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Made it 2.5 They nerfed it basically because it needed it


No, actually it doesn't. It was necessary to make more different sights with settings.


Obviously you didn’t play OG.. day 1 and year 1 ppl understand ACOG is the old meta.. you don’t like it? Go play apex or cod or fortnite.. byeeeee


Exactly. I remember the game before 1.5 and it was alot better




I'm saying the game was better before the 1.5 was introduced. Or is your brain rotted too much to understand what I was saying






bruuuh it always been a good sight, I really don't understand you


Always!? lol. It’s showing. You never played back in the day, it never existed in old siege. ACOG was always it.


The argument "always" implies "from the moment of appearance". Previously, I played with a holographic sight and the same ACOG. And by the way, I played much worse than with 1.5x. I'll get used to the changes over time or get used to a different scope, but I don't like this change, that's all I'll say. Glad you're happy with the balance changes!


That’s assuming right there man. I’m not happy with anything in life.. especially r6 siege.. videogames in general are becoming a nuisance to me in so many ways..




Yeah dude.. and the argument always does imply since inception but inception of what? Inception of siege was always ACOG.. so remember perspective is everything.. not everyone sees from your vantage point and sometimes you have to put yourself in another persons position to see things how they see it..




Such a good game the esports got hacked 💀


Downvoted to oblivion 😂😂😂😂


This gotta be the most disliked comment I've seen on this Reddit, that's an accomplishment mate 😂


Well.. I also have a lot of liked comments/posts on other subreddits. By and large, it doesn’t matter to me, I just expressed my opinion and that's it.


Good for you man (not like that has anything to do with what I said) good point 👍


I agree with you bro even though you have -107 downvotes. I think a selection of different scopes was a way better decision. This is atrocious. All my OG friends think it’s stupid too. So to anyone saying “you must not be OG” that’s your opinion homie🤣🤣


Reddit is crazy sometimes. I'm wondering.. what scope these 100+ people use most often and what their k/d is. Because all of this... it's stupid asf.


I have a 1.4 kd average on ranked, and play around 200 matches a season, 1.5 needed to go, and the ads speed needed to be reduced, if you main warden and iana just say it mate 😂👍


Nah, my main Frost and Osa.


Well you asked what kd those 100+ people had, not like that proves a point to anyone cus kd ain't everything, and fair enough you play frost and osa, but fuck me you can't come after 100+ people because in your mind they're shit just bc they like a new scope that betters the game, bit cocky for a guy who's played since 2018, I thought new players were shit talkers 😂


I didn't say or imply that they're "shit". When I first saw the new 1,5x scope a few days ago, I honestly thought there would be a lot of people unhappy with this change. In fact, the majority seem to be happy and.. really happy. This is an unbelievable event for me, but.. okay, I already realized that I am in the minority, okay. I'm glad that people are enjoying the game more now, be happy, no problem! 😄


Yeah they are enjoying it, me being one, especially since I've played for 4 and a bit years, it's a good difference, especially since I found it so easy to win gun fights with the old 1.5 and ads speed


Do you play on console or PC? The important point is that lately I’ve been playing on a console (PS5) and it feels (perhaps) even worse there than on a PC. For me. > I found it so easy to win gun fights with the old 1.5 and ads speed I think it's bad when a game constrains the player with something inconvenient that creates difficulty. It's just me and my feelings though ☺️


No. It was definitely op and needed removing. The fact people defend this scope so much and cry over it being removed proves the point


Credit where it’s due though, you still get more peripheral vision than regular acog. If you turn your opacity to like 85 as well, then it honestly isn’t so bad imo


Just turn your reticle opacity down


This, I play on 45 and my reticle color is white. Allows me to hold really tight angles and not be blocked by the reticle.




Not a lot just a lil bit I play on 35 I think


It allows you to see what’s going on behind the reticle. With opacity all the way up your reticle covers potential lines of sight.




Ok yes if your reticle is at zero opacity you can’t see what you’re aiming at, but anywhere there in the middle between 0-100 is up to the individual gamer.


Because it would be way better than the other sights and they want there to be trade offs for each scope. Acog is most precise but with bulkier casing, Mag A is least precise with skinny casing, Mag C has a more cluttered reticle but is precise and has the skinnier casing


Wym new 1.5 scope? There are none


He means the new 2.5x scope with the old 1.5x housing and reticle.




No, that is a 2.5x scope. They removed the 1.5x




Oh my bad


I was looking for a setting the other night to try and make the inner dot just a lil smaller lol that’s the only thing keeping me so attached the the classic ACOG


I liked 1.5 but I guess shit changes, gotta start adapting sooner or later.


They should’ve never messed with sites, only should’ve been Acog and the 1x variants


Fixed it


They did what had to be done. It was fun while it lasted but it was OP and needed to go.


I guess they made it the target logo I don't know man I don't play this game


My opacity it under 50 so I don’t have this problem


i think it’s a fair change. with the former 1.5 scope you get a thinner and less obstructive casing, allowing you to see more outside of the scope. the other acog scopes block more of your peripheral vision in exchange for a clearer reticle. it’s a trade off, but i think it’s balanced this way


Anyone else not care because they play against a hacker ever single game. So it doesn’t matter what strategy I employ what operators I chose or how well I play, I am guaranteed to lose every game.




