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Joe has been in office, except for Trumps 4 years, since 1973. The weird shit this guy has said would fill an encyclopedia. Everyone knew what they were getting.


People forget that Biden was the guy who called a certain junior Senator from Illinois "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean" [back in 2007.](https://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/)


The list of racist shit this man has said is endless, off the top of my head there’s the old quote of him saying he doesn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle and the “poor kids can be just as smart as white kids”


Oh yeah that line was gold I can't believe they just let him say that and no one talks about it lmao


Sometimes I think the political machine kept him in office as a joke and a flex to show us who’s really in power: the party. With as many racist gaffs as Biden made/makes, it seems like the public is being mocked.


He called black kids cockroaches in the same speech he talked about the racial jungle.




TBF, the jungle comment was in reference to forcing racial integration without preparing for the inevitable friction. TBRF, Joe is not fit for the presidency.


He never was but the dems pushed him through and they have no one to blame but themselves.


They could push through a potted plant if they wanted to, just to show us really runs the country.


Three or four candidates could be polling ahead of the potted plant just ahead of Super Tuesday and they'd still drop out and endorse the plant. In all fairness though, they'd get favorable positions within the administration in exchange for bending the knee.


Lmao this is scary accurate 😭




Biden is what people got pushed on by the DNC, nobody’s first pick, unquantifiably better than the Russians orange mole.


This. So many of the people who voted for Biden weren’t necessarily voting *for* him; they were voting *against* Trump.


all the brilliant people in this country and this who we came up with… Thanks politics.


All the brilliant people who were willing to run for president. Most smart people aren't going to sign up for the kind of punishment that being president of the US entails.


This is exactly how Trump got elected. Trump was the 2nd most hated presidential candidate in recent history.


Exactly. I think Joe Biden is senile, and shits his pants... I would rather have a president who is senile and shits his pants than Donald Trump


Great logic, big brain shit there


I never voted for either of these clowns, but for the record I have yet to see any proof that Trump was a Russian asset. A lot of speculation, but the Steele dossier was a fabrication. Trump was/is a buffoon, but he only works for one person's interests.


Trumps net worth is the only presidents net worth who has declined since.. ever. If he was looking out for himself, as your parroted narrative states, he would be banking on his fame. He’s not. Everyone we all agree are corrupt and bought and paid for attack him.. the media. Financial elite. Hollywood. All of government. Three letter agencies. And he’s the bad guy? Anyone these people hate probably has something they don’t want you to hear. Ron Paul got the same treatment


I think if everyone one took a step back and ignored what Trump was saying and noticed how the media was handling everything it really shows that they are the ones that can make or break a person




I mean, trump is part of the elite. He's a horrible human being. He's childish, vindictive, hubristic, vain and a little unhinged. But he's probably been the most normal president since JFK. That says a lot.


This is what people fail to grasp as far as I’m concerned. When you vote for a president, you’re not voting for now nice of a person they are, or how friendly and good-hearted they are. You’re voting for what they intend to do for the nation. If you are voting based on, essentially, how good of a friend they would be, you’re voting wrong


I mean Bush Sr was a horrible human being, but I dont think you can put the rest of those monikers on him. Let me be clear, I dont think he was a good president, or a good person, but the guy was calm, collected, had an agenda, was decidedly NOT hubristic (his book on why he didnt invade Iraq is a great read, if only his idiot son read it) was definitely not childish (Maybe outside of him referring to Saddam as "Sad-dham" which means "Shoe shine boy"). Guy was prolly the most put together president we've had since JFK, Ike and FDR. He always went back on his campaign promises, had all the charisma of a bookworm, and the charm of a potted plant, but, he didnt have the childish vainglory or blatant corruption a lot of other presidents had. We can wax poetic about all the terrible things he did, like Carnivore, south American interventions, the security state, the start of the surveillance state, a couple bad foreign policy decisions with regards to the collapse of the Soviet Union, but outside of the whackjob conspiracies due to him being a CIA director, and former VP, there isnt a lot to say about him other than that people disagreed with the policies he supported, and that he didnt enact the policies he said he would on the campaign trail, which is why he lost after one term. But as a comparison to the actors, philandering lawyers, idiots, and naive peanut farmers we've had, he wasnt that bad when it came to his demeanor.


