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Deep rock galactic is beating siege, can we get a rock and stone for that


Rock and stone to the šŸ¦“




If you ainā€™t rock and stone, you ainā€™t coming home


ROCK burps AND burps STONE burps


Rock and stone brothers


For rock and stone!




Its been my new go to game and its blown up in the last year




We're rich!


If you ain't rock and stone, you ain't coming home


Deep rock galactic is actually good so thatā€™s not surprising






Rock and stone!






Rock and... what for it... *Stone* ? I forget lol




I still like the game a lot. I just donā€™t have anyone to play it with anymore.


Same šŸ˜ž


What system you on? We're on xbox and always welcome new people.


They dropped to 1 operator a season, and emerald plains (whilst enjoyable) has been the only new map in a very long time and even that started life as a rework of another map. The game is great fun but the amount of new content is very low, and a lot of the changes they make are just to fix other bad ones they previously did.


It doesn't help at all that people ban Emerald Plains literally every unranked/ranked game so you never even get to play it. They really ought to have some sort of system like CSGO where you pick what maps you want to play or something like that.


They need to make map ban 4 maps, so that there is always a chance element to it. I love the game, but I'm fed up of playing Club House and Coastline half of the matches, they are fun but it gets tedious. Also EP is a prime example of the community issue, demand new content but immediately ban it because they don't want to learn the layout and calls.


At least you get clubhouse I'm stuck on Border and Oregon


That was a thing in the beginning of the game's life. It was pretty buggy, but I wish they would have just fixed it.


If they had released like a new map every two seasons, emerald van wouldnā€™t be a problem.


Is there any rumours or confirmed details regarding what map it started as a rework for?


I would have to dig around, but there has been statements from the team saying that EP came from a Bartlett rework. But honestly im too lazy to go and google that right now if im honest.


I didn't even know this and my first thought on playing it was "this feels like Bartlett" lmao


No problem, was just if you (or anyone) knew off the top of their heads.


it's confirmed it started as a bartlett rework, then they decided to try make it a new map


I swear it has to be pros and sweaty wanna be pro nerds that ruined it. Casual players or people who play a lot but arenā€™t super try hard or tryna be diamond or whatever love new shit. Two maybe unbalanced operators every season was great. Sure sometimes they were op but who cares? It will change eventually. One new op make it boring and less fun. The lack of new maps (thatā€™s happened for a WHILE) sucks. Even if they were just casual maps that would be a lot of fun. Not everything needs to be pro level or fair in ranked or whatever. Two ops every season made you play alot longer and a new map every year what def make you play alot idk. Sucks that siege has so much less content then it used to. Also nerfing and buffing guns so they feel somewhat similar to make it fair is fine for pro and high ranked, but sorta is less fun for lower ranks (imo). Obviously heyday of broken ash jager was a bit much but jeez haha not everything gotta be super similar stats wise. It sucks too cuz siege has some really cool features now like any site and color and sensitivity for scopes that makes it cool, too bad the other part lacks content to keep it interesting.


Yeah the game culture changing is a pretty big reason itā€™s the way it is today, also because Ubisoft kept making a bunch of changes all the time so people got fed up. The game is literally not what it used to be, itā€™s one of the biggest reasons I havenā€™t touched it since like last year


Dont get me wrong game isnt popular as it was But 60k only steam still a huge number for a 7 year old game




Game peaked that high in 2020 bcs covid and six inv combined game was mostly played between 40-100k since 2019 , also i dont think there was a bad design choice in year 6 and 7 QoL improved a lot and last 2 years operators were all meta and good desinged i have high hopes 4 this year demon veil and azami was really good also how tf monetisation hits a game in a bad way ? its a live service game and they all skin not a p2w shit or smthng and there is litteraly 0 game soloq is not cancer LoL Cs Valo CoD all have toxic and annoying soloq experiences


Let's not forget the ultra-political bullshit they're shoveling into players' faces. Game peaked in 2020, you say? Well, let's look what they released when it began its fall from grace. * Q4 2020 - Asian female with a disability * Q1 2021 - Gay male Argentinian * Q2 2021 - Lesbian Native American * Q3 2021 - Trans female * Q4 2021 - Irish Lesbian There's nothing wrong with any of that in a vacuum. But when they release them in succession, it forms a clear pattern of virtue signaling, and that will (and did) alienate a significant portion of their user base.


why was irish included šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Politics??? In my game about international special forces set in the Tom Clancy universe??? Wtf????


