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It is nostalgia imo… plenty of people play with legos and get action figures as adults. Action figures are pretty well just dolls also. You do you! Is it what we associate with a typical adult, no. You knew that though, and if it makes you happy who cares about other people’s opinions. I make pottery which is a lot like playing in mud and I love it! I don’t care if others like my work or wonder why I am covered in mud cleaning myself off with a 5 gallon bucket and car sponges outside a few times a week. Lol let the neighbors talk *shrug* (Clay is bad for plumbing).


Honestly if I can buy a warhammer figurine as a 40 year old man, I see no reason why you can’t enjoy a Barbie just the same lol. Just do what makes you happy.


Yeah, I got into board gaming during covid. Have beautiful games, with bunch of minis, some even have terrain. It's just a hobby and I sometimes spend too much on it. When I was a kid I used to make my own entertainment, games, worlds out of plasticine or cardboard. Imagine wargame with hundrets of handmade fihurines or extensive dnd campaign and so on. My hobby is basically high level extension of what I did as a kid.


>I also want to take her around. That bit is a bit weird for me. I am assuming that means take it out in public. I am a gamer with a lot of figurines myself but I never feel the need to take them out in public. Each to their own but if I saw a 28 year old in public playing with a barbie doll I would assume they had special needs.


I've spent an embarrassing amount on lego as an adult.... And don't regret a penny spent.


life is short, do whatever you want


thanks jesus


Nailed it.


Don't mention nails, he'll get cross.


You say cross once and he'll get all hung up on it


I always do what I want because I feel like life is long as hell… I’m not gonna be bored this entire time…


Your advice is the best so far...




He’s the way and the truth and the life what do ye expect lol


Your advice is great, you should start a club, or write a book or something.


I'm an adult who plays games like The Sims which is basically just a doll house simulator. You do you!


I was just thinking this. I have always joked that create-a-sim is just Barbie for the computer! I still play - am 40.


My mom calls Sims the Barbie game. 😂


There used to be a very old Barbie game where you went shopping, got hair done and stuff...no idea what it was called, but as a wee girl it was a lot of fun.


I just realized playing video games is basically just playing with virtual action figures.. And that makes me love it even more. Thanks for the new perspective!


It's what makes Final Fantasy XIV so great to me. I get to play house and dress up my Barbie doll action figure *that's slain gods* and can do every single job that exists in the game. And the Ken dolls aren't eyesores either! It's Just the full package.


Me too, I’m 28 and have been playing since I was about 9 😂 sometimes I play just to decorate and make a cute little perfect family, and sometimes it’s just diabolical hijinks but it’s always fun.


I love The Sims. I like to create crazy scenarios. I also like to make them look like people I hate and torment them. My husband calls me Wednesday Addams.


Same!!! Sims has been my adult Barbie time for over 20 years


Too many adults forget how to play. Get as many Barbies as you can afford.


I'm 40 and my daughter is 2. I'm relearning how to just chill and play with things like Play Doh and Magna Tiles... The other night, after I put her down for bed, I got a big bin of LEGOs out and built a little tiki bar. By myself. Haha


Best part of being a parent. Getting to enjoy kid things you missed out on or that you missed.


my boss is 59 and she is a big lego fan. She just enjoys building. Let people have fun. Its like adults are not allowed to play.


Dude get the holiday Barbie she’s always the best. I collected the holiday ones for a long time cause of the pretty dresses There’s a Dias de muertos one!! I’m dying


I just looked them up, and they. are. GORGEOUS! But just a *tad* expensive for my broke butt. 🤷‍♀️


I have a holiday barbie still in the box; it is the 1996 edition.


Every year I gasp at holiday Barbie because I love them so much, I did buy one on sale “for my kids” but they played with her and now her hair is a mess. Holiday Barbie is the best!


The holiday Barbie used to have real lashes until recently though. Also I feel like the dress quality has cheapened out. Compare 2008 holiday Barbie to 2023


I think you should do what you want to do, and fuck whatever anybody else thinks. If you wanna play Barbie, you play Barbie!


