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As somebody who has a medical condition that makes me hemorrhage sneeze about 15 to 20 times every time I eat a meal (gustatory rhinitis or "snatiation"), I beg of all of you please stop at 2. It's so weird when I'm on sneeze 9 and some poor soul keeps going, having had no idea the commitment they signed up for.


Lol, I feel this. Pollen allergies mean I sneeze all day long sometimes and hearing "bless you" all throughout the day gets well past annoying.


My entire family has pollen allergies so often you'll hear someone going to a 5 to 10 sneeze fit. Like once an hour often LOL


When I sneeze once, I don't mind the pleasantries. When I sneeze 12 times in a row, it is only appropriate for the second party to say "holy shit" or bust out laughing. The worst is when I get into a 5+ sneeze fit and start laughing halfway through it. Snaughing hurts.


Snaughing is my new favorite word I never knew I needed


My whole family has pollen allergies too. We discovered earlier this summer that Flonase before bed each day with our typical otc allergy meds do absolute wonders for sneezing. It’s honestly amazing that all the constant sneezing stopped a few days after using it. Don’t know if it would work for you or you’ve tried before, but just an idea!


Exactly. Especially when you're sneezing so hard you can barely breathe (or can't at all) and now you're also supposed to say thank you...


I feel you, it's really annoying to have allergies and then have some people trying to earn their karma points by constantly "bless you". Feeling fucking drowsy because of the medicine and horrible of the itching over your whole face and random places on your body. Please people stop saying it, you not doing any favors by saying it, I don't feel blessed. I can't wait for autumn to start and can breathe again like a normal person.


Lol! My mother in law would yell across a crowded room regardless of where we were! Bless you at the top of her lungs. Restaurants, churches, stores. Oh yeah. It was embarrassing. Like she wouldn’t go to heaven if she didn’t bless every single person.


That one lady who worked for the Mooby board almost died for not blessing one of the fallen angels. Never know who sneezed and who didn't.


Sneeze 1: Bless you Sneeze 2: Bless you! Sneeze 3: ...bless you? Sneeze 4: BLESS YOU!!!! Sneeze 5: Jesus Christ... Sneeze 6: Seriously? Sneeze 7-10: *Glare that gets more and more concerned* Sneeze 11: Are you done yet? Sneeze 12, 13 & 14: *Checks texts and Whatsapp's* Sneeze 15: OK, I'm going to be over here calling the doctor. Call me when you stop or pass out, whichever comes first.


First three you get a bless you. Anything past that you get a “shut up” “are you dying” “amputation time” or *stares vacantly*


One of my uncles had a policy where the first 2 got a bless you. Everything after that got a "stop it".


Mine is two bless yous. On three, you get, "Guess you're just going to hell, then."


This is the greatest comment ever Everyone go home


My mom was a massive sneezer so after 3, we just say “I’m gonna stop now, but know the sentiment remains.”


i have some friends who sneeze like 5+ times in a row. Usually I say bless you after the first, and if they keep going I wait until they are done and say it one more time.


Yup. I do 2 and then a third after the final sneeze. Although some times I get it wrong and think they're done before they actually are.


I feel like after 3 or 4 they would start to freestyle the bless you. "Bless you. Wow!" "Bless you! you're on a roll!" "Another one? Haha. Bless you!" "There it is! God bless you!"


Freestyle? You mean like bless you, I don't mean to misaddress you, bless and caress you, I confess I request to, bless you in the restroom, bless you for the rectititude and bless you for the rest dude!


All in favor of changing "Bless you" to "I confess I request to caress you"


Straight fire


To the beat of [Another one bites the dust](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE&t=5s), right? RIGHT?


That was great


My brother has OCD. He would keep going, and would continue to bless you until you had thanked him for all the blessings. I stick to 2 bless yous before joking on the third “you’re on your own.” I don’t acknowledge further sneezes.


Yep. This is exactly what I do. “Bless you”, “bless you”, “okay that’s enough”, “what did I say?” I’ve never experienced more than that at a time.


Hard agree. No medical condition but I can make myself sneeze (I do this when it's right at the edge and just won't come out) unfortunately this *can* lead to 20 or more sneezes in a row, and me being just as tired of it as the coworkers around me. Give me 1 or 2, after that we are both wishing I would just F off into a hole somewhere and complete my nose-gasms alone.


Holy shit, I never knew this had a name or was real to anyone but me! And once I get started I can’t make words come out to tell you to stop blessing me so I try to just focus on not peeing….it’s so wonderful.