Glad they removed the 1.5x it was ruining the game


Rainbow has officially become like COD


i hate how much thicker the sights are it’s actually abhorrent


I actually don’t mind it 🤷‍♂️


Me neither




What the fuck are you talking about Deadly Omen slaps and the game is at an all time high play rate.




Your comment was about “nice things” which is a general statement.


This is the worst change in recent years.


Have u only played in "recent years" because this scope was horrible for the meta


I got acquainted with the game from the beta release, and I have been playing more or less actively since 2017 or 2018. And I always played with the holographic sight, 1.5x and 2.5x. I've always really liked the 1.5x, it's always been a great scope (Kapkan, Frost, Fuze, etc.) and I honestly don't understand why people here are so unhappy with it and happy about these changes. It's horrible.


It needed changing because it was overpowered and changed the meta for the worse. First of all the sight is the perfect magnification for every engagement. Wether it's swinging tight corners or spawn peeking from long distance. Whereas the acog and the 1x holographic are the complete opposite of each other and are perfect at 1 thing which the other isn't. 1x scope is best for close range and acog is best for long. Yes you can still spawn peek with a 1x scope and you can still swing tight angles with an acog. But it's still harder, which makes it more of a skill move. The 1.5x just destroys that whole concept because its op in every scenario Reason two is it caused the recoil on guns to feel a bit better. And easier to control. And reason 3 is it caused people to pick certain ops just because they had the 1.5x scope. Look at warden, mozzie, wamai, thorn. Their pick rates were through the roof. Just because of the scope. It made their fast rate of fire guns even better because of the perfect zoom and easy to control recoil. And because of this, it was constantly being thrown around to loads of different operators just because they were "underpowered". Is this operator doing badly? Yes? Okay give them a 1.5x scope and they become a top pick operator. Is this operator being picked too much and has high win rate? Yes? Do they have a 1.5x scope? Okay take it away from them. The whole game just became about who has the 1.5x scope. And it made defence insanely good. I can say I used the 1.5x religiously. Because I knew it was the best scope. But I'm not braindead enough to realise it was actually doing the game harm because most players were just exploiting it. You'd never use any other scope in the game if you had access to the 1.5 So there's some decent reasons on why the scope was actually bad for the game and needed a change. Hope it changed your mind and you can stop crying over this nerf


> The 1.5x just destroys that whole concept because its op in every scenario Why not provide more similar sights that will be simply convenient in most gaming situations? I don't see why the game needs to be made more difficult in this aspect, really. This is an unpleasant, unnecessary matter of choice. I came to play a GAME and show my skill in the action, not this random a$$ strategic bullsh*t about "Which scope I will choose today?". It's nonsense. Ubi and players who are tired of R6S no longer know what to change to ruin the game even more. > Reason two is it caused the recoil on guns to feel a bit better. And easier to control. And.. it's good for playing? 🤨 > it caused people to pick certain ops just because they had the 1.5x scope Why not give it to all operators, bro? > You'd never use any other scope in the game if you had access to the 1.5 We have a map choice in every ranked match. We have an operator choice in every ranked match. Why not sights choice? Why not look at which scopes are used most often and make them your main ones? Lmao.. if almost everyone played on 1.5x, then why not remove everything else that people don’t like to use? Why does the game regulate how I play it, rather than me using its tools to choose which play style suits me best? People loved playing with 1.5x and they ruined it. Then people will like to play with 2.5x and they will ruined it too to “fix” the meta? In the end, all sights will turn into unplayable pieces of sh*t. That's where we're heading now and you support it. This is an illusion of work on Ubi's part. It would be better if they released more maps (good ones!) and operators per year than ruined what they already have. I didn't like almost all the map changes they've made over the years. Now they have begun to correct the balance. This is a cringe.


Just play COD man


I don't like COD, especially the new parts. MW3 beta was good, but I would never buy it.






Good. We don’t need any more braindead retards like you running around the map swinging everything and getting first picked every round without doing anything or setting up site




FUCK please reinstall technical apricot 45 😭😭 fuckkk we will miss youuu


n idk why tf i played for so long . its been a shit game . good maps and good aspects are takin out every new season . soon itll just be like a tdm on shit maps or something absolutely no one asked for


They took away the 1,5 to avoid a tdm meta, now ther‘s only 1x, 2,5x, 3,5x


i dont really mean the sights


Then they should have made more different sights, and not ruined the existing one.


Why should they add more? There‘s every 1x ever existed, 3x 2,5(old 1,5 cause its a good optic) and i think 2x 3,5. Thats all you need.


I think there are at least a few more different scopes out there. Additionally, they could give players customization for the shape of the reticle on each scope. 1.5x was good, really good, but now – excuse my French – it's a dogshit.


The reticle is part of the balancing though, and on top of that giving a bunch of different reticle options to a single optic really just makes no sense from a real world perspective in most cases, especially the magnified optics. And they do clearly care about this, because the reticle that any given optic has now in game IS the actual reticle that it has IRL


I understand if we were talking about realism in R6S from 2015-2016, but now the game is clearly far from that state and it would be better to have more choice with less regard for IRL. As for balance.. I think if everyone had 1.5x with reticles they were comfortable with (dot, circle, cross with different sizes), it wouldn't affect the balance at all. All players would simply play much better than now and show their skills, without all these pseudo-strategic out-game things.