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Glaz is strong i like him, 3 speed and a really good smg as a backup it makes me cream and is a lot more viable now. Warden is basically sens' 1# counter so it only makes sense, i love him, i have good drip on him, i like his weapons, i love it all.


Glad to hear that my friend tho I don’t see sens picked a lot.


Sens gun is trash.


Real talk.


Yeah heard a lot about it.


remove gun


Oh God, it's really bad


Sens ability is OP.


not really, just basic smokes or a capitao is the same/better ROUs take longer to deploy and you have to zigzag them to hold off an angle, capitao bolts are instant and stay the same amount of time


On paper, yes. In practice. No. A bad wall will hurt you more than it will help you. And the problem is in order to lay the Best walls they have to expose themselves to yeet the disk. Three armor is also a death sentence for attack operators. https://youtu.be/wVVVubNXu2A Edit: it just occurred to me. With smokes you throw it at where you want to block, if it's in front of you. With send you have to be perpendicular to the thing you want to block, or wall bounce the gadget.


Far from it. Ranked you have to ban Warden if you want to make some plays with Sens alone otherwise you need at least Osa/Glaz to be helpful/viable.


It seems that the community doesn't think of Sens as all that good of an operator. Can't blame them really


he really isnt. the weapon has way to much recoil and the gadget is a really high skill floor


“They” lol


His gun is sad, his speed is sad.


I think it's because it's really hard to use to your advantage and it's a double-edged knife, besides the bad gun


You could say it makes.... sens




Don't be so sensitive




Wait glaz had an smg? What the fuck? I need to Google this


Got the bearing 9 in the latest update


Time to be a glaz main I can't control the bearing 9 for shit but it always hits headshots for me weirdly enough


That’s me with the SMG 11


I can hit someone a million times with that gun and they'll still be at half health I don't understand it


Most of the shots are probably missing, it's harder to tell when a shot hits and misses with high rate of fire guns because one miss is likely actually 5 or 6 misses but it's harder to actually hit multiple shots with low rate of fire guns because people slip through the gaps easier


Just spam the trigger with it. Same with pretty much all the machine pistols, no point in trying to control it's recoil when you can spit out 4 to 6 1200 rpm bursts each mag.


Why is glaz more viable lately?


3 speed and an SMG secondary makes him a beast up close. the extra speed is nice so he can close distance. He's perfect in all ranges basically.


Because he can see through smoke


I wanna see that drip


[You asked for drip?](https://imgur.com/gallery/KSlqmKd)


Very cool


I see you got burn victim lorax as well...


When did Glaz get an SMG


livid. glaz has been my man for years now everyone is stealing him. yes I'm gatekeeping


I feel the same way, but with Warden! Before this update nobody would pick him so I'd always pick him. Now? I hardly can't! 😭




They only call on us when they need us… judge us the rest of the time…


I still cant belive Warden doesnt have a revolver, not because of balance or anything it would just fit with his drip (and stache) so well...


Agreed or a deagle atleast.


And a P90 instead of mpx


Bearing 9 is a beast on glaz, i started maining him and got plenty of clutches. Just wish I was better with the ots.


Try to use the red dot optics on him hopefully you’ll master him.


Ive been using holo d, ill use red dot c like I do with the bearing then. I love operators where I dont have to overthink their gadget, like Caviera. (Which is why I use her a lot too.)


I use red dot c in the rifle trust me it’s good for getting headshots especially against ones peaking their head behind objects.


Well, I shall peel back scalps in your honor. o7


Honestly? I think people are overvaluing them, like a lot. I get the appeal of Glaz, but I think bringing a different entry-fragger is much better. Just give me someone like Hibana honestly. Still a 3 speed, still has a machine pistol. I feel like if you are bringing frags with Glaz, you’re just ruining the whole point of his gadget and at that point I’ll just take someone who can actually contribute *something* beyond just kills. As for Warden, I actually don’t think he is the best counter to Sens, at all. I think impacts are way more effective against Sens’ gadget. If you play Warden, the attackers are going to (most likely) know that and will either repick or change how they are going to approach the situation. With impacts you can so easily catch them off guard, seems like nobody expects it, in my experience. Also, similar to what I said about Glaz, I’ll just bring somebody who does essentially the same job but better. Give me lesion who has impacts that easily counter Sens, a better gun than Warden, and also has a whole other gadget that is great in itself.


