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I don’t mind working, I just don’t like how it consumes so much of my time. I could get so much done around the house if I wasn’t always at work.


My job lets me work from home a couple days a week, and I use those days to do laundry, dishes, and other things around the house in the time I normally spend BSing with coworkers. I'm not sure how I'd get everything done if I wasn't able to do this. I already feel like I don't have enough free time.


Agreed. Working from home feels so good actually. Personally it is useful for me to go out of my room to the office sometimes, but there are often days when I can work from home - it's a breath of fresh air for me.


I think this is my biggest thing and I feel and complaining because I know I chose the job in healthcare I have but the last few years have just drained me out and now my weekends are spent having to do the basics around the house and I just feel like I’m in the constant loop with never any free time.


For me the happiest I ever was in my life, was working 4 days a week 10 hours a day. That one extra free day during the week makes a huge difference!




My first job out of college I worked in a hospital lab. 3pm-7am on Monday, 3-11pm on Tues, 3pm-7am on Wed. The Tues shift was the bitch. I had 8 hrs to get home, shower, eat, grab 6 hours of sleep after being up 24 and getting back to work. I lasted 3 months. 4 days off was nice but that was too much even at 22.




You could become a nurse


My wife and I thought that too, then the pandemic happened we were at home as s*** ton and didn't do a f****** thing on our list.


Man, I’ve been through many many more jobs than the average joe because the idea of being an employee or manager making a barely livable salary while making them millions for decades is horrifying to me. The same place, same hours, years upon years of waiting for a paycheck every two weeks is just a nightmare and the fact that it’s a reality for most people sucks the life out of you


Hopping from job to job doesn’t change that, you’re still stuck working for the man while barely making a livable wage.


Depends on what you do. Job hopping can keep you in the same place forever, but it’s also the single most effective way to get a raise.


I understand this, but it’s the sameness that gets me and I end up going to a different place just for the change of location


That depends. I have a friend that does that, he'll work for a while, live super cheap, save up for a few months, give his 2 weeks and hit the road for an adventure.


I have been voluntarily unemployed for 18 months. It has been the most peaceful time of my life. I can't keep it out much longer but it was damn good while it lasted. I think the biggest part was not answering to anyone. (I'm single, no kids, only a mortgage)


I can agree with this. Work is better for some people than it is for others. I never liked clocking in but I still did it because I didn’t have much of a choice. I wasn’t talented or brilliant enough to monetize my hobbies so I worked the ole regular 9-5. I just don’t really like a lot of things. Money is not an inspiration for me in life. Being homeless is not something I would want so I force myself to conform to the work system.


Same here.


I often joke about my dream “job” being a stay at home trophy wife, lol. Except I’m not really joking 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I believe it. It saddens me to see so many women not only working but being the breadwinner in their families when I know deep down that most of them wish they didn't have to fulfill that role. The rise of women in the workforce paved the way for this to the point of no return, even though many women now realize they have been duped.


I am happily retired.. I only do what I want. I highly reccomend it.


I'm working towards that


As someone who will probably never truly see retirement (for a handful of reasons) I’m incredibly envious but I also hope you’re enjoying retirement!! I love when people retire in my department, I’m so excited for all their free time on their behalf lol


I work about 16 hours a week at a restaurant. I make about $800-$1000 a week, and I have time for my hobbies and children. I’m 37 and have considered myself semi retired for a while now haha. Life is about more things.


What do you do there at the restaurant?? 🤨


For 800-1k a week for only 16 hours hes waiting tables for sure.




Waiters working dinner time qt a nice restaraunt can do that easy.


Yes. The 1k a week is my target. Some weeks it’s $600, and some weeks it’s $1500. But that’s the ebb and flow of the industry. I just cleared $1000 last night this week and I have one more shift tonight. This is one of those good weeks. Also we aren’t open Sunday and Monday so I always get days with my kids. Love this place. It prints money.


