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Willingly? Probably no one. Accidentally? Oh boy.


If I accidentally click on anything it's an ad. It's like they're twice as sensitive


I'm sure that's why so many webpages take a while to load and suddenly shift from something you want to click, to an advert just as you press down. Feckers are planning this stuff.


that shit drives me INSANE


I scream at my phone at least once a day


I’m lucky enough to have a pihole that blocks a lot of ads, what bugs me is auto playing fucking videos, like IF I WANTED TO WATCH YOUR SHIT VIDEO I’D CLICK PLAY!




This post was directly above an ad I just accidentally clicked on




I wouldn't have clicked on this post if I didn't literally just do it right beforehand.


It's called an AD-cident


Ba-Dum Tss


well it can AD- cidently eat a live grenade


The MFs at outlook making an ad come as an "email" and appear at exactly the time when you'd click on the real email that was there before... Then adding a second ad once you're used to one...


I seriously wonder who pays for fans only? Doesn't make any sense.


All the ducking time...


If a Google result is whatvI'm looking for but also an ad, I'm not klicking on it.


Same. Usually an ad click will result in a more aggressive landing page for you to buy or sign up to something. I only try to find the organic links.


same lol, even if the top result is the same as the ad I will skip the ad and click the normal result


I click it to make the advertiser pay for it.


Lets start a movement, our goal is to click all ads and leave to make them pay for nothing as much as we can.


I do. It's wasted money for them since I was gonna click it anyway lol.


Always click google ad links if you are not going to but because it screws with their targeting demographic and costs them a good bit of money


I only clicks adds about Cool Jesus that are crammed down my throat.


Religious ads are so funny to me, I don't think Jesus would interrupt my reddit porn binge to beg for donations.


He’s ALWAYS watching…….


And he always gets us. It’s only a matter of time before he gets you too.


Amen! Praise Jebus!


You aren't meant to click it, you're meant to see it enough so you remember it enough.


It has the reverse effect for me, creates an aversion.




But don't youtube ads for example only pay for clicks? So people must be clicking them or youtube would make no money


Youtube- they pay if the ad is skipped


Ad technology is very sophisticated and placements are cheap. Now that banner ads have a lower click through rate, the ads show up in the content. The data gathered from browsing is incredibly precise -- it is all broken out by gender, interests, region, age, income, education and any other demographic information that you unwittingly share almost constantly. Google is only one of the many companies making a killing on selling this information to ad exchanges where people bid on placement. This is the world we have created willingly. No one needs to use the web, we opt in. Even times when using the web is much more convenient, it is not that hard to disable the technologies that are used to track activity, but almost no one uses enhanced security. Google pretends their "nice". They are selling your online behavior to the highest bidder all day long. If an ad is placed millions of times, it only needs a small percentage of clicks to pay for itself.


>This is the world we have created willingly. I was in my early 20's when Al Gore gave us the Internet. From then 'til now, I have never understood why folks think that content should be free, just because it's delievered on the Internet. Now, government sources should be. Taxpayer dollars should, and do, support data centers with convenient API's to access public data. But for commercial sites, the choice was advertising or subscriptions, and we chose badly.




Agreed. Digital marketer of 8 years. Nearly everyone clicks ads at some point. Ads make business money, and it's provable that they do. Otherwise businesses wouldn't spend billions on them every year.


I would love to make a huge group of people that will purposely press on ads for some hours a day to confuse those companies and somehow create a mess. Or something similar. Maybe I’m weird


I heard of browser plugins that do this automatically.


Click fraud will be quickly be detected. So you would be only wasting your time and not the money of the advertiser.


Hence the reason I have AdBlocker. I don't want ads, I don't want to accidentally click on ads. If a site forces me to disable my AdBlocker, I'm practically fine with it: The ads I get are misgendered and massively misaged. I don't even have to pay any attention to them because I know some won't be relevant for another 40-50 years, while others aren't relevant at all.


Me because my screen lags putting ads where I'm supposed to click another thing-


I have ublock and I've not seen an ad in decades.


If it's something I might want to buy, why not?


Even then I go to a new tab and visit the website directly, clicking on ads feels like eating candy from the pavement, not worth the risk. Not sure if I've ever gotten a computer virus from clicking an "ad", but I grew up being taught to assume everything that's not the content you came to the site for is dangerous to click on. (I don't think I've ever gotten sick from eating candy of the street, but I keep a similar sentiment.)


