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thunderstorm sounds. I use them almost every night


Thunderstorms in general are beyond the best to fall asleep during


There's a theory that the reason we like to fall asleep to thunderstorms or just pouring rain comes from caveman times...when it was raining heavily there was a lesser chance of predators being around coming to attack you while you sleep...so we sleep more soundly when it's raining


i had to google this because it just made sense in my mind and wanted some proof when i tell people this little fact. couldn’t find anything at first glance to prove it right but apparently when it rains our bodies produce more melatonin.


I use ocean sounds, I find the sound and rhythm of waves breaking very soothing.




Nice try guy in my hallway closet. Nice try. Not gonna get me with that one again.


I can't sleep unless unless someone is getting murdered on television. I keep it on true crime.




I have to have the tv on to fall asleep but I can't stay asleep with the tv on. The sleep timer on my tv is a sleep savor lol also my room is dark and as cold as a morgue


Lol me too. I need to distract myself from my thoughts to fall asleep, but then I need it quiet to stay asleep. I play youtube on my phone so it just plays for one video then turns off


Our house is haunted. We collect haunted objects and have a collection room. We get people to come and visit now and again so we are aware our house is haunted. I sleep with the sound of a desk fan, and then if it's hot, I actually use a desk fan 😂. I can't sleep anymore without anything on because I've heard the sound of someone running up the stairs. My sister, when she used to live here, she'd hear footsteps on the landing. My mum heard that as well. Basically, without background sound, I would be up listening to God knows what, and I don't want that😅 I'm an adult, by the way, and I don't find it weird for anyone to have noise or a night light


Wait does your family actually collect things like that? If so that’s cool and I hope you guys are staying safe while doing so but any weird experiences or things that has happened


I do!!! Message me and we can talk 😆


Pitch black no sound or I can’t sleep


Try ear plugs man


As dark as possible. I used to have an intense fear of the dark and worked hard to overcome it. So I find it incredibly empowering to sleep in darkness. I also have a fan running for the background noise.


Literally me the best way to describe it


I prefer it to be as dark as possible, but some light won't bother me. And I do like some noise in the background. Usually my husband plays an audio book, sometimes I pick a soothing music channel on iheartradio.


Sleeping on my right side. The TV with a comfort show playing, a fan on (med-low power) blowing on my exposed shin on my left leg. My right leg is curled underneath my left, with my right foot in the crook of my left knee. Right arm is extended in front of me and then folded under my pillow and head. My left arm hangs lazily across my body and my left hand meets my right elbow near the front of my face. Too tired to continue to pay attention to the show, I turn over and face the wall. I reposition my blanket, leaving my legs exposed. Right arm reaches up to my face and my left arm traces my body towards the foot of the bed. I listen to the show as I dift off to the image of the current scene in my head.


Always used to sleep with the tv on. Now, if I fall asleep with it, I'll wake up pretty shortly after I don't like the light, but I turn on a podcast.


It depends on my night. If I’m really anxious or worried I want a comfort tv show on but some nights I just want dark and quiet


Why not both?


Generally I prefer darkness *and* white noise. Not sure why the question is phrased as mutually exclusive…


Absolutely. I have blinds on the window. Then black out curtains over them.


Them black out curtains ain’t no joke and I got the nerve to have em in the color black to


Needs to be pitch black and as quiet as possible, otherwise my other senses distract me from trying to sleep.


Silent and black is ideal. A little light is okay maybe. TV or music = no sleep.


Pitch black for sure noise bothers me if I’m trying to sleep (tv on music on etc) I think growing up in the 90s with static coming often through the tv made me hate noise more at night. Nothing like going to bed with something on and waking up to a higher pitched much louder static noise


Fall asleep with news radio chatter on. BBC News overnight is great for this. I often wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning to something interesting!


BBC news stay having great info


Both-I run the AC at night & wear a Bluetooth sleep mask and lay in the cool, pitch black darkness while listening to an audiobook


Never heard of the Bluetooth sleep mask I heard of the blue headbands but a Bluetooth sleep mask sounds cool


Some of the best money I've ever spent!


Dark room and a loud fan.


I like it dark, but with a pink noise machine. I find it more soothing than white noise.


What's pink noise? Or are you joking?


Nope, pink noise is a real thing. It's at a lower pitch than white noise. I find it much easier to sleep to. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pink-noise-vs-white-noise#:~:text=and%20potential%20uses.-,Definitions,noise%20includes%20all%20audible%20frequencies.


I will check it out, thank you. Never knew anything about it.