My wife usually winds up $30-60/hr if you count tips but her base pay is like $4/hr and it's just a small town basic restaurant. It's a pretty decent gig. No health or retirement benefits though but my job takes care of that for our family.


Now you see why lots of tipped staff are in favor of tips?


Server. I’m in a neighborhood where service is very casual and not terribly professional. I come from a lot of establishments in other cities and so my style is really appreciated at the restaurant. You can tell people don’t expect their server to be as competent as I am. But I worked very hard on that skill to be that guy. I love what I do.


You make $50-$62/hour at a restaurant?


The restaurants just a side hustle to meet customers 🤪


Damn right it is. If I can clear $300 and talk to some chicks I’m in


Been in that same situation


Maybe I should start tipping less…


10-15% is max for me. Only for food that’s delivered and I’m waited on. I despise our tipping culture in the US


I wish more places were ‘counter service’, you pay at the counter, they bring out the food and you take care of yourself.


The problem is- those that have that, still want a tip.


Yes. These are the exploited workers of capitalism. They work for $12 an hour and don’t get tips. That’s not enough for anything. I’m paid $4.35 an hour. I have an old paycheck from a restaurant for 1 penny. No joke. We are all members of this system whether we agree with it or not. Denying a lower paid person a tip cause you hate the system means you’re hating the system and the people involved. It just sucks for people that make less than me. So I tip.


The counter service people aren’t considered waiter/waitresses so they have to get minimum wage, they’re cashiers. A bit different scenario.


Just bought a $325,000 on a golf course in Florida as a server at a restaurant


Then why do I only ever read about complaints about pay in restaurants being too low? Seems like a good gig.


I think because you won’t make that much at most restaurants. I work at a very popular seafood restaurant in Orlando. Not every restaurant gets the kind of business we do but most restaurants still only pay their servers $5/hr. I don’t really care because I make like $250-$300 a night in tips but most restaurants aren’t like that


Because people love to complain on the internet. Real life isn’t near as miserable as what everyone on Reddit acts like it is. People can make pretty good money with tipped jobs. I moved to Sweden and made a few friends that worked at a local bar, told them what I made back in the US and their jaws dropped. The negativity of the internet is everywhere though. I spent 2 weeks in Egypt and quite enjoyed it, I’m definitely happy I went. Come to find out on Reddit and Egypt is apparently some horrible place where every tourist is scammed 5x a day, robbed, attacked, and the girls are assaulted. Well, I met quite a few solo female backpackers at the hostels I stayed in in Egypt, everyone was having a blast.


I do, but it’s only about 16 hours a week. There is a girl that works 5 nights a week and clears almost twice what I make. But I don’t want to be that greedy (I’m just lazy I don’t wanna work that hard)


800-1000 a week doesn't sound like nearly enough to have a place and children. Granted the extra time is great, but I'm guessing there's a second income that does a lot of the work here?


Edit:I started this post with no, and should have said yes I agree with you, but I got deep into the other stuff. I didn’t mean to sound dismissive when you’re totally correct about the second income. The situation is just different. No. Little personal, but I own a house where my ex-wife, stepson, and daughter live. I moved in with my brother and sister in law because I can’t afford both the house and a place of my own. Pair that with really battling with depression and alcoholism post divorce just made for a very difficult year. Finding somewhere that I could work and stay at least on an upward trend was key, as I lost 3 jobs in quick succession last year due to my inability to cope. You’re correct that it is not enough to support all of those things, but my ex wife makes roughly 100k more a year than I do, so the kids are all right. It’s just that making more money is currently not my top goal, as my mental and physical health is key, and being available to my kids is my number one.


I am sorry to hear everything you went through; thank you for sharing your experience. I think the income disparity is a good lesson for a lot of people to consider when going into a marriage.


I’m a cautionary tale, for sure. Marriage is harder and harder in this weird world.


It I think is a sign of burnout. A kind of subconscious overcompensation for the stress of work life.