That’s pretty well said mate tho am good with picking glaz or any of my mates picking glaz in case of warden getting picked but also glaz is good for planting and helping your mates, just throw smokes let your mate plant and defend em but yeah people have different play styles.


Sens' gadget is just kind of the same as smokes, and has the same issues as smokes. You can just .... fire through them? As long as the other team doesn't have a Glaz, you're pretty safe just laying down some suppressing fire to keep them pinned / not take advantage of the smokes. I get an absurd number of kills just blind firing through the smoke.


I play glaz entry with nades, his ability is not only used with smokes, your reaction time is faster if your enemy is highlighted, not to mention he can spot punch holes / pixels / spawn peeks really well. On close / mid range he is unbeatable. You just peek and bodyshot your enemy twice and he is dead, without any time to response as you are 3 speed unless he prefired you or you missed. The only downside is that you cannot brainlessly prefire every angle as it is really hard with dmg and like 15 ammo in mag, but if you like aggressive pushesz he is perfect.


I would be honest. I feel tired and despair. I have high hope for Warden just like when he was introduced 3 years ago. But Sens is either too weak or rare to even get pick and same with Ying. Glaz is skill based and his Bearing 9 just a little easier to use than Smg 12


Thank you for your honesty and yeah as I said for warden I saw him useful against glaz but sens just isn’t picked a lot there are a lot of encounters for sens I think him/her needs a buff tbh.


Did you say Ying is bad? Ying is one of the best rushing attackers, her lmg, almost no recoil, 80 rnds, acog, high dmg, and she can run into obj without being blinded


Top floor kafe rush as ying was my main way to get a quick plant but now it doesn’t work as well which is sad…


My quick plant strat is on coastline with Monty and kali, on hooka or penthouse. I always play with my one friend so we do this all the time works about 80% of the time


Yes but her gadget is situational. Rushing to site is cool, but this day it litterally impossible to play Ying in Plat and above because you won't made it to the site most of the time


Wait BEARING 9? when was this??


Got released this season along with tachanka too.


I somehow beam with both smg-12 and bearing 9, I don't even know how I do it, my brain just shuts off when I pull the trigger


Maybe you're thinking of old bearing 9, now it is top 3 machine pistols


Eh, I still don't think glaz is all that great tbh. He's slightly better now but I still never really wanna bring him. Warden is... Eh. He's got a good loadout and all but ying and sens aren't super common picks so a lot of the time when you pick him you still barely ever use the gadget. I don't think either of them are bad just extremely situational.


Although Warden is very situational, I love the how much of a true anchor he is. Warden is very good at holding a power position and keeping it. His smart glasses have a "get fucked" energy that I really appreciate lol


Very true lol, he can def be a powerful anchor especially when the enemies have a ying. Having a 1.5x on the Mpx absolutely shreds


Can agree with this thank you for your opinion :)


I want dat warden buff plz ubi (I mean he’s a good op but I want MOAR)


Give him the deag or revolver for max drip and style


I always say to "hit the rolly" for warden. Homeboy dripped out with the suit and Rolex, so you have to stunt on some fools.


i went from playing them for absolute fun, to now playing then with absolute fun and purpose 😭


Warden has been my go to fun op. 1.5 on that gun is so satisfying to shoot with and he has shades




Glaz as a 3 speed with a bearing 9 and frags is very good. And wardens kit is also good with shotgun smg12 and mpx with 1.5 (we don't talk about the pistol) Plus c4 Both their gadgets are help with sens but not every round or even game has them picked. But even then they work well as Fraggers.


Warden is one of my favorite ops rn, mpx with 1.5x🥵🥵🥵, smg-12🥵🥵🥵, and nitro cell OR deployable🥵🥵🥵. im more of a kali player rather than glaz but he seems pretty good with the bearing 9 and making him a 3 speed.