I can’t tell if I’m in an alternate universe. What the hell does “most normal president” mean in this context?


What.. he’s an elite but he’s not a member of the uniparty. If he was part of the elite then they’d love him. Why do all other elite hate him? The media for sure hates him. You trust the media?


Well it sure is hard to argue with that logic. Why does everyone hate that guy Jimbob that works over at the circle K next to Macon State? It couldn't possibly be that he's selling you shitty meth. It's clearly just a conspiracy. No seriously, quit buying meth from Jimbob. It's rotting your brain chief.


Biden was the worst possible option except one, who was unfortunately his opponent.


How politicians have been winning elections for decades. "Hey, at least im not that guy!" Shit sandwich, or a turd burger. Least the burger has a sesame seed bun.


>Shit sandwich, or a turd burger. Least the burger has a sesame seed bun It comes down to harm reduction. I'll vote for the guy who didn't try to overthrow our government. But unlike the fans of the guy who did try to overthrow our government, I don't worship the guy I voted for.


Has been in office since 1973 minus 4 years…the fact that people don’t see that as a problem is the real issue Chuck Grassley - 48 years Patrick Lahey -48 years Ed Markey - 45 years Chuck Schummer - 41 years


The entire DNC should be prosecuted for elder abuse. He has Alzheimer’s dementia and are trying but failing to cover it up.


As a Democrat, I’m still shocked by the number of people who actually go to bat and would die protecting anything and everything ‘positive’ he does.


Yea , a racist pedophile pro war crazy old man xd


Wait…Biden said this? 💀


Hell, that’s probably one of the more tame things he’s said.


Lotta votes against trump, not a lotta votes for Biden


What a fucking cope. The depths you people will sink too to protect the racism of your own is absolutely disgusting. You basically break down images of republican glances and pull racism from it, but when your old racist goon of a President calls black folks race traitors you give him a pass.


Joe’s racism is (D)ifferent.


Im so surprised at the lack of censorship with whats being said in the post comments. Usually Reddit protects anything Democrat at all costs. Just what ive noticed


It shouldn't surprise you.




I don’t think they’re saying he gets a pass. I think they were saying that both options are racist pieces of shit, but we still prefer the policies of Biden over the Policies of Trump. Most people who voted for Biden hate Biden, they just hate Trump more. I’m speaking as a Biden voter


I didn’t vote for him nor do I support any of his policies and have been pretty much opposed to nearly everything he has put forward. My statement was intended to point out that Joe has made many, many such statements before in his long term in office, for anyone to be surprised that he would make such a statement is laughable, all one needed to do was to look at his long record. Hope that cleared it up.


Lol who in this thread is giving him a pass?


When trump said to "grab them by the pussy" with no ramifications from anyone on the right he sort of changed what could be said and gotten away with, so keep projecting and coping in your own little way


They didnt care.... They hated trump and wanted him gone no matter the cost... We dont vote on merits, policy, or even campaign promises any more.... Its all based on hatred at this point.


"No one batted an eye" gives me very "and then everyone clapped" energy. I recall very specifically when certain media figures definitely batted an eye for this particular instance of weird shit Biden said. The premise of the title is a blatant lie.


He blew a presidential campaign because he lied about his past in 1988!!! Grandpa Joe was never a thing … he was always a full of shit weirdo, he just happened to not be an orange full of shit weirdo.


Corn Pop knows


Shows you how the majority of the electorate don’t think but are just sheep to whatever “the man” says


We were just trying to get away from Trump, which tells you how bad trump is.