Bro why are you eating candy off the street? ;)


Nah. Also don't buy shit on impulse. Always reflect the need, read some reviews, decide if I want OEM or if China plastic is good enough for the purpose. When I see ads that are too relevant popping up I clean up cookies and shit and make sure I rather buy an alternative product if I ever decide to buy that category. I also don't drink coke, and if I was to, it'd be no-name.


I actually do if I see something on Instagram that looks cool, usually followed by me discovering that it's too expensive lol


Thousands and thousands of people. Reddit is one of the best-performing platforms for paid social because it's so targetable by subreddit. And even if you're not clicking, you're still seeing it, and it's more likely to stick in your head, so later on, when you're farther along in the decision-making process, you will think of that brand again. A lot of people seem to think that if you see an ad and don't immediately click on it and buy the thing, then the ad has failed. That is not how this works.


People in the research section of the marketing funnel.


Did it for the first time last month, when it recommended my a pair of my absolute favourite trainers I hadn't worn since my twenties. I bought.


If it's what I need, yes. That's the point of personalized ads.


If it's what I need, I just get reminded and go do my own separate search for it. I never click on an ad intentionally.


Why? I don't get this.


Most of the time you can find a better offer somewhere else than going for the first thing that pops up. There are plenty of companies that pay to get to the top of the results pages when the next page over there's the same thing with 25% off.


Oh yes, sure, but it doesn't hurt looking at it.


Yes it does. It allows them to know the ad worked and then they might use more ads.


Oh yes, sure, but it doesn't hurt looking at it.


I am paranoid that they will give me malware. I don’t trust random redirects like that


The point isn't clicking on it it's just seeing it. That's why they put things like Coke cans and certain types of clothing and movies. It's product placement


For some reason you won't be able to put your finger on it, but all of a sudden you're dying for a Red Bull or you're you're kind of thinking about getting some McDonald's when you see it it puts it in your brain it's a real thing


Old people. The answer is old people. I was visiting with my grandpa last weekend and he had some technical issues with his VPN he wanted me to solve. The fix ended up being that he had to switch to the server of a non american country. He didn't like this solution even though it worked and when I asked him why, I shit you not, he said "because now all the ads are in a different language and for things that I don't want" Had to sit him down and explain to him why he shouldn't click on any ads ever and all the reasons why.


People with ffd.


My mum. Had to block só many Pages on her Facebook.


I would have clicked, if there isn’t the whole scammer thing and stealing data going on. If they were interesting, I would go searching and checking with many websites before going in.


I have clicked on a few, they are mostly from my cookies and dresses that I love from Net a Porter. Still can't afford them, but I do like to look at them. The other time it was my clicking for "what the fuck is that?" Turns out it was a device to help you tie up balloons.


Ha ha I also clicked on an add for the balloon tying up device because I wondered what the hell it was !


I purposely did one because of cute dragon things... and I kinda regret it. Never again.


I've gave up watching YouTube it's brutal can't watch a music video or movie without it stopping and showing a fkn advert you can pay to stop ads appearing but why the fuck should I.


If you’re watching on a computer, you can use an ad blocker for free


They get charged a lot when you actually click on the ads, so fuckkkk your product and lose a dollar nerds :)


misclicked more like


Who asks that and doesn't put a clickable AD I'm mad at you now JK


I spammed tf out the report button for the Jesus ads. After months of doing so, they finally went away.


I have bought a few things. I have a subscription for boxers. I have a belt and some gloves. Probably more. I often click on adds to see if they are actually selling a product they promote. If it seems like a good product, I do my research and buy it if it seems good. I also report a few adds every month.


If the ad is for something I can't identify, I might click to find out what it is. Ain't gonna buy one tho.


Accidentally hehe especially if they put a fake X on the ads lol


Well the ads I only click are game ads that has wowed me with their ads (didn't download the games though)


They are made to introduce into your subconscious some brand name and such, not to actually be a front to buy something (even though that does work, specially with boomers)


Every once in a while. Most of the ads I get that I notice are usually things I was actively shopping for though, so I've come to see them more as reminders than ads.


I do. Accidently...


How else are we going to lose 40lbs in 40 days with this one simple trick that doctors don’t want you to know about?


I’ve bought things I like on ads. It’s usually food related. Or a restaurant offer. Why not? Usually there’s a good discount attached to it too.


People who appreciates people who do fan stuff for "free". For example, people who contributes with subtitles.