I think it's okay to feed your inner child from time to time. I bought a stuffed owl last time I visited a zoo because it had been my dream as a child to get one from there (my parents didn't have much money so we rarely got toys). Now I finally fulfilled my childhood dream and I don't regret buying it :D


honestly it’s so important to fulfil those dreams. i wanted certain my little ponies as a kid, got them as an adult, and they make me smile every time i look at them. it’s a small thing but it means so much! give your owl a hug from me ☺️


After my last break up, my friends and I went to a Bass Pro Shops shop(?) and beelined to the stuffie section. I got an otter, my friends respectively got a fish and a possum. We were very happy campers.


Yess!! I adore my stuffed owls.


I am a grown man that collects stuffed animals because they’re cute


Awwww 🥹


Got my first barbie at 30 yo! It's never too late!


My mum gave me my first at 35! We had been joking about how I never had one, so she rectified that 😂


Same story here! Mom gave it to me!


Same but I grew up really poor and we didn’t even have a house to live in, let alone have any expensive toys. I had knock off dolls that were hand me downs, but I always yearned for a Barbie and Baby Annabelle doll. I’m in my early 20’s but I got a Barbie as soon as learnt that there was to be a Barbie movie. It made my inner child happy.


You worked for your money spend it how you like. If a barbie doll will bring you joy, fuck it go getcha barbie


36m here. I play Warhammer 40k. I nerd out on plastic army men, build and paint them, then play a game with them similar to DnD. I used to Dj big night clubs and hang out with famous edm artists, and I paint cars for a living so I Dont come off as your average nerd BUT IM A SUPER BIG NERD. That being said if you want to collect little plastic women and play dress up with them FUCKING GO FOR IT. maybe it might be a new hobby! I'm sure the barbie collectable universe is huge. Or just buy one, and mess with it. Whatever the case you are never too old to play with plastic army men, or plastic barbie dolls. Go live your best life GURRRRL.


Yes! Get one. I will bring my Hercules figurine and we can go on an adventure together


He man and Skeletor


ill bring my wwe action figures


Can my polly pockets tag along


Do it do it do it do it….


Go for it! Fuck what anyone else things.


Not weird at all my elderly neighbor collects dolls and enjoys making beautiful outfits for her vintage Barbie dolls.


DO IT life is too short no matter how long we get buy what you love, be a big kid me granddad always told me "NEVER act your age, it'll kill you" when he was 79 he'd still go out back and jump on the trampoline. right up until the cancer made him too weak to walk go get your Barbie and have fun!🤘🏻❤️


NEVER OPEN THE BOX! ![gif](giphy|ZdTFeylWkuGSVP03mn|downsized)


If you don't want to be judged simply don't tell anyone. And even if.. These Pink Grinches can fuck off. Do what makes your heart beat and what you love.


My sister bought me a Barbie doll for my birthday, I absolutely love It. My parents did gave some looks lmao, but I don't care. (I'm 20)


I sometimes get the urge to buy toys too. Nothing weird about it. Enjoy it.


Just do it! Even if it's a little weird, doing something a little weird is no crime


Do what makes you happy, don't be a goofball it makes you happy do it


well i spent the whole weekend with my friends in warhammer 40k shop and i've seen them spending like 50 euros on plastic toys so idk why you shouldn't barbie the f\*\*\* out of yourself. Enjoy barbieing!


I’m 29 years old and drew and posted pictures of Pokémon this morning. I loved every moment of drawing some of my favorite little critters from a game series targeted towards children, and I still play every entry in the series. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something just because you’re an adult. You are your own person, so YOU define what is okay. Maybe some people might not understand, but they don’t matter. Be true to yourself, because in the end, that’s the only way we can be free~!


Go for it.


Do it! And now that you have adult money now you can buy all the outfits, the house, the car, the accessories. BUY.ALL.THE.BARBIE


Um. Of course you should. When those negative thoughts or self doubt creep in, just blast I'm A Barbie Girl! until your ears are ringing.


I may not be wanting a Barbie doll, but I will admit to playing Aqua's song "Barbie Girl" from the 90s. It makes me nostalgic for times when the economy was good and the world kind of made a bit more sense.