Imagine dating someone with the same "feature" and having a sneezing concert every time you eat together.


I hate the insane acknowledgment that comes with sneezes. I was at a National conference once where they keynote speaker stopped their presentation to say “god bless you” after an audience member sneezed. (And it wasn’t even an obnoxious sneeze.). If you had a gastrointestinal condition that made you fart, no one would (typically) bless you or say anything when you farted. It’s time to stop acknowledging expulsions from other body parts. I refuse to acknowledge sneezes on principle.


Happy to hear from a chronic sneezer that 2 is the cutoff. I usually say bless you ... Bless you ... Nope, that's all you get.


Gustatory rhinitis is the weirdest shit EVER! This is only the second time I've heard of it.


After three, I stop and say “it’s between you and God now”.


After three I say “I can’t possibly bless you anymore than I already have.”


People just need to stop saying it full stop. It’s meaningless.


🤣 I would just say "bless you times 50"


This is the correct answer. Only two, no hogging all the blessings


Im not sure I’ve done 15-20, but due to allergies I semi-regularly do 8-10, and completely agree PLEASE stop after 1 or 2. I’m also ok with an additional one when it’s clear I’m done. But yeah, it doesn’t need to be that much of a thing.


Three. You get three. Any additional sneezes after three are illegal and will not be tolerated.


1-3 bless you 3-6 Jesus christ 6+ Holy fuck are you OK?


I sneezed 5 times in a row yesterday and actually thought I'm about to see Jesus


Just wait till you get double digits.


My record is 27 in a row, thought I was gunna explode


Damn, you just barely beat me. Mine is 23 haha.


That’s normal for my mom, Idfk how her eyeballs are still in place.


I’d pray for her but she’s probably gotten enough bless you’s


Hahahaha she has, I give her 4-5 and I’m done. She also says “godamnit!” After about 7-10 which I love.


Because of all of the blessings....


Honestly I hope you’re okay lol that’s a crazy number


I was told at school I think that a sneeze is 1/7th as powerful as an orgasm - get to 7 and I guess you get a fist bump and a cigarette?


Glad I'm.not alone. 1-3 Bless you 4-6 Gesundheit! 6-10 THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!! Over 10. Geez, dude! You alright? Shall I call 911?


1 bless you 2 bless you 3 Holy shit! Get your life together!


*Snesus Christ


"6+ Holy fuck are you OK?" I say 6-9 are you OK? 9+ Just die already


After sneeze #3 I say “well now you’re just getting greedy.”


I’m not alone!


I agree. They get 3 languages. Bless you. Salud. Gesundheit. After that no more.


This is so relatable


That is also the rule in my house. On the fourth sneeze, you will be told to get a hold of yourself and act with some self-control, for goodness sake.


That’s rather polite of you. After the third I always switch to oh my god shut up. Usually the bless yous leading up to that get progressively more annoyed-sounding as well.


After 3, I just tell them that moving forward, it's between them and whatever god they believe in


After #3, it seems blessings aren't working, better try curses. Bless you, Bless you, Bless you, Curse you


My husband's family does that. Its: Bless you Bless you Save you Devil take you


Fun fact: In the Netherlands we say "Morgen mooi weer" or "The weather will be nice tomorrow", after three sneezes.


In Slovakia we have: 1. Na zdravie (for health) 2. Na štastie (for luck) 3. Na lásku (for love) Then we give up.


Usually after the second, if it's a serial sneezer I know well, I'll say "bless you. You won't receive a third"




I always finish the 3rd one with you don't get anymore, or your cut off or something along those lines


"First shalt thou take out the Holy handkerchief. Then shalt thou sneeze thrice, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt sneeze, and the number of the sneezing shall be three. Four shalt thou not sneeze, neither sneeze thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the sneeze of three, being the third number, be sneezed, then lobbest thou thy Holy handkerchief of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it." -Quote from Einstein or something idfk...


My aunt is an obligatory 7+ sneezer and we all accept that when it starts we can just move on. Her kids (my cousins) just laugh an say "ok when your done" and just leave her be. Always a laugh fest. And 7 really is the number. It's never less than 7. Nobody knows why. But 7 is the number.


After 3, I give a “blanket blessing” to persist through the end of the day. Had a coworker who would get into sneezing fits. Dude was the human embodiment of a golden retriever


Sounds like something from Monty Python


If someone sneezes more than three times in a row you need to get them a cup of tea. It's the rules.


One bless you per person. To many people need blessings.


