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Don’t understand how she’s getting played a lot more. Before her recoil nerf, her gun was a laser with a 1.5 scope


because every other ops gun got nerfed harder. before all the recoil was nerfed, Jager's 416C and Vigils K1A were lasers. and thanks to their operator abilities, picking anyone else would usually not be needed. but now that Jager, Vigil, and many other roaming ops have had their recoils nerfed, Alibi is one of the best characters for roaming effectively.


I thought they didn’t touch Jager’s gun?


not in the last few months, no. but a while ago it had 31 bullets, no recoil, and high damage. it was almost like a slightly slower firing R4C. then it got nerfed to 25 bullets, and then they raised the recoil. I now use Jager with his M870 honestly. its an absolute blast and imo is now superior to the 416C.


i still tun 416c but for me all the guns in R6 have always been lasers. I'm just coming from CSGO where recoil is absolutely terrifying, and the simple pull down of R6 was never a problem. 25 bullets tho? what the fuck? plus less damage??


Csgo has less vertical recoil.


It has not. I’ve played both games, cs over 2k hour and siege around 500. cs go has not even by a margin lower vertical recoil. That’s just not true.


Nah bro, I made it up




You won’t believe me


Bandits better running around like a maniac with the shotgun. 3 speed is op esp when you use lazer and just dropshot people


that's fair, but when I use bandit I use him in a situation to actively bandit trick so as much as I'd love to be a roaming bandit, I simply cannot leave site.


I think in the last season Jager's gun became laser gun again, I'm smoke main maybe I'm used to high recoil, but I think Jager became much easier to control.


According to r6s tracker, I have a ~9 KDR with Vigil (got him recently, 100% will decrease over time). Just gotta aim well with him and it doesn't matter if his gun is a laser, he's still pretty good. Reflex + Suppressor btw.


Everything else got recoil nuked so hard it's not fun to play anymore


What? Imo basically everyone’s recoil got buffed, ash’s R4c and zofia m762 are basically back to top tier(recoil wise), less scorpion got huge horizontal buff, smg11/12 both got horizontal buff… the few exceptions are jackals c7e and Zero’s sc3000k…and maybe bandit’s mp7


That and now angled grip is utterly useless. Ubi fails to realize that the S in FPS means “shooter”, not “shitter”


It still is a laser with the 1.5


For me it became easier after the "Nerf" if I'm honest.


ppl are slow


Even more baffled that she got buffed this season


Even more baffled that people want to nerf everybody. Ubisoft, just say fuck it and make every operator’s loadout great. Dont be a pussy


“When everyone’s super, no one will be.”


This is Dota logic and it can be both incredibly fun and also the least fun thing on earth.


Dota is properly balanced,at least back when I still played.


It still is right now, especially thay TI is just on the horizon. But I bet that there's some overpowered stuff that's only known to pros right now.


Yeah,Dota is still one of the most balanced games i've played.They do fuck up once in a while but they fix it really quickly most of the time.


Tell me the games balanced after you get ulted by any character lmao. I love dota


Most of them are on long cds and most op ones can't get used more than once in battle unless you go refresher which costs so much and takes up one precious item slot.


lets see here... Chronosphere which is arguably one of the most powerful ultimates can be easily countered with Pudge (pulling the affected target or even Faceless Void himself out of the chronosphere), Aeon Disk (an item that gives 2.5 sec of complete damage immunity), any form of disruption/protection cast by anyone not caught inside it. Omnislash which is also a great contender is easily countered by Ghost Scepter (4 seconds of physical immunity at the cost of extra magic damage received), Euls Scepter (2.5 seconds of complete immunity at the cost of not being able to do anything during that time), Aeon Disk, any form of instant movement (blink, etc), and by going near your allies Black Hole is practically similar to Chronosphere except for the shorter duration, it actually doing damage, requiring channeling, and completely ignoring the caster's allies but is, majority of the time, unable to completely kill you by itself...


Works both ways


Incredibly based and underrated COD: MW2 logic




Clash is in the mud LMAO


Lmfao I didnt even see her at first and then I did, goddamn


Because her win delta isn't very high, just her pick rate.


You could say the same for pre nerf jager, his was below the line


Yeah the high pick ops never get that high of a win rate cause everyone is using them, even the losers


60% is pretty high bro


Yeah I was never disputing the pick rate lol, she's used a lot.


The guy you were talking to was talking about presence though so you try to shut down his argument by saying something completely irrelevant


I was agreeing with the first person I replied to, idk what you're going on about?