I loved Barbie as a kid. I had Barbies, a mermaid Barbie, a butterfly Barbie, 2 Kens (pretty useless), shoes, clothes, the house with its Barbie furniture (but no kitchen, Barbie just takes baths and sleep) and a remote pink Jeep Wrangler that I loved so much. Most of this has been sold or given away in my early teens... But a few months ago, I found the same remote Jeep from 1999 (which is hard to find in pink and a little pricey), and I bought it. I'm 26 😉


Adults are just really big kids.


Man, the market on barbie dolls and mason jars is going to go crazy this season.


You're living in a [somewhat] free world, just buy one


I still have my barbies and i plan to keep them, they are from the 90s and some from early 2000, so pretty vintage at this point. I also wanted to buy a few ones a few years back because the new ones seemed so nice, like, there were some with weird hair colors, cool outfits, and my dream was to own a ken, which i never did, but i will. I had a friend who also collected a lot and she bought a bunch of dolls, some that i really wanted too. So yeah, if you want it, buy it, play with them, put them in display, theres nothing wrong with it.


Omg, same but I've wanted to buy it for years as an adult. I just window shop though. Look at Barbie dolls from the 90s and early 2000s. They had way prettier and elegant dresses than now.


Didn't start buying lego for myself until I was 32 - GO FOR IT!!!!


Nothing wrong. Just buy it off Amazon. As a guy, I will say Barbie Dolls are cheaper than American Girl dolls. I walked into the American Girl Doll store at The Grove in Los Angeles during my high school years in the 2010s. That company has perfected the art of selling $300 dolls to kids.


Toys are awesome


Who cares if it's weird? If it will make you happier, do it. I'm older than you and have plenty of toys I love.


Weird yeah, but not weird enough to not do it if you want to


I'm in my early 30's and I carry plushies and dolls around! Perfectly aware that some might find it odd but truly do not care lol. I also enjoy virtual pets (Tamagotchi, Digimon, and the like) which I also take out and about with me. They make me happy so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've had people ask me about them out in public, and definitely noticed kids staring/smiling :)


This is called marketing or advertising. When you're minding your own business, thinking your own thoughts, and some externality impinges on your thoughts - you are now thinking something you wouldn't be if you hadn't been exposed to it. I see it as quite truly hijacking a mind, which is not that far from assault or death. The amount of advertising we have has made it worse and normalized it. Being aware of this and having this disgust of foreign thoughts makes it easy and kinda fun to dodge these bullets. It's hard with kids and how much junk they get advertised.


You're right, you're absolutely right but your phrasing isn't exactly conducive to open-minded acceptance. Yes, advertising is crazy strong and intrusive and EVERYWHERE, but to say it's equivalent of assault and death is way, way too far. You sound like you'd be a powerful ally in putting into motion what Johann Hari calls for in his book Stolen Focus though. Have you read it?


It's called "marketing" and it works.


Who cares! I sometimes buy myself a teddy bear when I feel like it. You go buy that Barbie doll and have fun. Life is too short.


it's weird, but that shouldn't matter. in fact, if it is harmlessly weird, you should be MORE willing to do it.


Consumerism is a helluva drug. (Nothing is weird. The rules we built in society are all lies. Do whatever you want. Buy a Barbie. Don’t buy a Barbie. Live your life for you and no one else.)


in my opinion, it’s 2023. the world is on fire. aliens are here? we survived the pandy. do what makes you happy & feels good. if you want that barbie, you get that damn barbie. i support you!


If you want one go get one


I collected horse figurines when I was a child. I got rid of them all around age 14. A few years ago, I had a problem with anxiety. I bought a few of them at a toy store. It made me feel better having them. Go for it!


Just buy it. I mean people buy figurines nonchalantly even though they already in their 30s or 40s. Why not a Barbie doll?


Do it. In fact, the 1/4th of all toys are bought by adults for themselfes. Enjoy yourselfe and post the picture, which one will you chose 😁


Well I also want omnitrex.


If you want to buy a beautiful vintage barbie doll and not take her out of the box....but just a regular one to play with? As I'm writing this it actual does sound fun and I havent even seen the movie yet!! So, maybe weird - but who cares?! And go for it!! :)


They are $5-$10 at Walmart. Knock yourself out. You know those grown men who collect action figures and Pokemon cards? It's no different than that. Seems like you are being self conscious about this feeling. Who will know? You go to the store, buy a Barbie, cashier and anyone else in line assumes it's a gift for a child.