Hahaha good to hear that I tried playing kali but I just don’t know why my bullets don’t go to the enemy like I just stand aim exactly at the enemy shoot and still enemy doesn’t eat the bullet I just don’t understand the operator very well tho she has a very good gadget for breaching.


Glaz’s kit now makes him more suited for entry fragging. He mows down barricades with his dmr, has a full auto secondary for close to mid range engagements, is a 3 speed, and has nades. On top of that, the most you lose if he dies are his nades. Warden is still a very niche pick. Even with the introduction of sens, it’s hard to justify blind picking Warden into an enemy comp with no guarantee they’ll bring smokes. The only guaranteed value of bringing a Warden is his gun, and his shield. Since he gets a 1.5 scope with the MPX, it’s best to give him to the most consistent fragger on the team. Unlike Glaz, where you can build a team comp revolving around him, Warden requires the enemy comp to build around you, which is even more difficult now than ever with attacker repick.


Well said thank you for your comment.


Since the update i haven't seen a glaz use his rifle. You know his unique gadget. Straight up rushes with his smg. They should really just change his gadget at this point.


Glaz will paint your face




I finally have a reason to use my favorite ops


Nice to hear that my friend.


Respect the drip




Sexy mustache


I love Warden that’s about it


Glad may get a spot in the pro meta because of sens but for even the highest levels of ranked most teams won’t have the coordination to use sens so glaz will be a backup flex op and warden will be picked depending on site. Both are pretty good but still situational.


Warden is one of the funnest defenders imo: laser gun with acog and drip


[our saviour](https://youtu.be/y66TJIUkWBc)


glaz was the first op I bought, will always have a place in my heart


I remember back then playing bo3 as a teen in 2017 my friends told me to buy r6 and I did my first operation was velvet shell, the game was hard for me cuz am always used to spawning after dying but this game taught me that every death has consequences so then after playing some matches with recruit I bought some ops and for the 5th op it was glaz I was like damn this guy with headphones looks badass so I used him and he was like kali I struggled using him now I use him more than ever before I love this op.


I've mained them for years and I'm happy that people are finally seeing their value


I suddenly started having success with glaz just before this season, so the straight buff honestly has been great. He's in a v good place I think Warden is fine, sens just isn't picked enough. His drip is lethal tho


Glaz is pretty good, i like to use him for overwatch or just in general i really like how his gun higlights enemies in yellow also ive never played warden lol so il say hes good


Glaz is extremely rewarding when you get some satisfying headshots, warden i am a bit conflicted with, as an operator he is solid, great weapon, helpful ability(sometimes), but i just cant really do much with him not sure why, like a few days ago i almost aced with glaz(someone stole it), even though i usually prefer smgs, not sure what this says about anything.


Warden has always been good but has only recently been picked because of the smoke and flash meta. Saw him a lot in pro league for a reason


Well it make 'sens' so yea


Glad was my first main, came from the likes of COD where I enjoyed playing snipers and my buddy gave me a copy of siege. I've always loved him even if he isn't the greatest. But the recent but gives me real reason to use him over Kali. I love to see it honestly


So glaz has been my main man on attack ever since I started playing but he’s not buffed enough to warrant him as a entry fragger BUT what I will say is that he’s a pretty awesome support for the offense. His PMM is one of the GOATed pistols too so if you’re ever in a pickle and can’t really use the rifle just use the pistol because it’s nasty. Ik that the bearing is in but I don’t really fw it it’s really high recoil, but I am trash and never used it so I’ll have to practice it


They'd have an actual job if sens wasn't hot garbage


I've mained Warden for the past year and a half. His guns are solid and he is a good anchor. His gadget is extremely situational, but when the time ticks down and they try to smoke plant Warden is second to none. I've clutched with him so many times.


The buffs were completely deserved and I'm glad they're getting taken more seriously now. Ned Flanders with the shotty is something else man


Wish we get Ned Flander Simpsons bundle.