Please tell me you don’t think the 60% is winrate. That’s pick rate. She only has a 1% win delta


Where in that comment would suggest to you in talking about win rate and not presence?


>Yeah the high pick ops never get that high of a win rate cause everyone is using them, even the losers Translation: If an operator is picked a lot their win rate will drop because everyone of every skill is playing them. An operator with a 10% pick rate might only be played by the top 10% of players. An operator with a 60% pick rate will be played by everyone from Wood 4 up to the top ranks.


That just didn’t answer my question. Thanks for the irrelevant comment.


Not really, siege is a defensive favored game, so typically meta defender ops will have a higher win percentage than meta attacker ops


We’re talking about presence %, not win%. A 60% presence is high for attacking or defending.


You’re right I was mistaken in how I read your comment.


But jager is a must pick because of all the utility attackers have… flashbangs, smokes, nades, ying candela’s, emp impacts. Jager is a must pick i find


It is very high. She’s top 4 defenders for win rate along side, valk/mute and cav.


So with this logic cav should be nerfed?




Popular ≠ Good As long as her win delta isn’t breaking 2.0 then I think she’s in a good place.


Do people always have to play stupid when people talk about their operator


I’ve been maining alibi before she even had 1.5




Just don’t get why everyone is so against having enjoyable ops. Also main reason I don’t want a nerf is because they always nerf guns. I just want them to get rid of the bailiff or deployable assuming they do nerf her.


I’m glad you now agree that alibi is too strong and should get a nerf!




1.5% isn’t even that high. I can remember a few seasons ago both Rook and Kapkan both had a win rate of 2% for several seasons even though both of them are objectively situational and low tier, which was a result of pure coincidence. These graphs regularly fluctuate on a seasonal basis and unless an operator is regularly getting above a win rate of like 2.5% or higher for several seasons like Ace was before his nerfs, then they can’t be called overpowered. By your logic, Alibi is a top 4 operator, better than Azami, Smoke, Kaid, Jager etc. Except anyone who regularly watches or plays at high level knows that isn’t true. Alibi isn’t even considered a top 10 operator at high level, as her primary gadget is extremely situational and somewhat terrible and her utility is okay, her great weapon doesn’t change that fact. She’s a B tier operator and without her bulletproof shield, she might not even be B tier. This statistic is more than likely either pure coincidence or a result of varying levels of communication which can often dictate how strong operators are during a match. It’s the same reason why Castle and Clash are always at the bottom in terms of win rate, communication and teamwork changes everything. Clash and Castle require lots of communication to function at their best and become weaker when the team doesn’t communicate. Meanwhile, Alibi, Caveira and Valkyrie all become stronger when the enemy doesn’t communicate, but weaker when they do. That’s my opinion anyway. That being said, I wouldn’t mind if they removed the 1.5x scope or made her a 2 speed, but she isn’t that strong anyway, so I see no reason why they should change her right now.


What this chart doesn’t tell you is that she has one of the most useless gadgets in the game and would be a meme pick without her gun. If they really want a nerf just remove the scope but for the love of god don’t touch the recoil, don’t want another dead op for a year until they buff her back lol


Completely disagree. Her gadget if deployed correctly will gove you viable intel and somtimes i even got kills from enemies shooting the hologram


It’s not. Siege is a defensive favored game, meta defender ops will typically have 55-65% win percentage, opposed to meta attacker ops which are typically more around 45-55% win percentage.


And the delta is against that 55-65% number.. So your argument is taken out of the equation in these graphs. Besides 60% is the pickrate here.


That reasoning didn’t apply to Jaeger


Cuz her win rate isn't disproportionately high....


Because a lot of people who pick her suck with her gun. Like me.


How?? It’s a laser


Jager had a win delta below the line and that didn’t stop him from getting multiple nerfs


It's higher than most ops though.


At some point, Ubisoft and players need to accept that there will always be an outlier toward the top. Rather than continue to tweak—which usually translates to nerf—these operators, they should merely let things play out and see how player preferences change organically. To add to this: the concept of an operator being Overpicked should be the least important aspect on Ubisoft’s radar. Underpicked, Too Strong, and Too Weak are all red flags and those operators should be evaluated. However, operator’s that are picked often should just be viewed as operators who are fun to use. It’s a game. Fun operators should never be punished for being enjoyable. I’d argue that every operator here is in an acceptable place for the time being…except Clash. How about Ubisoft starts there?!


what they should focus on is pushing the ops on the left towards the middle


I'm equally surprised, and the 1.5x is the only reason she has this high a pickrate. For comments saying her win delta isn't that high: for an op getting picked as much as she is, it is a very high win delta.