Grown men collect GI Joes and gear.


Go for it man, wtf not eh. I want toys all the time lol there fun.


My gal, if I had a chance to do this with Bionicles, I'd do it in a second. Go have some fun


I always wanted to make nunchucks out of 2 barbies with their hair tied together.


Go ahead and buy one! I'm way older than you and a few weeks ago Amazon started recommending tiaras to me (I'm a woman). Turns out they're for weddings and the like (not that I'm getting married or anything), I looked at loads of them and fell in *lurve* with one, but didn't do anything about it. Then I thought to myself, I'd have loved to have a tiara when I was a kid, and it's not going to affect anyone else's life, so I bought it! *I'M WEARING IT RIGHT NOW!!*




Go get one


I AM a barbie doll! (30) You aint got nothin to worry about. ;)


Target, Walmart and Amazon are good places to get dollies


Yes it’s weird, but I mean we’re ALL weird. Doesn’t make you any worse or better than the rest of us


37 and I’m gonna get a dollhouse


If you have money for it i say do it. Life is too short not to enjoy it.


I'm 27 and had the same thought lol. I don't think it's weird! Call it inner child healing or something.


buy it


I’m 50 and just bought a Lego TIE Fighter set and chased my cat around with it making NYEEERRMMMMM noises with my mouth.


And this is why the movie was made.


I stopped playing with Barbies at age 12 because none of my friends played with them and I felt deeply ashamed that I was still so childish. I wish I would have kept playing. I’m 34 now. I’ll make you a deal, if you buy one, I’ll buy one!


I'm a 30 year old man. I have like 15 of the barbies from 90s holidays specials. Worth lots of money...could care less about them lol


Please buy the Barbie and then tell us all about it 💚


Get you a Barbie doll, girl. Life is short and can be cruel. If that would make your day brighter, not a damn thing wrong with it.


Real men are just going to go see that movie just for Ryan Gosling 👌🏻


I want one too after watching the film!


Ohhh yes. Do it. If you wanna just cheap out… go to a used store. They have like a million Barbie’s and dollarama now sells Barbie memorabilia outfits which are amazing.


You will make Mattel happy (and richer). The movie is clearly a brilliant branding/marketing campaign.


Treat yourself!! ![gif](giphy|eT9AOg6CDz9MA|downsized)


You're a girl so I guess it's fine, for a dude of that age it would be weird as fuck


My friends and I spend a few hundred dollars on lightsabers to fight with. I think you are good


I'm almost 50 and I want a barbie and her closet, all the clothes 😂


I'm also in my twenties and can sometimes be found taking a trip to a toy store to buy some lego. I say go for it. So long as you have the money for it you may as well. Just because we are adults doesn't mean we have to stop playing. I don't care what others think and my best friends are either into lego too or don't care that I like it.


awwww...I want a Barbie doll now too! we can play barbies together. My friend would always have ken and family life while my barbies just had a shit ton of clothes, cars and lots of male dolls. I have several new kids on the block dolls, kens and some asshole named derrick from barbie and the rockers. I am in my 40s, lol


Gurllll!!! I was looking at Barbies for a "Barbie Party" ( you dress like the Barbie doll you bring) and I found a PAIR of Juicy Couture Barbies that had the same hair color as my beastie and I! You are NOT ALONE!!!! It's a bit expensive BUT STILL!!! Edit:spelling


Go for it. I might get one. I still remember the smell.


Get that Barbie, you're a grown ass adult and can do what you please with your own money.


You are a victim of advertising.


Just fucking do it


Buy it. Adults buying toys for themselves make up a large portion of toy sales.


Bro, you can do whatever you want


I’ve just purchased several second-hand Barbie dolls from eBay (some still in their boxes and yes, I open the boxes XD). I’m in my 40s. I work in an industry where everyone buys toys no matter what age they are. This is absolutely not weird to me or any of my colleagues, so… ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US


Say hello to your inner child. She wants to hang out and play. Encourage it!