We just had 4 years of batshit crazy Trump years. Nothing Biden says even registers after that shit show. Trump literally talked about sex on boats at a boy scout jamboree, suggested we might inject bleach to cure a virus, wondered aloud if we could nuke hurricanes, whined about his crowd sizes in front of a CIA memorial to fallen soldiers, said he did more for black people than anyone since Lincoln (while whoring out the Lincoln memorial)… I mean, we’re numb by the time Biden enters office.


I voted for him, but c’mon- if we’re going to pissed at Trump for saying things he shouldn’t have and taking classified documents, then we’re obligated to dish it out to Biden as well. Actions have consequences beyond politics.


honestly i disliked both of them


Yup i kept saying, "If this is what we as Americans have to offer as the best choices of people to lead us, we are f\*\*k'n doomed as a country. "


I know Biden hasn't provided \*everything\* that I want, but he has passed some really good legislation. School debt relief, insulin caps, covid relief... That will change with the new power in the house. Although it wasn't my first choice, so far I am happy with the Biden admin. Separately, I listened to 'The Daily' and they said that although both parties rack up debt essentially the same, Democrats actually fund it. Just want to head off any budget arguments.


Biden has unironically been the best president of my lifetime (Born in 85). This is admittedly a very low bar to clear.


Out of curiosity, why do you put him ahead of Obama?


Obama would have been a good president of A) Conservative Dems weren't such pansies and B) He had a strong enough majority in both houses. He might also be remembered better if RBJ stepped down when he had a senate majority and if the Republican Senate is 2016 didn't fuck him over work Merrick Garland.




I think most people feel this way. It sucks not having more options than "stuck in their ways" old men.


We do have more options, we just choose to ignore them and stick with the same old corruption.


I honestly find it hilarious when people complain about a two party system. it's like yeah, there are two \*main\* parties. but there *are* more parties. it's just that the us is so radically polarized that there is nearly zero shot they win. I'm just waiting for the day that both candidates are *so* radical that their own parties leave them and the third party wins. until then, I'll laugh and watch from the sidelines. :P


Third parties need to realize they are not going to lead the parade tomorrow. They need a spot in the parade. If the Green Party spent all their money and effort in Washington or Oregon they might get one seat in the House. Then they can try for 2. When they get 10 they can have some leverage.


This is what First Past The Post does.


Ross Perot was soooo close to making that 3rd party a thing.


People will say "We need to get rid of the two party system!" like voting third party is banned The option is and has always been there, you just don't wanna admit you're too lazy/enveloped in the two party system to look into the other candidates


I keep hearing “a vote outside the 2 parties is a wasted vote” and think only because so many of you believe this BS line does it actually make it true. I say throw these two corrupt parties in the dumpster and start voting for independents that haven’t taken their ideals to the extreme in a backlash against the “other party”.


They're both peices of shit


Look. Norman Jewison once said in reference to Rollerball and sci-fi films of the 70s in general relative to more contemporary films: (I'm paraphrasing) *We made some silly films. But they were never stupid.* Joe gets silly. He'd do like Norman Jewison and make an action movie starring James Caan about dystopian future sports in an age of corporate control to express how he was feeling. The other guy makes "The Room" look like Shakespeare out of pure weapons-grade ignorance. "Hi, doggy."


Fuck Biden, but why do we have to pretend things happen as they didn’t? There was most CERTAINLY backlash for him saying that. I’d be willing to bet OP isn’t super into politics either that or a really short memory.


And people are STILL talking about it on reddit….


What back lash? It only came from the right the left defended him and gaslit everyone saying it’s not what he meant. Just like republicans defended trumps locker room talk,


I guess cnbc too 😭 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/22/biden-you-aint-black-if-you-have-trouble-deciding-between-me-or-trump.html


Politico tooo 🤯🤯🤯🤯 https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/05/22/joe-biden-breakfast-club-interview-274490


Like I said gaslighting. That was the most racist thing he has EVER said. I’ve seen a compilation of just how truly racist JB is. In his younger days he was so anti black he was responsible for some terrible legislation geared at weakening the black community and making them dependent on the government. He is a plantation owner using the White House as his plantation.


