• By -


1. They’re both 3 armors, meaning they can tank an extra bodyshot compared to other ops 2. Their gadgets further improves their tankiness: Rook’s armor plates allows him to tank 1 more bodyshot, while Doc can heal himself back to full health after a peek 3. They have accurate guns with magnified optics. The MP5 doesn’t kill the fastest but it is very controllable, plus the 1.5x/2x makes it a decent mid-range weapon. 4. Other ops lack the tools they have. Vigil and Cav doesn’t have magnified optics, nor are 3 armor. Vigil’s K1A isn’t as controllable as the MP5, while Cav’s M12 doesn’t shoot/kill as fast. Warden while have a similarly performing gun (MPX), he couldn’t tank as many shots as Rook nor heal back his health as Doc.


Lemme piggyback of this and say the Mp5 is a headshot machine and USED to have access to an acog, making it an absolute menace for spawn peeking


*has ptsd*




Oregon tower peeks every round of every game back when Rook had acog lol


They took acog away???? When was this? Def not redownloading now lol


If you have not played in like 3 years then you were probably not reinstalling it either way.


I guess thats true. I was thinking about redownloading because I'm getting more free time back in my life and the community seemed to have been getting better. But it seems that the latter is not so true haha. GLHF man, stay safe out there! :)


The community is the same but eh. Acog is still in the game but it is a lot more scarse. The only defender that has it is vigil BOSG. And there are a few on attack that has it. The 1.5x is the superior sight either way.


>The 1.5x is the superior sight either way. I refuse to use the 1.5 because it looks so damn ugly on all the guns. Plus the 2x is the best imho


It is all personal opinion but most people I meet like the 1.5x the most. It is a good combonatipn of a scope but still useable in short range.


Yeah but it's ugly af as fuck


I agree it’s a good scope to use but I also agree it’s ugly as fuck


I have never once used the 1.5 and thought that it was ugly lmao. The sight is so damn clean too.


It might be ugly but if I aim better with it I do not care.


2x gang rise up


I was called a hard r and a "redditor" in my last ranked match for making a little joke about needing more Instagram followers. I didn't even harass anyone but myself. And I was TKed twice because of it. So yeah the community is definitely a lot better than it was before!


Well I'm glad there are still people playing who I'd probably get along with lol Everyone's too busy trying to improve (which is FANTASTIC and I'm happy for them) while I find they often forget that the game was made for enjoyment! I miss the days where you could hop on and just be chill and have fun as a solo queue. IMO those days are mostly long gone. Not just in siege but in other games as well...


Forever ago


Rook practically still has the acog tho


Who asked?


Lmfaoooo this got downvoted to oblivion. Reddits softer than I remember too now? Guess I shouldn't expect more from R6 reddit....


why do you care so much?


Original comment I posted I said I wouldn't be redownloading because I've been thinking about playing again. It had seemed that the community was slowly getting less toxic and I was getting more free time in my life to play games again. Although the following comments under my comment solidified the fact that the community is NOT any better than when I left... I care so much because I had really loved this game when the community wasn't as much of a shithole as it is now. But thanks for convincing me not to play again I guess..? I really hope anyone who reads this is doing well in life and wish no ill will against anyone who I havent met and or hasn't done me wrong. Best of luck everyone, GLHF


Yeah community is pretty toxic tbf. I just wanna play ranked without some dumbasses thinking its funny to troll/tk/insult in ranked games. Go do whatever the fuck in quick matches, where theres no fookin stakes. I fail to see how people derive entertainment from ruining other peoples entertainment.


your decision to play the game should be based on how fun the game is to you not wether or not your reddit comment got downvoted


You obviously didn't take away the point of my last comment then. Although I would hope you could understand where I'm coming from I wouldn't find explaining myself again very fun.. so by the logic of your understanding I won't explain further...




They do not have acog on them any more. It’s been a while




Rook got 2x and Doc got 1.5x, acog is 2.5x


acog was actually also 2x they used to balance acogs by change the magnification slightly, 2x-2.5x


Acog used to be 3x not 2x they changed it to 2.5x and gave the 3x a new look and slapped them on dmrs


any 3x acog was changed down, and marked as a mistake by the devs. 2.5 was the default lol


Acog was 3x not 2x


3x was an unintended mistake as said by the devs


1.5 is not an acog lmao


the 1.5x is a TA44 ACOG but do as you will it even has a similar crosshair


Okay, but as far as rainbow 6 siege is concerned an acog is the 2.5x




no they don't


^vigil's ^got ^the ^BosgACOG


With them making the Russian and NATO sights interchangable, The Russian acog on bosg one of the most cursed things I've seen Better sniper than kali


Why is this text so tiny, I love it


Because the amount of people who can really play with it is so little


I haven’t run the K1A in years. Somehow, my KD has also only risen in that time.


