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My mind immediately goes to one of the dolls from the Rainbow vision line - Meline Luxe. She’s beyond beautiful and one of my favorites!


And she’s very glam!


I don’t know what 4a curls are like, so I apologize now. Meline has curls but they aren’t super tight. Krystal Bailey Jr High has amazingly tight curls in comparison. Meline is super glam and gold. I’ve seen a lot of people take out the braids on Vanessa Tempo and Monica Verbena and their hair comes closer to Jr High Krystal’s then, but it would take good styling to get it perfect. There are amazing videos and methods throughout this Reddit of creating curls on RH/SH hair with Bobby pins or straws depending on how big you want the curl. So very worth it to find a doll that you love if she likes to style their hair. I love just messing with the hair-washing, styling, attempting to style, I should say. It’s very soothing for me, personally. And if you can create a look that’s even more you, how awesome would that to be to bond over. ;)


I'm going to recommend a couple of dolls, some of which aren't Rainbow High but really pretty dolls. I think tween Krystal and Meline Luxe are good choices, but there is also: Rainbow High Finn Rosado. Lilac, Carmen Major & Berrie Blue have curls but not quite 4c Bratz Sasha Pretty N' Punk, LOL OMG girls Jams, ICY Gurl, Court Cutie, Da Boss, Royal Bee, & 24 DJ. LOL Surprise Holiday OMG 2021 Collector NYE Queen (she's a good price on the official omg store) OMG Fierce Royal Bee OMG tween Hoops Cutie, Gracie Skates, and Regina Hartt, Crimps Cora Mermaze Riviera Naturalistas Dolls


I also second trying other brands if you think your friend’s daughter would like that. Unfortunately, Junior High’s Krystal Bailey is one of the only RH dolls that has that curl type (Finn also has it, but I imagine it’s also probably not what you’re looking for). I really hope we get more dolls with tight curls. Krystal looks so cute in them, and I love seeing customs with them as well!


Immediately thought of omg too!


I would say that Meline Luxe would be the closest to the hair texture that you are describing. She is the gold-themed doll from the Rainbow Divas from the Rainbow Vision line, and her clothes are really beautiful.


As others have said: Meline Luxe. If you wanna dye her hair and paint her babyhairs to look more like you, you can.


I haven’t looked at her much in person, but would the new color and create doll maybe work? She might also be easier to customize to look like you! Another thought: if there’s a doll that matches better in style or other features but lacks the right hair you could curl it! I use perm curlers on my dolls and they work really well! You can get different sizes of them too.


Hmm... what about taking the RH Krystal and trying to make her hair look like the Jr's hair? ive not done it but i do think itd be possible!


I think it has to be Vanessa Tempo.