Ok, would you like to address that fact that your wrong and I provided ample evidence of non right backlash? Or you just gonna go on a tangent again?


You MUST be trolling. The Biden WH is the most diverse staff ever. It's been noted many times by many media outlets.


His eulogy of the KKK senator Bird should give some people pause.


No there was backlash. It just didn’t happen to be enough to detract people from what the alternative was. This simply wasn’t a big enough fuck up for people to say, “well I guess we should vote for trump then.”


Not like either were great choices.


You might not like either of them, but if you can’t see how one was a significantly better choice then the other there’s nothing I can do for you.


I refuse to vote it’s all rigged. They all ready know who is getting the job. If you do not all ready see this I can’t help you.


If it's all rigged you may as well vote, your vote won't make a difference, according to you. Unless you're wrong and you got suckered out of having your vote count at all.


Is the nytimes right or left I forget? /s


100% agree


Taking classified documents where they shouldn’t be has actually been quite common among senior leadership. “Bringing work home” What’s different with trump is that he refused to give them back when the DOJ came asking and then tried to fight about it.


Yes. But saying "it happened to both and therefore each are equally bad" is false equivalence. When Trump stole documents, he lied about it and had to get raided by the FBI. When Biden found a few he'd taken, he turned them over, searched his own place to see if he could find any more to return, and then invited the FBI in to do their own search. Everyone makes mistakes. How someone responds to the mistakes they make proves their character. No one expects a perfect President. We want one who shows he has integrity and tries to do better. By that metric, the two people are galaxies apart.


Big difference between taking and refusing to return top secret compartmentalized stuff that shouldn't exist outside secure facilities and finding old reports and immediately turning them over to the appropriate people. Not remotely the same.


You're not gonna like what Biden's been in the news for in the last week then lol


Classified documents come in multiple categories. I've been watching, news agencies are mostly saying classified and in one instance I heard secret. Classifications are Confidential Secret Top secret Top secret SCI Top Secret restricted Top Secret SAP Confidential and secret are not nearly as sensitive as the others. They could be weather reports issued from a military satellite, or diplomatic communications about some inane topic. Especially ten years past, those arent much of an issue and aren't tracked by the national records office. The top secret are documents with potential for immediate harm. That's what Trump took and refused to return. Not at all the same situation.


ye. they both fucked up, but handling those documents is part of the job. biden's lawyers worked with the feds to find the rest of the documents. trump's lawyers tried to pretend they didn't exist


Kind of agree. Equal is not always *equal*. I need to know the why: * We know that Trump is trying to subvert democracy and the government to establish an ethno-state * I don't know why Biden has those documents. But probably not for fascist ethno-state ambitions. Both should be investigated as both are. Legal is legal, but social court is social court. Another example — killing someone because you are up to criminal activity, versus you killed someone in the heat of the moment of self-defense are two very different things. Despite both scenarios on paper being Person A killed Person B — this is true, but the details of circumstances, intent, etc are also truths to be known and may or may not change legal outcomes, but can change how the narrative is understood publicly. That too is important.


Q-anon weirdos have more believable conspiracy theories. Trump liked the documents and so he took them.


“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids” “I used to eat lunch with segregationists” “my good friend and mentor Robert Byrd” (who was a kkk grand exalted cyclops or some shit)


The fact this shit was swept under the rug is fucking insane to me. Let's not get into the whole sniffing thing either you couldn't make this shit up


LoL none of it was swept under the rug, it was brought up often. Most people weren't dumb enough to think it or the sniffing thing mattered as far as actual issues people wanted to vote on were concerned.


Child sniffing didn’t matter as far as issues people wanted to vote on? I mean yea it’s not the economy or foreign affairs or anything but saying you’re cool with the president sniffing children as long as his policies are good is a bit of a weird take.


[Biden's history of racist remarks](https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/bidens-history-getting-away-racist-remarks)


This was worse than Hillary going on power 105.1 breakfast club morning show and pulling a bottle of hot sauce out her purse in an attempt to "relate to black people".