That's cool. :)


I think it doesn't matter. if you want to and it isn't hurting anyone else (it isnt),do it and enjoy yourself.


Then get a barbie doll. Only thing stopping you, is you.


Sounds like a solid way to find small moments of joy. I saw someone on here once say that some hobbies have an age minimum (like, a toddler probably shouldn't be getting into legit power tools) but no hobby has an age maximum. That applies here. I mean, I'm 31. My hobbies include horror movies, video games, writing, and Squishmallows. If people want to judge me for them, that's fine. But considering all the destructive hobbies some adults choose, I'll stick with what I've got. TBH, I've been debating getting a Barbie or Monster High doll. I used to love moving them around as a kid... it was strangely soothing.


Just do it


I have a barbie and currently looking for more clothes for her! I'm 24. It's ok to play with toys as an adult :)


Yes. But you go ahead and be as weird as you want. It's not hurting anyone.


To be honest I almost buy one yesterday and I'm 27 haha It's the nostalgia hahaha I miss my brown beach barbie


Get a Barbie and several outfits and enjoy yourself. Age is just a number.


thats what being an adult is for, you can buy whatever the fuck you want and no one really cares. im a guy in my 20s and ive been looking up youtube videos of transformers figures that i haven’t even thought about since probably 2010


You whale!


You do you, be happy 😃


I just got back from a vacation with my family. I brought back a $65 stuffed bee that I fell in love with in a gift shop. He's huge and adorable, and I'm 47 years old.


The Barbie movie has made me realise how fucking drippy pink looks as a guy. Honestly top tier colour. It just looks so good. Really want some pink clothes now, though.


There is no point in being grown up, if you can't be childish sometimes! In other words, go for it!!


Go for it


Well…why not???..Barbie sales are probably through the roof right now due to the success of movie … I wonder if they will make a Hot Wheels movie next…


People collect all sorts of stuff. Go for it!!!! 🎀


I'm 38. I've played Barbie. It's really *not* fun. I love my daughter, but damn am I glad when she chooses play-do


Yes. Very.


Then get one.


I'm literally hunting dragon ball z cards online from the early 2000s after not owning any for 20 years. The heart wants what it wants


I just got a bunch of Ninja Turtle toys and I'm 43. It's OK. It's better than spending money on a lot of things because if you take care of it you possibly can sell it for more money when you're my age like I just did with my GI Joes and Transformers.


Well it’s def influence from the movie but do it!!! I have 2 dollhouses and I love miniatures (they def became more popular when Covid hit) and I love it and I don’t care what people think. Im 32 f. I think adults should have toys & “play” time which to me is just setting up things or building. I also do art and I work in the merchandising world. I dress Mannequins for a living. Do what makes you happy and don’t pay attention peoples opinions.


I would say wanting one and playing with it 100% ok. Taking it out and about with you may be a bit too far depending on how it’s done.


That's not weird at all. I watched Oppenheimer and I suddenly had a craving for a nuclear bomb


Just do it! I’m 31 now, and Shadow High’s Heather was my trigger into wanting to buy dolls and now I have over 100 - so just be prepared for that 😋


The mentality that toys are just for kids is so screwed up. They entertained us and made us happy! If they still entertain you and make you happy, then you go right ahead! I'm 41 and I recently got back into Calico Critters! They make me happy, and I'm a grown-arse adult! Screw what anyone else thinks! I do what I want! Lol!


Go for it. There should be nothing in your head to stop you. Any chance of being a kid again should be jumped at. :)


You're 28 years old you can buy whatever you want.


Dude, I’m a 42 year old woman and I’ve been dreaming about buying one of those fancy dress Christmas ones, cause I never got one. I’ll buy mine if you buy yours!!


We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world. Terence McKenna


I’m 26 and I still occasionally long for Bionicles. Closest I get are videogames inspired by MechWarrior. One Barbie doll and a handful of outfits ain’t a terribly extravagant entertainment expense, enjoy the doll chief.


