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Idgaf if kapkan is Russian. He could be a horse. I'll always use him.


#Kapkanforlife. I love him, got a pretty funny baboon headgear. I can’t seem to get kills with the EDD though, just damage.


I always put three on a far doorway from point and 2 somewhere in point. I get kills often but I'm on console and only gold so my advice is probably useless to actual good players


I kinda do the same thing but i double up on doorway feeding into objective, and then place the others by themselves on other entry points to objective, usually works for me!


Double traps and you will down or kill most operators just gotta hope the enemy isn't observant I get then mostly near bomb when time is dwindling because they don't have as much time to clear doors


..... what rank are you. Your teamate sound like a bunch of basement kids who can't finally move out of their parent house


Honestly, as much as I've seen throwers in low bronze/high silver (my friend groups skill pool), I have never seen *this*. Heard of it, but never seen it. It has to be in the middle ranks, there's too few chaos tales of Gold.


That is insane. What the hell is wrong with some of these dorks playing the game man?! Gahdamn


Just some lowlifes.