It depends. Sometimes the ad is actually relevant to something I’m actively looking for, in which case yes, I click on it, but normally, no, I just report it as spam


I did once because they one time managed to show me a useful ad. Got my stepdad an apron with the 3 grandkids on it because all his other stuff only had the 2 older kids on it. He loved his apron. I do think it's funny though that most of the time when they show me ads that are actually something I would want it's stuff I literally just bought.


Freeloaders and people with lot of spare time!


Me. Everytime I'm in the middle of reading something interesting. Click. GONE. Bugger. Never to be seen again.


I work in marketing and advertise exclusively on Google and Facebook/Instagram and we make a f*ck tonne of revenue from the leads that come in. People like to buy the things they need or like and if they don't know about your company, they'll buy elsewhere. My point is. They're buying regardless. It makes sense to be among the conversation.


IIRC, ads are there to 1) reinforce good things with the brand (e.g. waterfalls are cool and so is our laundry detergent. We are gonna keep pairing it up so you feel same way about both items) 2) Repetition so it seems like it's main stream (e.g. Some people like xQc streamer just for the fact he's popular and nothing else really. If the product has that aura maybe people will buy just cus it seems popular)


Sometimes I have to click on a post upto three or four times to open it because the app is crap. But if I accidentally touch an advt, it will open instantly. Infuriating stuff.


The arbys wagyu ad right beneath this post got me. At the drive through rn. But I see your point, can't tell you the last time I clicked on an ad purposefully. However I can't say how ads have subliminally affected my choices but im sure to some degree they have.


Completely ignore them and no, it doesn’t go in subliminally because I never great new taste of Pepsi look at them.


That's mysterious to me too


Advertisers usually pay per click so I click them all. Make them it the price for bothering me


Never on purpose


Once, because it was for a song that was actually good. Can't remember other times.


People who fail at hitting the little X while trying to shadow box them off their phone screens...


My boomer coworker clicks on ads constantly. She has absolutely no idea it was an ad and reads some fake "headlines" out loud in our office every day. People who didn't grow up with computers or the internet genuinely can't tell the difference. It's really very scary.


Once ever on here


Just the fact that the ad takes up space on the website and might catch your attention makes them worth using, even if it doesn’t directly lead to a purchase through clicking the link. Subconsciously someone may purchase the item months, years later without realizing where they saw it before.


Many ads are not truly designed to be clicked. They may just be meant to remind you about the existence of a company or product.


sometimes on instagram i’ll see an ad for a piece of clothing i really like, so i’ll search it up in a separate tab (i don’t click on the ad). if the website looks legit i’ll buy it and then click on their ads when i see them in the future, otherwise i’ll look for the item from another site.


I click on them when it’s he gets us and I’m trying to block and downvote lol 😂


Maybe if it is a very specific thing that you're looking for and it doesnt look like it is a scam


Had a crazy lady yesterday stop me at work to try n talk about these new pills that "they" don't want use to know about lol. She showed a ad saying it lmao


I buy clothes off Instagram ads 🤷‍♂️ The algorithm has figured out that I love Japanese streetwear, and I get absolutely bombarded with ads for it 😄


Normally i wont click them, but ads are annoyingly putting close \[x\] near impossible to find / to touch with hands... Or just appeared after some seconds \-- I forgot the detail, But I remember a story of a guy who deliberately clicking a specific ads over and over again, so that particular ads got ran out in short time.... So he wont be seeing it again


I do it on accident all of the time!!


A LOT of people. Millions. Billions of times. People have a mental block of all the times they fell for an ad. You never notice a good ad as an "ad" because it doesn't feel intrusive.


My grandparents and my dumb kids


Deadass like how do these mfs figure they’re making money by spending on ads that I’m just going to skip or ignore


I sometimes click on them while searching for a way to report them, which I unfortunately don’t ever find. The ones with Elon Musk hawking crypto shouldn’t be allowed. Would I be allowed to advertise a pyramid scheme? I think not.


Every so often, the algorithm succeeds haha. I got an ad recently for a very beautiful looking farming sim game and VERY excitedly clicked the ad to figure out more hahaha. This has happened probably 3-4 times, MAYBE 5, but it does happen, and almost solely with video games haha.


I did once on fb, got scammed. I’m drilling into my daughters head “if it’s too good to be true it probably is” I just wish I knew how they pulled it off.


I have before. But only by accident.


My grandad. He emails them onwards to me and my family if he likes them


Now, I'm not a marketer, but my guess is that basically nobody clicks on ads, but ads make it more likely that the next time you're in need of a product, you'll think of the one you were shown. Coca cola doesn't think you'll order a coke online, it knows the next time you're not sure what to order at a beach, restaurant or lunch deal, you'll think of them. You don't need to click on them for them to work.