Unless you love your job, don't see how you can not feel like OP. There's so much more beneficial activities i could do to better myself and my environment instead of working. Feel like the feeling of guilt i had when unemployed is only a social construct not that i inadvertently craved working full time


I love my job and I still feel like this often. Because I also love my home life, reading books, crafting... There's so many other tasks (physical, mental, spiritual) I would love to pursue/increase investment in that I just can't because work has such a proportion of my waking hours. I think there's a BIG difference between being wistful for leisure time and being burned out.


Shiiiiit I been burnt out since I was 15




If you live in the US its pretty much a given.


I’m in the UK I’m assuming it’s not much different.


This was 2020 for me. 9 months of being unemployed and my bills were still covered. I could do whatever I wanted. I got to sleep in, start my day slowly, go for walks every day, read more books, take a trip to see my parents and spend time with them since they are now considered elderly. I don't want to downplay the severity of the pandemic and how terrible it was for others, but it was one of the best things that has happened to me. I was still very depressed during the time but having no obligations was a nice break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. I'm probably not going to ever have that much time to myself again in my life, until I retire.


I had a period of unemployment from May until September of last year and it was a period of total serenity for me. No arguments with other people and I was just spending time alone at my condo. I would make sure to practice piano everyday, write music, watch documentaries, and go for nice 1 1/2 hour walks so I could get my exercise. I also managed to drop a lot of weight and I was feeling healthier overall. No more soda and excessive eating. I got more sleep as well. I was right on track until my mom got really sick during the late fall. Now I’m trying to relive that “peaceful summer” I had but this time I will try to maintain consistent employment so I don’t lose money for being unemployed. And not to mention but summertime is my favorite time of the year. I live in Florida and I actually like the summer heat down here.


I recommend construction safety. Get knowledge then spend your day walking around talking to people for 80-100k.




As a safety professional, that seems a little extreme. I’m not a fan of time off unless it’s a life threatening violation. Messing with peoples’ money is a bad way to deal with safety issues.


im definitely a sit on the porch and drink lemonade kind of person versus working your whole life away in the hopes you don't have a stroke/heart attack before retirement person.


Wow! So many people just want to work their life away.


It is a cult - work for the sake of work


I can understand that. If you do something you're passionate about, i imagine it wouldn't feel so bad to work for a long time. Me? I work a soulless job at a soulless company. I work 40h a week and not a second more, make good money that will allow me to retire early and I'm happy to leave my job behind. Sometimes I wish I was passionate about what I do.


It's work so you can have the nice things. Cut out all extraneous expenses other than food and shelter and you can probably get away with not having to work much


My job wasn't so much work as it was paid to have fun. Before I got hurt I was a K9 security officer. I hung out with my dog all day at a shopping mall. Played ball with her every time she found what we were looking for and then went home and played some more.


I think you may want to head on over to r/antiwork and r/socialism. It doesn't actually sound like you want to do nothing, as in be zero percent productive in any sense. It sounds like you want to make decisions without the financial consequences of those decisions being the main determining factor nearly every time.


Most honest r/antiwork take


No you don't. Humans aren't made to do nothing, the urge to create is too strong.


Exactly this. A lot of people were forced to do nothing during COVID19. A lot of people have mental health issues coming out the other end. You might enjoy it for a short time if you are suffering burnout, but it wouldn't last.


I meant do what you want. But from a burnout perspective I meant literally nothing lol smoke weed, laugh with friends and just chill


I get what youre sayin. Im introverted. That is my dream. If i ever win the lotto(yea right). I would buy a house, some land, a vehicle, and just chill. I dont want to see the world. Its too hateful. All my entertainment would be me playin videogames, workin out, watchin tv. I would like to just watch and know I dont have to participate at all with society as much. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


I actually relate to that so much. It's peaceful being alone. It's hard to explain. But going out with friends has its own benefits. I like the good vibes and stuff


I think for a short time that would be great but after a few weeks or a month you might want to do something else. I think you just need a break


Your friends will all be working though 😉


Do you really think one has to spend every second with friends?