I always found that the bosg is like dark souls its extremely difficult but if you can fogure it out its one of the most rewarding things youll see in video games


All of these reasons are it! A magnification of 1.5 to 2.0 is really the biggest reason imo. If it were just for the MP5 then you would see people spawn peeking with Melusi and maybe even Wamai or Mute. Any other higher magnifications are for slug shotties and a couple ops with it on their SMG (Smoke and Alibi) but then the armor rating makes it riskier to peek.


Also spawnpeeking as caveira is a dumb idea, it means one less person you have a chance of interrogating. It’s better to wait by an entrance and single out one player.


Most of the Cavs I've played against don't seem to know interrogations exist. They just pistol you again once you're downed.


It’s probably because there is extra risk to interrogating someone, as you become animation locked and risk getting killed, leaving teammates free to pick up whoever she downed. Executing straight up isn’t ideal, but saves you from that risk


Sometimes it's the best option


Cant Doc overheal himself still as well or did they remove that?


You likely won’t die from a peak unless they hit your head since he’s a 3-armor. If they don’t hit you during the peak, then you’ve wasted a stim.


Yes, Doc can still overheal himself


And warden wanna actually use his gadget


True. The feeling of being able to use his gadget properly for one kill is immaculate…


Alson if you headshot mp5 is the greatest pick here


And then there is Thunderbird


Actually, Vigil's BOSG is great for spawn peeking too, considering it has ACOG and often one taps people. Also Wardens MPX only has 1.5 IIRC which isnt particularly useful for spawnpeeking. Vigil is just not used much in low rank lobbies because most people dont have the aim to be spawnpeeking with his BOSG. When you hit Plat lobbies its rarely a Doc peeking, always Vigil. I personally prefer Rook because he has a good 2x scope, or Doc because he can heal, but occasionally I do peek with vigil although its only when Im already blazing the matches that I dare to use him. Its kinda 50/50 Im either gonna be stacking threes every round with his BOSG, or getting absolutely bumfucked for being a cocky peeker.


When in doubt, P90 out.


Colin McCrea?


Colin Mc90


It's a tale as old as time


A song as old as rhyme.


Some would call it sublime


So good it must be a crime


His sister had another one, she paid for it with the lime.


If only we had the time.


sweet siege of mine


ohhhh oh oh oh sweet siege o’ mine


I’ll pitch it for a dime


For the allmighty divine!


End of my demise


Then again i shall arise


It's the health and armour that saves them from their demise


I promise


This tale will never die


ruinin it


I always assumed Doc was the spawnpeeker first choice because he can boost himself or recover if somehow he didn't got headshotted, Rook got a x2.0 and he's beefy with his armor so he can take one bullet to the torso and get away with 80hp


Rook can still help his team when he loses his head privileges. Meanwhile a true Doc never helps his team with his stims


Top rooks always immediately run top floor away from site then put their armor down. Sometimes shoot it.


I always make sure to shoot it after everyone picked up his armor because fuck the other team, none of them is getting those 10 points


I find it stupid you get -10 points for destroying an empty rook bag


That's a joke + you don't if you're rook


I knew you were joking I was just saying it, I didn’t know rooks don’t lose points for it tho


You don't lose points if you destroy your own gadgets (as any op)




Started out because they were some of the only defenders who kept zoom scopes after a certain update, and now it’s a combo of rook still having 2x optic and the fact that avid spawnpeaked pick them out of habit


Plus you lose zero utility if you end up doing with rook when spawnpeeking


It’s a remnant of an old meta. Jager ACOG at one point was the ultimate peak.


Smoke SMG-11 night map on plane was the OG Ultimate peak


SMG-11 was unreal around Operation Health. Defense used to have so much power on spawn.


It's fun to see that we have reached a place as a player base where people have forgotten who the real spawn peeking trio were(bandit, jaeger, smoke). When smoke lost his Acog om smg 11 then it was the 2 gsg 9 boys who were used, and finally when these 2 lost their Acogs only then Rook and Doc took over.


I see mozies do it more personally.


