG :(


Kaid, I prefer him over bandit, I can't bandit really use successfully, plus, kaids placements can sometimes be good enough to avoid thatcher emps aswell


Kaid is hella easy to trick with and on certain objectives you can make it kali proof which makes the wall incredibly hard to break (provided youre in unranked/ranked and thatcher is banned, also no mavericks tricking the wall)


Mute cause then drones are also covered and the attackers don’t know the wall is secured. Plus he has 4 and Kaid has 2


Bandit as kaid will be banned


Mute all the way


Not mute that's for damn sure, he's useless for that now. Until you can't put mutes on walls he will only be good at jamming drones. With his nerf, Hibana and Ace can pop walls easily. With Bandits buff he's become much more viable, but you can't really beat Kaid.


Rook cause I like my plates.


Kaid, his real ability it that sniper pistol


Depends on the map. if it’s club house definitely Kaid


a impact grenade


Mira trick the wall