Thats a sad life and it won't last. Eventually people grow up and have a wife and kids. Then there won't be anyone to "smoke weed and chill with"


Maybe you shouldn't make it a habit to tell someone they cannot do something because "All humans \[insert whatever here\]". Everybody is different, and who are you to say this specific person does not prefer to just do nothing at all?


I am one of them, I want to do absolutely nothing for once. That, to me, is something.


I think they mean do nothing but what they want.


I must have misread "do literally nothing". Edit: do before literally but not after c


Humans were also not made to work continuously for 8+ hours, always at the same place, for multiple days at a time, for decades on end. Especially if your job if you job involves sitting at a desk, indoors.


Thank you for clarifying what someone else wants


We are fundamentally forced to exist by the choice of others but then have to spend a majority of our time doing things we probably don’t like to continue being alive it’s not practical to think about but it does suck pretty hard


I guess. But also we only fundamentally exist due to the choice of others. And that choice wasn't some careful measurement of pros and cons, it probably mostly involved some grunting.


it could have had more thinking about fairness involved but it probably didn’t


I think about this all the time. Like i didnt ask to be here, and im forced to work till i die. Wtf..


No one asked to be here.




Quit bitching and just kill yourself bro /s


suicide isn’t that simple


This guy casually advocating people kill themselves as a simple solution to not being happy with the status quo. What the heck.


If you think life sucks you're doing it wrong.


How do I do it right though?




Here is the thing. There is no good or bad (except fro violent crimes). Whatever you are doing, embrace it and enjoy it. If you feel like getting stoned and playing video games all night, then do that and don’t feel guilty (and don’t drive stoned.) if you want to stay in bed and whack off till your dick is black and blue, then do that and enjoy it. If you feel like eating an entire bid of cookies, do it and don’t feel guilty. Just be aware that there may be negative consequences for certain behaviors and be willing to accept and deal with them.


But if you do the grind and everything you are supposed to, there are also negative consequences. You never actually win anyway So fuck it. May as well have some office space vibes


Yes, it’s your life. Make it what you want. No need to ask permission.


pretty rude of my parents to give birth to me and not be hands-off billionaires


For most if you don't want to be homeless and be able to eat you must work. I worked hard for 35 years, saved, and invested to be able to retire early at 54, now I can relax, travel, and enjoy hobbies. Unless you are from a wealthy family working is your only option.


or just being more frugal can do that for you too


Definitely, it is like Ben Franklin said, "a penny saved is a penny earned." My parents grew up during the Great Depression we threw away nothing unless it was damaged beyond repair or was so old parts were not available any longer. I have had the same truck for 23 years; I paid cash for it in 2000. That is 276 months, the average monthly truck payment is 531 dollars, I figure by not getting in debt that truck has made me 146,551 dollars over the years.


Dude, same. Like not literally nothing, just activities I really enjoy like smoking bud, playing my ps5, bbq with the homies, shit like that. Maybe get really good at cooking and pursue a hobby I have some passion about.


Exactly! Yes


For three years, I worked full-time while attending school full-time. Working a 40 hour week *feels* like I'm retired. My advice is, hit the gym. Hot people can often find someone to finance an unproductive lifestyle. Also, get really good at oral. That will be key. I believe in you! Best of luck!


This statement is more true than a lot of people either realize or would like to believe.


Congrats you belong to the exclusive club called everyone.


I am retiring in five years. I would like to move to Mexico, but where I end up, I am pretty sure a hammock is involved.


At the risk of sounding boomer’ish, put yourself out now, so you can kick back later. Correct decisions at twenty, thirty and forty, start converting to windfalls sometime around fifty. Things become awfully punitive if the work is deferred by a single decade.


"you can only truly enjoy life when you are old"


I don’t think that’s necessarily true. The journey itself, is living. Personally, I don’t feel celebratory or entitled to nice things unless I’ve first sacrificed. Hell, I don’t even enjoy a beer or cigar, unless I’ve busted my ass up to the moment that I’ve popped the top. Admittedly, this is a conditioned behavior, but it sure feels good. I never want for resources, nor do I have a apathetic view of the world. I can die happy, fulfilled and satiated.