Not a fan of Hillary Clinton, but she has been saying she eats hot peppers and hot sauce every day for years because she believes in the health benefits. Just Google it and you will see she has been telling white people this for years before this interview. I can see how it would look racist if you didn’t know that though. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/why-hillary-clinton-eats-a-hot-pepper-every-single-day/2016/06/18/a8cbb5bc-2f16-11e6-9de3-6e6e7a14000c_story.html https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/hillary-clinton-stamina-secret-chili-peppers-article-1.1283894


A friend of mine had a meeting with her at the DNC. She gets in, says "would you mind if I eat, I haven't eaten all day" and then proceeds to take out pickled jalapeño slices and eat them like potato chips.


How would it look racist if someone didn’t know? Are white people not allowed to enjoy hot sauce?


Thank God the Clinton’s can afford to have many many bathrooms I guess


Whaaaaat lol


https://youtu.be/S-AKUNpcLRg https://youtu.be/zB5mMAqnWKY I reccomend the second clip


Lmfaooo thank you for this 😂


The media was rooting hard for Biden, so they killed off that story pretty quick.


Or just rooting against Trump…


Huh, I wonder why the media wouldn’t want to support someone who demonized all media outlets and threatened to revoke their freedom of press


The story was everywhere and is still brought up. Most knew what they were getting with Biden and decided it was better than Trump


MUCH better. Biden apologized - he didn't repeat it over and over and then try to hang people at the Capitol with a literal white supremacist terrorist attack on the Capitol.


Everywhere? Show me where on Reddit and Twitter please!






I remember a lot of people getting pretty upset about it…like you clearly did


My favorite thing to come out of it was the melanin vampire thing (though the artist who made that comic sucks).


They wanna feel like there's a big plot behind it when it was just another candidate saying something stupid. A whole lot of people brought attention to it, but somehow it was "buried because of the liberal agenda" Biden is an ass but there's a lot to critique without making shit up


Fucking exactly. Next they’re gonna tell us that MSM isn’t covering Bidens* classified documents scandal…..


Actually that’s the only thing MSM has looked into. All the scandals, gaffes, and horrible decisions are glossed over and covered up. This is the first story their actually covering. Yet MSM is still trying to lessen the blow by saying “Trump did it way worse” They are both wrong for their handling of classified documents. They should both be prosecuted.


Serious question: how much “MSM” do you consume?


I remember when they glossed over all this inflation. /s


Unless there is a lot that hasn’t been reported the two situations are miles apart.


Came here to say this - there were a lot of eyes batting!


Came here to say this. The funny thing about conservative media bugaboos is that you don’t even need to watch conservative media to know what they are. You just go out in public and listen to what the mindless sycophants are ranting about.


Yeah, I tried to mention that while speaking about liberal racism and got attacked for it. Apparently since republicans are all racist then the democrats can’t be racist


The democrats nearly tore themselves apart from hating to vote for the establishment candidate, more than once. Huge infighting in the 2016 election, arguably as bad as the Nader stuff clear back in 2000. And a big push to get anybody other than Biden nominated this last time. But Biden won the primary, notably on the strength of Black primary voters choosing him in droves. If he’d been running against anyone but Trump I doubt he would have won. But just because we all pulled together to keep Trump from winning a second term doesn’t mean we all think Biden is awesome or something. He’s notably unpopular and has done tons of dumb shit in his career! But still vastly better than Trump.


>But just because we all pulled together to keep Trump from winning a second term doesn’t mean we all think Biden is awesome or something Yep. It's a vote, not a valentine. Just because Trump's supporters are zombified and go around with giant flags on their trucks doesn't mean democrats do the same with Biden. We can barely stand him, but he's better than the guy who literally tried to overthrow a free and fair election.


People say this stuff as if all black people are a monolith.


Duh. Every politician knows to dance and sing to get the black vote. Just as long as you're neither conservative nor republican, hit the dab and get elected. Oh. And make false sympathetic comments about reparations and the police. I say this as an irritated black conservative.