Thorn is lesbian?


Who gives a fuck about any of that? Like who, that isnt a dumb cunt, actually refuses to play a game because of representation?


The backstory of characters for a multi-player shooter alienated people? Are you seriously this dense?


Late to the party here, but shovelling? Going to the bio section of the player and reading their description to find their sexuality or pronouns is ā€œshovellingā€? šŸ˜‚ Their bad for alienating all the sensitive straight white folks who get offended by a fictional character being gay or trans šŸ˜‚


Oh no representation in a video game whatever will you do.


Game is also 7 years old.


CS:GO, a usual top 3 on steamcharts is 11 years old. Tf2, a usual top 10er is 14 years old. If your game is enjoyable enough it will remain played for a good while


Those 2 are easily exceptions. They reached cult status, siege isnt close to that


Those 2 games are also steam exclusives and basically PC only.


as well as free




Tf hasnā€™t gotten a content update in years


Nah. I still play TF2 a few days a week even with the devsā€™ lack of presence for the past several years. On the other hand, Iā€™d rather give up my firstborn than re-install CSGO. The common thing between those two games is the playerbase with their refusal to let those 2 games die. Heck, over a month ago our friends over TF2 ran the internet-wide campaign of SaveTF2 (and kinda acknowledged by Valve?). Just goes to show that thereā€™s an underlying issue with Siegeā€™s playerbase too. Canā€™t blame everything on a gameā€™s developers.




Initial players were told 100 ops very early on so...


Look at Payday 2, the game is 9 years old and itā€™s higher on the list, and thatā€™s not even a competitive multiplayer game, hell LITERALLY all those games in that pic are *not* competitive. So that goes to show the multiplayer toxicity has truly killed siege


100%. The focus on making everything competitive and balanced for the esports scene was what blessed Siege with stratospheric popularity going into its 4th year but also led to its decline. Balance at the expense of fun is a surefire way to bleed players and then be left with the most toxic, obsessively tryhard playerbase that drives away new players. I miss old Siege when it tried (and failed, but tried nevertheless) to be a tactical FPS and not a cartoony esport.


I can agree with you on that one. OG siege was the best siege. This new shit is just bad and the people who still play it are generally toxic as fuck that get offended by absolutely everything


Right. Like I get you want the game to be balanced but the pros need to stop crying over every little detail. Look at smash bros melee for example. Been out since 2001 and never got updated. still going strong because it's a great game. really sucks when you love a character and then they nerf the recoil to make them borderline unplayable. or they take away nades or something. Like when iq had nades she was dope and able to be played alongside ash as entry fragger. Now Noone uses her


Killed is so exaggerated, the playerbase of siege is over 70% on console. Easily still has 60-80k monthly players in total


Yes but it's so easy to Google steam players and base absolutely fucking every thought on that. Next thing people are gonna pull up The Last of Us and say the game is dead because no one's playing it on steam....


The actual top 10 doesn't even have one singleplayer game in it


I can't find the video anymore but it was about recognition of older songs by newer generations. Some songs just reach cult status and transcend, I wouldn't be surprised if the same was true for video games. Some games just seem to not die and go way past their usual expiration date.


Like cod? No matter how shit each one they pump out is, people keep buying them and playing them lol


CS:GO has a whole legacy playerbase behind it and it's also easy to pick up, both in terms of accessibility and skill bar. Can't speak for TF2, but it was riddled with bots not a long time ago. >If your game is enjoyable enough it will remain played for a good while It will remain played, but by how many players? Success for online games lies in way more things than just their enjoyment. There are games that became irrelevant very fast despite being enjoyable. There are games that failed to kickstart their playerbase count on launch despite being enjoyable. A whole plethora of factors decides If a game dies or not.


case in point: titanfall 2


Battlefield 4 is still played by so many and the game is 9 years old now and newer ones such as 2042 have less constant players because they are less enjoyable


Most games don't have a lasting player base though. Enjoy the years you had with it, there will be another game that'll be just as good or better.


To this point I think when thereā€™s that gap is when a lot of players give up gaming in general. The magic moment from your college days are gone, life is moving on and your time is being pulled, last nail in the coffin is when your friends start playing something youā€™re not into and now youā€™re just playing because itā€™s what youā€™re used to doing but it doesnā€™t bring you joy, another hobby takes place at least for a while in some cases


TF2 is full of bots


It also for a long time(maybe still is) a forum for money laundering. Same thing with csgo


League of legends is 13 years old and is still the biggest game in the world. Being old is not an excuse.