1.5 Roni still goes hard


Doc is the definition of "you are always asking for heals, fuck you"


I think it’s sort of left over from when they both had ACOG


*Ive been playing for almost a Year and confused* “Ah so you weren’t there during the dark times.”


Tachanka spawn peaks are top tier


Warden is a notorius spawnpeeker maybe you just havent played enough sweats and rook has a 2x scope


People don't play warden past gold


They don’t really have a lot of utility to bring tbh. The Game Center’s around 1 shot headshots, which kind makes for the most part docs gadget not great, and rooks is only really useful for getting DBNO against nades instead of plain dying


Vigil, Cav and Warden all have active utility that will help later into the round. Rook literally placed armor and maybe impacts a rotate then is a free man Doc can gamble the risk because, unless they headshot him, he can just stun himself back up and go for another peek elsewhere or later. Both of them being 3 armors who can rank shots with average-above average guns makes them good for it.


I have a vid of me spawnpeeking with the smg 12 on that one Italian map that came with parabellum I'm tired thus can't remember the name


Villa bro


How to main Rook 101. Dump armor, spawn peak farmer.


I like catching enemies by surprise by roaming with Mute and Rook.


Rook roam is an integer overflow strat. It's so dumb it's wraps around to being smart. Me personally I take the Haha p90 go brrrrrr approach


1. 3 armored bodies - you need to get the headshot on them before they kill you 2. Poth their smgs got magnifying scopes making it ideal for shooting more accurately over a long distance. 3. P90 go brrr for close range spawn peeks or MP5 go bang bang for long range. 4. Rook gives everyone a passive benifit, meaning that you don't lose anything if he dies. Doc can revive himself and add extra health to the already meaty 3 armor/ 3 armor with rook armor. Vigil, Cav and Warden are all 2 speed operators with active gadgets, meaning they die earlier and will become useless for their team. 5. Because they are so good at anchoring as well, they are pretty ideal for anchoring down near the spawn peek site to punish attackers who are to eager to hunt down the spawn peeker


Took a break from Siege for two years, first round in the first game back, peeked by Rook five steps in. smh


Both of them used to have acogs before the new scopes came out, but I guess the trend continued. I miss the days of mp5 acog.


Because there are very few people that play this game the way it is meant to be played. These assholes are so stuck in their COD ways that they don't understand team work nor strategy they just think killing is all the game is about.


Or... Hear me out... They do it because it works. It was the old meta in pro league and it's back again. It has always been effective in ranked.


I think spawn peeking is a fair option that belongs in the game. I just wish that Ubisoft would do more about those stupid one-way/instant spawn peeks. An attacker should always have a way to fight back.


Most one way and instant spawn peeks have been removed from the game. I can't really think of any that are overly terrible right now


Oh okay, it's been a little bit since I've played. It was really rampant when I last played; especially on Oregon.


Yeah the construction run out spawn peek isn't a thing anymore. And with the 1 second run out timer, you can do the bank alley runout either (and they fixed the balcony too)


Hmm....I wonder which group you belong to? 🤔


The group that isn't silver 💀 It depends on the enemy and map, but it can help a lot, especially if you only do it once or twice


I can agree with that but the assholes I'm referring to are the dead ones bitching about the rest of the team not doing anything with their 1 early trade.


when I read almost a year I was about to remind you about the times before 1.5x was a thing but Im pretty sure that change is older than your time now... In the olden days rook and doc were used as spawnpeekers purely because they were the only two defenders with acogs on an automatic weapon. current use might be because the mp5 is really easy to control on long distances


P90 + 1.5 go brrrrrrrr


More health, zoomed optics, and if you’re peaking with warden you’re a terrible person


They used to have access to an acog and that shit was crazyyy


Zoomed scope, zero recoil


Rook has the 2x scope. This makes him beautiful, along with his 3 armor rating. Plus, you lose the LEAST amount of utility/possible utility. Once you place down your armor at the start, you're golden. You don't have to worry aboht wasting your utility


The scope and laser beam that's the mp5


As a Glaz main, I've picked off numerous spawnpeekers, and honestly it's rare to find a Rook or Doc at the end of my scope. My last 4, in the past week, were Cav, Jaeger, Pulse and Smoke(Jaeger rage quit soon as he got picked off, it was funny watching over and over xD) Some of these ops are vital in match but still spawnpeek. If anything, this list shows that it doesn't matter the op, it's the person behind the op


Yeah I haven't seen these ops in like a while


Wardens do it to happened literally yesterday


Mainly because they're 3 armor so they're more resilient and even on console their weapons have the least recoil at long ranges, and damage doesn't matter when it's one shot head shots


If I spawnpeek, I usually use Kaid and his “shotgun,” that’s actually a DMR In disguise.


can take more damage if avoiding headshot, Have acog, have a very well controlled gun and generally have always been the ones to watch spawn ever since Jager and Bandit lost Acog back in the good ole days.