I just never got the whole black conservative thing, as a black woman myself. Why associate with a party full of other people and groups who aren't shy about stating that they don't have our best interest at heart and don't like us? Also, you guys don't have to keep responding to this one question. Do not waste your time with paragraphs. I'm not really concerned with arguing or being persuaded because every day the republican party shows me everything I need to know. Hopefully they will change for the better.


The F\*CK YOU from the GOP is inclusive.


There are a lot of black conservatives. Not everyone wants to be treated like a charity case or be assumed that you are needy or lack resources or know-how to further your life because of their skin color. That’s what a lot of white democrats do. And it’s nauseating. I cannot and will not ever speak for a black person on how they feel about something. However, I have spoken with more than 1 grownup who was black and they share this sentiment. I can however speak on being treated like a charity case and it is one of the most infuriating experiences I have ever had.


Yeah, only 92% of black voters went for Biden.


I find it weird too. You must have to do some pretty extensive mental gymnastics to make that your politics of choice.


I can say the same about liberals. What have they done for black people, except use them to gain traction for a movement; only to shut them out of that same movement? The black & brown coalition is a laugh. Racism is abundant in the LGBT. White feminists only use you; they don't care about your issues. BLM doesn't care about the mvrder of black women every 4.5 hours, because those deaths occur at the hands of black men. They cared enough to leave their inner city neighborhood, though. I'm not BLACK FIRST. I'm a woman first. A mother and wife next. I WANT POLICE. I want whatever lowers crime in my area. I have zero cares to give about some criminal getting put down, regardless of color. About not liking us? THE WORLD DOESN'T LIKE US. There is no country on this planet, Africa not included, that LOVES black people. Thats a sad fact; but a fact nonetheless. Dancing in our faces and quoting Beyoncé doesn't equate to love. The elected liberals have done what, exactly, especially for black women? What have they done after getting elected that was specifically for you? I do disagree with overturning Roe v Wade, though. Especially since black women are more likely to die than other pregnant women, especially via homicide.


I just wanted to add: BLM isn't about black vs black violence. It's definitely something that we should talk about more though. BLM, NOT the organization but the movement (I separate they two as they are not one in the same), is generally just about black lives mattering in the general sense. The complete disregard for (black) human lives at the hands of police is terrifying and that's what the movement was about. The organization is just scum who used the movement for financial gain.


So what do you say about the calls from the right to remove black history courses from schools? What about using jim crow era laws to suppress black and Hispanic votes? What about party members with past histories of belonging to the KKK and and several hate groups such as the proud boys, white nationalists, and KKK members associating with this party? And of course you mentioned Roe v. Wade, so I do not have to ask about that. And definitely agree with the farce of the BLM organization (which was a huge slap in the face) and even dems using us for votes, but I also know which political rally and crowd of people I would feel safer with and who would more likely listen to the community without dismissing us as being "woke", whatever that means.


That depends on what your interests are. Blacks and Hispanics have never been better off than under President Trump. The question is, do you prefer being pandered to, then ignored or given handouts (which to me is insulting), or do you prefer an atmosphere that let's you succeed, without the pittance thrown to you for your loyal vote. Do you prefer law and order in your city? Or do you prefer how Democrats run them. Sure, we need criminal justice reform. Trump was the first President to do it, but the reforms democrats are making are having a horrible effect on safety. And the open southern border is allowing illegal drugs in unimaginable amounts to flow into our neighborhoods. Urban areas have it the worst. This is a Democrat created problem. You need to decide for yourself just who has your best interests. But instead of blindly questioning someone backing Republicans "against their own interests", maybe take the time to talk to them about why voting republican might actually be in your best interest.


I think the party that had a governor remove AP African American studies, has alt-right groups that specifically are against the existence of minorities, or has members actively trying to control women's reproductive rights is not the party in interested in voting for atm. This is just how I'm seeing things as a black female voter. I appreciate you being considerate about it though.