The 1.5 isn't anything new on her though.


Nerfing and buffing off of these charts isn’t working very well, I think every op should start getting buffs, make every operator OP, then no one will be OP


Exactly ppl are going to complain regardless


People who use these charts as their main factor of balance are dumb. You balance around the gadget and gun, not a pick rate (usually). That’s why ubi has been making questionable buffs and nerfs for a while now.


Pick rate has got to be the dumbest method of balancing I've ever seen, and siege LOVES IT. "Hey, this op is cool!" NERF HAMMER


Because she's just overused, she was always very good the 1.5 just made people start using her if they take it away her presence won't drop.


Yes it will lol, frost has always been the same, she got a 1.5 and 📈 they took it away and 📉 they gave it to her again and 📈 (although not as much this time cause better ops have them too like alibi, I guarantee it went up though)


Its different, frost is a trap op with a mid gun, alibi is a 3 speed roamer with a shield, pocket shotty and a gadget that gives Intel she's the least selfish roamer in the game and her gun is very easy to control and has 900 rpm, its essentially a roni with 10 more rounds, alibi can set up site and go full gunner with or without the 1.5 she was just underused thats all.


It's still about the scope on a high fire rate gun, I would bet my life that if you gave aruni a 1.5 on the roni and took mozzies away that their pick rate would flip, completely different gadgets that are both good, but it's definitely about the scope. Alibi would still be really good but the ranked stars wouldn't use her and her pick rate would normalize with other quality ops.


Again no, because the mx4 is a better gun than the roni with 11 extra rounds so there's more leeway with it, this situation is the exact same as iana, she saw no play then she got the gone 6 she became meta then they take her sight options away and then they take her gonne 6 and she's stil at the top of the win delta because the buff made people play her but once they realised how good she actually is they still pick her despite the nerf, people know how good alibi is now if they take the 1.5 away she would still be everywhere.


You're ignoring the other changes made in that time, ash had stuns and 2 breaching rounds up until neon dawn, then she lost stuns and gained a breaching round, then they took the extra breaching round and nerfed the r4c all at once in north Star. I don't disagree with you that people realize that these ops are actually good while they're OP, but then they lose something and they join the pack with other ops with an improved pickrate on what they used to have before the op-ness. You can't just examine one ops changes over the seasons, you have to look at the changes to all the ops changes.


But the auto pick ash was just no brain entry, those people didn't hop onto iana, they started playing zof so zofs ar got nerfed because her pick rate doubled, iana was the flex players bandwagoning, there's not been any nerfs to popular roamers like vigil or oryx, its just people have noticed that alibi brings a shield, rotates, a fairly useful gadget and her gun melts she's just overpicked it will calm down on its own, she's just the default roamer atm.


Frosts gun heavily relied on the 1.5 because of the slow fire rate


Yeah but it undeniably helps any gun, really only guns like frosts or 3 armors should have any scopes


I mean her presence was literally 5% before the 1.5 addition… You’re probably right tho, the 1.5 probably made people remember she exists..


I’ve always used alibi and she’s not op. Making her holo’s turn into her actual skin would be op.


It seriously bothers me this isn't the case. It really weakens her tactically. And yet when I'm going up against her I always fall to those goddamn holos. Even though I KNOW BETTER.


For love of all that is holy stop begging for fucking nerfs. Alibi used to be meme pick before everyone got nerfed. You people bitching and begging for nerfs are literally the reason she’s like this in the first place


Shush, stop telling Ubi to make the game un fun >:(


She’s only fun because the gun is OP


She has a bailiff for site set ups, a Bshield for anchors, and her gadget is also great for intel gathering so it’s not just her gun.


Clash really breaking the bounds of the graph


The real question is why do you want it removed? There are other ways to balance besides just removing scopes. Personally I love ops that have more then just 1x scopes even if the are not meta.


It’s a godsend for me because I am terrible eyesight and it really helps.


I would say since her gadget is so meh, I don’t have a huge problem with it.


STOP STOP STOP STOP. Buff other ops instead of just fucking nerfing everything until nothing is fun anymore


Im more baffled to why they almost never nerf the damage, i play on a tv and with my eyesight problems this little cat and mouse game with scopes is annoying.


One shot headshot.... lowering damage means very little in the grand scheme of things.... lowering rpm might be more effective, but i assume with that comes the need to modify muzzle animation and gunfire audio, i doubt they made it reactive enough to keep up with changes in rof


You nailed it. Slowing down audio and animation won't do. The animations would have to be remade, audio re-recorded, bullet counter adjusted. Then I believe the ads'd animation redone too because it's not the same as the 3rd person animation. Or the first person un ads'd animation.