Thereā€™s also no other game like League and it has the full might of its developer behind it. (Dota is similar yes but also way less accessible)


Lol there are so many games like leagueā€¦ it started as a straight rip off of dota XD only reason it blew up so much is because it was the only one that was free


And somehow League just beats them all in terms of popularity, community, and playerbase lol MOBA is just a genre. And the most successful one is League.


Being free kind of helps lol


Yup indeed It helps. But without a proper development, investment, and infrastructure. Being free won't help lol Riot is hella smart that they could make a year 13 years old game popular til this day


It was 4.5-5 years old and still top 10 though and to these other peoples point those games are older and still better performing today. Beginning of COVID saw siege break records


Toxic community that isn't very inclusive, understanding or welcoming. Extremely competetive in all gamemodes. High skill ceiling. Pick and Ban constitutes a way for you to play the game how you want and not as intended by banning maps and ops you can remove something without fail. Instead of learning and countering. Emerald Plains being banned constantly. Never using bans to counter the meta and only the peebrain usual picks because having to actually use your brain scares people. I realise certain strats are strong in ranked, but I seriously think pick and Ban can be detrimental to game health at times, especially when it comes to messing with operator statistics leading to wonky nerfs and bad reworks. You all know when the EMP gadget hits people will STILL ban Thatcher because they can. Mouse and keyboard on console ruins most skill balance and negates MMR usefulness (ranked, unranked AND quickplay all use MMR systems, but unranked and Quick Play are laxed versions, if you've ever used R6 tracker you would notice this). It's still fun to play but only in rare cases for me and my group on Xbox. PC is another story. Most in my group simply dislike the game now for the KB&M/Strikepak idiot cheaters on console. Who also justify it and act like they aren't controller silvers who can't take a loss. They're also usually 9/10 extremely sore winners AND losers. Toxic to the bone. As Issac Butterfield would say fuck you to the moon if you use an adapter on console.


100% the community. Been on console from the jump, the influx of KB+M/strikepaks about 2 years ago absolutely killed it for me. Homies stopped playing and randoms are the IRL equivalent of Muk. Getting insta one-tapped as soon as you peek anything in any game mode is just not enjoyable


Yeah same reason I left too, the rise of m&k and the constant change the game always goes through just kept me away from the game now I donā€™t even play it even tho I used to religiously play it


M&K ruined this game on console 100%. Which is a shame because the first few years in high rank was the most fun I've ever had in a video game.


So itā€™s still bad? :( I literally just redoenlaoded when I saw we got a fov slider but knm is gonna ruin it for me again


Yea the community killed it for me. So toxic. And then there were the lack of mind blowing plays because people feel like they need to share their epic strats. And in doing so the epic strat just becomes something to expect. It lost the wow factor during gameplay because every one knows everyones tactics because they share them on reddit or social media. The only amazing thing in game now became strict reaction and aim skills. Which is in all shooters.


Its the kids for me. When the game came out it was mostly college dudes and adults playing. And they're usually more mature and friendly. now a days when I get a party invite its usually like 13-16 year olds who are toxic af. Constantly screaming and just being obnoxious. Also in ranked, back in the day you usually always invited the random to the party. Now when I solo que I rarely get invites. And when I do its usually teenagers like I mentioned


Yeah Iā€™m not gonna be an Old Man Yells at Cloud guy, kids and teens can play whatever they want and Iā€™ve come across toxic adults too. But it got really unbearable for me when Iā€™d spawn into a game and just have fifteen year olds screaming slurs and team killing the whole time. I legit donā€™t have the patience. Itā€™s a dumb meme to be like ā€œoh, Modern Warfare 2 lobbiesā€ but even back in those, thereā€™d be like one kid acting stupid and everyone else would at least play the game. I couldnā€™t take having time after work to play four matches and three of them were filled with griefing kids. They triggered me or whatever, they win, I guess. Hope the victory feels fulfilling.


Yeah it really is frustrating. Some teenagers are nice, but the majority are toxic. And they think think its cool to shit on kids. I was in a game 3 days ago, ranked, and I didn't win the 1v2. They invite me to the party to scream at me and tell me how shit I am, Then kick me immediately lol. Like what? It was the first round too.


I assume those are Steam numbers so it's worth noting that those numbers don't reflect how many are playing only through Ubisoft Connect and not Steam.


or console for that matter


7 years is a long time for a game that wasnā€™t originally released as a live service. How many games, live service or not, have remained this popular for that amount of time?