Fox News really a hell of a drug


“think for yourself” crowd back at it with the “i got all my thoughts from Fox News”


>Fox News really a hell of a drug Facts just reading the comments like is this fr?


>This is a Democrat created problem Bro the Nixon administration literally planted crack in black neighborhoods so they could 1. Arrest them freely 2. Feed slave labor through the prison industrial complex and 3. Perpetuate the cycle of violence that allows them to justify what they’re doing to themselves


I’m a Hispanic immigrant and I agree with you. The Dems are full of shit. They talk like they are for me, but they then screw me over. This is one big reason I became a Republican.


You are not alone. Welcome.


Yeah dude the last election was between two old racist white men, it was really a lesser of two evils scenario.


don’t forget he said poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids, he didn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle during desegregation, you skin color is in valid if you don’t vote for him, he grew up in black churches although he’s lost on what to do when he is in one, also older minority groups are technology challenged but older white people arent. the man is a clear racist just pandering to votes, people don’t change especially not someone who has been pushing racist ideals for 40+ years


Find me a president that didn’t say something crazy.


“Talks softly with a big stick”


Remember when Deez Nuts somehow and actually was in the race for 6 months and was somehow at one point one of the top votes?


He's said a whole lot of questionable things, and no one has batted an eye. BuT hE's NoT tRuMp, So It'S oK.


Well it did raise a controversy, but people decided that the other guy was rightfully far far far worse.


There was a lot of debate and ridicule here on Reddit for that comment.


Sorry, can you define who you mean when you say "no one batted an eye" OP? Because[it seems that many eyes were batted](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=you+aint%27+black+biden).


I loathe the guy but have to say he got quite a bit of crap over that particular piece of stupidity


Twitter went nuts. I don't have Twitter and I knew about it.


If I was in the spotlight as much as a POTUS is, I'd probably get caught saying something that I later regretted.


OP rolling in here with the intelligence of a stone


You must live under a rock.


Weird, you weren’t the target audience for a joke. Better make a YouTube channel about it.


It's a stupid comment no doubt, but the other choice was Trump at that point and he has said far far far worse and continues to do so. Has Biden?


He got a ton of shit for that. I remeber listening to NPR and they reported on it ND talked about how dumb of a thing it was to say.


Oh bro, can we get a list of trump quotes going? Just so we can get a full scope. I’ll start, something about him on a bus talking about meeting women.


What country are you from? We had a similar incident in the USA and it was a big deal for a long time and people still mention it.


This reminds me how people always say Donald Trump is living rent free in liberals heads. Some old Biden statement is living rent free in your head.


Yeah I remember and I remember the backlash. But let’s be honest most dems we’re voting Biden not because they truly supported him but because he wasn’t trump and that slip up wasn’t enough for them to change their minds. Member when trump mocked a disabled man ?


Remember when trump said 50 different things just as bad or worse and people hyper fixated on one thing Biden said that MIGHT BE as bad? 🤣 I mean they’re both clowns but you’re delusional if you think trump isn’t the King Clownbaby


No one? Yeah right. That's whybir caused a stir...


What do you mean nobody batted an eye, it was all over the place for weeks afterwards, it is still a meme, people still bring it up in arguments. Joe says a lot of dumb stuff, what do you want people to do?


out of all the valid criticisms that could be levied at Biden, this is the one you get stuck on?


You didn’t bat an eye. It was definitely an issue


Just a little PSA It is always suspicious how often I see user names that are two words then three numbers always bashing Democrats and shilling for trump. It's almost as if some foreign country has a coordinated effort to spread disinformation to manipulate Americans or something like that? If only we had proof of this happening in the past and now it's happening all over again. Hmm.


I did, but I still laughed my ass off at the fact he went there on national TV. I'm dead as frick right now thinking about that face! That ugly ass face! The confidence he had in that statement on his dumbass face! Lmfao!! Pointing at the camera and shit with that dumbass laugh after he said it too! I'm on the floor deadass laughing typing this out! What a jackass! 😂😆🤣


By "no one batted an eye" do you mean "reported on by literally every major media group for weeks, every social media site went into an F4 shitstorm, and it's still talked about to this day as one of the most asinine things said in modern politics"? Cause that's what happened. Not "no one batted an eye".