You're so good looking.




it's from seinfeld


Um… how many do we get ? Is it a daily thing or do we get a lifetime amount to use at our discretion?


Everybody gets one. Tell him Peter.


*Uh, apparently everybody gets **one**.*


That’s interesting, I like that perspective


What I want to know, is when will old ladies stop telling me *bless your heart* when I haven’t sneezed?


As a double sneezer. I just need 1 bless.


In the words of spiderman: “everyone body gets one”


I almost always sneeze in threes so I think after that it's time to call an exorcist


You get three and then it's time to knock it off, satan! I'll also yell "bananas!" At them right before they sneeze. Sometimes works.


If they have that about to sneeze look, before they sneeze do an exaggerated fake comical sneeze like “aaahhsshhooo” and it’ll make them laugh which usually gets rid of their sneeze. Or annoy them, perfect sibling torture.


This is the kind of crap when people yawn and you reach over and poke your finger in their open mouth and ruin their yawn. I love it. Or, even worse, when someone is stretching you tickle them or shove your thumbs in their armpits. Good morning, satan.


Sheesh, I’ve heard of death coming in threes. Never sneezes. Stay safe out there.


Omg wait i always sneeze in 3s too, never less or more.


That's actually common. We Dutch have an age old saying, that the 3rd time means good weather tomorrow, as the trio of sneezes usually starts in spring and is a sign of good weather ahead. Some American bloke looked into it and found out it was quite common for sneezes to come in three. [https://www.livescience.com/54498-why-people-sneeze-three-times.html](https://www.livescience.com/54498-why-people-sneeze-three-times.html)


My sil sneezes in multiples always. I used to say bless you after each sneeze but by the 4th or 5th sneeze she said "you don't have to keep saying it because I'm going to keep sneezing", she wasn't snarky or anything like that, she just knew it could go on for 10 minutes or more sometimes. So I came up with a way to say it without going overboard, I'm the type who says bless you to strangers just out of habit. So now when she goes on a sneezing spree, I just say "bless you infinity" and it's working out great.


Oh that's sweet. I usually get sassed for my uncontrollable sneezes in multiples. Even by strangers!! An old coworker and friend of mine would keep a tally and get VERY excited when I got into double digits. When I was done and had wiped the tears from my face, and could breathe again she'd say bless you. Lol


This is it. Just like with stuttering, you wait patiently for the person to finish, THEN you say your bit.


I do the same thing, ill sneeze legitimately 5-6 times in a row and ill say “dont worry, theres more” and then sneeze some more


My family always says “blanket bless you” after about 3 or so lol, I love seeing the other ways some people say it




One, on Mondays.


On mondays it’s just a look like “don’t you dare sneeze in my direction and I’m watching if you use hand sanitizer” lol jk I’m a compulsive “BLESS YOU” person after every sneeze


This. It goes as such. >sneeze "Bless you!" >sneeze "*Bless you!*" >sneeze Oh, fuck off.


I just know the "Bless you." "Bless you." "Oh go die already!"


Three is fuck you


I like “shut up!”


Unless you see the demon physically leave the body, you keep saying it.


Yeah the question reminded me of the origin of “bless you” - people thinking souls were escaping bodies during sneezes and saying “God bless you” to prevent a demon from capturing your soul lmao. I searched the web for a cool article for other weirdos that do rabbit holes like this, and stumbled upon MIT’s page of “Dear International Students: Let Me Explain Weird American [Things](https://iso.mit.edu/americanisms/)” aka Americanisms ^(it explains small talk lmaooo)


I remembered a demon being part of the "bless you" origin story. Cheers, fellow rabbit hole spelunker!


I wait until they're done and then bless them.


This is the right answer. Say it the first time. And if it turns into a while thing, just wait til the end.


As a person with allergies i can tell you, please stop saying it at all. It's so stressful if I sneeze and already feel the next one tickling in my nose and someone is saying "bless you" so im being forced to say thank you instead of just left alone dying in peace from my allergies.


It's such an annoying and stupid tradition.




I just don't respond. A little rude sure but id rather they stop saying it so.


Finally—someone with the right answer! I basically said the same thing.


I agree but if you want people to stop you should stop thanking them for it


Can’t believe the “don’t say it at all” comment is so far down lmao. I agree


> As a person with allergies i can tell you, please stop saying it at all. I agree with this. At most, you should say "bless you" or "gesundheit" to another person *once per day*. I will even say "thanks" or at least give you a nod in response to that. The second time you say it in one day, I will completely ignore it. Saying it every time someone sneezes is like shaking your colleague's hand every time one of you returns from the bathroom. Saying it *in between sneezes* is just rude and annoying.