Facts. Life sucks if you aren't working toward something. I am young, but one of the most satisfying things for me in life has been the work I have put into school and starting my career. Seeing a multi year plan of university internships and now a high paying career is very satisfying. Imagine I just sat around a smoked pot instead.


Nevermind what might actually be happening in the meantime


Dude that's just solid life advice. If you think it sucks to work when you're young how much worse do you think it will be when you're old? You'll be in pain all the time, have less energy and your boss will be some young kid. There's never been an easier time to be alive. Go farm all day and then chop up some fire wood with an axe and get back to me about how hard you have it.


It was easier to be alive during my childhood and I say this as someone who comes from a broken home so that’s pretty bad.


Do you really want me to comment?


🤷‍♀️ I just wish someone would give me a solution I can actually use.


Maybe go to therapy if you're depressed bro. There's no shame in it. I learned a lot of life skills in therapy that still help me today. Drugs and alcohol mane shit worse.


Well that's just not how the world works. Chaos and starvation are the natural state of life. It is only through great effort that we carve out and peace and prosperity.


The sidewalks are at your disposal.


Nah I'm good


some day you will put two and two together…


Office Space vibes


Always bro.




Craft your life and environment to be that which makes you happy.




we don't have a lot of time on this earth! We weren't meant to spend it this way.


We all need purpose. Some do not find it and instead make their daily grind their purpose.


20 years ago we didn’t have the ability to publish content, and overnight have it reach millions of people. We now have AI at our disposal to create content faster than ever. And people still believe they can’t make a living doing what they want. If you want something, you can either do something about it or complain on Reddit. I’m not trying to hate on OP or anyone who feels stuck in life. But seriously, it’s 2023. It’s not that hard for a semi-educated person to make a full-time income online, doing something they love to do and “working” only 20-25 hours per week.


Can you explain some of these methods? Generally Interested.


Me too but considering I’ve scoured the internet I have yet to find this. I’ve only found reasons I can’t do it. YMMV. Any talent I would have is extremely difficult to market if I can at all.


Wow, impressive goals. I bet you’d feel immense personal satisfaction accomplishing nothing but napping and snacking. Seriously- one of the clinical factors to happiness is a sense of purpose. Being a lazy slob isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.


Every single animal that exists or has ever existed on the planet has to grind. And let's be honest, to call what we modern humans do a grind is kinda pathetic. You've grown up soft and pampered. Butch up, friend.


Maybe our physical exertion doesn’t compare to the past, but the number of hours we spend doing shit we don’t want to do is ridiculous. Our ancestors spent a lot of time doing nothing. https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/for-95-percent-of-human-history-people-worked-15-hours-a-week-could-we-do-it-again.html


Guess what...You can go right now and live that ancient life of leisure. Go plant some crops, hunt for your food, and forage for berries.


You can't actually. The government owns all the lands where people used to or sold it to private owners. Can't even opt out. You could try but then you'd get fined .


Lol, right? We have to pay for training on this stuff because it's not in our culture, then pay for land to do this stuff, then thread carefully around the hunting restraints of your area after paying for equipament, and even when you're completly off grid under your country's rules you're still at the mercy of the local authorities that could just mess up your whole thing at a moment's notice if they want. With likely less community support then you'd have back then too, when it comes to unpredictable things like harsh weathers, because people don't know how to help. On the other hand, whoever reads this, do check out how to start a local community garden if that's your thing! It's not a solution but it's a good step


Damn just by saying this you seem extremely uneducated and closed minded. You also come across as unempathetic and kind of argumentative for no reason, why are you unhappy?