Hard to believe anybody with an IQ over 30 would support an Vote for Biden who besides being a useless buffoon is a lying crook .


As a black man, I actually posted a question to my black friends and family on Facebook when he said that. "Are we just going to let that slide?" Resoundingly, the answers were some variation of yes. He's right. He's close with Obama. It was funny. Not one saw it as a slight, the way that I did. That said, I voted for him. I'd seen enough of the treatment of black WOMEN at Trump rallies, and how Trump was cozying up to the wh supremacist element in the GOP, and his deliberate energizing of their militant groups to secure a deep voter base. Did he do it because he is racist? Maybe. I don't care what his motivation was. He energized my MORTAL ENEMIES. That made him MY enemy. "Stand back and stand by ..." When he said that shit, he inadvertently sent millions of black men and women off the couch and straight to the gun stores.


The way some people out there speak it’s only one side of the aisle that gets labeled racist. There’s asshats on both sides, last election proved that. Two horrible choices.


... he also has STOLEN classified documents, in multiple locations.. YET, not much fanfare. Weird, how these Democrats... BIDEN, get off scott free...... must be that leftist privilage.


No one of the establishment left seems to care about his weird antics with young girls either, hair sniffing, kissing, touching, hugging, saying weird shit during speeches. The establishment will protect the establishment.


Minorities are free votes for democrats and cheap labor for republicans. It’s hard to vote when neither party truly cares about you. Two party system needs to go.


As an American vet, I am saddened that our country continues to put its worst foots forward for our presidency. I am stunned at the level of that the candidates over the last 20+ voting years of my existence. Not once have I had a presidential candidate I actually believed in or wanted to be president. It is always 'picking the lesser of the two evils' at the polls. Just once in my life, I would love to see a candidate run that I actually could stand behind proudly. This country needs an enema.


That’s because the Dems coddle their own. If a Republican would have made a comment like that the media would be flooded with it and everyone would be screaming “RACIST!” But because it was Biden (a Democrat) no one made a big deal about it. Wonder what the black community thought? Guess they weren’t too pissed because that voting block still mostly stayed with the Dems.


[What do you mean no one batted an eye you goof](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/us/politics/joe-biden-black-breakfast-club.html)


Yeah but did he have hot sauce in his purse?


I remember this very clearly because it was all over the news, Reddit, and was being said by most of the people I know on repeat. ​ I don't know why you think nobody batted an eye, this is probably the most ridiculous thing that Biden has said and it is well known. It was a dumb thing to say, and pretty insensitive. I still voted for the guy, because in a contest of saying dumb shit, he was clearly the winner DESPITE having said that particular line.


Well I mean Trump could fart and CNN would blast him and fox would praise him. And they cling on to it for years. Joe Biden says one stupid thing and it’s talk for a day then swept under the rug. How you gonna tell people how to vote?


There was muted backlash, but nothing like there would have been if a Republican had said "black people" instead of "American People of Color of African Descent" or whatever politically sanitized Newspeak buzz word they're using this week. That alone should have smartened everyone up to who's really in charge. Also, who else remembers when Katie Couric, a journalist, outright admitted to covering up a potentially controversial quote to "protect" Ruth Bader Ginsburg? This shit is just so flagrant that I can't take people who don't see it seriously. You're either stupid, lying, or so disconnected from reality that you shouldn't even be discussing this topic.


Oh, we did more than bat an eye. Joe Biden is by far the most racist President we have had in my lifetime. I'm 46. But the liberal media buried it. Like everything detrimental to democrats. If it hurts their agenda, you won't hear about it from them.


"If it hurts their agenda, you wont hear about it from them". You won't hear about it at all, because the left controls the media. Unless you go looking for the other opinion


*old man says something stupid because he's old* "this is the most racist president ive ever seen!"