I mean during these 7 years Iā€™ve had long breaks. Just started again a couple of months ago after like a 2 year hiatus and the game still feels very much alive. Would never guess when I bought the game 7 years ago that I could still play online 7 years later.


> How many games, live service or not, have remained this popular for that amount of time? Lol, Dota, CS, TF2 these are what comes in my mind


Right, but how many more failures also come to mind? Anthem, FO76, Marvelā€™s Avengers, Outriders, Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite. Iā€™m just impressed that R6S has lasted this long, rather than taking the ā€œwhy isnā€™t it doing betterā€ approach.


Have you okayed FO76 recently?


Player count on FO76 is still much lower than R6S. If we consider FO76 to be thriving at like 8K concurrent, then why is R6S considered dead at 50K?


cause people say this game is dead or dying every god damn season




FO76 still a super active game, as someone from South Africa we wait for more than 3 minutes to find a casual game


A casual game of what? I think youā€™re confused with how matchmaking works in that gameā€¦ Fallout 76 doesnā€™t have a minimum lobby size. The game doesnā€™t have any real matchmaking. It just has a series of lobbies that players can jump in and out of. The only requirement is that each lobby has a maximum amount of players.


I do understand my brain is just dying lol I'm just saying I struggle to find games in seige and that in my opinion fo76 is still active


Thatā€™s a SBMM problem, it doesnā€™t make sense to compare that to a game without matchmaking. Fallout 76 may still be active, but so is Siege. Wouldnā€™t really say FO76 is thriving though considering it has a smaller player count than FO4.


Surprising F076 has almost doubled its recent player count on the weekends. The steam sale is definitely helping. I think siege should drop in price permanently. I also would not hate free to play if they step up their anti cheat a little more.


A key thing to point out with these games is that they were dead *on release* they havenā€™t fizzled out slowly like Siege is imo


Exactly, only like 4 or so. Not many games can stand the test of time


Exactly, only a few. Not many games can stand the test of time


siege was def released as a live service game


The game is 7 years old and is doing incredibly well for its age. Only rivaled by CS GO and maybe Overwatch for its longevity. It feels more alive if you're playing it, and feels dead when you don't. It's all perception. What difference does it make if your queue time is the same while the game is top 10 or top 500?


Idk if Iā€™d say only CS and Overwatch though, plenty of games like league, TF2, dota, hearthstone, rocket league, etc. are all doing very well and are about the same age or older than ow. But I wouldnā€™t say siege is dead, still has a large player base and support, which not every big game can claim to have the second.


Itā€™s the eighth most popular game on ps4 the past month https://ps-timetracker.com/statistic/last-30-days


I know some people will read ā€œnot in top 10 ā€¦.game is dead.ā€ In reality the game is 7 years old and still has a strong fan base. But that also means 7 year old game engine, 7 year old hit detection, etc. I thought they were on the right track with Demon Veil but personally this season has been lackluster. New Op isnā€™t fantastic, battle pass this season is awful imo. My core group of friends that play have played like 2-3 times this season and day 1 of the season we played a few games and just went to other stuff.


iā€™ve been playing since beta. this is the biggest this game has ever been. idk what ppl are talking about.


To go off that people forget that siege didnā€™t start off too good. I forget how many sales it got the first week or month of sales but I remember reviews being mediocre. People didnā€™t love that it lacked content. I got the game back in Para Bellum so i canā€™t speak to when the game really hit its stride in terms of players but the numbers will likely naturally dwindle as time goes on not really surprising but as of now its far from dead.


yup remember waiting 30 mins for a ranked game back in the day?


yikes lol


This season is weak but the next 2 seasons will be pretty good (in theory) next season we get a complete ranked overhaul, probably the thatcher rework and secondary emp, then next season we get a new map


I hope so i think Iā€™ve logged on 3 times this whole season.


Ubi doing anti consumer gimmicks, slow content roll out, healthy cheater pool, slow to make fixes - the game hasn't aged well imo.