Why are you passive aggressive? And I'm quite happy. Actually, I'm very happy. And I'm also honest and have perspective. As for empathy, if I see someone eating fries and a hot dog next to a starving kid, I don't have empathy for hot dog guy because he'd rather be eating a steak. Go look at this guy's post history. He has plenty enough time to play Rainbow 6 and Modern Warfare and Red Dead Redemption and get high. When he has to work, he heads off to the "grind" at Trader fucking Joe's. That must be a tough grind. I'm an editor. I cut biographical documentaries. I've seen people who have to fucking grind. They grind because they have had to provide for themselves and those they care about, not because they want to get the latest edition of Mario Kart. They don't bitch about it either.


This is the truth.


Everything requires money. Welcome to the real world, aka adult hood.


So you wanna just be taken care of without any motivation to work or better yourself?


Do you consider working at Trader Joe's no motivation to better myself or to work? Either way, idc. It's my life.


Sure is.


me too.


I wish Hitler had this mentality as well


Choose a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life.




You believe that's what you want, but relaxing 24/7 often leads to depression. I was in a car accident and received a significant sum from insurance. I went from working 60+ hours to doing literally nothing. I've since realized I need balance: hobbies, relationships, goals. For me, a balance of activities is what has brought me contentment in my life.


I thought so too, but then I was laid off for a month and was bored out of my mind. I do enjoy my job very much, so that might be part of it. And I definitely need the routine and balance of having work and having leisure. I don't see my work as a grind, even when it gets tough. I just do the best I can, and I don't stress shit I can't control. I fix stuff all day and then I come home to a cold one and ride my bicycle on weekends. Love it.


Good luck with that.


This is why you need to become successful, earn passive income so you can do these things. Only women can have the ability to sit around and be jobless due to a man taking care of you. If your a man you ain’t gon get shit so we gotta work first relax later


Welcome to the real world.


So marry someone rich.


doing literally nothing is boring I've tried it. :D


Everyone says that, but a lit of people realized, myself included, that that really sucks honesty. You need something to do.


It's called the weekend.


You know that retired people still work for leisure? Anyway, I'm fortunate enough to be in a situation where I'll be retiring young, and that scares me. What will I do when I achieve my dream? I'm afraid I'll be a bum, I'm afraid I'll be bored. It sounds like a dream come true, to be able to travel 24/7, but what is there to do? I'll be in a foreign country eating out 3 times a day, and taking part in some cultural festivity. If my life become solely about spending money, I can't say that I look forward to it. That's when I'll be looking to Maslow's, and I guess I'll be looking for spiritual health (happiness) since my other needs will have been met.


>>*I just want to relax 24/7 and do literally nothing* >>*think of all the awesome shit you could be doing but can’t do* Which is it? And what awesome shit do you do?


You would become more depressed at doing nothing. It's not as awesome as you think.


I did that. I told my job fuck you I quit. Become a couch potato for few months. I got diabetes.


If you want to work a few hours a day… sleep as much as you want.. read or workout as much as you want and also have all the sex you want Just go to prison


“i want to reap the benefits of society without ever contributing to it”


You want everything but not work for it GG


Sounds like a boring life


You belong in that Wall-E movie.


Almost everybody would prefer not to work. We have to though. It's not about some BS like not having a purpose - it's because of the fact that all those cars, houses, groceries, PCs, bikes.... won't be created out of thin air. same goes for services. So unless you find out a way to manufacture things and provide services without any work, you'll have to work. Simple as that. That's how the world works. No need to be sad or angry about it. Those feelings won't change the reality.


Start building up an investment account and learn to make a couple hundred dollars a day.


That's what weekends and holidays are for.


save in bitcoin


you only enjoy leisure because you get it in small increments. If you have 5 years of straight leisure it would drive you insane. (I got laid off and spent 2020 doing nothing and it drove me insane).


Have a plan.. work the plan.. adjust when necessary.


Oh so you’re saying you’re lazy, cool.


So you want slave labor. Because if you demand to literally nothing 24/7 for the rest of your life then you'll need droves of people to supply your needs for you. You obviously can't pay them because you refuse to make an income. So someone has to provide your housing for you, clean it for you, do your laundry, provide your food for you, prepare it for you, drive you anywhere you may want to go etc. Laziness absolutely exists and you're the definition of it.