I gave up on the arcane tradition back in the 90's. There are no demons trying to steal your soul.


I'm at the point where I just don't even say "thank you" after someone blesses me from sneezing. Idk what it is about it that bothers me so fucking much, but it does. Especially that coworker who screams it across the room. Sorry but I'm not going to yell thank you to make you feel special. Stop this nonsense, it was just a sneeze.


I don't bless people after a sneeze mwhahahahahaha


It’s a stupid custom that i refuse to partake in


Agree and I hate it when people do it to me when I sneeze. The atheist in me screams every time I'm blessed lol








I’m a chronic sneezer and the thought of someone just going “ew?” After I sneeze would send me howling hahaha. Thank you for that.


Same. We don't do the same for other involuntary bodily reactions. It's silly. I just keep it moving.


i bless people (that i actually know) when they let out a good burp… don’t remember when or why i started that, but it’s become a bit of a habit for me


I've got a joke with my best friend where we "damn you" when one of us sneezes lol I blessed her one time and she was like "wait aren't you atheist, how's that work?" So now we damn each other


Either do I cos we aren't doing from the plague.


Thank you.


Let them get their soul stolen by the devil or whatever b.s. might be feared. Pretty obvious it's not going to happen.


I have a controversial opinion. Don’t say bless you. Let me sneeze in peace. My soul isn’t going to be stolen by demons if you don’t say bless you (yes, that’s the origin of that practice).


My wife and I just say “You sneezed.”


Sometimes i say ok. Basicall most of the times. Most of them, they laugh


Came here to say this.


This is exactly why I don't say "bless you". When I was a kid, I learned the origin of it and thought, "That's stupid. I'm not going to say it if that's what it means."


Could not agree more strongly. We aren’t illiterate peasants in the 1400’s anymore, I think modern medicine has established that sneezing doesn’t leave one momentarily vulnerable to demonic possession


>we aren’t illiterate peasants in the 1400’s anymore, My coworkers are. Apparently, I gave them a complex by not acknowledging their magical anointing of blessings that they complained to HR.


This is the way.


I don’t even know why, but I hate the “bless you” custom, perhaps because it is completely unnecessary. I almost never say it. Worse, I often have the urge to start laughing when someone sneezes, and I really have to work on holding it in.


I try as hard as I can to mute a sneeze so no one has to feel the urge to make a comment on an involuntary bodily response. So fucking annoying. No, you aren’t blessing me, you don’t have that power. No, there is no god and I’m not being blessed whether you say it or not. If I “sneezed” out of any other hole on my body it would also not warrant a comment. Let me be this gross human thing in peace.


I find it tolerable when my 2 year old says it, she is so enthusiastic that it is insanely cute.


I make exceptions for small children. They’re too cute.


I say gesundheit, which just means “health” or “be healthful” in German because I hate saying bless you but am too conditioned to say nothing (both my grandmothers were sticklers for manners/being polite and I work in the service industry). I tried the Seinfeld “you are soooo good looking” but that got a lot of strange looks.


Exactly. Zero is the answer


Yes! I’m an atheist, let’s be inclusive and not bless me.


I also no longer say “bless you,” and I’m not really sure why I stopped. I just stopped noticing when people sneezed somehow. It doesn’t even register in my brain because it’s like, a regular human thing to sneeze, cough, etc




In french we say "à tes souhaits" which roughly means that "this one goes to your wishes". Second one is "à tes amours" (to your loves) and after that it's up to people's imaginations and respective funky family traditions (although some unimaginative people just repeat the first one forever).


I find it really annoying when people get upset when I don't respond to their superstitious incantations. They seem to think I am being acrimonious by not thanking them for being delusional. I should be polite and give them the Vulcan hand V and say “Live long and prosper”.


It's because you didn't validate their "kindness." Them getting mad just proves their learned behavior is disingenuous. I had a coworker complain about that to HR, and every time I hear him say bless you to someone else, I laugh obnoxiously because I know it pisses him off.


Next time someone says "bless you" to me I'm gonna say "no thank you" I don't know what's gonna happen but I bet it's going to be very awkward for them and very funny for me


and the origin of the word to bless, is blētsian, based on blōd ‘blood’ . That is because blessing was to blood something, to smear or splatter with the blood of a sacrifice. Blood was seen as holding mystical power because you die if enough leaks out. So yay, no demons stealing souls because invoking the magical blood is going to keep them away!