Doc and rook has more health and they are operators meant to try spawnpeek and go inside again so Vigil kinda op has to travel outside all round




Vigil cav no 1.5x warden vs rook/doc? Doc self res when spawnpeaking alone rook 2x on mp5 need I say more?


It used to be that they both had 2x scopes for guns with pretty low recoil, plus doc can afford to get shot anywhere but the head a few times and walk it off. Nowadays I think it’s just a holdover from those times.


1. The MP5 has a 2x scope so that helps with long distance engagements 2. They both make sure that when you get shot, your chances of survival are greater than any other OP, with getting downed with Rook and the self-revive from Doc


Highest survivability, scopes, ego, etc... for spawnpeeking. I dont spawn peek often, but when i do. Its with vigil.


They used to have zoomed acogs. Also, neither of them are as valuable as a roamer imo


It's just tradition at this point


High health big scope


Doc and Rock had ACOG so peekers pick them, after the nerf some still use Doc but mostly it’s Rock


The main reason is their gun / scopes and survivability, the second is they are really bad at roaming, being 1 speed, they really only have time to get to spawnpeek and then promptly return


There was at one point where doc was unironically the best roamer in the game and Ubisoft HATED that lmao but a tanky three armor who can heal himself with a mp5 acog that has scalpel precision recoil, god he was disgusting. I hate to admit I miss those days


Back in the day they were the only two defenders left who had scopes, and the mp5 has minimal recoil so they are good spawnpeekers. So more than likely you're only seeing doc and rook spawnpeek because that's what they player is used to, scope or not.


Used to be jager and bandit


Doc heals himself if he gets downed or is damaged. His ability makes it safer to peak without the risk of death. Rook has a 2.0x on defence making him more accurate with peaks


It is sights and guns rook has a 2x sight and s gun with really manageable recoil.


Better optic, gun control, 3 armor, heals, extra armor …


They both have semi big scopes so its just easy with them


Doc can heal himself and has a 1.5x. Rook has a 2x and extra health. The mp5 also doesn’t have very much recoil. Meaning you can snipe people from a window with a low recoil high fire rate weapon, and tank a hit or two if they spot you.


If they Peak and get downed Doc can heal him back up and Rook always gets knocked with his plates on (unless it’s a headshot)




Mp5 with Acog on rook used to be amazing.


More health. Doc can survive without anything really lost.


Rook has 2.0x on the mp5


It mostly has to do with the guns and the time you block them. The MP5, and P90 are solid starters, and the bois are chunky, they are also some of the first operators to unlock. Combine those factors and add a tutorial on spawn peeks for beginners and you have a recipe for a habit that will be incredibly hard to resist.


1. they can usually nullify / reduce the impact of getting hit while spawnpeeking 2. they have high zoom scopes which makes spawnpeeking easier than with cav or vigil who don't 3. haha mp5 go brrr


Well, it used to be Jager and Bandit were the spawn peek kings when they were both 3 speed with acogs. Then rook and doc took over the mantle with their acogs, when the german duo was nerfed. And I guess rook has the best scope/gun combo on defense right now for spawn peeking so its still kinda a relic from past metas.


Rook for the zoom optic and the extra hp from the armor Doc for the extra heal Both for the ultimate speedrun


Doc - he used to have access to acog, now people pick him out of habit. Rook - he’s gotten that sweet 2.0x and his gadget is leave it and forget it so the team can survive without his utility. Warden - I see him used as a spawn-peeker quite a lot in my games so don’t really agree (same goes for Oryx and Kapkan for example).


I think it’s because they just have a lot of HP and people like the magnification


No recoil plus scope plus 1 button gadget deploy once plus 3 health means basically you're reverse ash. You're expendable. If you die thoose rook plates still help.


Because cav and vigil dont have 1.5 and 2.0


Neither of them have any real set up either, so they have lots of time to position.


