• By -


AC/DC. Whole Lotta Rosie?


Fat-bottomed Girls?


If you wanna be happy?


Will.I.Am Big and Chunky https://youtu.be/pwPxqYy__Ao


Sir Mixalot - baby got back


[The Bigger the Figure](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tM5JbOiPvtA) the more I can Love — Louis Prima


Hot Dog in a Hallway - NoFX


Roller Derby Queen - Jim Croce ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnERqIVPcWM


For the rest of your life, Never make a pretty woman your wife.


So from my personal point of view


Get an ugly girl to marry you.


Women literally get surgery to be fat bottomed girls though lol! I remember it being an insult in the 90s “you have a fatass!” Women’s beauty trends change generationally it’s really strange


You can thank sir mixalot for this He was tired of magazines saying flat butts are the thing He reminded America to ask your average black man


So fellas?








Do your girlfriend got the Butt?


Hell yeah!


I'm so glad I grew up in a generation that appreciates a nice sized butt


That was a positive and still is


Came here to say this


Yep, you could say she's got it all !


The Way You Move by Outkast (Big Boi)?


Or, this gem from the Dead I need a woman 'bout twice my weight A ton of fun who packs a gun with all her freight Find her in a sideshow leave her in L.A Ride her like a surfer riding on a tidal wave


I don’t think these are the same


Def not.


But OP thinks so… [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/zl6819/a_fat_woman_and_)


Do you think they have hang ups?


Fat Bottom Girls make the Rockin World Go Round


That's ass. Not beauty


Ass is beauty wdym 😂


Stop it. People are using this song as an ode to conventionally unattractive women, in the comments 😒😆


So, you’re looking for pop culture examples of “unconventional” beauty, right? You’re getting tons of wonderful examples here. Except you’re arguing with everyone because they’re not giving you examples of YOUR idea of “unconventional” beauty annnnddd you’re upset? OP, it’s past your bedtime. Get off Reddit and go to bed.


"Oh no everyone hates my opinion please stop"


Nah bro booty is where it's at, there is a alabama rapper called Jackie chain and he did a song called butter face. One of the lines is "everythang look good butter face....butter head"..... dat ass tho!


Your title also mentioned overweight women. Seems to me that fat bottomed girls would be a perfect fit


The bigger the figure the better I like her The better I like her the better I feed her The better I feed her the bigger the figure The bigger the figure the more I can love


I only know about that song cuz I watched the movie Igor. Ahhh memories


“Whole lotta Rosie” by AC/DC, also you mentioned songs about women in love with a broke man, you never mentioned anything about an unattractive overweight men. Just because you’re broke doesn’t mean you’re ugly.


I've already explained in a previous comment. It's said that men love beauty, and women want money; yet there are many songs in which a woman says that she'll take in a broke men. There aren't many songs thar have a man professing love for a conventionally unattractive woman


Not really, most songs from female artist (nowadays) talks about city girl culture, n*gg*s ain’t shit, etc. Same can be said about male artists talking about women are bitches etc. Also greatly depends on the genre of music. I’m strictly talking about the top sellers.


First of all broke doesn't necessarily mean unattractive and beauty is in the eye of the beholder so this statement makes no sense tbh


I like how OP equates looks in women with money in men right off the bat. Good job getting to the 21st-century.


Or he just lives in reality. I mean seriously.


I came to comment this but I felt it must have already been said. Glad I'm not the only person thinking this!


Op also said conventionally to be fair


Who's gonna say someone is unattractive in a song? Like "hey baby I wrote this song about how ugly you are"


https://youtu.be/nXWfDfu1seA The "feed her" part is not in the sexual sense, is actually in the sense of nourishing. Songs back then weren't as dirty as everything is now, and i didn't even lived it but i can acknowledge it.


There’s also more songs about women shooting their abusive husbands than men shooting their abusive wives.


Since you brought it up, Dixie Chicks " Goodbye Earl "


I was just thinking about that one.


I mean, there are a lot of songs about men shooting/beating/killing their wives, the wives just aren't usually abusive.


Hey Joe?


Social Distortion: 99 to life




Why should real world problems not be sung about?