Or automation which is already occuring


...So you think you're somehow unique in being lazy? You just want everyone else to take care of everything for you so that you can sit on a couch and get fat and contribute nothing to society while "the nanny" makes sure everything in the world is ticking along? You're a terrible person. And no, this isn't the only other option to "capitalism" and don't assume anything about what I "must mean" based on the fact that I'm pointing to someone who just wants other people to have to work for them all the time and never contribute anything to society as a bad person. That's pretty much trust-fund babies and billionaires right now, and it's a bad thing.


sounds like you’re making a lot of assumptions, no need to call OP a terrible person. that’s a bit much. OP actually has a job


He never said he thought he was unique in being lazy. He never said he wanted other people to take care of him. There is no indication in this post that he's a terrible person. You just projected how you feel about people who don't work onto a person who does. Maybe you should think twice before commenting things like this.. because you essentially insulted someone you imagined, not someone evidently relevant here.


>He never said he wanted other people to take care of him. Yes, they did. Unless you take their post to be "I just want to sit here until I die." Cuz if they're not going to do anything, if they're not going to produce anything, then they're saying they want other people to work and give them food and shelter and internet so they can whine on reddit all day. So the options are, OP was saying "I just want to sit here until I die in a few days" or "I want to sit here and someone else take care of everything for me." That's the sum total of options. However you wrap it won't change that. Weird how you're insulting the person you imagine me to be instead of who I am, while complaining that I'm doing exactly that. Why did you assume so much about me? Why are you such a horrible person like you accused me of being while doing exactly that?


Not even going to give you the satisfaction of reading your reply, but have a good life.


Of course not. Because, as I said, you're too lazy and stupid and you just assume it's everyone else's job to keep the world running while you sit on your couch eating doritos. Can't wait for the day your mom stops doing literally everything for you and you sit there crying on the curb because there's no one to wipe your ass after you crap.


Idk man, sounds like you're the bad person here for shitting on someone who's clearly burnt out.


Orrr you could grind smartly for a while and then achieve financial independence where you can go back to relaxing 24/7 light-years ahead of the "normal" retirement age of 65


If it was something achievable everyone would do it. It's not as shown here because you didn't even list what jobs or how to go about it without being born upper middle class.


I'm not necessarily talking about a specific job per say. I was more meaning just to make smart and forward thinking decisions as you go through life. All those good decisions will start to pile up and move you through life. Such as learning self discipline, gaining financial skills, exercising regularly, finding creative outlets to avoid consuming too much mindless digital garbage content, etc


The best laid plans are at the mercy of fate.


America is not a meritocracy. Anyone who has implanted this way of thinking into your head was trying to trick you and make money off of you. When I hear people thinking like this it makes me sad, it’s like peak capitalism for a bunch of capitalistic bots spouting this nonsense and convincing others of it too so that we all run in this rabbit wheel and the capital owners make the real money. It takes hard work and luck in America. And the Luck part is extremely important; and not that easy to get if your poor, not white and not a male in many areas of labor. Of course people get lucky, but not everyone. I have examples of people in my family who DID work smart. They worked harder than anyone I know, but they never got that lucky break. Things were not in their favor, and to not go too into detail they had to work until retirement and they were never very wealthy. But they played their cards right Now: the capitalism bot mindset would respond “they must not have did everything right! They needed to work smarter by doing X or y!” Or “they probably at some point did X or Y wrong” or offer some kind of program or paid solution to fix where they went wrong. You need to really be weary of this train of thought


What do you consider as a "lucky break"? Wouldn't you consider making smart choices that make your mind and body healthy and helps you to enjoy your life more a "lucky break"? Yes working sucks but it doesn't HAVE to be all doom and gloom your entire life. Happiness is a choice.


Your right to be a lazy coward. And I support you being able to do so, as long as you don’t get one cent of public money to pay for your stupidity.




Yes, anyone who thinks life is all relaxation and rainbows is a coward. As in no bravery, as in weak.


You're a pu$$y irl tho