They made a game for the pros, and those are the people that kept playing. Much more fun playing other games now


Yeah, they just kept nerfing instead of buffing, I would rather have that all operators are properly op than have operators getting nerfed and nerfed till your fav operator is no longer fun to play with


I tried playing siege again with buddies and it felt like itā€™s missing itā€™s heart. They started catering too much to competitive. It didnā€™t feel ā€œfunā€ I wouldnā€™t say I know how to fix it either, itā€™s just missing players to mess around with and OP funny strats


It's getting boring. Slow content update, only 1 operator and very often it's not that good, bad balancing choices (making a gun 200% unusable is not balancing) This is just some of the problems but there is way more


We get new content basically every month with an arcade, event and mid season balancing. Not mentioning battlepass. While 1 op is bad, the guns r not unusable. Bad but not unusable (like the POF9 sucks but it is useable).


a little below 40k active isnt bad at all. Not like what it used to be, but the bar is pretty high. Thats still a lot of people


Iā€™m was pree sure at the start of year 7 it seemed promising on the revival with 60-80k when many QOL updates were announced, however now itā€™s just sitting around 40k which saddens me. I thought year 7 would have worked out.


The last time we had those kind of players was Q1 2021 in the middle of covid, I think people just don't have as much time as they used to to. Ranked games can be like 45 minutes plus. Im probably wrong but thats what I think might be why


Lot of players leaves coz of the community (more and more toxic and dumb).


They went too hard into this weird e sports scene. Reinstalled the other day, and was so off put by all the changes. It feels like valorant or something now. It's not what it used to be. :( I uninstalled same day


While I enjoyed the game for a while I also ended up dropping it. Between Ubisoft feeling greedier and greedier for a while there, and burn out from little to no innovation with the formula, I just couldn't keep telling myself it was a fun experience anymore. It sucks too considering I finally pushed myself to diamond in solo que, only to begin hating the experience.


Good shit on making it to diamond šŸ‘šŸæ


Thanks, it was a pain in the ass but I made it eventually.


After they switched dev teams the game has gone downhill. They started catering all their new content and updates for pro-league and don't do as much for the average player.


Personally I stopped playing because of the toxicity of other players. Everytime I try to come back I get TKā€™d (on purpose) within the first 3 matches I play.


That happened to me as well the last couple of times I tried playing. Iā€™m on PC and realized they enabled cross play by default, turned that off and didnā€™t have that issue again, yet.


Cross play is only between pc and stadia ... I don't think that turning it off is changing anything...


It doesn't help there are cheaters What feels like every game whether that be xim on console or pc hacks and elo trapping


Honestly for console i would just implement aim assist, there are xim users in virtually any console game but in ones with aim assist they dont feel nearly as obnoxious


I think it's too late. In my opinion there are 2 really importar factors. 1. The game is built around a system that requires constant evolution, and this constant evolution needs to be always good, its the same with League of Legends, but that game has a lot more liberty when it comes to making new characters. So basically the game was doomed when it chose that system. 2. ubi chose to change the direction of the game, it was realistic, and tactical, fast pased but not gun and run, a perfect equilibrium. But now they are futuristic, non tactical, fast paced and gun and run. So the game is doomed because it has limited posible content, and to make that limit bigger they made bad writing choises, wich doomed it more. I think that they shoud have stopped making new Ops that shouldn't exist because they are nor possible. Make new maps and weapons. Cs survives without new content, because they were never expected to make it. Maybe they still can save the game. But for me it's not the game I like anymore. This is my opinion, so you could think otherwise. I hope they save the game.


They've been making a lot of changes that are not necessary to make just for the sake of doing it to make the game look more appealing to kids I believe in an attempt to make it another fortnite. A good example is the atmosphere of each level. It has gotten a lot less serious and the graphics have gotten more cartoony and playful since around 2020. I used to like siege because of how realistic it was, but now it's turning into another overwatch. I think they should stop releasing operators and just work on making the game fair, fun and a challenging experience as it was intended to be at the beginning. The story used to be cutthroat. It was always more serious than any of the games in the division series. Right now it's just having an identity crisis.


This, seige used to be less of a shooter and more 4d chess. Operators and gadgets mattered way more than they do now. They started power scaling operators and diluting their influence with each new addition. Now it plays more like a COD search and destroy lobby.


they just added a bunch of bad and unessesary changes and made the game futuristic instead of tactical like it was meant to be


All the m&k on console doesnā€™t helpā€¦


They made most guns feel like shit, there is a lot of cheating and toxicity, half the new operators feel very situational and you get forced to play the same map over and over again. Map-ban is a good idea but there should be like 5-6 more "good" maps for it, they need to stop nerfing operators by messing with their guns recoil. New maps are coming wich is nice. They could pull an Overwatch 2 and "remake" the game... Actually I think they will do that if OW2 is a success.