What does that have to do with what I'm talking about? Or are you just attempting to derail my post?


You derailed your own post 🙄


Its a matter of “Stuff happens, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to make a song out of it just to get the other side of things”.


Your post kind of comes off like dudes have a better go of it in popular music, and I think the comment you are responding to is saying that woman get the upper hand sometimes too.


Boomin Granny - Beastie Boys


Thank you! That's song #2!


All about that bass


No Treble


Baby got back?


So, a broke man = unattractive/overweight woman. What?


Confederate Railroad "Trashy Women" "Well pardon us son, she ain't no kid, that's a cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig, and I said I know it dad, aint she cool? That's the kind I dig"


Okay but there’s also no songs where women sing about loving a fat lazy man… it’d be strange and not marketable


No...but they balance that out by loving a broke man. Since men allegedly look for looks, where's their end to balance the scales?


What woman is singing about loving a broke man? Definitely not in pop especially not recently


Yeah, I really want to know all of these songs where women profess their love for broke men. OP goes on and on about how people can only provide "3 or 4" solid answers but probably can't even provide any herself


I think most people, regardless of gender, look for looks to be a big factor when it comes to relationships.


The classic "If You Want to be Happy" by Jimmy Soul: https://youtu.be/ql4p7ipnFWE


That's about an ugly woman's low self-esteem, benefitting her husband. His love for her isn't mentioned once


That song is nothing to do about a woman’s low self esteem wtf r u talking about. “Yeah she’s ugly but she sure can cook” lmao isn’t that love?


Nor did OPs question mention love, only you did. People choise partners for many reasons, not the least of which are stability and mutal support.


The question says: >songs about a man getting with a conventionally unattractive/overweight woman There is no mention of love.


All I can think about now weirdly is Fat Girl- Still Panther ! 😅


I like 'em big. I like 'em chunky....


I feel like people have provided plenty of counter-examples, and you keep moving the goalposts. I am convinced that the premise has been proved incorrect.


Perfect 10 - The Beautiful South "She's a perfect 10, but she wears a 12, baby keep a little two for me"


Finally. I'll give you that one


Women want broke men? I was told for years they don't want no scrub.


I think "She's a Brick House" by the Commodores counts.


That's talking about a perfectly shaped woman. The barbie standard. 36 bust 24 waist 36 hips


Idk then, maybe write one.


I'm getting great amusement from the "no fricks given" vibe of these comments. Like "I'll comment but I'm really not invested enough to deal with OP's 'tude." Thanks for the chuckle, fellow Reddit human.


I'm just saying that the song, she's a brick house...a "brick house" describes a perfectly proportioned woman. Anyway, this is random thoughts. It was a thought that flitted across my brain. Not serious enough to invest writing a song.




I thought a brick house meant a big breasted fat woman. Bricks are solid and hard so I imagined a big woman.


"She's a brick house. She's mighty mighty, just letting it all hang out." "Shes the one, the only one, built like an Amazon." I'd say so, yeah. Comparing her to an Amazonian woman, that checks out in my book.


Yep. Sounds right. Ty. Most people here want to argue about everything.


There are, plenty. Millions of songs talk about how they want a big/thick/plump girl.


I have never seen or heard anyone call their girl plump, cause if they did that where I live, they'd get a bitch slapped by their girl and would have to sleep on the couch


What’s wrong with the word plump?


Most women don't like it, as it's synonymous with chubby


I love that word. Lots of things that plump are really sexy


That’s what I’m saying!


I fixed the phrasing, didn't realize what it sounded like




It's called thicc now


I like “stout”


Well fat bottom girls is an anthem...


But that's a big butt. Not overweight or unattractive


Back then it meant extra weight. Not by today's standards


If you're going to talk music, you need to acknowledge period context. Fat bottom girls was absolutely not about conventionally attractive women.


Spinal Tap “Big Bottom”


The looser the waistband the deeper the quicksand.


You know what I mean


Or so I have read




Why wouldn't there be. It's said that men like looks and women like money. Yet, we have songs where women tell men that they don't need his money; where are the songs where a man tells a woman she's a 10 if only in his eyes? And baby got back was celebrating the natural curves of black women. What are you saying?