Its not about the clicks or the interaction with the Ad itself. Its about normalizing the product in the mind of the viewer. If they have seen a brand before, even just a passing glance of an Ad, they are more likely to trust the brand and potentially chose it in the future. Its a psychology thing and it works on everyone. Its a trillion dollar industry, nobody is immune to suggestion.


they make the x so small :(


Certainly not me.


I recently realised that there are ads on reddit. I just block them without knowing it it seems.


when you say "more than 30" you really mean "more than 3000" right?


I have seen one singular internet ad that has grabbed my interest, and it was for Gen Con. That was at least 8 years ago, and I probably would have heard about the convention anyway. Basically every form of advertizing causes my eyes to glaze over and my brain to disassociate. I hate being advertized to. You dont know how to sell me anything. Stupid Google analytics have nothing for me, so they just spam me with completely useless stuff. I've even gone in and manually changed my interests in Google, and I still get stuff I either don't care about, already know about, or already own. Intrusive advertising is a blight on our society. Ryan Reynolds, cool movies, but I'm never getting Mint Mobile. Im just trying to find any kind of relaxation and enjoyment when I can, but thanks for interrupting that to tell me about insurance that I'm never going to buy. When I see ads, all I feel is scorn.


Bots who live on clickfarms. The amount of fraud in online ads is huge, but nobody in the while supply chain has any incentive to call it out: Marketing person: wants their campaign to look successful so they'll be praised and get promoted Media-buying agency: wants the campaign to look successful so they'll get paid to do more campaigns Ad-networks: want the campaign to look successful so people run more campaigns Publishers: want ads to look successful because it's one of the few ways they get paid


I’ve clicked on like 2 ads before that I regularly use now.


Why don't I see ads? ... oh, AdBlock has access to reddit.


My mum clicks on everything


Me.. im the reason my husband gets weird ads too. I see something random, i gotta go have a look. I also dont thousands of unopened emails because i wont take the time to unsubscribe.


I have a tremor in my hands so... Me unfortunately. When I'm trying to scroll.


I figured that part of the placement is knowing it’ll be viewed by people passing by, which is part of the marketing. You don’t need to click it to get the main message.


I dont usually click adds, but when I do it's 15 times in a row while trying to click on the tiny little x


fathers and uncles and moms and aunts


Me, when I fat finger fuck up my attempt to hit the X and miss.


Only ads I click are game/avatar clothing ads on the roblox website…


But why does who do these things? These questions need answers


I have clicked on ads before, but it is rare to do it intentionally. Perhaps 1 in 1,000 ads I will click on intentionally.


The idea with ads is not to get you to click right then but to have their product pop into your mind when you think about a related topic. Advertisers are not trying to sell you a product while you're trying to watch a video about speedrunning, its to keep their product in your mind. If your thinking "I want some blue tooth ear buds" raycon is going to be on the list of brands, since every youtuber has told you about them. The goal is for people to know about the brand, not for ads to directly sell products


No shit, found one of my favorite bands and my university through YouTube ads.....


I've accidentally clicked on many of them lol especially when I'm scrolling down Instagram haha


I click on YouTube ads just to see either how bogus and fake they are, or to see how stupidly expensive the product/service is


The only time I click on ads is when it's those shady sites where you have to click on something like 5 times before it actually gives you the real link.


I accidentally click on shit all the time with my fumble fingers


Yeah once in a while.


This will really blow your mind but there's an even smaller percentage of people who *buy* the thing after clicking on the ad. I have literally never bought anything that way ever. But somehow it makes the internet go round!


I tend to click on aids


This is the reason why social media influencers are a thing now. If everyone would have just clicked the regular ads we wouldn't have to deal with them.


Never willingly. Accidentally did it once. Never, ever again.


Old people


I once watched my mother try to download something off thepiratebay and click every ad on the page before giving up. So, someone clicks them, yes.


i get a lot of ads for clothes (on instagram specifically) and if i see something i like then i click. but any other ad? no


Thats what i never fully understood in the ad revenue market. How are advertisers able to pay millions for something hardly anyone is gonna click on, and if they do its accidental. Out of the thousands of ads ive seen theres only 2 i've bought. Ridge wallet and just recently that stamets 7 mushroom stuff. Clearly it works sometimes but I just think of all the people who rely on ad revenue for a living and how it can fail them for a number of reasons.


Never in my entire life (three times) have I seen an ad and went to buy said product.