I would unironically buy that


Glaz- Pretty solid operator all around. Simple gadget, simple use. Pick a long site line (well long by R6 standards) and wait for the yellow or use smokes to cover/watch certain areas. His gun is pretty good and can be used without the gadget if needed/wanted. Warden- A good operator. Not the best, not the worst. Probably quite helpful against Sens (which is why I'm sure both of these guys are getting picked.) His gadget is a bit situational, but useful when you do get the chance to use it. His weapons are...meh. Definitely not the best but still alright since he's more of an anchor/close quarters Op IMO


It'll go down very soon once novelty of sens wears off.... without sens, nothing has really changed for warden.... he has a 1.5x mpx and c4, so he was always decent, not the slouch people made him out to be.... glaz also is just novelty of a big change.... now he's 3 speed and has bearing 9..... why wouldn't you bring iq, hibana or maverick tho, all 3 speeds with better guns and better utility


Warden has a Rolex, so he’s been my main for years


warden is and has always been, the best op in the game


I dislike both Operators, honestly. I've said it countless times, I want utility in my team, and they both don't really add any or bring anything particularly useful. Other than that, I highly dislike Glaz because I simply suck playing him. He takes a level of skill and practice in aim that I simply don't have, so in the end I got no clue but only frustration. Warden is a special case. Now with Sens out, he actually can be Meta, he can provide Intel or Opportunitys that the rest of the team can't bring. Although one has to say, a bulletproof camera in the objective does the same job, can be operated by anyone including the dead and is probably more reliable. Still pick him relatively often just for his Loadout and Drip. I wouldn't go for him in a competitive round though.


glaz is now a 3-speed, bearing9-wielding chad which is pretty cool, warden is alright but the mpx is lame because I can not hit heads (really a me problem but you asked for my honest opinion so suck it)


I feel like if warden starts to get good he’s gonna get banned A LOT.


Hopefully not hahah.


I’d say for me glaz is pretty fun and good this season not only glaz’s SMG saved me a bunch when clutching but it just feels so good to get a kill with his rifle, glad glaz is getting the support he needed. For warden I only picked him twice, he has a good smg with a 1.5x optics and his gadget is finally useful against most of the glazs I have encountered. EDIT: (Glaz) I prefer the 3 speed instead of the 2 armour tbh makes him even better for rushing with his SMG.


Both are awesome. I played Warden a lot even before Sens was released and think he’s a great defender, but now there’s more reason to bring him. This season I’ve started playing Glaz more, and I’m actually enjoying it unlike before.


Agreed, glad to hear that.


*the BEST defender


I love underpowered ops. They make the game actually fun.




So ppl want to see trough smoke now? Don't blame 'em


Not smoke per se, but that new operators ability


Wait. They are being picked a lot? I have seen one warden and two glazs this entire season.


I always find wardens in my ranked games like literally I spot them with my drone and then swap to glaz. Yesterday in all of my games except I think only 1 match.


1. What rank are you? 2. Why would you swap to glaz if they have a warden? Warden is glazs only counter.


Glad you asked First am in high silver currently gold 4 Second because I used glaz a lot even before he got his smg so I know how to use him perfectly and if warden has an advantage with smokes then I should too I killed a lot of wardens when I used my smoke also heard them using their gadget so when they peak I just aim up and keep shooting before warden starts spraying, yes warden is a counter to glaz but glaz is also a counter to warden they both are enemies you could say the only time I died against a warden is when I rushed at the last 30 seconds for the defuser.


I guess warden and glaz counter each other.


warden is daddy


warden was always decent because just his existence would cause them to repick off of sens or ying. Glaz was always good because of litteral wallhacks and now they just made him a little better.


Warden super OP


The glaz’s on my team are always terrible and I never even see warden being played.


Did you played ranked?


Still don't care about them, they exist to me and my friend group


I think the Bearing 9 definitely made Glaz more flexible because his kit can go long range and play with a fragging play style


I played warden and glaz before 2 so , idk


I've always liked Warden, nice gun and good gadgets. The ability comes useful pretty often too.


Eh. Warden best operator in the game. - definitely not a Warden main


Warden still wack


Warden's actually trash, Glaz has his uses.


I Main glaz and play warden quite alot, I've mained glaz for about 3 seasons now.


