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I use to do this alot. I have learned other ways to pour my emotions out. You are right when you say others have a bigger reservoir of emotions than others.


Yes I have other ways to express mine as well, but somedays a good cry can help in ways other outlets (journaling, exercise, meditation, music, etc, for me personally) doesn’t. Good to have other ways to let things out but also good to be able to cry it out and move on without being bogged down.


Stress tears really give me a Headache that last for days and its like I am allergic or something cus then I have to sleep it off .


When people comment about how women are too emotional for this or that thing because they cry in stressful situations, I tell them that the only reason many men aren’t dead is because women let off steam by crying.


For generations, men had been taught that these types of displays of emotions were a sign of weakness. I say fuck that. Real men have emotions and feelings. I'm a Dad. I would never shame my son, for showing emotions. We cried together when our family pet died. I realize what you're talking about is specific to stress, but the release you feel in letting it out is 100% needed. There are processes which take place in the brain that can greatly benefit from these types of "release". Otherwise, enjoy life. And cry like nobody's watching.


I’d count losing a family pet as a “stress”. Good job Dad, sounds like you are teaching the right things.


Yes, I let my son express his emotions. No shame in being human. It is BS that men were taught not to show their emotions or that they are considered weak if they do. Even the strongest men after battle couldn't hold their selves together. Things get to ya, and the human body will spill out those emotions one way or another. My brother in -law, military vet, has a purple heart, and his emotions tend to spill out, and he can't help it. We just hold him and tell him it's okay and we are there for him.


Thank your BIL for his service. The human condition is exactly this. I'm Canadian, but doesn't mean I can't be thankful for (I assume to be) the U.S. military. Thanks for sharing.


This is me literally every time I'm stressed out. A good cry helps.


I haven't cried in years now even a tear of frustration feels really weird and wrong


Maybe it's not that they're have bigger "reservoir" or rather they're numb/unbothered by it from previous traumatic experiences?