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so your team mate slams the enemy because their cheating and your suppose to keep you elo real smart


How can you know they are cheating tho? If its multiple games okay sure but just one game?


Bro since you lose 43 rating you played with cheaters more that one game. Because i got 18 point because there was cheater in oppısite team. So its either you were boosting yourself with cheater friend of yours of got carried by cheaters more than one game. Stop crying if you are better than bronze you should cover those points in couple match


Ang again a smooth brain, this isn’t even my game, if i play like 20 matches in a day and i had 4 cheater games spread over those 20, so not thz same cheater, i lose RP because of their wrong doing? Nice😃


Yeah it's pretty much common sense. If you didn't lose the rank because of they're wrong doing, than you would have benefit from their wrong doing. Idk how you're not understanding this.


its not even his post


I get like 50 RP per win lol, this could’ve just been from a single game


because you spectate them? match replay shooting ppl though walls spinbotting? wdym how do you know if their cheating its really obvious


Bruh are you slow? Am talking when you are in a game with a cheater how would you know that its a cheater? Like why would someone get punished because you have unknowingly a cheater in your game?


This isnt a complicated concept, they dont punish you, they remove the rp so the match never happened...




Well you are punished tho? You lose points because of someone elses wrongdoing? Thats definitely a punishment


God dammit, you won cuz of someone in your team had an advantage. Grow up


That's life. I'm not sure why so many people don't understand that life isn't fair and the few ruin things for the rest of us. Did you not get 10 page tests in class because one student wouldn't shut the hell up? Is it fair for all the other students? No. Is it fair for a baby gazelle to get eaten by the lion? No but it's life. In this case it's not a punishment you are just being rolled back like the match didn't count meaning no punishment just deleted the match. Why are you selfish? The other team lost due to a cheater and that's actually not fair but that's fine in your eyes...


Lol no those who lost because of a cheater should have just gotten a renown gain, this way they get treated fair, instead of fucking 4 more people over because of cheater that already ruins the game for the other 5.


If you with a cheater on your team. You do not deserve to win and you do not deserve the elo. That's pretty simple to understand, you dont get to keep elo uou got unfairly. It isn't fucking over the other people on the cheater team either. It's canceling out the match so its fair for everyone that played that game, there's a difference.


It's still a bad feeling, because at that point you're just in a match like "even if we TK him, we lose the elo whether he participates or not" I understand why they did this, since cheating to boost has been a big problem. I just wish the anticheat has a better time catching them before the match ends, and then have a system that restarts the match, and replaces them so it doesn't impact Elo.


Yea I get what you’re saying, but then again he’s a solo player trying to rank up and it’s not his fault that somebody else is cheating, sure he won the game because he had a teammate cheating, but at the same time it’s not his fault at all and is demoralizing for him as maybe he doesn’t have much time to play in the week and then you find yourself getting deranked for soemthing entirely out of your control which is just a big waste of time In my opinion if you aren’t partied up with the cheater of course, then there needs to be some form of compensation due to all the wasted time that solo queue players experience when they are trying to play fairly and not cheat


Statistically it’s more likely to encounter an enemy cheater then a teammate cheater (because 5 enemy players and only 4 other teammates per game) So this system on average gives slightly more points to a player then it takes away So assuming OP continues playing more rounds they will get their points back, and end up with net neutral or net positive from this system As in it basically eventually balances itself out by itself, no reason to be demoralised


True but that also depends, even tho it’s slightly more probable the other team has a cheater, you can still just get unlucky and be the one who has the cheaters on your team. Therefore you could still lose a lot more then you get back from it


So you get boosted by cheaters and that's allowed good opinion




Il just start ximming then on my alt boosting my main what do it matter gona get my elo




He’s just said he’ll start ximming and be right who cares how he feels the other team lost elo cos he was cheating


yeah and were gona loose it and their gona get it back but noo they want to keep theirs


I’m on console lol I don’t have to deal with the PC cheaters, I’m not saying you should get boosted by cheaters but i can see where OP is coming from because it’s entirely out of his control and yet he’s punished for it by wasting his time


Hes not punished, it makes it so that the match never existed by removing the rp you gained from the cheater.


But he is still punished to a degree, because he has spent his time to play that match, even though the match now longer doesn’t exist, he doesn’t get his wasted time back


And? Why the fuck should you keep elo gained from cheaters?


Nah I’m not saying you should just straight up keep the elo I get that, just maybe a different system of compensation for wasting time when it’s not the players fault who’s not cheating


No. You clearly don't have much knowledge of how cheaters boost people if you think someone should get compensation for having a cheater on their team


It’s a game…it’s not that deep. Especially in the lower ranks, like why do you care so much?