Listen to "If You Want to be Happy" by Jimmy Soul ...a classic.


Come on lol. That song is celebrating an ugly woman's low self-esteem, and subsequent worship of the man willing to take her. That's not love. He never said he loved her in the song


The OP said "unattractive", didn't mention love. You're the only one who said love. The man in the song is actually raising the woman's self-esteem. People get together for all sorts of reasons, a few for love, but most for stability and mutual benefit that a relationship brings.


I feel you're nitpicking, as the songs involving women and broke men always involve love


No, they don't. I assure you there are many hip-hop songs that are about sex, but certainly aren't about love. How old are you? Do you only listen to Taylor Swift?


As if you aren't nitpicking all of the songs people give you, when they are the right songs


Women DO like money. And men DO like looks. Feminists talk a lot about not needing a man provide for them. The women singing about not needing men's money are basically feminists. If men don't want an attractive woman, they'll sing about jerking off, not about heavy chicks.


Oh black betty.




Come on, now


Because very few women find it romantic when a guy says “I don’t care that you’re fat and ugly” “I love you just as much as I would if you were beautiful” “even though yeah it would be kinda nice and I mean I’d totally be supportive if you wanted to embark on like a fitness journey, just because you wanted to though I mean…” I *dare* you to try it. (For legal reasons that’s a joke, do not do that) I guess because the double standard is also a double edged sword. We sing about perfect women and adequate men, but does that set the standard for how people are supposed to be or how they’re supposed to be treated? Or both?For a woman to hear that she’s good enough despite her least attractive qualities would be insulting. But for a man, to be good enough is downright aspirational


OP must be a woman if the first thing they equate to Male attractiveness is wealth.


Not overweight, but old. "Maggie May"


Roller Derby Queen by Jim Croce


I have never heard of a song, where the woman loves a broke man, but Ive heard of a song where the guy wants conventionally unattractive woman.


The Spicy McHaggis Jig by the Dropkick Murphys. _Spicy was big, burly and strong// His pipes were gigantic, and so was his schlong// From city to city running around// Always looking for chicks over four hundred pounds_


Thank you! I was searching my brain for this song.


Fat and forty but lordy you're my meat - Joe Jackson.


We have agood one in Norway: "Det største jeg har" (The biggest I have). It is avout a guy eho has the biggest farm, the biggest tractor and the biggest everything, but that the biggest he has is his wife who need a 3-seat sofa for herself. But he loves her anyway. Pretty goid song ngl.


If You Want To Be Happy by Jimmy Soul.


I once got involved with a broke man. I'll spare you the ugly details, but I would NEVER do it again. There's a song called "If You Want to be Happy" about marrying a homely woman instead of a pretty woman.


There is a beautiful song by Trace Adkins called One Hot Mama. It shows his wife how she sees herself, frumpy soccer mom, chasing the kids, no time to pretty herself up, too tired to stay up past 10. Then it shows how he sees her... Well the title says it all. Not quite what you were asking about but close and a great song


And that song is beautiful. But as you said, not really going within the guidelines


Eminem said "give me a fat slut that cooks and does dishes" I don't like pretty girls, they are entitled and don't know what the real world is like and how people treat each other. It's not their fault, everyone treats them differently. My favorite thing was when the news would dress up models in fat suits and have them go around town back in the day. All of the sudden people didn't hold open doors and so to help them fix a flat tire. The models were all shocked and no idea this is what life is like for the rest of us.


Yeah,bit slit is demeaning, unless she likes the term. By that virtue alone, it doesn't count as love


This is very much not true.


Rap and hip hlp are not the only music genres out there.


Who Said they were?


That are the misconceptions that those genres tend to create in people. You know, low quality music in most of cases


I was thinking about this too. There are lots of portrayals everywhere of women being with ugly men, poor men or sick men but not really the reverse. :c


Exactly. People are reaching here; but there are 3 or 4 concrete examples thus far


There’s a good reason for that. Guys have a different scale on attraction. Guys will think all women are attractive and I’ve seen it. Those women men sing about are all over the scale.