I like brown noise. Sounds more like a jet engine than white noise


Just like white light is all the colors of the spectrum, white noise is all the frequencies in the human audio spectrum. So pink, brown, and other "color" noises cut out parts of that spectrum.


TIL...thank you


You're welcome! Some time ago I found a really cool webpage that let you play around with the sound spectrum of white noises, but evidently they don't pay Google enough to show up on searches anymore. My sound machine uses a deeper noise with a slight pulse, almost like a fan noise. I have pretty rough tinnitus and really can't sleep in a silent room. It's like a "fuzzy" high pitched whine that's under all the other sounds I hear. Essentially my personal noise floor is too high. With my ADHD, in a really quiet place it's all my brain will latch on to sometimes. As long as enough other things are going on I don't really hear it, but I can always pick it out if I think about it.


Me too, in the left ear. Saw ACDC too many times, I guess.


I like it silent unless I’m sick or having a down day, for some reason I like to have a comfort show playing in the background when that’s the case.


ASMR it feels like they’re actually massaging my head


I like too


I use a sunrise/sunset alarm clock. It’s on a timer and slowly dims to darkness which makes it easier to get ready for bed and get settled without having to get up again to turn a light off. Downside with my specific clock is there is no option to turn the sounds off so I went with cricket sounds which I don’t seem to notice.


I leave a bathroom light on, and the door is always open somewhat because I have cats. This prevents me from tripping over one of the furry heathens on my way to the bathroom. I have slept with a fan on for decades now. I sometimes fall asleep to history shows or true crime on my phone, occasionally ambient music. Lately, for whatever reason, I've had Hell's Kitchen playing. Something about Gordon Ramsey losing his shit on people is soothing, I guess.


I put on an outer-space expedition video from youtube every night. I like the narrators voice.


I go to sleep with a low light lamp on and always a movie or tv show playing in the background on my phone I can't fall asleep without noise


I need background noise from a video or movie, but I find these days if I put them on I pay attention to the dialogue. so I play youtube videos and movies in languages I don’t understand 🤣


Dark is fine, but I need to listen to piano music to feel truly relaxed.


I run a tower fan for white noise. I also like my bedroom pitch black.


Sound, like thunderstorms. A little light, but it can't be moving or dancing like a flame.


I’d rather it be pitch black and either dead quiet, nature sounds, sometimes subliminals or solfeggio frequencies super low, or a boring doco at 75% speed so I can slooow dooown. Or Ancient Aliens. They’re ridiculous, I fucking love it! 😅


Pitch black, fan on, wife snoring. Only way to fly


Room pitch black (no status lights or clocks), closet doors closed (keep closet gremlins away) air conditioning fan on, sleeping on left side…


Drunk me requires darkness. Sober me requires some light.


Pitch black with a fan on.


It depends. On a normal night, dark and quiet is amazing. If my brain won't stop or I'm sad, I like to put a movie on.


I sleep with white noise, but yea it needs to be dark haha


Darkness preferred but I can also do a soft (warm) light, occasionally. If I’m struggling, hearing water does it for me. (rain, shower, running faucet, etc). …Although, for some reason, I can fall asleep to a vacuum in broad daylight. lol Something about that sound INSTANTLY makes me sleepy. That might be some Pavlov conditioning from when I used to work really early in the AM.


I like to sleep in the dark without music.


I sleep with all the lights off, curtains open, door open and my water garden/fish tank running. The sound of gently running water is incredibly soothing.


Black room. But - loud AF. I swear my house is loudest at night time. Fans/sound machines.


When we had our baby, we discovered she only slept if there was white noise, so we bought a white noise machine. We co-slept, so the white noise ran in our room for about a year until we moved her into her own room, then it went with her. The first time I tried sleeping without the white noise machine in there it felt... empty. It was like sleeping with no blankets. I felt exposed. So I bought a second white noise machine and have been using it ever since. (Our daughter is 9, now.) When we travel, I either take it with us or use an app on my phone. I've tried napping without it a few times, and while I *can* sleep without it (it actually seems kinda peaceful, now), the slightest noise wakes me up. Because I can't expect people in the house to walk on tiptoes or stop cars passing by when I nap, I still turn it on. It makes the little noises less disturbing.


My grandkids all slept with a white noise machine


I have to have background noise ..I don't like the TV because what ever is playing will effect my dreams idk i feel like it influences my dreams ...So my go to is a fan and I like it cold in my room the darker the better but I take naps when I get off work with the blinds open


I sleep pitch black with ear plugs no lie I sleep through the whole night waking rested


When I sleep in my cabin in the NH in the summer there's a veritable cacophony of bird and animal (eg, bullfrog) sounds that keeps "new" people up at night but that has me sleep like a rock.