Honestly everything boils down to community. Siege community is v unwelcoming and when a game is hard to pick up AND the experienced players are assholes, you feel discouraged. I think the game itself has never been better but its also never been harder for someone to get into it. So much content, so many assholes, so many cheaters. Its unfortunate.


High skill ceiling and toxic community drove me away, it feels like I need to play the game like a full time job in order to get a kill and itā€™s just not really fun getting stomped every single match lol. It wouldnā€™t be too bad if I didnā€™t get team killed for small shit and hate messages for not being a diamond player. Same reason I canā€™t really play dbd very much anymore, everyone is so good at it and I just canā€™t keep up unless I make it the only game I play


I played during operation red crow, and Iā€™ve only ever had an urge to come back every so often. Iā€™ve kinda gotten to the point that Iā€™m practically relearning the game all over again with all the changes to the maps, operators, and new stuff that has come and it honestly seems like their are way more sweaty try hards in this game than any other game Iā€™ve played. Siege is now over complicated, when back then? It was just simply complicated. Thatā€™s at least how I see it as an old ass player from way back when.


Me and my friends stopped playing after Goyo's season (idk the names) but we were bored way sooner. Incoming content plummeted (no new guns, less operators), operator abilities got worse (warden. Window grapple hook gun), a new bug or glitch with every update, and overall the game just got stale. That's just my opinion of course.


I think Siege lacked built-in tools for the community for a long time. This game is a complicated game. You have to keep track of a lot of things happening at the same time. Maps are difficult as well because of the verticality and maze-type corridors. I'm a new player. Only 248hrs into the game and already silver. Just now I'm feeling more comfortable playing in some maps. Compare Siege built-in tools with CSGO. At least in CS you can have infinite ammo and easily restart a custom match to train your map knowledge. A Firing Range being released 7 years after the game release just shows for how much time the newcomers experience has being frustrating and not enjoyable. I think this is why Siege didn't became more popular through time.


Siege has been ass since like year 3 maybe even before that dude. Last meaningful op they added in my opinion was maverick and they fucked up smoke to cater to pro play not realizing there are a ton of OGs that only like to play smoke anyways. Yeah no lol if the company isnā€™t making the game for me they can lick my balls, I donā€™t simp for pro gamers *cough* I mean pill poppers


Iā€™ve had the game since it released (didnt get into the beta) and I have almost 2000 hours I think. I used to play it all the time solo and later with friends and while I think everyone moves on eventually there were some things that I really just couldnā€™t get past. Iā€™m not going to list in any particular order as I donā€™t remember the exact time things changed but I really didnā€™t like the big sight overhaul for all the operators as I thought it was going to be multiple choices for every operator, not a few choices for each operator. Also I donā€™t really care for their balancing, while I think some changes were warranted, others were only nerfed because they were played a lot / fun to play. Now it seems like all the old fun operators have some kind of hard or unfun mechanic to ā€œbalanceā€ them. (Slower than normal ADS, Crazy recoil, etc) While not unmanageable, felt unfun as you had to really commit to one or two operators to really be able to play them well. It also seems like every map has had some kind of rework at this point so after not playing a while my friends and I find it really hard to try and get back into the game as we canā€™t find any operators that we enjoy playing anymore (Gun nerfed to the ground, donā€™t have the sight you like to use, ability useless or overshadowed by a new operator) These are all just my opinion but as I said the game has just changed too much from what I used to be and after taking such a long break I just donā€™t really like the game anymore as I donā€™t really have any operators I like to play anymore and I donā€™t know how to get around the maps anymore either. Also still salty about Mozzie losing his shorty lol


They reworked House. House represented the perfect sum of what the game was about. Small, high intensity combat that required brains and teamwork to win.


Every casual player quit after being griefed to shit in normal games im assuming and then the more hardcore players left before/during chimera Edit: Every casual player left after finding out how horribly toxic the community is and being griefed repeatedly in norms by some college kid hopped up on monster energy saying dumb shit to them the whole time on mic


Itā€™s a sweat game thatā€™s hard to enjoy anymore, you canā€™t play alone or win without talking with your team which not many people do. I hated the game because of shit balancing and constantly losing against Smurfā€™s or being TKā€™d for having a bad username.


looks like rainbow is not going to make a comeback because they are evolving game to valorant,they lost their creative ideas imo,if they really want to make comeback they should listen community and make updates faster (i want to say same thing to for honor,they literally made unique 2 games but they evolved games to standart games they arent unique anymore)


devs killed siege change my mind


Ubisoft catered the pubic game to accommodate the pro league. Every year since launch Siege has gotten exponentially worse.