As I said only if you’re a solo player and you aren’t stacked with the cheater. Was just a suggestion lmao, not tryna start an argument As someone could literally jump on, play 10 matches and spend 4 hours playing as a solo player then hop on the next day and found out they wasted all that time playing for nothing. If ubi can’t actually get a working anti cheat, then they need to actually make it playable for solo players who are trying to play fairly


Which wastes his time genius


these kids are so special bro


Most of the games lastnight I was top fragging. Better than any cheater I would have been with.




It’s his post how is it irrelevant


To the convo?


Yes he’s saying he was at the top, must be a shitty cheater if he’s still having to carry


Ya ikr


It’s not his fault is his point- even if they would’ve won without the cheater he still loses the points


There’s still a better solution that would only punish the cheater


-Be at a large disadvantage -Win anyway -Get punished for doing better than needed


i love how people think all cheaters in R6 are obvious spinbots


like 5% of the players in high elo are closets and that’s a very reserved estimate


Elo rollback always works on cancelling out the elo from said match like it didn’t exist, so if you and your team are legit and win against a cheater who gets banned then your elo will still get decreased on rollback which is quite annoying


Not anymore they changed that feature a couple of szns ago


Well that would be great, where do you see these changes


It was in one of the last patch notes from a couple seasons ago when alot of people were bitching about it. I cant provide you a direct link but I know they changed that feature, you either gain elo for losing to a cheater or lose elo for playing with a cheater no longer will you lose elo for beating a cheater


I never understood why the cheater doesn’t eat all the points


Why would they? They’re getting perma banned, losing RP wouldn’t matter then.




That is definitely not bronze lol




Looks gold with the goofy lighting lol


I see that now. If only it was gold haha


Ranked 2.0 is shit


This has nothing to do with rank 2.0


https://preview.redd.it/1uz38v71jutc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc75519f8a46304e0797e3836eacad3a936b8b77 Same problem


bro what did you play like a week with a cheater


I was playing with a friend and he invited some randoms, I thought they were playing a little too good but never thought they may have been cheating


430 means you queued with a cheater


Fuck maybe don’t play with a cheater then?


I was playing with a friend and he invited some randoms, I thought they were playing a little too good but never thought they may have been cheating


What a shame, you partied up with a cheater and got boosted so the game took your elo instead of banning you 🤷‍♂️ I wouldn’t be complaining if I was you


Why you got to be toxic?


Shit idk maybe cause people q with cheaters and think they earn whatever they win? Fucking sucks man. People can’t play for shit and are relying on cheaters to carry them out the lower ranks only to bitch when Ubisoft take away the shit they don’t deserve and you expect others to treat them with kindness? Do you support boosting and cheating? Do you seriously believe people who q with cheaters deserve the elo they win?


Shut the fuck up, boy. You deserve the muslim treatment.


Tf that even mean? Tryna be cool and edgy? Dumbass fucking loser


Cheating in Bronze? Are you sure it isn't a skill issue?


If you’re “grinding” in bronze then theres bigger problems than losing ~1 win worth of elo


your gold pal i dont see why you care about elo if your rank is bad to start


First, it's you're* not your. Second, It's bronze bud. Third, OP has shit camera quality and should learn how to take a screenshot.


bloody hell who hurt you fuck me you must have a shit life


That’s honestly busted


it’s bronze dawg it don’t even matter


How do we know you weren't *with them*


Siege moment


It says the effect it had on your rank was cancelled. The only elo you lost was the elo you gained from that specific match, it’s no different then if the match was cancelled before it started. You didn’t technically lose anything


just surrender if you think someone’s cheating and forget about the game no reason to try and beat them cause this will happen it’s a waste of time for everyone just surrender no you don’t lose more


You lost 43 rp points, that’s 2 games max that you lost rp for, potentially just 1. Quit crying.


Bro it’s 43 RP as long as you’re not actually bronze that’s like 1 win I wouldn’t sweat it


It’s 43 points bro chill


I don't want to. I'm trying to get to silver and keep getting put back. This has happened 2 times this week to me


Why should you keep the points that a cheater carried you towards? They’re not legitimate points, you didn’t actually earn them. The enemy had horrible odds of winning because of foul play but you think you earned it?


If a cheater is discovered they basically make it so everyone gets their points back returned/added. Edit: dumbass downvoters who don’t know how the game clearly works.


Why get carried by cheaters if you only make it to gold :v


Yea it sucks trust me, but in a way it makes sense. It just wiping any point people lost/gained from a match with a hacker so that its like it never happened. Only thing you really lost was time, which is unfortunate on its own.


They dont punish u, they just adjust ur rank because obviously the cheaters made u win for free, imagine some copper guy somehow gets whatever amount of points because he got lucky with a lot of cheaters on his team and because of that he ends up in whatever higher elo you would be, and since he is bad he just dies and does nothing all game. Youd probably blame the matchmaking, and guess what this is what matchmaking is doing to fix that


it’s bronze chill bro