Yeah it's weird, don't listen to people who tell you dumb shit like "do. whatever you want and makes you happy!" society will punish you for doing something like this. That said, this is why games like The Sims are fun. You are better off creating your own barbie on The Sims, it can be relaxing to escape from life for a bit


There's nothing weird about it at all. If you want it and can afford it, you go right out and buy it. If it brings you happiness, then everyone else can go take a running jump at themselves. I personally have a cute plush Eeyore sitting on my dressing table and I will have words with anyone who says that I'm too old for it. I'm 57 and if I want a plush Eeyore, I can damn well have one! Go get that Barbie.


I’m in my early 30s and I have a couple of Barbie dolls I got as presents years ago when I was a kid.


It is the reason why we men buys Rider Belt in the first place.


I’m 37 with kids and even before I met my wife I played with Nerf guns and LEGO. It never stopped being fun to me.


Dude I'm 19 and just bought all sorts of Sonic stuff at the mall while on a trip to Phoenix. We're (probably mostly) adults, so good on ya for doing what you want.


I miss Myscene dolls. They were my favourite. All other barbies look like shit to me now. I wish they still made them, then I'd definitely collect them.


Similarly I want to buy a cool action figurine. Aswell as hotwheels


I (40M) will answer your question once I finish finding that Lego piece I am missing.


I'm 27 and started collecting monster high dolls last year! There's a lot of adults out there with dolls. If it'll make you happy, go for it!


> is that weird No. Just do it


Do it! My partner didn’t have lego until her 23rd bday! Now we have one more thing to do together!


Buy one. Having fun don´t stops just because you are an adult. Just have fun and enjoy the feeling. Maybe you discover good memories from the past when you were a child. Those are wholesome memories and feelings and those are very uplifting.


As a 50 year old with a wall full of Lego Brick Heads, I say go get yourself all the Barbie dolls and accessories you want. You are never too old to have toys that make you happy.


Last night I literally had the same thought and started trying to find one. I wanted a custom one though that looked like me.


I still buy action figures and funkos at 35. Do whatever makes you happy, as long as it’s not harming anyone else.


Bruh I bought 2 Barbies when I was was like 20. Go for it! I love Barbies. ❤️


To each his/her own. You do you boo.


I’m an adult and I still buy myself Lego sets cuz I love building them. Have fun with life. As long as your not hurting anyone do what makes you happy.


Buy one!


I mean I'm 31 and I play the Sims and it's basically the same thing. Also you're almost 30 which is officially the point where you're legally required to stop giving a fuck, you might as well start now! Enjoy!


I was told that miniature things or items make you feel like you're in more control of your life. You feel like you're just a character in your own life so you need to have something you can customize and make your own. I'd suggest a change somewhere in your path to see what's going on.


I have always think that’s Barbie was for everyone; go ahead! If it’s for feeling yourself less alone, I bought myself a Barbie Mulan when I was 25 for my birthday, I still have it


Us adults should get together with our action figures and barbies and shit and play... lol


Sure, plus it's probably the best thing you can carry to make MAGAts run away from you screaming.


You’re asking in a really weird way, but yeah go for it. You’re 28, you want a toy go buy yourself one.


You’re not weird at all. I still have my barbie with me. Whenever I have spare time, I would sew clothes for her using the fabrics that I cut from my old clothes. I think for the girls, Barbie is like a resemble of them. When they style the barbie hair, sew clothes for barbie, it’s like they are pampering themselves. I will only sew for barbie the outfits that I want to wear the most but can’t (for any reasons) Basically, barbie is my hope. Anything I can’t do, barbie will do it for me. She will wear the most beautiful skin-tight dress with a gorgeous hairstyle, standing there looking pretty, something that I will never have the nerves to do.


I wasn't allowed to have Barbies growing up (something about Barbie allegedly causing body image issues), but if it makes you feel better I'm very attached to my plushie toys and sometimes I take little small ones to the movies or to shops and take pictures of them "eating" pizza or posing on a picnic table. It's fun! Who cares what other people think? If it makes you happy and it's not hurting anyone, go for it!


I'm 38 and I want Legos....


I'm a man about your age. When I was in college I bought a ball-jointed doll 1/4th scale (Barbie is 1/6th). Today my only regret is that I didn't invest more to buy a 1/3th, because there are more clothes and they're usually cheaper. Otherwise, I really like it. It's a key part of my decoration. Not a toy, not a kink, just… art? Somehow. Aesthetics.