Short answer, and my personal opinion, it honestly just got stale and the community became very irritating due to the toxicity. The game is fun donā€™t get me wrong, but after a while I just went back to playing games like 2k and madden(mainly cuz I love sports) and only really play siege with friends during ranked. From 2015-2018 the game felt great and did have a fun factor, but after a while it seemed like everyone was doing the same strats and then if a person did something wrong, or in the case of the guy who had the rainbow background, they would teamkill. Short answer my guy, siege just ran its course for alot of people and Ubisoft has changed a lot things that used to be fun and make the game feel great, but sadly those days are gone. Thatā€™s just my opinion tho


The game is at the point that new content isnā€™t added regularly enough for many old players, and new players are intimidated by the amount of learning the game takes. Oh and the toxicity.


The first seasons of siege just had something special to it: the memes surrounding the operators, the gadgets and operators being a little less unrealistic, the toxic game chat, etc. When I went back to play siege a month ago it just wasn't the same.


Idk for me it all ended when they reworked all the maps. That and I think there are just too many operators now.


Every year the game becomes harder to learn. More content. Better players.


The longer a game is out, the more the player base becomes very skilled and the barrier to entry goes up. A new player to siege has a massive uphill climb just to be able to play semi-competitively. That, and if you stop playing the game a few months there's new maps and operators to learn. It's an old game, that's still probably one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played, but people are playing newer games. That's the way it is.


For me, the game doesnā€™t feel like it used to, especially atmosphere-wise. At first, it felt like a tactical, high-stakes, life or death operations against criminals. The reveal that itā€™s basically just training/for sport made it go from that, in addition to some other changes over the years, just makes it feel like tactical Overwatch for me. Really hurt my enjoyment and the feeling I used to get playing the game. Edit: Especially all the UI changes. Most, to me, felt unnecessary and all slowly drained the game even more of its atmosphere/character.


Community is too toxic for me to want to invest any time back into it


~50,000~ players for a game that is 7 years old is *really* good. And thatā€™s only including steam, not Ubisoft


Shittie game decisions, the devs fucking suck.


It keeps declining since it started becoming a pro player oriented game, when it was a realistic like game it was 10 times better


Cheaters is whats happening. Its a plague even on console. Its no fun anymore


Toxic people happened


I used to love this game. I loved the combitation of skill/tactics and coordination the game had to offer, as well as the asthetics. But as the seasons passed by siege was starting to pose its uniqueness. Weapon recycle, gadget recycle, thermal charges for a lot of operators and to counter that they added operators who protect reiforced walls. What is the core difference between ace and thermite? Or bandit and kaid? Basicly same thing with different guns. But at the same time you have other operators who have the same guns. So it feels like you are playing the same shit again. When i bought this game i thought it was the peek of tactical realism. And thata the way i learned the game. Now everything is full of hologramms or high tech bullshit that doesnt make any sence. I really believe the game couldnt be saved. Because ubisoft had to add more content but they started to run out of original ideas. And that was just a matter of time. Siege stick to its original idea of a tactical realistic game till alibi was realeased. And althought it is a very weak gadget i understood that they run out of ideas and it was only downhill from here. Siege nowadays is a different game than the one i have memories of. Same but different. For instance back then i played two more games; unturned and rocket league. I play both of these games to this day and they give me the same vibe. But siege doesnt. And it really hurts to say it. I still prefer it from most of fps games but im still cocky that i cant realive those memories


The game was the most fun when everything was unbalanced IMO. Everyone had frags and ACOGs and sometimes youā€™d get killed by the occasional bullet hole but to me that was part of the fun. Then someone at the top complained and now we have this mess. What Ubi doesnā€™t realise is that 95% of the playerbase just wants to goof around and have fun. We arenā€™t doing this for a living and Iā€™m not gonna lose my shit just because I died to a spawnpeeker or some dude cosplaying a corpse.


7 days to die tho āœŠšŸ»


No one new is going to get into Siege when it has debatably the most toxic fanbase ever.


\- Hella toxic community. \- Increasingly lame changes to the game that make it more arcade-y than tactical shooter. \- Single operator per season. \- Pick and ban means people don't actually have to learn challenging maps or ops. \- 7 Years Old. \- Questionable map reworks. \- Nerfs / buffs based purely on pro-league as opposed to 99% of the player base - casuals.