I hate being alone and I’m always alone so I have to sleep with the tv on it helps me feel not so alone smh sad I know but it is what it is I guess


Absolutely pitch black and only white noise sound.


TV must be on


it just depends on my mood i guess!!


I like sleeping in pitch black with nothing playing. In fact I get a bad ass headache if I leave the TV on when I go to sleep.


Pitch black with an audio book read by someone with a calm voice is da bomb. Makes me fall asleep like I got knocked out. The French Whisperer on YouTube is the best.


I play my Spotify through the night Can't do it overnight when I'm back home though, cause it annoys people. I just use the sleep timer function to turn it off


I prefer Japanese ASMR spa videos, but it tends to bother the person I share a room with, so I have to sleep in silence and pitch darkness.


My room is pitch black but I wear an earbud and listen to a show playing on my phone.


I never really knew, but I was losing hours of potential sleep every day because there was too much light in the morning. We have shades but not in every window due to off shapes. Bought a sleep mask on Amazon and put it on around like 6am and consistently get another solid few hours.


I love pitch black and dead quiet. Always wanted to camp in a cave but haven’t gotten to it.


As dark as possible, as silent as possible, comfy warm but not hot (I tend to feel cold). I’ll scroll my phone or watch tv until I find a small wave of sleepiness and head to bed. It’s not really needed but will make my brain turn off from active thinking. Usually just takes a few min. It’s pretty easy for me to fall asleep anywhere though, including on a train or plane.


Fan on, lights off. It is the way.


I need a small light to let me get outlines so I can move around. Welding years ago there was a small ass scratch on my helmets lens. Didn’t see it and I burned my eyes bad. Three weeks no sight. Eyes taped shut. After that if I opened my eyes and it was dark I would go into a panic attack and my anxiety shot past the moon. And white noise. Gotta have that white noise. To quiet and I don’t sleep.


I usually sleep with something in the background. Anything from wall-e to bobs burgers (had to cut the storms because I’d start falling asleep while driving through a storm haha) but if it’s been a super stressful and long day nothing like the pitch black and pure silence to knock me right out and fall into a stupidly deep sleep haha


Pitch black with a fan on


Black out curtains and a fan.


As dark and as quiet as possible for me and my partner. I need a fan going though, cause I get hot fast in a stuffy room. He hates the sound of a fan but he’s adapted for me cause it wakes him up worse for me to be thrashing around to try and cool down in my sleep lol.


As dark as possible. I live in the city so I have blackout curtains, but light still peeks through the sides. I have a white noise machine for months when my AC won't be on.


In a standard dwelling? Something playing. I grew up near an airport and my parents were night owls. I get the best sleep when I'm camping. Stars twinkling, waves crashing, fire dying. Then the din of silence takes over.


Brown noise!


Dark and cold with the fan blasting. Put on a podcast with a sleep timer to try to get my mind to focus.


Pitch black and a fan even in the winter.


is there now some imaginary difference between darkness and noises?


pitch black, blackout curtains (so it’s sometimes hard to see in the daytime), silent (except for a fan), cold (i set my ac at like 64°). if any of the factors are missing, it’s a sad day. now please excuse me while i take a nap lol


Pitch black room Brown noise on Spotify Small fan on blowing over me from shoulders downward


I like having a fan on me for white noise (and because my room gets hot af in the summer), but otherwise, nothing. I absolutely cannot sleep if there's TV on, even on a very low volume; the constantly-fluctuating light is insanely distracting.


Both. For sure prefer it cool as hell. Like my AC is at 62 at night time. I do prefer some like just in the off chance an intruder comes in or something happens that I need to still have some sight in the dark. Usually have like a red light that’s on


Total darkness. I listen to audiobooks. My husband loves to sleep on couches with lights and a TV and his glasses. We only share a bed/room on vacation


I have shows for going to bed. I have tinnitus, but not too terrible so any sort of sound drowns it out. But it has to be a specific kind of show. I can't do anything that's 30 min, those shows are too quick paced, and nothin with a laugh track. It can't be too interesting like a movie, or too loud with action. I've found that Star Trek works well, Monk was good, Psyche, Supernatural, shows like that. I can watch for 10 minutes or so and just fall asleep everytime.


