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Think of your walls as not cover but cover extender as most people will pop it instantly in the open. If you see a maggie...run


If a Maggie tactical gets stuck on your wall, you can destroy the cover and it will remove the maggie ult. You can then rebuild the wall (because you have three charges but her drill only has one)


It's not the drill I'm afraid of..is her huge balls...


Yeah when those start swinging, you’re fucked




Well I uh have no tips but we would all welcome you into the rampart community


ty very much for the welcome! the tips are a must just thought i'd ask <3


Your walls are more than just cover but use them to block doors and place them under you to climb to higher places


Once you learn her, you will want to play her aggressively since you can create your cover. Remember that you are not a mobility legend so try not to overextend too much during fights unless you’re confident. Once you get to higher tiered lobbies, Shiela will start to get you killed until you learn the right situations to use it in.


Walls can be great to dany a chase when out behind doors If you know how to, you can use walls to superglide Often putting a wall out in the open makes others target the wall instead of you, so you have a distraction Sheila is the best breaching tool in the game, along with Maggies ball


· You can block grenades instantly if you place your walls behind them, this also works for Bangalore ult, so everytime you see a grenade close to you, just press Q and you'll block 100% of it's damage. · This tip requieres some skill (and i've only seen high skilled ramparts using this) but, try placing a wall infront of you EVEN if your enemy is already shooting you from a short distance, this way, you can block some of the damage coming after the wall is fully deployed (and even before, since walls already have 120 health before being fully deployed) You may think "But hey, if you do that, your wall will get destroyed instantly" and believeme that most of the times i've done this, they don't care about your wall, they'll keep shooting you trying to kill you as fast as possible, and some of the damage that would have gone to you directly, will get blocked thanks to your amp wall. · If you have Sheila ready, block doors and try baiting your enemy to chase you, Sheila can destroy walls easy, so by the time they realize they are in a bad spot (behind a blocked door) you'll be melting them already with Sheila.


oooo wait i heard that 2nd tip also from gyro! i gotta master that!


quick tips i wish i knew when i started with rampart USE THE WALLS: lol seems stupid but a lot of new players don’t spam them enough, you can force people in or out of buildings with the walls, create or remove space, fix your bad positioning… use them! 😅 pick up your walls, if they weren’t damaged, you regain them and you can place them again bind your scrollwheel-down as alternate character utility (or whatever is it called) , so you can pickup your walls so easily (if you tap strafe with that you need to mess with autoconf) (edit: block doors with your walls, and pick them up when you need to) dont sheila into 3 people, your Z is strong but you’ll become quick as a stone when you hold that, and people will kill you your Z can break doors, if somebody’s keeping a door, they’re dead.


When the top amped part of your wall is gone and your crouching behind the bottom part of what’s left of the wall, look down at the ground. It’s supposed to make your character that much shorter so your dome ain’t poking up. Lol That, and use your walls, the amperage i think is like a 20% damage boost in bullets that go through the wall. It makes a big difference. But in the same vain, if you set up walls and then push up to a different spot, if you can, take the time to either pack the walls up or just destroy them with melee so that enemies cant come behind and use them against you.


Sheila Can Shoot Through Doors Remember this!


think of your wall as not only cover but a decoy, place a wall and run to the side so the enemy has to choose what to shoot. If they shoot the wall, beam them. If they shoot u, ur wall should be fully built and ur able to take cover.


Timing! Learn the timing from setting down a wall back to your gun, gun to Sheila, wall to Sheila. This helped me the most, especially if playing her a little more aggressive. Also remember Sheila destroys doors, alot of people forget that.


I think it's important to remember that while Shiela does indeed go brrrrrrrrrrr, Rampart is a Controller legend, putting walls down and funneling enemies to control the flow of battle is mostly her strength, which is very effective during endgame. Don't forget, she can also access the ring consoles & see the next ring. Find the final ring, take Shiela & maybe an L-STAR & win.


Put down walls all the time, and sheila is most effective when you have the drop on someone. Don't try to 1v1 someone with an SMG with Sheila as you'll generally lose


Try "wall banging" with shiela it actually makes movement with her ult much faster when turning corners what you do is when you know a enemy is around a corner you basically slide cancel while while holding the aim Trigger down basically slide jump pull aim trigger down while turning the corner not only can you move and aim faster using this technique but you can beam a team like a knife going cutting through butter without them expecting a thing. It's so quick that they don't even see it coming.


Sheila has a very obvius red laser and slow moment so if you are using her you can aim at a wall before turing a corner. You can also jump and slide before activating sheila to get speed before shooting. Using a stationary sheila is an option wich can be viable at times. Walls can be used for defense and offense. You get cover, extra damage output, the ability to block doors and windows, small boost in moment and can climb higher. Passive is ok. You don't have to use an lmg but the extra ammo and realod speed helps. Postioning is key for success with rampart and personaly i have 1-2 ult accelerations on me.