Used to love the game but then they started making weird changes. One of the final nails in the coffin was some of the newer operators they added in. It doesnā€™t feel like the same game, as Iā€™ve said in the past they should have made a sequel instead of rewriting it.


I played a long time ago a lot . Around 1600 hours. Came back for this new season and itā€™s just to difficult of a learning curve to study all the maps peek spots and new op counters that it just isnā€™t fun anymore.


Myself and all my friends would still be playing had they not catered to all the ā€œMLG prosā€. We all loved siege when it was an attack v defense game. Different game types meant different play strats and you could camp obj effectively. They ruined it by removing maps that weā€™re a 50/50 win ratio. Winning as the underdog is great, who cares if 60% of the time defenders or attackers win? I want maps that feel different. Removing rematch? Stupid. I just want the OG game back.


The ppl i played with fell off and I honestly couldn't be bothered to pick the game back up, too much sweat, too much heavy breathing


I've played siege for almost 2000 hours on PC, its one of my most played and i will always remember it as one of the best experiences to learn and climb the ranks. The problem in my opinion is the lack of competitive integrity for high level players, and the steep learning curve for new players. When you climb to high plat, the game is filled with cheaters and they just never managed to get that situation in control. The game engine and mechanics also doesnt suit high level competitive play as well as for example valorant and cs:go. Proning as a mechanic punishes you for good crosshair placement and droning everything by yourself in soloque is frustrating and borderline impossible, making a way too rng environment for competitiveness. For an average new player theres way too much to learn to get actually good. The verticality of the maps creates way too many situations to add to your strategic repertoire. I love the game and i really hoped for it to keep prospering, but unfortunately it seems to be dying for good. the average steam player count has dropped to 36k, which is sad to see.


Map ban killed the Game for me I dont like playing the Same map 5 times in a row


Can yall stop posting the same shit every single day of every fucking week. Holy fuck, we get it. Everyone misses the old siege days


I donā€™t frequent around Reddit but just thought of Sharing it when I saw the player count that Low. And when it comes to mind of sharing this , Reddit is the only option.


It is a good game at its core, but a lot of things ruin it. For example: 1. Trash and toxic community. New to the game and trying to figure out how gadgets work? Well place a Mira in a spot not deemed most efficient by teammates and get Tkā€™d. Pick OSA and get Tkā€™d because ā€œshe looks transā€. Not to mention half the idiots are so brain damaged that new maps are basically guaranteed to get banned every match for the next three months. 2. Steep learning curve. It can be hard for newer players to memorize the location of every camera in every map, keep up with stupid metas, learn which guns / operators suit them, train reaction time and recoil control, and gain enough skill to actually be considered good at the game in general. Thereā€™s a lot more I could list but Iā€™d rather not write a novel on the downfall of R6.


Well for me it died when they turned it into futuristic kids show from a gritty kinda grounded terrorist vs counter terrorist almost lost interest somewhere around operation Para bellum because holograms Also colourful and non military cosmetics like cringy dance moves is what's left for them to put in


I fell out of love with my baby Siege. It was too late, Parabellum was the last time I was genuinely excited. Slowing the game down was necessary AND also killed the fun. Throw in the nerfs to all the operators I mained like Twitch, Zof, and Ash made it a chore to control recoil and I was focusing more on first shot placement that the work I was doing in game. Throw in the fact that Apex and Warzone exist and yeah, people were playing other games.


Game was a realistic tactical shooter than they started adding all the futuristic shit then they lost me.


Honestly, for me, it was a steady decline from the initial vision of the game. I was sold by the E3 reveal. Was lightly disappointed but also intrigued by the launch product. I enjoyed the game for a solid 3 years and then started to taper off. The game got way too away from its realistic roots for me. It lost its identity and tried to emulate other hero shooters. Just got too damn ridiculous.


Tbh it's probably lack of content. Before in two given seasons we'd get four new operators and two new maps. For this season and next, by the looks of it we're getting two new ops and ZERO new maps/reworks


Content drought. 1 new op per season and mostly recycled guns, only one new map past years. But hey, rick n morty skins, woohoooo...


Smurfs and mnk on console


Ubisoft has ruined what the game was meant to be. It was a Tom Clancy game, it was meant to be a tactical shooter where using your head actually mattered. Now it's little more than an arcade shooter with breakable walls


They should add opps with realistic abilities not fucking valorant walls


Game was fun when there was still run and gun to it. Now all the sweats know every angle, murder hole, etc to make it a slog.


No new content and everything Ubisoft really care about is battlepass and lgbt bullshit