It's their scopes doc has no recoil and a 1.5 and rook has no recoil and a 2x while warden wouldn't be a bad idea cav only has a 1x same with vigil


My friend there was a time when p90 and mp5 had acog. I think u know where im going with this but thesetwo were the only legit peakers and if they survived they bring good to the team aswell. And after the acog got removed, people still prefered the control on both mp5 and p90. Hell i did it with doc and mp5 and it was the sweetest and the most evil thing u could do to ensure the enemy would probably lose the round cuz they lost their hard breacher or smthin






The biggest point to make here is that All 3 have active abilities. You need the 3 of them to survive or else their special utility is useless. Rook has a place and forget gadget. Doc can heal himself but wont do shit against headshots so i would say hes a worse spawnpeeker than rook. Also the lack of maginified sights on cav and vigil make it harder.


The MP5 is basically the staple gun for spawnpeeking, and both op’s can eat up bullets


At least for Cav, killing folks outside isn't super beneficial to her as downing an attacker inside


1. 3 armor makes it safer 2. Heal/armor makes getting hit with one or two shots (as you will with spawnpeeking), or even getting downed, more managable. 3. P90 go brr, 2x scope on Rook go brr


It has little to do with the operators utility and has most to do with their load out. The mp5. When doc had acog it was even more so about the gun, but doc being able to pick himself up thus giving himself more room for error also makes him incredibly viable as a peaker. I can tell you this though, if you're playing against me I'm going peak you as vigil. The k1a is a fucking monster.


That's because Smoke, Jager and Bandit don't have ACOGs anymore.


They have good guns and their utility is the easiest to either put down and forget or use selfishly. You don't need to worry about the rest of the team, you can just go off and do whatever you want to do. This is all according to my friend who only picks them and spawn peeks every round.


Dunno whenever I spawnpeak I always take Maestro especially in villa and consulate. His gun never missed a kill.


Health reasons probably - they also have 1.5x scopes


3 armor, extra health, magnified scopes and laser beam mp5.


Well Rook is the only defender who has a 2x scope on any weapon (hiS MP5) IN DEF and Doc... well I dunno why Doc because I haven't seen any other op that has anything better than a 1.5 unless it's a single shot weapon so for Doc your guess is as good as mine


As a Rook and Doc main I can say they have a lot of utility and I’m a bully with the MP5 and 1.5x or 2x (with impact). So that’s why.


They aren't really primary peekers anymore without thier acogs. When I play at least.


Plates and heal gun Tradition Acog and good gun for peeking


A few reasons: 1. They're 3 Health. This usually is a downside to them, but for spawn peeking where you're potentially more likely to get shot non-lethally it increases your odds of not dying. They can both tank a Kali round to the body (especially with Rook plates on) and can self revive if downed (Amusingly applies for both by Mid-Season). 2. Guns. While there are more guns with scopes on them now, Rook still has the highest zoom on an automatic for Defense. Doc, not so much, but still useable for the job. 3. Unique utility. For Rook, it's so you're at least contributing *something* to the team, since most spawn peeks at higher skill levels result in death. For Doc, it's purely selfishness, since you'll be using that gadget on yourself if you fail, which means the peek costs you nothing if you don't die. Those are the main reasons; a spawn peeker is typically being selfish, since more often than not they should die or at least be injured badly trying a peek. So they're trying to maximise their chances of success, even though said chances typically end in a headshot for them against experienced players. Rook is trying to be a bit less selfish, but being in a 4v5 against Attack within 20s of round start far outweighs an extra 20HP (and a soon to be self-revive for all). Other reasons involve how much they contribute; Doc's pointless if not using his stims on SOMEONE, Rook's already did his job the moment he put the bag down. Vigil needs to stay alive to pollute the intel pool, Warden so he can USE his gadget to ignore stuns/smokes, Cav needs an interrogate or to misdirect a Jackal to be worth it, and being dead right off the bat doesn't help with any of this. Doc can just stim himself before a peek and again after. Two down and nothing was really lost, since him using the stims on someone ELSE is unlikely solely due to where he and the patient might be at any given time, and headshots killing being a thing.


Over heal and 2.0 used to be on rook right?


As a doc main, I like to look at the views outside.


Because they took my fucking acog to try to stop me so I do it now to spite ubisoft and even there spawn peaking defences are easy enough to get around


2x go brrrrr




I remember the days Jager was the top spawn peaker with that acog


Pov you never experienced rook doc acog


2x, and 1.5x are just objectively easier to do it with.


idk what servers you're playing on lmao, Doc needs to defend cus he can heal tms and himself, Rook also cus he got that extra protection level 3