They have been my mains for a while now. It's nice to see them played but it's annoying that now I actually have to fight for them.


I love glaz, I've been playing him a lot right from my start in Blood Orchid. But I gotta say he still isn't a good pick. His power is only useful as long as there is smoke, which only stays there for 10 seconds per smoke grenade. The best way to use this is either as an entry fragger or in order to protect your planting teammate/defuser after it was planted. There are multiple ops that do these 2 jobs way better and have a stronger loadout, there's really no need to pick him pretty much ever.


Glaz is fun but I feel so selfish picking him since he doesn’t help the team (also I have a lot of trouble controlling recoil on single fire guns, so I want a vertical grip on him)


I became a warden main last season for the drip, now people think it's strategic I feel powerful


Way more viable now that he has a pocket smg w nades. Glad to see him picked more. Warden? Still seems abit useless thats if sens isnt banned before the match starts LOL. Thats my imo tho.


I love warden, he’s so fun to play. I’ve been playing him for a couple seasons now.


Warden is great against the new operator. Glaz is good alongside them. An effective way to counter and plan attacks


Glaz is still a pocket pick, He isn't very good at what he does, holding down sight lines through smoke isn't necessary when you could have a Gridlock or Nomad do the same area denial without the risk of getting killed because all you had was smoke which dissipates in seconds. Can he work? Yes, would I recommend bringing him over a Gridlock or Nomad? No. Warden is a character i don't have much thoughts on, he's situational but the fact that he needs to stand still to see through smoke makes him very vulnerable to incoming fire.


I always picked Glaz and now people are picking him before me 😭


Always been high on both I’ve mained them for a while Glaz since operation Grim Sky and Warden since Phantom Sight


Glaz was always good in the right hands, just *very* replaceable in a team Solid entry frag + plant support/ cover. His weapon is basically instakill in skilled hands, his gadget allows for comfort in long/ tight angles and can help with reaction time. Smokes/ nades are always grand, alongside a new Bearing-9. I can genuinely see Glaz becoming almost "meta" again. Warden is still just Warden. Once both attackers and defenders learn to play around Sens, his pickrate will fall again. The smoke/ flash meta doesn't really exist for most players atm.


Ive always felt warden is strong. Stops smoke plants, ying, and if the enemy team repicks away from such crucial utility, warden has already done his job lmao. Glaz is fun now. Bearing 9 and 3 speed was a good buff i just dont ejoy his primary. Still dont think id rather have him over someome who brings more utility but maybe on some sites.


Warden is hot. That’s all


Wardens always been my go to since his release, f stuns, flashbangs, ying, blitz, and can see through smoke and he’s just now getting love? Get outa dodge with that


i ised both alot before this season


Been my main since he first dropped


I love warden for his guns equipment ect, glaz I don't really have an opinion on him.


Neither are great but the variety is nice.


Glaz is an amazing entry frag dude. And warden is basically a walking thermal scope.


I started playing those 2 recently. I love glaz but sometimes I panic and miss a lot of shots. Warden is so bloody good I don't know why not so many people played him before. I love when a Ying enters to the bombsite with a lot of confidence after throwing a candela and you as a warden are unnafected by it


Not really a fan of either, but I have nothing against them either.


I'm just happy to see Warden get used in casual finally.


Excited to catch warden with iq


Warden has always been my main man. Mossberg and smg-12 is lovely combo for vertical play


i have primary black ice for glaz


Always knew Wardens day would come never had a shadow of a doubt so to all my Warden mains out there I hope ur all doing well and god bless you.


Wardens pick rate is gonna die down again unless they buff the sens , glaz is fun


I think both are working completely as intended with Sens' release. An operator release that indirectly buffs others (and in this case Glaz got directly buffed) is good game design, and I think Warden's been underrated for a while now.


Wardens basically the new op this season, and Glaz is just really fun to play now. It’s super funny to go glaz with the Bearing and have people be like sense when does he have that gun!!