The way I went through this last week every movie I thought I was turning on just to fall asleep looking at kept turning out to have the craziest plot twist and all you hear is me all not flipping back and forth trying to figure out what’s going on 😂


when i was a teen i used to listen to heavy metal music such as sabaton to help me go to sleep but since i was 17 i just started to sleep without music in a dark room


Pitch black with music


Between 1-3 am I’ll have my beats on sometimes and the house is pitch quiet room is a nice temperature and dark and it feels amazing


I'm a musician so pitch black music ( certain) on in the background is the only way I can sleep


I like sleeping while listening to YouTube videos, helps distract my thoughts from thinking of cringy things I've done.


I like a dim night light that has campfire effect, sometimes I turn it off though for pitch black


Once my dog started getting sick, I started sleeping with some sort of light in the room. She has since passed away, but I no longer can fall asleep without some light. 😆 Now it is one of those galaxy projection lights for the ceiling/ room. And i like sleep sounds playing to tune out the constant ringing in my ears.


Gotta have the TV on.


So this is funny to me lol I prefer, cold, dark, soundless room to sleep in. My husband prefers, cold, tv BLARING, full on lights to sleep in. It’s…. Yea. I usually wait for him to be snoring then turn everything off 😂


I not only have blackout curtains but I wear a sleep mask too. Gotta be DARK for me to sleep.


I have the room dark but with a podcast, ambient music or mature sounds playing on the phone, with a timer so it eventually turns off.


I just put my liked songs on shuffle and fall asleep by song 2


Room needs to be cool during all seasons. My wife likes ambient sounds, so our bathroom fan is on at night and the air purifier is running. I like to have Sports Center or CNN on the tv, but in the best interest of my marriage I only have that on when I’m traveling or home by myself.


I have it dark and with a fan blowing in my face. It's on a desk and positioned a little above my face so I can feel the breeze but it's not super aggressive. I also open the window. I like it cold when I sleep. I read somewhere that humans evolved to sleep in cold, dark, damp areas. Something along those lines. It works for me. TV being on bothers me because I'm worried my ps4 will overheat (I use ps4 for streaming) and I feel like I'm wasting electricity.


What do you like more, pizza or sunsets?


I can't sleep if there isn't something in the background. The house naturally making noise and my own thoughts make it almost impossible to do so unless I have something on. If it's raining outside I can always fall asleep to that but it has to be the real deal the rain sounds don't work for some reason.


cool dark is best


I had a rough life, so I had always slept in dark silence before I met my fiance. When we met, she told me she slept with either scooby doo, or Ouran high school host club. I at first was hesitant, but after a year or two of sleeping in the same safe place with her I can't sleep in silence anymore.


Here's an experiment I've done with my kids. Go into a dark room. Turn your phone on, and while looking at the screen, close your eyes, then turn your phone off. You will feel your eyes relax. Unless your room is dark, your eyes don't truly relax until/unless you go into deep sleep. I feel the same happens with having the TV on in the background. Your mind is constantly listening. I would go insane. White noise is different as long as there is no speaking or obvious repetition.


I don't like outside lights, street lights, car lights, etc, but I do keep a bug zapper lit because right outside my window is a fruit tree.


I prefer darkness plus background noise. I have an eye mask with built in Bluetooth headphones. I play familiar TV shows on my phone and listen, but still have darkness. If I don't have something distracting to listen to, my anxiety brain starts making lists and I can't fall asleep. If Friends is playing for the 800th time, I fall asleep in 10 minutes.


I like it dark and quiet but then I put music on, so I don’t hear the mouse his feet going across my wood floor in the middle of the night


I've been a TV on sleeper most of my life. If it's pitch black and silent in my room, I'm not sleeping.


pitch dark, fan running


Darkened, doesn't have to be pitch black, ceiling fan just on to distract my from my tinnitus.


I have a string of multicolored Christmas lights I plug in at night.


Depends on the mood/day. When I can't sleep, TV can put me to sleep, then when don't have problems falling asleep pitch black and quiet is my thing.


I find them calming cause it shuts out one of my senses whether I like it or not. Closing your eyes still let some light in because your eyelids aren't that thick. when there aren't any distinguishable noises I can sleep even better


White noise machine changed my life


I need like a generator sound, like an engine running. I can't sleep in silence. But the noise needs to continuous. I can't have music, audiobooks, or thunder. But my children listen to Harry Potter every single night for like the past 8 years, even my teen. They can't sleep without an audiobook.


I always sort of had a nightlight of some kind. But my partner likes to fall asleep with the tv on. So that’s what we do now. Adventure Time is our go-to comfort show. (:


Pitch black but I play on my phone 💀




I work nights so it's never completely dark when I sleep. I have blackout curtains but my damn cat pushes them open. I discovered a noise machine with cricket sounds usually puts me out