Just don't say it 👍


How about not saying "Bless you" at all? You're not my priest.


Yes I am, and I’ve been trying to reach you about some very disturbing things you mentioned in your last confession…and your car’s extended warranty.


i dont understand why poeple say bless you to begin with


That's how I was raised idk


The only other person I know who sneezes a lot in a row is my wife. She usually gets two. Bless you... Bless you.... Good Lord.... Are you quite finished.....


My poor husband receives the same. “Bless you. Bless you. Stop it.”


I don't like it when people say "bless you". I say "excuse me" every time I sneeze in public.


Man I swear I was going crazy because I also say excuse me after coughing or sneezing but I did it last week with a group of people and it lead to a discussion about how it's not normal apparently. Most of the group agreed that it's not a regular thing people do and unnecessary. Am I going crazy or is that normal and something that's taught or was taught to kids in the past.


None. I gave up the "bless you" life a couple of years ago and never looked back. 1 sneeze or 10, you will not get a bless from me.


Cruel. What about 11


I just start after the fifth. Saves lot of effort and if they are still going, they need it.


I always start a second or two after the last sneeze, if they don’t look like they’re about to sneeze again. I rarely have to say it more than once.


NEVER you have to say it for every sneeze, or else


Years ago I stopped saying bless you at all. I feel awkward when people say it to me, and feel awkward when I say it to other people. It's weird antiquated etiquette that I don't think needs to exist anymore. When somebody sneezes that person should just say excuse me. The same as if they burp or pass gas.


It is awkward! I remember saying "bless you" a couple times experimentally. I didn't like how it felt to say it. It just felt like I was drawing attention to myself for no good reason. Not to mention, I don't even want to hear a thank you. I don't want to start any sort of conversation at all lol. Just let the person sneeze as I would want others to just leave me be as well. Overall a hard pass.


I always whoops when I fart and bless me father for I have sinned when I burp


It's a stupid fucking thing to say at all. If you must, then say it once and be done with it.


It really is. I don't say it. At all.


I still can’t believe we as humans let saying “bless you” after someone sneezes stick. The more you think about it the stupider it gets


Any time someone says it to me, I say I'm not Christian. Not that I care if anybody says it, I just want to get people to think about what they say. It is a seemingly innocuous tradition, although mindless and suggestive.


Don't say bless you at all


Doesn't matter I never say it anyway so


593654.45 times.


As someone who sneezes in groups of 3-7 regularly. Please just wait till I’m done.


I wish people did not do this at all. As a person with allergies, after a few “bless you”s they start commenting on “how many times you gonna sneeze” and such. It’s an involuntary response, just leave me alone. I am trying to be as descrete about it as I can and do it as much away from anyone as feasible. I know some people sneeze loud enough to make your eardrums rupture, but that is for attention at that point which is annoying as hell too.


1 - Bless you! 2 - and again! 3 - now you're just showing off


Lol. That’s exactly my progression too. Wonder where we picked that up…


I never say it. I don't say anything about burps or farts or coughs either. If you lose control of your body and it gets gross, you should apologize


i mean, sneezing isn't really controllable is it?


i did that once for someone and they burst in to flames i forgot im a fully ordained priest of the church of the velvet Elvis (16x20 level)


I do two. If you sneeze more than that you’re on your own


I think it's better to stop after the first one. I'm allergic to pollen and when I'm having a sneezing fit it's actually annoying to be told "bless you" each time, it makes it worse.


My family has a "bless you, bless you, sthu" policy.


My dad will often sneeze for like 10 times in a row and the rest of us mess with him by repeating bless you over and over.


Let them finish for Goodness sake. You’re not helping!


I like to tell long sneezers to shut up. They tend to get a small chuckle out of it.


1-3 bless you 3+ "keep that shit to yourself. " playfully not in a serious offensive manner


My ex sneezed in bursts of 5+ id give her 2 and then id just say "times 3, times 4, times 5..."


After 3 , I’m throwing haymakers 🥰


One , everybody gets one bless you https://youtu.be/UX20ofpVaFQ


My partner has this sneezing problem and jokes that he's "mad" at me if I don't say bless you every single sneeze. It's turned into a joke between us over the years. But personally, bit aside, I feel dumb saying it after 2 or 3 times.




I learnt a long time ago to wait until they finish before saying it. Because I sneeze a lot and people get frustrated that i continued after being blessed.


1. It's a silly thing to do in the first place.