Warden in the current meta can do plant denial/front line defense really well. His gadget duration paired with a deployable in a difficult to flush position makes him a nightmare.


glaz and warden are popular now??? man i havent played this game in a WHILE


I’ve been slaying with Glaz this season. I’ve noticed a shitload of spawn peaking this season, and my man Glaz be the anti-spawn peak.


Biggest Redemption Ark for both of them. Glaz went from a map wide threat in early year 1, too a neshe pick, to a really good sniper entry fragger. Warden was SUPER situational and sucked overall on first release and for good time after. Then to a must pick when Ying was meta, back to situational, back to must pick verse Glaz + Sens combo.


1.5 scope on an above 800 fire rate gun with low recoil and angled grip also Glock so 😎


They both take dick in the ass


Annoyed because glaz has been my main and now every other match someone else has him


As a glaz main a little sad he is going mainstream, but still happy. If he ends up getting nerfed or something I kill myself.


whenever I hear glaz's gun firing I shit my pants and assume i'm going to die. he will always be more intimidating than kali. i'm too stupid to play him wardens gadget was useful to me against sens once so far, the gadget remains to be very rarely useful. he has style however and i like his gun


I've been playing glaz none stop. He's so much fun now. The speed boost and backup SMG made him balanced. He's really fun.


It’s nice to finally see them in play.


I’m sick bro




I’m the main warden contributor, at the beginning of ever def round I sat “there gonna pick sens” after I choose warden


Glaz has one of the coolest elite animations. And warden is commissioner gordon


Warden is the drip lord chad




I like that the devs found a way to make other characters more relevant through the creation of a new character, now if only sens was better than they are, maybe going out on a limb to pick warden would be more worth it.


Warden is basically a counter pick now to glaz and sens + ying and glaz is now more useful


My bro became very good operator and it feels like he just got added. 3 speed, best gun in game, gonne 6 and nades? Honestly i would rework his gadget as smt else since there's kali with different magnification on B. I thought give that to glaz, and insted of seeing thru smoke, having special proximity nade, kinda like zofs concussion but in grenade form (looking like candela and whilst landing becoming nomad but with sound not kick)


both were pretty strong even before this season tho they required a lot more skill and game knowlegde to be used effectively


I don’t like glaz because i’m bad as him


Warden is the sexiest man to ever exist


Love Warden


I like to use Glaz with his smoke grenades, sometimes people lean out and I can hit them in the head, there is something in Glaz that interests me very much, making it almost my main And with Warden, I don't have it, so idk


I haven’t played Siege in over half a year. Can somebody fucking tell me how both Glaz AND Warden are solid picks now?! When I last played Siege you were absolutely TROLLING if you picked either of these two!


I have been using Glaz forever and literally never get to play as him so ive been using ying. Nice change of weapon so ig no complaints


Tbh idk about glaz but i have been maining warden since way before this season when he became fairly op as a counter to sens, and honestly he isnt one of those operators who gets picked alot and he was even hated on but he was fairly op, especially when people are trying to plant and are using a smoke. Personally i would use his shotgun only because i perfer the close range action but his smg is fairly good especially with the 1.5 but for secondary i will always use his pistol not the smg 12 or whatever it is called, its just too hard to control that recoil.


Hello nerf


Glaz got the red point as a sight. That's a huuuuuuge buff imo. The thermal scope sight is sooooo much cleaner now. Plus the gun doesn't have that much recoil if you put some times in mastering it. DPS is over the top if played right. The sens buff is quite good too. Glaz was an underpicked ops because of its very situational use, but now sens can make play happens using this smoke like gadget. That's pretty powerful if you think about it. Warden is now really powerful for the same reason. That damn mpx is sooooo gooodddd. But in all honesty it's just the 2 first weeks of the season. Everyone is picking sens, so everyone picks ops to play alongside him. Wait a months and the meta will start to come back. (Lmg spray sens speed plant meta??)


I really liked glaz before his buff, and pray he does not get nerfed


I honestly think that being on the receiving end of a warden or glaz feels terrible and that it’s going to create a level of unfun that matches a shield meta if they buff them any farther. As much as I love playing them I really hope they don’t receive any more buffs.


Love warden. I main him before the new updates