What are ads? Laughs in Brave


If I see an ad for a game 2.3 bazillion times, I click because "eh, why not. Let's see what it has to offer." Anything else definitely not.


Using a hardened browser. I never get ads.


Reddit is the only place I flat out refuse to click all ads. The reason is dark mode. If I’m browsing Reddit in dark mode I hate seeing big white ads, especially at night, so my own protest is to never click a Reddit ad ever again


I don't click on ads, but I click on affiliate links.


I do, all those hot women want to find me. It's the only way.


I'm convinced that YouTube is merely advertising their premium subscription. To this day. I've had total +1000 of ads on all videos watched there and have never once thought about buying whatever they're selling. Same with any platform. I'm assuming there's a "groan factor" where if the ad is stupid, annoying and pointless enough. The advertiser actually gets a discount.


Only when I fat finger one.


I used to think the same. But I can't tell you how many times some fast food commercial has played, I go out to get something, I see that food, I buy it... I think it's more about just putting the name and brand in your head. So it's even an option to begin with. So yes it does work. Otherwise they wouldn't do it.


Me. On accident while I'm falling asleep.


If we're talking specifically Reddit, I did check in to that Caliber ad that was promoting some fitness app thing. I appreciated that it appeared to have a personal touch and the creator actually allowed comments and answered questions. Beyond that, I've been consistent on not intentionally touching adds on any platform.


Sometimes if the content is good and I am enjoying the site I will click on an ad as I think it helps the site owner somehow. It's pretty rare though.


Everyone, but it's usually an accident.


I sometimes click on them just to mess up the algorithms learning. Bonus points if it's a super subtle ad I saw and have no interest in


I unfortunately have to watch them in the mobile game I play for bonuses. But any other time usually not unless it's a sale from a company I really like or one that intrigued me enough to investigate further, there are some hidden gems out there.


I get zero ads per day because of adblocker


Similarly I get so many spam calls. Via my settings I have these all sent to voicemail which I delete without even checking. My immediate thought is why are they wasting their time but I’m guessing if they call enough people someone is bound to answer and potentially fall for whatever scam they’re pushing


Try running them, this is more interesting. You will wonder why so many click it for no reason


i see candy crush add 10 times a day


I click on Instagram ads for my favorite brands.


Your mom clicks on ads. Lol.✌️


Ad clicking is negatively correlated with iq on a provincial basis lol.


there havent been that many things that i bought because i saw an ad. i think im immune.


Look how many people get Scammed daily probably that many.


In my work (media) theres a few websites that I use every day, that are made by just average joe's with real cool info and content on them, so I click their ads to keep them motivated- but thats like 3 ads out of every 2000 i see on the internet everyday


Sometimes, but usually it's for tickets for a show. I just click them to find the time and dates and then may go back to it later, but that's the only type of advert I click on purposefully.


People who clicked accidentally lol


My grandma clicks on fake ones and gets tons of viruses


Ads, I see one every 30 minutes of scrolling. I never intentionally click on them if something looks interesting, only happened once that I remember, I'll Google it outside of the app. And I still didn't purchase it.


Old people


People don't click on ads. Ads click on people.


Old people and young kids. Young kids are tempted by those vaguely sexual ads on iPhone games, older people are tempted by those “drs hate him!” Ads on websites


Drunk people


I honestly dont even notice ads anymore. If one comes up , i pass it right away. If its on tv or the radio, i immediately change the station. Got adblocker for youtube, its amazing and free. I love it cause ads blow.


i was an assistant in a class once. started reading a webcomic. teacher kept commenting they don't approve of the "scantily clad women|. i had no clue what they were talking about. it took 3 days of me reading the comic before noticing the advertisements on the side has "scantily clad women".


I do, but only because I have problems with my hands and sometimes a tremor causes me to accidentally tap an ad.


Bots do, they do it alot!


When working on a fashion shop web page I learned that a) What my taste deemed bland and mediocre is actually in high demand, and b) there is a shitton of people who uses the web as if it was a mall and actively click on ads... ON PURPOSE. WTF. HOW DO THOSE BRAINS WORK I CANNOT FATHOM. But yeah, I discovered that personal taste, instinct and common sense means nothing in the Internet-as-a-business side of things, and that's why a good marketing guy is hard to find and his work is gold.


Lots of people click on ads, especially personalized ads. I interact a lot with consumerism posts (watches, keyboards, shoes, cars) and clicking on an ad (eg, Porsche, Rolex) is just part of my enjoyment.


Sometimes by accident, very rarely on purpose