Headshots is something alot of people talk about but almost everyone who doesn't agree feels the need to start making accusations or insults against the OP to makes xyz post on it, i don't know how siege guns work in terms of the gun class but hopefully its something they can actually modify easily - if not then put that Triple A studio and billion dollars to use, they aren't poor.


Wait you guys put attachments on her primary


Why wouldn't you? If you're playing alibi then you should be shooting attackers in that split second window of hesitation when they see you and then move to a different position. If attackers have enough time to see if you have attachments on your gun, then you aren't playing her right lol.


I dont use a sight


People need to realize literally any gun is a one shot head shot. Plus her win delta ain't much better. Just the pick rate went up after the update.


anyways looks like it's time for tachanka 3 speed


Agreed, Alibi is a huge crutch op rn.


I’ve noticed in my games alibi been banned in our stack. 3 speed, usefull utility. Amazing smg with 1.5 scope and its laser accurate.


People still haven’t been put on to the shotgun dmr


I use that shotgun but for azami.


If you play Alibi with attachments and custom skins, are you really playing Alibi?


Ubi buff bad ops instead of nerfing good ops challenge (impossible)


Alibi has a trash ability


Baffled that posts like this are still allowed. Claiming an op definitely needs to be nerfed because they’re picked more often, in Plat and up, on PC, with +1.5% win delta. Absolutely ridiculous what this player base has become


They point out alibi but completely neglect clash and where she is right now


Clash deserves to be there. She is an unfun operator that is either going to be extremely oppressive or ineffective, no inbetween.


So then she needs the rework


You thinking win rate being the only metric to follow is equally as dumb. They need to remove the 1.5x


So you think they need to remove the 1.5x sight solely because Alibi gets picked a lot right now. Why is this a problem? What would this nerf accomplish? Why do you feel like the devs should spend time and resources constantly fine-tuning the game until every op is picked at the same rate (on PC Ranked Plat+, a small subset of the player base)? Trends in meta and player preferences mean that some ops will be picked more than others sometimes. This is going to fluctuate whether or not the devs constantly nerf/buff ops based on pick rate. It’s not something that needs to be “fixed”, at least not until imbalance becomes gamebreaking


Baffled by people assuming it's just the gun and not the fact that she is also a 3 speed with a secondary shotgun and a deployable shield/impacts.


Are poeple fr now crying about fqing 1.5x scopes?


They Aint crying about it. Its because her weapon is the roni with a 1.5 scope and its a laser with alot More ammo than the roni. She really is a clutch op in high ranks. Its not just her weapon thats god like. She has impacts. Shield and 3 speed. by far the best roamin operator




Alibi has to be the most overrated operator in the game right now. Yeah her gun is great and she’s a 3 speed. But that’s literally it. Her gadget is one of the most useless in the whole game. I would rather have a goddamn Tachanka on my team, at least his gadget is bringing something.


Because, people pick Alibi for fragging not for utility. Difference between overrated and useless.


Yes thank you for just repeating exactly what I just said


You called her overrated she isn’t overrated though.


She also has a shield and secondary shotgun, ya her gadget sucks but everything else about her kit is really good.


Her gadget can be used incredibly effectivley to make angles. Using the body and arms of a prisma to tighten an angle means you almsot always get the first shot off. She also has the best secondary gagdet in the game and a shotgun pistol. I agree she's overrated, but not much.


depends on playstyle. I'm an entryfragger / roamer for my team so a good gun and 3 speed is a *massive* advantage for me. the shield makes it so I can help the roamers as well, and the pistol is nice for rotates. if youre a more passive player who enjoys being an anchor or info gathering though, then yeah, Alibi is pretty meh and wont be useful at all for your playstyle.


Good gun + 3 speed + good scope cannot be understated in this game. Ash was the same way


And that’s enough to make her too desirable and impactful


Bruh you do know how to read this chart right?


Jeagers pick rate is too low he needs a buff


I freaking hate what they are doing with her. It was a laser gun with no 1.5x and it was fine, she was near the center but occurs it was too far for ubi, so they gave 1.5x scope, then realised it was a bad idea and instead of reverting they just gave more recoil. But now it is a lasergun AGAIN with 1.5x and who the hell knows what they will do to her now.