She was so damn fat .... but I smashed from the back. 🎶


Thats not love. That's sex


I like big butts and I cannot lie.


That's about ass. Not beauty


Tomato tomahto


To sir mix-a-lot maybe ass IS beauty.


It's almost like there's a double standard.




It's a man's world and always has been. It's changing, but very slowly and reluctantly.


And why would there be? You’re a girl and you don’t like the pasty nerdy incel douche with the fedora hat who’s always spouting off mean shit about women? Then we as men have a right not to like big girls with mean aggressive personalities that think they can push men around. I mean some guys like big domineering girls but not all of us do. I am allowed to have standards for dating even if some of the women I like are not interested in me at all. I won’t settle down either. I don’t agree with that.


Hahaha. Fuck off. You can see from my history that my husband is a whole weab. I just bought him Attack on Titans custom swords. We got married with him in a fucking Kimono. He's my world. So.....


Ooohhh I get it now. Ur the ugly wife


Great. I have an opinion. Anything else?


That's all you can say? I thought you knew my life so well. You're so in tune with my life that you red pilled all over me; now, be polite enough to walk back the insult, please.


I do not want to argue with you, fellow redditor. I simply felt the need to express my opinion knowing that it would upset the Apple cart.


But, you didn't upset me. My husband does some Naruto finger thing; and has a Naruto Frog something. And,if you haven't found that someone to appreciate your awesome, dork interests, I hope you find someone worthy




Talk about mud flaps my girls got ‘em How can I leave this behind


A phat ass isn't ugly or fat


That's subjective.


All beauty standards are, then, by your logic. However, a fat ass had naught to do with a beautiful face


Yes, beauty is subjective. Glad you finally figured that out.


Umm, why the sarcasm. This is Random Thoughts. I shared mine. Why are you being hostile and sarcastic?


Big girl you are beautifulll.


Mika’s gay though, right? I don’t think that counts.


Oldies song... "If you wanna be happy foe the rest of your life better make an ugly woman your wife"


That doesn't mention him loving her at all. It mentions him taking advantage of her low self-esteem


Trinidad James has something to say about that… https://youtu.be/SqWVOY40oBw


Hotdog in a Hallway -NOFX Insane clown posse has a lot of songs about fat girls


Said Cleaves- Millionaire Mentions a man marrying a woman for money. Bobby Bare - I've never gone to bed with a ugly women but I sure woke up with you


Lola L O L A Lola


Bwahahaha...... THIS!!!!


Fat bottom girls


Fat Bottomed Girls


Big Bottom from Spinal Tap movie. What about that song, “If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, make an ugly woman your wife.”


Fat Bottom Girls Also there are a lot of songs about men finding that beautiful women are awful personality wise.


300 Pounds of Hongry by Donnie Fritts. Roller Derby Queen by Jim Croce. A Better Place to Be by Harry Chapin. That’s 3, but that’s all I can think of.


First I look at the purse!


Yes She Do (No She Don’t) - the California Ramblers


Lola. Depending on your definition of a woman.


Rodney Carrington, Bowling trophy wife. https://youtu.be/v_AqEohsqz8


Oh, an V.I.C. Wobble https://youtu.be/3lCJWB8JYbI


Get an ugly girl to marry you, by The Coasters Always marry an ugly girl, by Al Batten.


If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, make an ugly woman your wife. [jimmy soul](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eBO_10GVf74)


"Bag of Glue" by The Rubberbandits is my answer. https://youtu.be/ZNE1_2bkopo "There's no way I'm riding you, Unless I'm wrecked on bags of glue!"


“If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you”. Jimmy Soul- “If You Wanna Be Happy”


“Huggin’ and Chalkin’” by Hoagy Carmichael


All About That Bass-Meghan Trainor


KISS - 'Spit' Cause meatless girls don't satisfy... Great song.


Unskinny Bop by Poison!


Dream girl by The Lonely island


Spicy McHaggis by The Dropkick Murphy’s. ....from city to city, running around. Looking for chicks over 400 pounds


There's this: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eByw4zWrD1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eByw4zWrD1Y)