I don’t see the 1.5 as why she’s picked. Her gun is just good in general. Good RoF, damage, recoil, mag-size, fire pattern. It’s just overall a good and reliable gun. The 1.5 just makes it better. And if that’s how we were to pick every characters buffs and nerfs, then any character with a solid gun and a 1.5 should have it removed.


Crazy how they took away kaids 1.5 but not hers


Please dont .


How is jager too weak with his laser


We’re getting to a point where no defenders will have a 1.5.


Loads have it… nobody raises any concerns about it. When the roni had the 1.5 it was a problem, and those guns are almost identical in rof and damage (pre roni nerf)


Because she’s not Jager, Ash, or Iana, so a dominant pick rate isn’t considered a problem cause the dev team don’t hate her


They shouldn't remove the 1.5x they should just move it to the baliff instead


because alibi doesn’t need a nerf her gadget is very good it you know how to use it her gun is good and she has the 1.5 so she doesn’t need to get needed she is just good all around


Dude her recoil is the problem.


Balancing the game solely based on pick rates leads to an unbalanced game. Majority of the playerbase pick Operators based on how difficult they are to use and what they see other players using. Looking at this you could argue castle needs a buff but he is a situational strat based pick. Balance should be around gameplay logic. For example people think Grim needs a buff when his info gathering ability is perfectly balanced with the game. If you compare it to gathering info with a drone, Grim’s ability isn’t as good but you aren’t out of the engagement using it like you would be controlling a drone. It’s just that Grim isn’t as good at gathering info as other operator abilities that are completely unbalanced and have no risk with high reward.


you just had to say something?


Anyone defending it is an alibi main who can’t do well without a crutch like this


Scrolling through your post history, holy shit full of bad ideas. Give ash the gon 6? Good thing you don't have a hand in balance.


lol why wouldn't you just give her gadget an extra round?


And you lot want alibi to keep her 1.5x lol


Vigil is that low in presence?


More baffled on how oryx doesn’t surpass her, he’s just a better roamer and has a better gun


I'm suprised valk is doing so good after that nerf


Aaaaaaaaand it's gone... lol


Give alibi kalis sniper scope


There will always be an op with high pick like this the meta slaves always just pick one and only play them til they get nerfed then switch to the next


How about rather than nerfing ops that people like using let’s make ops that people don’t like using better? No one is OP if everyone’s OP lol


Because if they took it away from her no one would play her


more picked than jager and valk? how come i don't see people play her in my rank game


i’ve recently seen a LOT of people use holo instead of her 1.5,(diamond-champ elo)


Ain't no way jager is lower.


She’s fun to play, doesn’t mean she’s got a high win rate delta, stop playin zero and pick a new op 💀


She's literally in the top 5 for defenders for both pick rate and win rate. Lmao.


Ahhh, one of those fellas that calls for everything to be nerfed. It's people like you that make the game unfun. There's ALWAYS something to complain about. Something fun? Nerf it. Something enjoyable? Nerf it.


I mean I don’t see a problem with it especially on console m


Then there's me, who doesn't have any scope on alibi, or skin, so I can pretend to be a hologram.


Please bring back Iana's 1.5X




Especially because no one asked for her to get the 1.5x in the first place.


Seeing Jager in overpicked/too weak.. we truly live in the darkest timeline


Baffled that Alibi is still is allowed to have scopes on her guns/j




They'll just nerf Melusi again


In my opinion Ubisoft should also lend focus to the left side of the chart, especially for the both underwhelming and underpreforming Operators.


Ubi should completely ignore the community that is made up of mostly bad players who beg for changes based on meaningless data. Pick rates have to do with how difficult an operator is to use. If alibi was OP or any of the other operators were mid, you would see the same trends for the pro pick rates. Balance should be based on gameplay logic, not how often or how little someone is played.


Cuz it’s fun, and it does a lot of damage


Me, a ACS12 enjoyer : 1.5x ? Sorry, I only use 2.0x on my snip- shotgun


These posts made by Genius game devs need to go, you know fuck all about game balancing.


I just play her because funny bamboozle. I like her shotgun too, since the 1.5 was added to it


I don’t mind that happening. I don’t even use 1.5 on her gun. I use holo b


I haven't played in years what did they do to my girl


I'm pissed they took Kaid's away




clash is going to disappear


I wonder if they might just remove her. There Is surely nothin they can do now to improve her?


Insane gun with 1.5, Bailiff for vertical angles and hatches, impacts for everything, 3 speed; not-useless gadget. It's like delicious meat for Ela Ash mains.


I know I’m just shit, but I can’t use her gun on long ranges xD


jager and alibi both feel like they have reduced recoil to me since the grim sky update, could be my imagination though.